% Text title : Shrikrishna Namavali with meaning constructed from bhagavadgItA % File name : bhagavadgItAdhiShThitabhagavannAmAvaliH.itx % Category : giitaa, nAmAvalI, krishna % Location : doc\_giitaa % Author : Constructed by Narendran Madathil madathilnarendran at gmail.com % Transliterated by : Narendran Madathil madathilnarendran at gmail.com % Proofread by : Narendran Madathil % Translated by : Narendran Madathil % Latest update : March 15, 2023 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. 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Bhagavadgitadhishthita Bhagavan Namavalih ..}## \itxtitle{.. bhagavadgItAdhiShThitA bhagavannAmAvaliH ..}##\endtitles ## hariH OM | ## Namavali based on Srimad Bhagavadgita ## shrI gaNapataye namaH | ## OM Prostrations to Lord Ganapati (Remover of obstacles and Master of Harigana - vowels and Srīgana - Consonants) ## shrI mahAsarasvatyai namaH | ## Prostrations to MahAsarasvati (Goddess of Learning) ## namaH shivAyai cha namaH shivAya | ## Prostrations to Goddess SivA (Mother of the Universe) and Lord Siva (Father of the Universe) ## OM namo nArAyaNAya | ## Prostrations to Lord Narayana (the protector of the Universe) ## OM pArthasArathaye namaH | ## Prostrations to Srikrishna, the charioteer and spiritual preceptor of Arjuna ## atha bhagavannAmAni | ## Meaning in English (adhyaya.shloka ## nAmAvalI | (adhyAya\.shlokaH) ## Divine names ## ## Prayerful prostrations to ## OM mAdhavAya namaH | (1\.14) ## Lord Madhava (the consort of Goddess Lakshmi) (1.14) ## OM hRRiShIkeshAya namaH | (1\.15) ## Lord Hrishikesha (the controller of all the senses) (1.15) ## OM achyutAya namaH | (1\.21) ## Lord Achyuta (One who has no displacement) (1.21) ## OM kRRiShNAya namaH | (1\.29) ## Lord Krishna (The Lord in dark form who attracts all) (1.29) ## OM keshavAya namaH | (1\.31) ## Lord Kesava (the slayer of demon Kesi) (1.31) ## OM govindAya namaH | (1\.32) ## Lord Govinda (the protector of cows) (1.32) ## OM madhusUdanAya namaH | (1\.35) ## Lord Madhusudana (the slayer of demon Madhu) (1.35) ## OM janArdanAya namaH | (1\.36) ## Lord Janardana (the Lord who is kind to people) (1.36) ## OM shrIbhagavate namaH | (2\.2) ## Sri Bhagavan (The Great Lord) (2.02) ## OM arisUdanAya namaH | (2\.4) 10 ## Destroyer of foes (2.04) ## OM achChedyAya namaH | (2\.24) ## the Uncuttable (2.24) ## OM adAhyAya namaH | (2\.24) ## the Unburnable (2.24) ## OM akledyAya namaH | (2\.24) ## the Unwettable (2.24) ## OM ashoShyAya namaH | (2\.24) ## the Undriable (2.24) ## OM nityAya namaH | (2\.24) ## the Eternal (2.24) ## OM sarvagatAya namaH | (2\.24) ## the All-pervading (2.24) ## OM sthANave namaH | (2\.24) ## the Stable (2.24) ## OM achalAya namaH | (2\.24) ## the Unmoving (2.24) ## OM sanAtanAya namaH | (2\.24) ## the Ever-lasting (2.24) ## OM avyaktAya namaH | (2\.25) 20 ## the Unmanifest (2.25) ## OM achintyAya namaH | (2\.25) ## the Unthinkable (2.25) ## OM avikAryAya namaH | (2\.25) ## the Unchanging (2.25) ## OM avadhyAya namaH | (2\.30) ## the Unslayable (2.30) ## OM sarvabhUtAvAsAya namaH | (2\.30) ## the One dwelling in all beings (2.30) ## OM anAmayapadAya namaH | (2\.51) ## the One devoid of all miseries (2.51) ## OM vArShNeyAya namaH | (3\.36) ## the One born in the Vrishni clan (3.36) ## OM sarvavide namaH | (4\.5) ## the All-knowing (4.05) ## OM ajAya namaH | (4\.6) ## the Unborn (4.06) ## OM avyayAtmane namaH | (4\.6) ## the Imperishable Self (4.06) ## OM bhUtAnAM IshvarAya namaH | (4\.6) 30 ## the Lord of all beings (4.06) ## OM svAM prakRRitiM adhiShThAyAtmamAyayAvatIrNAya namaH | (4\.6) ## the One born asssuming the MAya (the Self-created nature) (4.06) ## OM sAdhUnAM paritrANAya duShkRRitAM vinAshAya cha yuge yuge.avatArakRRite namaH | (4\.8) ## the One incarnating in every age for the protection of those adhering to the righteous path and for the destruction of the evil-doers (4.08) ## OM guNakarmavibhAgashaH chAturvarNyasya sraShTre kartre chApyakartre namaH | (4\.13) ## the creator of the four orders of the society, classified according to divisions of the qualities and actions, yet remaining as non-doer) (4.13) ## OM avyayAya namaH | (4\.13) ## the Imperishable (4.13) ## OM karmebhyo.aliptAya namaH | (4\.14) ## the One not attached to actions (4.14) ## OM karmaphaleShu spRRihArahitAya namaH | (4\.14) ## the One not longing for the fruits of actions (4.14) ## OM sarvayaj~nasAdhanarUpAya namaH | (4\.24) ## the One forming all the instruments of yajnas (ritual sacrifices) (4.24) ## OM yaj~nakartre namaH | (4\.24) ## the sacrificer in the yajna (4.24) ## OM agniHhaviHhutarUpAya namaH | (4\.24) ## the one forming the holy fire and oblation in the yajna (4.24) ## OM yaj~namayAya namaH | (4\.24) 40 ## the one forming the whole yajna (4.24) ## OM brahmaNe namaH | (4\.24) ## Brahman, the all-encompassing self (4.24) ## OM sA~NkhyaiH yogaishcha yat sthAnaM prApyate tat sthAnadAyakAya namaH | (5\.5) ## the One granting the Supreme State attainable through Yoga (the path of action) and SAnkhya (the path of knowledge) (5.05) ## OM sarvabhUtAtmane namaH | (5\.7) ## the Self of all beings (5.07) ## OM prabhave namaH | (5\.14) ## the All-powerful (5.14) ## OM vibhave namaH | (\.15) ## the All-pervading (5.15) ## OM brahmanirvANadAyakAya namaH | (5\.24) ## the One granting Brahma-nirvana, the Supreme State of becoming one with Brahman (5.24) ## OM yaj~natapasAM bhoktre namaH | (5\.29) ## the enjoyer of yajnAs (sacrifices) and tapas (austerities) (5.29) ## OM sarvalokamaheshvarAya namaH | (5\.29) ## Ruler of all the worlds (5.29) ## OM sarvabhUtAnAM suhRRide namaH | (5\.29) ## Lover of all beings (5.29) ## OM paramAtmane namaH | (6\.7) 50 ## the Supreme Self (6.07) ## OM sarvabhUtasthAyAtmane namaH | (6\.29) ## the Self abiding in all beings (6.29) ## OM sarvabhUtAshrayAya namaH | (6\.29) ## the refuge for all beings (6.29) ## OM sarvabhUtasthitAya ekasmai namaH | (6\.31) ## the One that resides in all beings (6.31) ## OM sarvavij~nAnaj~nAnavaktre namaH | (7\.2) ## the Instructor of true knowledge and personal experience of such knowledge (7.02) ## OM aShTadhA bhinnAparAprakRRitidhArakAya namaH | (7\.4) ## the One holding the eight-fold nature (earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intellect and ego) (7.04) ## OM jIvabhUtAM parAprakRRitidhArakAya namaH | (7\.5) ## the One holding the higher nature of beings (the life element by which the Universe is upheld) (7.05) ## OM kRRitsnasya jagataH prabhavAya pralayAya cha namaH | (7\.6) ## the source and dissolution of the entire universe (7.06) ## OM yasmAt parataraM ki~nchit nAsti tasmai namaH | (7\.7) ## the One beyond which there is nothing higher (7.07) ## OM yasmin sarvaM sUtre