% Text title : bAlAmbikAShTakam % File name : bAlAmbikAShTakam.itx % Category : aShTaka, devii, otherforms, devI, dashamahAvidyA % Location : doc\_devii % Transliterated by : N.Balasubramanian bbalu at satyam.net.in % Proofread by : N.Balasubramanian bbalu at satyam.net.in % Translated by : N.Balasubramanian bbalu@satyam.net.in % Description-comments : skAnde vaidyanAthamAhAtmye % Latest update : November 26, 2004 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. shrI bAlAmbikAShTakam ..}## \itxtitle{.. shrIbAlAmbikAShTakam ..}##\endtitles ## ##Introduction: Vaidheeshvarankoil is an important place of pilgrimage in Tamil Nadu State. The place is situated near the Chidambaram - famous for its Nataraja temple. The presiding deity is Lord Siva, known as Vaidheeshvaran. The Devi is known by the name of Balambika. Lord Siva is said to have been worshipped by Jatayu, the eagle famous for his part in Ramayana and the Sun, Mars and the vedas themselves. So the place has the names Jatayupuri, Suryapuri, Angarakapuri and Vedapuri. Lord Siva at this temple is said to relieve the worshippers of their sins and other problems. It is at this place only Lord Kartikeya is said to have obtained the spear with which He could fight the demon Soora . So His shrine in this temple is very popular and attracts large number of devotees. Lord Siva at this temple had been worshipped by sages and siddhas. Saivaite saints (known as Nayanmars) have visited the temple and sung songs in praise of the Lord. People believe that by worshipping the Lord here they can get rid of even serious diseases: hence His name Vaidheesvara. The following verses in praise of the Devi appear in the Skandha Purana.##\\ velAtila~NghyakaruNe vibudhendravandye lIlAvinirmitacharAcharahR^innivAse | mAlAkirITamaNikuNDala maNDitA~Nge bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 1|| ka.njAsanAdi\-maNima~nju\-kirITakoTi\- pratyuptaratna\-ruchira~njita\-pAdapadme | ma~njIrama~njulavinirjitaha.nsanAde bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 2|| prAleyabhAnukalikAkalitAtiramye pAdAgrajAvalivinirjitamauktikAbhe | prANeshvari pramathalokapateH pragalbhe bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 3|| ja~NghAdibhirvijitachittajatUNibhAge rambhAdimArdavakarIndrakaroruyugme | sha.npAshatAdhikasamujvalachelalIle bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 4|| mANikyamauktikavinirmitamekhalADhye mAyAvilagnavilasanmaNi paTTabandhe | lola.nbarAjivilasannavaromajAle bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 5|| nyagrodhapallavatalodaranimnanAbhe nirdhUtahAravilasatkuchachakravAke | niShkAdima~njumaNibhUShaNabhUShitA~Nge bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 6|| kandarpachApamadabha~NgakR^itAtiramye bhrUvallarIvividhacheShTita ramyamAne | kandarpasodarasamAkR^itibhAladeshe bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 7|| muktAvalIvilasadUrjitakambukaNThe mandasmitAnanavinirjitachandrabimbe | bhakteShTadAnaniratAmR^itapUrNadR^iShTe bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 8|| karNAvalambimaNikuNDalagaNDabhAge karNAntadIrghanavanIrajapatranetre | svarNAyakAdimaNimauktikashobhinAse bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 9|| lolambarAjilalitAlakajAlashobhe mallInavInakalikAnavakundajAle | bAlenduma~njulakirITavirAjamAne bAlAmbike mayi nidhehi kR^ipAkaTAxam || 10|| bAlAmbike mahArAj~nI vaidyanAthapriyeshvarI | pAhi mAmamba kR^ipayA tvatpAda.n sharaNa.n gataH || 11|| || iti skAnde vaidyanAthamAhAtmye shrIbAlAmbikAShTakastotra.n sa.npUrNam || ## \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit at cheerful dot c om Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}