% Text title : Adi shankara stotram % File name : Adishankarastotram.itx % Category : deities\_misc, gurudev, aShTaka, shankarAchArya % Location : doc\_deities\_misc % Transliterated by : P R Kannan % Proofread by : P R Kannan % Translated by : P R Kannan % Latest update : May 18, 2023 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. Adi Shankaracharya Stotram ..}## \itxtitle{.. Adi sha~NkarAchArya stotram ..}##\endtitles ## deshe kAlaDinAmni keraladharAshobhAkare sadvije jAtaH shrIpatirmandirasya savidhe sarvaj~natAM prAptavAn | bhUtvA ShoDashavatsare yativaro gatvA badaryAshramam kartA bhAShyanibandhanasya sukaviH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 1||## Adi Shankaracharya was born in Kaladi, of a virtuous brahmana, who brought glory to Kerala, close to Krishna temple, and attained omniscience. At the age of sixteen, this chief among Sanyasis went to Badarikashramam and authored Brahma Sutra Bhashya (commentary) and wrote many poems. May Shri Shankara protect us. ## santoShAkulamAnasAya sutarAM tUrNa badaryAshramam samprAptAya tataH parAsharabhuve bhAShyaM nijaM darshayan | sArdhaM tena tapodhanena bahudhA kR^itvA cha sambhAShaNam mAtrA saMsmR^ita AtmajanmanilayaH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 2|| ## Adi Shankaracharya showed his Bhashya to Veda Vyasa, son of Parasara, who reached Badarikashramam; and who was greatly pleased. Shankara conversed with that great Tapasvi on many subjects. He was then reminded by his mother of his birthplace. May Shri shankara protect us. ## mAtre vedyatamaM nivedya maraNe dagdhvA.anale tAM drutam bhUyo.abhyetya munIndrasevanarataH shrImadbadaryAshramam | prItyA tatra sunandanaM sumahitaM shiShyaM cha sa.nnyAsayan tadyuktaH kR^itapuNyatIrthagamanaH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 3||## Adi Shankaracharya bestowed on his mother the Highest Knowledge and, after consigning her mortal remains to flames, he quickly returned to the glorious Badaryashramam. There he lovingly bestowed Sanyasashrama on Sunandana, his splendid disciple (Padmapada), and along with him, went on pilgrimage to sacred Tirthas. May Shri Shankara protect us. ## mAturmukti - padapradAnaniratastIrthaM prayAgAbhidham gatvA tatra yathAvadeva vihitasnAnaH smaranmAtaram | dR^iShTvA bhaTTaguruM tuShAnalagataM tattIrato darshayan asmai bhAShyamanena mAnitamatiH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 4||## Adi Shankaracharya went to Tirtha called Prayaga, keen on delivering Liberation to his mother and, performed ablutions there, as prescribed in Shastras, thinking of his mother. On the banks of river ganga, he saw Bhattaguru (Kumarila Bhatta) undergoing the ordeal of fire of husk and taught him his own Bhashya and earned his adoration. May Shri Shankara protect us. ## tasmAt prasthitavAn tadIyavachasA shiShyatvamAnItavAn vAde bhUyasi vishvarUpagR^ihiNaM gokarNayAne punaH | dR^iShTvA ka~nchana varNinaM dvijasutaM muktAkhilAkA~NkShitam kR^itvA taM cha yatIshvaraM pramuditaH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || ||5||## As indicated by Kumarila Bhatta, proceeding from there, Adi Shankaracharya defeated the householder Vishwarupa in debate and made him his disciple (Sureshwara). Then, in Gokarna during his travels, he saw a brilliant brahmana boy, who was free from all desires and was happy to make him (Hastamalaka) Yatishwara (best among Sanyasis). May Shri Shankara protect us. ## bhUyastoTakanAmadheyamamalaM shiShyaM cha sa.nnyAsayan sarvaiH shiShyajanairudAramatibhiryuktaH kShitau sa~ncharan | nAnAtIrthaniShevaNotsukamatiH shrIkAlahastIshvaram dR^iShTvA sha~NkaramAdarAtkR^itanatiH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 6||## Adi Shankaracharya