maNigaNA iva protaM tasmai namaH | (7\.7) ## the One in which all are strung as rows of gems on a string (7.07) ## OM apsu rasarUpAya namaH | (7\.8) 60 ## the One forming taste in the waters (7.08) ## OM shashisUryayoH prabhAsvarUpAya namaH | (7\.8) ## the One forming radiance in the moon and the sun (7.08) ## OM sarvavedeShu praNavasvarUpAya namaH | (7\.8) ## the One forming the syllable OM in all the Vedas (7.08) ## OM khe shabdarUpAya namaH | (7\.8) ## the One forming sound in the ether (7.08) ## OM nRRiShu pauruSharUpAya namaH | (7\.9) ## the One forming manliness in human beings (7.09) ## OM pRRithivyAM puNyagandharUpAya namaH | (7\.9) ## the One forming pure fragrance in the earth (7.09) ## OM vibhAvasau tejorUpAya namaH | (7\.9) ## the One forming brightness in the fire (7.09) ## OM sarvabhUteShu jIvanasvarUpAya namaH | (7\.9) ## the One forming life in all the beings (7.09) ## OM tapasviShu taporUpAya namaH | (7\.9) ## the One forming austerity in ascetics (7.09) ## OM sarvabhUtAnAM bIjarUpAya namaH | (7\.10) ## the eternal seed causing growth of all beings (7.10) ## OM buddhimatAM buddhirUpAya namaH | (7\.10) 70 ## the One forming intelligence of the intelligent (7.10) ## OM tejasvinAM tejorUpAya namaH | (7\.10) ## the One forming the brilliance of the brilliant (7.10) ## OM balavatAM kAmarAgavivarjitabalasvarUpAya namaH | (7\.11) ## the One forming strengh of the strong, devoid of passion and fascination (7.11) ## OM bhUteShu dharmAviruddhakAmarUpAya namaH | (7\.11) ## the One forming the desire not divorced from Dharma (righteousness) (7.11) ## OM triguNAnAM prabhavAya namaH | (7\.12) ## the source of all three Gunas (Satva, Rajas and Tamas - Knowledge, Passion and Ignorance), (7.12) ## OM triguNarahitAya namaH | (7\.12) ## the One free from all the three Gunas (7.12) ## OM guNeShvasaktAya namaH | (7\.12) ## the One with no attachment to Gunas (7.12) ## OM idaM sarvaM jagat guNamayaiH tribhiH bhAvaiH mohakAya namaH | (7\.13) ## the One deluding this world with the threefold things made up of Gunas (7.13) ## OM parasmai durj~neyAya namaH | (7\.13) ## the One distinct (from Gunas) and hard to know (7.13) ## OM prapannAnAM mAyAtArakAya namaH | (7\.14) ## the One who carries those seeking refuge in Him, beyond the Maya (the Universal delusion) (7.14) ## OM duShkRRitibhiH mUDhaiH aprApyAya namaH | (7\.15) 80 ## the One unreachable by dull-witted evil-doers (7.15) ## OM mAyayApahRRitaj~nAnaiH AsurabhAvAshritaiH aprApyAya namaH | (7\.15) ## the One unreachable by those with demonic qualities, deluded by Maya) (7.15) ## OM j~nAnivatsalAya namaH | (7\.17) ## the lover of the wise) (7.17) ## OM vAsudevAya namaH | (7\.19) ## Lord VAsudeva (the son of Vasudeva who drapes the universe by Maya) (7.19) ## OM bhaktAnAM kAmapUrakAya namaH | (7\.22) ## the One who fulfils the wishes of the devotees (7.22) ## OM anuttamAya namaH | (7\.24) ## the Unsurpassed (7.24) ## OM parasmai namaH | (7\.24) ## the changeless and the supreme) (7.24) ## OM yogamAyAsamAvRRitAya namaH | (7\.25) ## the One unborn, imperishable, veiled by Maya (creative, sustaining and dissolving power of the Lord) (7.25) ## OM lokAnAM aj~nAtAya namaH | (7\.25) ## the unknown to the deluded world) (7.25) ## OM trikAlaj~nAya namaH | (7\.26) ## the One who knows the past, the present and the future (7.26) ## OM kRRitsnAdhyAtmAkhilakarmabrahmaNe