

by Swami Shantananda Puri श्रीमत्सुन्दर सुन्दर्योः सुपुत्र रमण प्रभो । उत्तिष्ठ ऋषिशार्दूल कर्तव्यं लोकमङ्गलम् ॥ १॥ Oh! Lord Ramana, blessed son of Sundaram and Alagammal, foremost among sages, arise to bestow auspiciousness on the world. उत्तिष्ठोत्तिष्ठ भगवन्नावर्तनगरोद्भव । उत्तिष्ठाशेषरमण भक्तानां मङ्गलं कुरु ॥ २॥ Arise, awake Oh Bhagavan! of Tiruchuzhi. Oh! Beautiful One who abides in all, arise to bestow auspiciousness on your devotees. रौतीह पक्षिनिवहः परितो मयूराः त्वद्रूप सन्निधि वियोग वशादिवैव । त्वामाह्वयन्ति पशवो निजगोष्ट कोणात् आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Flocks of birds and peacocks, as though unable to bear their separation from you, are calling aloud. Cows, from their places in the cow-shed, are mooing, to welcome you. शोश्रूयते निगमपाठरवः समन्तात् विद्यार्थिनां सकलवेदविदां द्विजानाम् । प्रातः प्रदक्षिणपरा स्तव भक्तवर्याः आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ४॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Vedic chanting by the students, masters and the twice-born is heard all over the place. Your devotees engage themselves going round your Presence, early before dawn. बाल्यात्सुवर्ण करनाम तव प्रसिद्धं अद्यापि यच्छसि तथा शरणागतेभ्यः । वाञ्चाधिकं फल मयाचितमेव यस्त्वं आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ५॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. ``The Golden-handed One'' is how you are reputed to have been from boyhood; even today, the wishes of those who have surrendered themselves to you, are fulfilled, beyond their expectations. लीलागृहीत मरणात्मक भावमूलः प्राप्तस्तदैव सहसा परमात्मबोधम् । मीनाक्ष्यपाङ्गकृपया मदुरानगर्यां आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ६॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. By the grace of the side-long glance of Meenakshi, Mother Divine, you playfully experienced the death-state, while at Madurai and realised the Self forthwith. भित्त्वा गृहादिक सुदुस्तर मोहजालं शोणाचलेशचरणं शरणं प्रपन्नः । कौमार एव भगवत्कर लालितस्त्वं आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ७॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Even while yet a boy, you were fondled by the Supreme Lord Arunachaleswara, when you sought His shelter, after having torn asunder the impregnable net of delusion caused by attachment to home etc. पाताललिङ्ग विवरे भगवन्नहो त्वं दष्टश्च कीटमशकैस्तपयञ्छरीरम् । स्वात्मैक बोधनिरतो हतदेह बुद्धिः आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ८॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Oh Bhagavan! in the solitude of Patala Lingam, you were immersed in the Self, body-sense annihilated, even though it was undergoing severe austerities, bitten by insects, mosquitoes etc. वासः कृतो हि भवता विविधस्थलेषु स्कन्दाश्रमादिषु तथा विकृताक्ष नाम्नि । किं त्वं ध्रुवस्य भगवन्नपरावतारः आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ९॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Oh Bhagavan! In various places such as Virupaksha, Skandasramam, have you stayed; are you really Dhruva reincarnate? कोऽहं विचारनिरतः प्रथमं भव त्वं नाहं शरीरमिति निश्चित बुद्धियुक्तः । सोऽहं प्रबोधयसि ते चरणानुरक्तान् आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १०॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. You awaken your devotees to the truth, ``I am that'' by insisting, ``You first engage yourself in self-enquiry WHO AM I and get firmly convinced that you are not the body”. श्रीकाव्यकण्ठ बिरुदा समलङ्कृतः सन् अभ्यागतः सकल वैदिक शास्त्रवेत्ता । धन्योऽभवत्तव मधुस्रव दीक्षणेन आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ११॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Your glance, dripping with sweetness, blessed Sri Ganapati Muni, honored with the title KAVYA KANTHAM, a scholar in the Vedas and scriptures. स्कन्दान्यनामविदितः कविसार्वभौमः निर्माय सद्गुरु विनिर्गत वाणिमालाम् । सद्यस्त्वदीय करुणोदय सिक्त गात्रः आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १२॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Muruganar, the great Poet Laurette composed a garland of the Sadguru's sayings (GURU VACHAKA KOVAI) and offered it to you. Born of your compassion, he drenched himself by his compositions. गो काक जन्तुभिरपि प्रणतै स्तवाङ्घ्रौ प्राप्ता गतिः प्रथित योगिभिरप्यलभ्या । को विस्मयः स्वजननी गतिमुक्तिहेतौ आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १३॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. No wonder you were the cause of your mother's liberation. Even cows (Lakshmi), crows and other creatures which surrendered unto you attained a state beyond the reach of famous yogis. व्यासो भवान्किमुत पार्थ सखा च कृष्णो सद्दर्शनं च कृतवानुपदेशसारम् । गीतापि ते विरचिताऽनुपम प्रभावा आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १४॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. You have composed SAD DARSANAM (on par with Upanishads), UPADESA SARAH (akin to Brahma Sutras) and RAMANA GITA, whose glory is unrivalled. Oh Great One! Are you Maharshi Vyasa or Lord Krishna, Arjuna's companion? नाहं हरिः शिवगुरुर्न यतीश्वरोऽहं हृत्कन्दरस्थरमणो ह्यरुणाचलेशो । पीयूषनाथ यतिमाह भवान्कृपालुः आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १५॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. In compassion, you told Amrthanatha Yati, ``I am not HARI (Vishnu ) or SIVAGURU (Subrahmania) or SIVA. I AM Ramana of ARUNACHALA, the Supreme Self, the indweller of all hearts viz. ARUNACHALESWARA``. संयान्त्यिहाश्रमपदं कमनीय कीर्तिं त्वद्दर्शनोत्सुकतया विविधाश्च सिद्धाः । बिभ्रन्ति ते खगमृगादिशरीर वेषं आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १६॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Many a Siddha comes to this Ashram of great fame with a longing to see you; they come disguised as animals and birds by taking these forms. भ्रान्ता विभिन्न गुरु बोधित योगमार्गाः श्रान्ताः प्रयत्नबहुलं तप आचरन्तः । तेषां विचारणपथा ऋजुमार्गदर्शी आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १७॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. You have shown the straight-forward path of self-enquiry to those deluded in the yoga- paths advocated by various preceptors and to those weary, performing tiring austerities. आकर्षिताः समुपयान्ति विदेशतोऽपि मौनेन बोधयसि किं रह आत्मतत्त्वम् । नेच्छन्ति गन्तुमित एव गतैश्च मासैः आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १८॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Is it that the knowledge of the Self is taught by you in secret to those attracted by you and are coming from foreign countries? Even after months they are reluctant to leave your Presence. लीलागृहीत नर वेषतनुं भवन्तं शोणाद्रिनाथ महसः प्रियवत्सभूतम् । वेत्तुं हि वास्तवतया कति वा समर्थाः श्रीशोणशैलभगवं स्तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १९॥ Good morning. Oh! Bhagavan of Arunachala. How many are capable of understanding your reality, You, who have assumed a human body by sport; you have become the favorite child of the effulgent Lord of Arunachala. शक्त्यायुधं हि न च ते न मयूर वाहो गुप्तावतार भगवान् रमणापदेशः । त्वं षण्मुखः शिवसुतो वदनैकधारी श्रीशोणशैलभगवं स्तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २०॥ Good morning. Oh! Bhagavan of Arunachala! You have secretly incarnated in the guise of Bhagavan Ramana. Although, possessing only one face, you are verily the six faced Subrahmania, Lord Siva's son, though you neither possess the Sakti weapon nor do you mount the peacock. शोणो गिरिः स्मरणमात्र विमोक्षहेतुः सार्थीकृतो भगवता रमणाभिधेन । शोणाचलेशपदपद्मसमर्पितेन श्रीशोणशैलभगवं स्तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २१॥ Good morning. Oh! Bhagavan of Arunachala. Arunachala liberates those who merely remember IT. You Bhagavan, by dedicating yourself to the feet of Arunachaleswara, have reinforced it. अत्याश्रमे विचरतः शुकवामदेवान् को वेत्ति किन्तु भगवान् रमणो हि दृष्टः । प्रत्यक्ष एव समकालजनैरनेकैः श्रीशोणशैलभगवं स्तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २२॥ Good morning. Oh! Bhagavan of Arunachala. Who has seen Suka and Vamadeva, reputed as wandering sages, beyond the restrictions of Varnashrama? However, many contemporaneous people have actually seen Bhagavan Ramana face to face. किं वारुणाचल विभूति कृता च कान्तिः किं वाद्रिनाथ रमणस्य तडित्प्रभैव ? कोऽयं प्रकाश इति वेत्तु मशक्त धीर्मे श्रीशोणशैलभगवं स्तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २३॥ Good morning. Oh! Bhagavan of Arunachala. My mind is not capable of deciding what kind of light this is. Is it the effulgence of glorious Arunachala or the scintillating lightning-like splendor of Ramana, Lord of this Hill! कूजन्ति पक्षिनिवहा मधुरैः स्वनैस्त्वां भ्राजन्ति पद्मनिवहास्तरुणार्कभासा । मोदन्ति भक्तनिवहाश्चरणामृताशाः श्रीशोणशैलभगवं स्तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २४॥ Good morning. Oh! Bhagavan of Arunachala. Flocks of birds sing your name in melodious voices. Lotuses are glowing by the rays of the rising sun. Devotees in groups happily wait for consecrated water- CharaNAmRta. तिष्ठन्ति वैदिक शिखामणयः प्रहृष्टाः त्वत्पूजनाय धृतमङ्गल वस्तुहस्ताः । नार्यश्च गायनपराः पुरतः स्थितास्ते श्रीशोणशैलभगवं स्तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २५॥ Good morning. Oh! Bhagavan of Arunachala. The Vedic priests, holding in their hands, auspicious materials are standing for your worship. Women, singing hymns of praise, stand before you. गायन्ति ये प्रतिदिनं तव सुप्रभातं विन्दन्ति सौख्यमिह बोधमयीं च दृष्टिम् । देहात्मभाव विरताश्च विमुक्तमायाः आनन्दचिद्रमण भो तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २६॥ Good morning. Oh! Ramana the Supreme-Consciousness-Bliss. Those who recite your 'Suprabhatam' hymn every day will be happy and gain a vision of true knowledge. They will cease to identify with the body and will be released from the clutches of Maya. ॐ श्री रमणार्पणमस्तु । Arunachala! Thou dost root out the ego of those who meditate on Thee in the heart, Oh Arunachala! ~~ Bhagavan Sri Ramana Proofread by Aruna Narayanan
% Text title            : Ramana Suprabhatam Morning Hymn on Shri Ramana
% File name             : ramaNasuprabhAtam.itx
% itxtitle              : ramaNasuprabhAtam (svAmI shAntAnandavirachitam)
% engtitle              : ramaNasuprabhAtam
% Category              : deities_misc, ramaNa-maharShi, gurudev, suprabhAta
% Location              : doc_deities_misc
% Sublocation           : deities_misc
% SubDeity              : ramaNa-maharShi
% Author                : Swami Shantananda
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Proofread by          : Aruna Narayanan
% Translated by         : Swami Shantananda
% Indexextra            : (Scans 1, 2)
% Latest update         : May 8, 2024
% Send corrections to   : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

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