% Text title : gurupAdukApa.nchaka 1 % File name : gurupAdukApanchaka.itx % Category : panchaka, deities\_misc, gurudev % Location : doc\_deities\_misc % Transliterated by : N.Balasubramanian bbalun at dataone.in % Proofread by : N.Balasubramanian bbalun at dataone.in % Latest update : March 29, 2009 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. gurupAdukApanchakam ..}## \itxtitle{.. gurupAdukApa~nchakam ..}##\endtitles ## jagajjani\-stema\-layAlayAbhyA.n agaNya\-puNyodaya\-bhAvitAbhyAm | trayIshirojAta\-niveditAbhyA.n namo namaH shrIgurupAdukAbhyam || 1|| vipattamastoma\-vikartanAbhyA.n vishiShTa\-sa.npatti\-vivardhanAbhyAm | namajjanAsheSha\-visheShadAbhyA.n namo namaH shrIgurupAdukAbhyAm || 2|| samasta\-dustarka\-kala~Nka\-pa~NkApanodana\-prauDha\-jalAshayAbhyAm | nirAshrayAbhyA.n nikhilAshrayAbhyA.n namo namaH shrIgurupAdukAbhyAm || 3|| tApatrayAditya\-karArditAnA.n ChAyAmayIbhyA.n atishItalAbhyAm | Apanna\-sa.nraxaNa\-dIxitAbhyA.n namo namaH shrIgurupAdukAbhyAm || 4|| yato giro.aprApya dhiyA samastA hriyA nivR^ittAH samameva nityAH | tAbhyAmajeshAchyuta\-bhAvitAbhyA.n namo namaH shrIgurupAdukAbhyAm || 5|| ye pAdukA\-pa~nchakamAdareNa paThanti nitya.n prayatAH prabhAte | teShA.n gR^ihe nitya\-nivAsashIlA shrIdeshikendrasya kaTAxalaxmIH || 6|| iti shrIgurupAdukApa~nchakaM sampUrNam | ## Encoded and proofread by N.Balasubramanian \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit@cheerful.com Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}