namaH | (7\.29) 90 ## the Brahman (the Supreme being) which is the whole Inner Self and entire action) (7.29) ## OM sAdhibhUtAdhidaivAya namaH | (7\.30) ## the One governing the adhibhoota (physical), adhidaiva (divine) sacrificial planes (7.30) ## OM sAdhiyaj~nAya namaH | (7\.30) ## the One governing the adhiyajna (sacrificial) plane (7.30) ## OM akSharAya namaH | (8\.3) ## the indestructible (8.03) ## OM paramAya namaH | (8\.3) ## the supreme) (8.03) ## OM adhiyaj~nAya namaH | (8\.4) ## the entity concerned with yajnas (sacrifices) in the body (8.04) ## OM divyAya namaH | (8\.8) ## the divine One (8.08) ## OM paramapuruShAya namaH | (8\.8) ## the supreme Purusha (the knower, controller and enjoyer of Prakriti - nature) (8.08) ## OM kavaye namaH | (8\.9) ## the One forming kratu (vedic rituals), yajna (rituals according to smritis) and svadhA (ancestral oblation) (8.09) ## OM anushAsitre namaH | (8\.9) ## the One who instructs and governs (8.09) ## OM sarvasya dhAtre namaH | (8\.9) 100 ## the ruler and dispenser of all (8.09) ## OM aNoraNiyAMse namaH | (8\.9) ## the subtler than the subtle (8.09) ## OM purANAya namaH | (8\.9) ## the unthinkable (8.09) ## OM achintyarUpAya namaH | (8\.9) ## the unthinkable (8.09) ## OM tamasaH parastAt sthitAya namaH | (8\.9) ## the resplendent One beyond all darkness (8.09) ## OM AdityavarNAya namaH | (8\.9) ## the One as resplendent as the sun (8.09) ## OM parasmai puruShAya namaH | (8\.10) ## the supreme Purusha (8.10) ## OM OMkArAya namaH | (8\.13) ## the Brahman referred to as OM (8.13) ## OM paramagatipradAyakAya namaH | (8\.13) ## the One who leads to the supreme goal (8.13) ## OM ananyachetasA nityashaH smaradbhiH nityayuktaiH yogibhiH sulabhAya namaH | (8\.14) ## the One who is easily accessible to ever-devoted yogis meditating uninterruptedly (8.14) ## OM punarAvRRittirahitalokadAtre namaH | (8\.16) 110 ## the One who grants the world of no rebirth (8.16) ## OM sanAtanAya namaH | (8\.20) ## the eternal being (8.20) ## OM sarvabhUteShu nashyatsvapi nAsharahitAya namaH | (8\.20) ## the One who does not perish when all other beings perish (8.20) ## OM paramagataye namaH | (8\.21) ## the Unmanifested, imperishable, highest goal (8.21) ## OM punarAvRRittirahitadhAmne namaH | (8\.21) ## the supreme abode from where there is no return (to the cycle of births and deaths) (8.21) ## OM ananyayA bhaktyA labhyAya namaH | (8\.22) ## the supreme Purusha that can be reached by unswerving devotion (8.22) ## OM yena idaM sarvaM vyApRRitaM tasmai namaH | (8\.22) ## the One by whom all this is pervaded (8.22) ## OM yena idaM sarvaM jagat tataM tasmai namaH | (9\.4) ## the One by whom all this world is pervaded (9.04) ## OM yasmin sarvabhUtAnyavasthitaH tasmai namaH | (9\.4) ## the One in whom all beings abide (9.04) ## OM sarvabhUtAtmane namaH | (9\.4) ## the One who is in all beings as their Self) (9.04) ## OM bhUtabhAvanAya namaH | (9\.5) 120 ## the source of all beings) (9.05) ## OM bhUtabhRRite namaH | (9\.5) ## the sustainer of all beings) (9.05) ## OM bhUtamaheshvarAya namaH | (9\.11) ## the supreme great Lord of all beings (9.11) ## OM bhUtAdaye namaH | (9\.13) ## the imperishable origin of all beings (9.13) ## OM mahAtmabhiH ananyamanasA bhajyamAnAya namaH | (9\.13) ## the One meditated by great souls with unwavering mind (9.13) ## OM