then made another pure disciple named Totaka into a Sanyasi; with all his disciples, the benevolent Shankaracharya wandered on earth, keen to worship at various Tirthas; on having darshan of Shri Kalahastishwara, he bowed in reverence. May Shri Shankara protect us. ## shrIkA~nchIpuramAptavAnatha tataH shrIpuNDarIkAhvayam kShetraM puNyatamaM sametya mahitaM pashyan vibhostANDavam | kAverIsaritaM tatastadanu taM shrIra~NganAthaM harim dR^iShTvA rAghavasetumetya muditaH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 7||## Adi Shankaracharya reached Kanchipuram and then the very sacred Pundarika kshetram (Chidambaram) and had darshan of the glorious Tandava (dance) of Nataraja. He then proceeded to Srirangam on the banks of river Kaveri and had darshan of Ranganatha (Vishnu), and from there he reached Ramasethu and was happy to have darshan. May Shri Shankara protect us. ## snAtvA.a.anamya cha rAmanAthamatha tatkA~nchIpuraM prAptavAn jitvA tatra sarasvatIM bhagavatIM sarvaj~napIThaM mudA | AruhyA.atha vR^iShAdrinAyakamito yuktaH svashiShyaistataH sAyujyaM gatavAn kR^itAchyutanatiH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 8||## Adi Shankaracharya bathed there and worshipped Ramanatha, and then reached Kanchipuram. There he defeated Bhagavathi Saraswathi in debate and happily ascended Sarvajnapeetham. In the presence of his disciples, worshipped by Vishnu, he attained Sayujyam (merger with Vrishadrinayaka Shiva). May Shri Shankara protect us. ## jAtaH keralabhUtale dvijavaro bhUtvA.a.ashu bhAShyANyataH kR^itvA pa~nchadasha krameNa chaturo labdhvA cha shiShyAn varAn | shrIkA~nchIpurametya tatra jitavAn vANIM cha sarvaj~natAm gatvA prAptavR^iShAchalaH svapadagaH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 9||## Adi Shankaracharya, the best among brahmanas, born in the land of Kerala, wrote fifteen commentaries quickly, and gathered four splendid disciples. Reaching Kanchipuram, he defeated Saraswathi, attained Sarvajnapeetham and, finally returned to his own state of Vrishachaleswara. May Shri Shankara protect us. ## asmin janmani vA.anyajanmasu manovAkkarmabhiryatkR^itam bAlye vA sati yauvane cha vihitaM yadyatkR^itaM vArdhake | aj~nAnAdapi buddhipUrvamadhunA yatsa~nchitaM chA.anisham tasmAtkalmaShavR^indataH sakalataH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 10||## May Shri Shankara protect us from the mass of sins accumulated continuously by us knowingly or unknowingly in this birth as well as in previous births, committed through mind, speech and action, in childhood, youth and old age. ## yachchAmbhojapadAshanena vihitaM yachchAshubhAvyAgamAt yachchAgamyapadAbhivAsajanitA yachchAnavekShyekShaNAH | yachchAvAchyanirarthakAnR^itavachaH sambhAShaNAdarjitam tasmAtkalmaShavR^indataH sakalataH shrIsha~NkaraH pAtu naH || 11||## May Shri Shankara protect us from the mass of sins accumulated by consuming prohibited food, by listening to inauspicious things, by going to prohibited places, by looking at prohibited sights, by conversing on prohibited, meaningless and false matters. ## shrImachCha~Nkaradeshikasya charitastotraM prabodhapradam nirdaShTAkhilapApavR^indavipinaM sa~NkShiptametannarAH | ye shR^iNvanti paThanti sAdarayutAH sa~nchintayantvanvahaM te labdhvA bhuvi sampadaM cha sakalAmante sukhaM nishchitam || 12||## Those, who listen to, or read with reverence and meditate every day on this Stotra, setting out briefly the account of Shri Shankara Guru, which bestows Jnana and burns away the forest of sins, reap all wealth on earth and, at the end, attain everlasting bliss. \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit at cheerful dot c om Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}