% Text title : gItA sUchI % File name : allgita.itx % Category : gItA, giitaa % Location : doc\_giitaa % Transliterated by : NA % Proofread by : NA % Latest update : June 2, 2012 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. A list of known Gita ..}## \itxtitle{.. gItA suchI ..}##\endtitles ## ## In the following, a list of known types of gita-s is given. Please let us know if you have additional information by sending a message on sanskrit at cheerful.com ##anugItA##: From Mahabharata, aShvamedhaparva adhyAya 16. Conversation between arjuna and shrIkRiShNa after the war and coronation of YudhiShThira. ##avadhUtagItA## ##aShTAvakragItA##: Conversation between King Janak and aShTAvakra. Emphasis is on renunciation (sa.nnyAsa.) ##IshvaragItA##: From kUrmapurANa, first eleven adhyAya of uttaravibhAga. ##uttaragItA## ##kapilagItA##: From adhyAya 23 through 33 of ska.ndha 3 of shrImadbhAgavatapurANa. ##gaNeshagItA##: From gaNeshapurANa, krIDAkhaNDa, adhyAya 138-148. Close to Bhagavadgita format and contents. ##devIgItA##: From adhyAya 31 through 40 in seventh ska.ndha of devIbhAgavata. ##parAsharagItA##: From Mahabharata, mokShaparva as a part of shA.ntiparva. ##pA.nDavagItA##: From Mahabharata. ##pi.ngalagItA##: From Mahabharata, mokShaparva as a part of shA.ntiparva. ##bhagavad.hgItA##: From Mahabharata, adhyAya 25 through 42 of bhIShmaparva. ##brahmagItA##: From ska.ndapurANa, fourth adhyAya of sUtasa.nhitA and first twelve adhyAya of yaGYavaibhavakhaNDa. Another version with the same name available in yogavAsiShTha in later part of nirvANa portion sarga 173 through 181. ##brAhmaNagItA##: Part of anugItA, see above. ##bodhyagItA##: From Mahabharata, mokShaparva as a part of shA.ntiparva. ##bhikShugItA##: From adhyAya twentythird of ska.ndha 11 of shrImadbhAgavatapurANa. ##ma.nkIgItA##: From Mahabharata, mokShaparva as a part of shA.ntiparva. ##yamagItA##: Three types: 1) in third a.nsha of vishNupurANa upto seventh chapter, 2) in the third khaNDa adhyAya 381 of agnipurANa, and 3) in eighth adhyAya of of nRisi.nhapurANa. ##ramaNagItA##: Written by Ramana Maharshi's disciple, Kavyakantha Ganapati Muni based on Maharshi's dialogues with various disciples, in sanskrit. ##rAmagItA##: The more common Gita is in the 5th sarga of of uttarakANDa in adhyAtmarAmAyaNa which is part of brahmANDapurANa. The second one is common in Tamil Nadu found in guruGYAnavAsiShTha-tattvasArAyaNa. There are three parts(kANDa) in this text, namely knowledge (GYAna), spiritual practice (upAsanA), and actions (karma). The rAmagItA has eighteen chapters in the second pAda of upAsanAkANDa. ##vichikhyugItA##: From Mahabharata, mokShaparva as a part of shA.ntiparva. ##vyAsagItA##: From kUrmapurANa, twelve adhyAya onwards of uttaravibhAga. ##vR^itragItA##: From Mahabharata, mokShaparva as a part of shA.ntiparva. ##shivagItA##: From pAtAlakhaNDa of padmapurANa. ##shivashaMpAkagItA##: From Mahabharata, mokShaparva as a part of shA.ntiparva. ##sUtagItA##: From ska.ndapurANa, thirteenth to twentieth adhyAya-s onwards of yaGYavaibhavakhaNDa. ##sUryagItA##: From guruGYAnavAsiShTha-tattvasArAyaNa. There are three parts(kANDa) in this text, namely knowledge (GYAna), spiritual practice (upAsanA), and actions (karma). The sUryagItA is in first five adhyAya-s in the third pAda of karmakANDa. ##harigItA##: Same as bhagavad.hgItA, referred in MahabhArata, shA.ntiparva adhyAya 346 shloka 10 in Narada's words. ##ha.nsagItA##: From adhyAya thirteen of ska.ndha 11 of shrImadbhAgavatapurANa. ##hArItagItA##: From Mahabharata, mokShaparva as a part of shA.ntiparva. ##buddhagItA##: Normally dhammapada is treated as buddhagiTA. ##jayanteya gItA## Book 11 of Srimad Bhagavatam, Chapters 2 to 5. ##jaina mahAvIra gItA## ##adhyAtma gItA## ##arhadgItA ## or ## tattvagItA## ##premagItA## ##rudra gItA## shrImad bhagavatham (4.24.24 - 4.24.79) Main reference: Gita-rahasya by Bal Gangadhar Tilak. Printed first in June 1915. Gita Name Kinjavadekar BORI/Tokunaga utathya Ch. 90-91 91-92 vAmadeva 92-94 93-94 RiShabha 125-128 125,127,129 ShaDja 167 161 ma.nki 177 171 bodhya 178 172 vichakhnu 265 257 hArIta 278 269 vRitra 279-280 269-270 parAshara 290-298 279-287 ha.nsa 299 288 pi.ngalA 174 ?? (brAhmaNa-senAjita-sa.nvAda) \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit at cheerful dot c om Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}