kratusvarUpAya namaH | (9\.16) ## the One forming kratu (vedic rituals) (9.16) ## OM yaj~narUpAya namaH | (9\.16) ## the One forming yajna (rituals according to the Smritis) (9.16) ## OM svadhArUpAya namaH | (9\.16) ## the One in the form of Svadha (a vedic chant) (9.16) ## OM auShadharUpAya namaH | (9\.16) ## the One in the form of herbs (9.16) ## OM mantrasvarUpAya namaH | (9\.16) ## the One in the form of mantras (hymns) (9.16) ## OM hutAjyAdisvarUpAya namaH | (9\.16) 130 ## the One in the form of melted butter, ritual fire and the offerings (9.16) ## OM agnirUpAya namaH | (9\.16) ## the One in the form of ritual fire (9.16) ## OM jagataH pitre namaH | (9\.17) ## the father (of the universe) (9.17) ## OM jagataH pitAmahAya namaH | (9\.17) ## the grandsire (of the universe) (9.17) ## OM jagataH mAtre namaH | (9\.17) ## the mother (of the universe) (9.17) ## OM jagataH dhAtre namaH | (9\.17) ## the supporter (of the universe) (9.17) ## OM vedyAya namaH | (9\.17) ## the One who is to be known (9.17) ## OM RRiksAmayajuShe namaH | (9\.17) ## the One who is the Rik, SAma, Yajus (three Vedas) (9.17) ## OM pavitrAya namaH | (9\.17) ## the one who is pure (9.17) ## OM gataye namaH | (9\.18) ## the goal and support of all (9.18) ## OM bhartre namaH | (9\.18) 140 ## the ruler of all (9.18) ## OM sAkShiNe namaH | (9\.18) ## the witness of all (9.18) ## OM nivAsAya namaH | (9\.18) ## the abode of all (9.18) ## OM suhRRide namaH | (9\.18) ## the friend of all (9.18) ## OM sharaNyAya namaH | (9\.18) ## the refuge of all (9.18) ## OM prabhavapralayasthAnAya namaH | (9\.18) ## the One who is the place of origin and dissolution of all (9.18) ## OM nidhAnAya namaH | (9\.18) ## the base of all (9.18) ## OM avyayabIjAya namaH | (9\.18) ## the imperishable seed of all (9.18) ## OM tApakAya namaH | (9\.19) ## the One who gives heat (9.19) ## OM vRRiShTyanAvRRiShTikArakAya namaH | (9\.19) ## the One who holds back and send forth the rains (9.19) ## OM amRRitAya namaH | (9\.19) 150 ## the immortal One (9.19) ## OM mRRityave namaH | (9\.19) ## the Lord of death (9.19) ## OM sadasate namaH | (9\.19) ## the One who is the being as well as the non-being (9.19) ## OM ananyashchintakopAsakAnAM nityAbhiyuktAnAM yogakShemavAhakAya namaH | (9\.22) ## the One who gives yogakshema (providing what is lacking and protecting the possessions) to the ever-devout worshippers who think of none else (9.22) ## OM sarvayaj~nAnAM bhoktre namaH | (9\.24) ## the enjoyer of all sacrifices (9.24) ## OM yo bhaktyA dattaM patraM puShpaM phalaM toyaM ashnan tRRipto bhavati tasmai namaH | (9\.26) ## the One who accepts with satisfaction a leaf, a flower, a fruit or water as pious offering from a pure minded devotee (9.26) ## OM sarvabhUteShu samasmai namaH | (9\.29) ## the One equanimous to all beings (9.29) ## OM maharShINAM suragaNAnAM prabhavAya namaH | (10\.2) ## the source of great Rishis (seers) and hosts of Devas (Divine beings) (10.02) ## OM devAnAM maharShINAM cha aviditAya namaH | (10\.2) ## the One not known by great Rishis and the Devas (10.02) ## OM anAdaye namaH | (10\.3) ## the beginningless (10.03) ## OM lokamaheshvarAya namaH | (10\.3) 160 ## the great Lord of the worlds (10.03) ## OM sarvasya prabhavAya namaH | (10\.8) ## the origin of all (10.08) ## OM sarvasya pravartakAya namaH | (10\.8) ## the prompter of all (10.08) ## OM buddhiyogadAyakAya namaH | (10\.10) ## the One granting intellectual union with the Supreme Self (10.10) ## OM j~nAnadIpena aj~nAnajatamonAshakAya namaH | (10\.11) ## the One destroying the darkness of ignorance with the lustrous flame of knowledge (10.11) ## OM parabrahmaNe namaH | (10\.12) ## the supreme Brahman (10.12) ## OM paraM dhAmne namaH | (10\.12) ## the supreme abode (10.12) ## OM paramapavitrAya namaH | (10\.12) ## the supreme sanctifier (10.12) ## OM puruShAya namaH | (10\.12) ## the Purusha unborn and all pervading (10.12) ## OM shAshvatAya namaH | (10\.12) ## the everlasting (10.12) ## OM AdidevAya namaH | (10\.12) 170 ## the divine primordial being (10.12) ## OM devaiH dAnavairapyaviditAya namaH | (10\.14) ## the One not known by Devas and Asuras (those with demonic qualities) (10.14) ## OM svayaM AtmanAtmAnaM j~nAtAya namaH | (10\.15) ## the One known to Self by the Self (10.15) ## OM puruShottamAya namaH | (10\.15) ## the supreme spirit (10.15) ## OM bhUteshAya namaH | (10\.15) ## the cause and the Lord of all beings (10.15) ## OM devadevAya namaH | (10\.15) ## the God of Gods (10.15) ## OM jagatpataye namaH | (10\.15) ## the God of the worlds (10.15) ## OM anantavistarAya divyAtmavibhUtaye namaH | (10\.19) ## the One with infinite divine powers, of which there is no detailed account (10.19) ## OM sarvabhUtAshayasthitAya namaH | (10\.20) ## the One resident in the inner sense of all beings (10.20) ## OM Atmane namaH | (10\.20) ## the one who is the true Self (devoid of ego and misconceptions) (10.20) ## OM bhUtAnAM AdimadhyAntAya namaH | (10\.20) 180 ## the beginning, middle and end of all beings (10.20) ## OM AdityAnAM viShNave namaH | (10\.21) ## Vishnu among the Adityas (solar aspects) (10.21) ## OM jyotiShAM ravaye aMshumate namaH | (10\.21) ## the radiant Sun among the luminaries (10.21) ## OM marutAM marIchaye namaH | (10\.21) ## Marichi among the Maruts (wind Gods) (10.21) ## OM nakShatrANAM shashaye namaH | (10\.21) ## Moon among the stars (10.21) ## OM vedAnAM sAmavedAya namaH | (10\.22) ## Samaveda among the Vedas (10.22) ## OM devAnAM vAsavAya namaH | (10\.22) ## Indra among the DevAs (10.22) ## OM indriyANAM manase namaH | (10\.22) ## the mind among the senses (10.22) ## OM bhUtAnAM chetanAyai namaH | (10\.22) ## the consciousness of the beings (10.22) ## OM rudrANAM sha~NkarAya namaH | (10\.23) ## Shankara among the Rudras (10.23) ## OM yakSharakShasAM vitteshAya namaH | (10\.23) 190 ## Kubera, the Lord of Wealth among Yakshas and Rakshasas (Minstrels and Demons) (10.23) ## OM vasUnAM pAvakAya namaH | (10\.23) ## Pavaka (the purifying fire) among the Vasus (10.23) ## OM shikhariNAM merave namaH | (10\.23) ## Meru among the mountains (10.23) ## OM purodhasAM mukhyAya bRRihaspataye namaH | (10\.24) ## Brihaspati, the chief among the priests (10.24) ## OM senAnInAM mahate skandAya namaH | (10\.24) ## Lord Skanda among the war-Lords (10.24) ## OM sarasAM sAgarAya namaH | (10\.24) ## Sea among the lakes (10.24) ## OM maharShINAM bhRRigave namaH | (10\.25) ## Sage Bhrigu among the Maharshis (Great seers) (10.25) ## OM girAM ekAkSharAya namaH | (10\.25) ## the monosyllable (OM) among utterances (10.25) ## OM yaj~nAnAM japayaj~nAya namaH | (10\.25) ## chanting of mantras among the yajnas (10.25) ## OM sthAvarANAM himAlayAya namaH | (10\.25) ## the Himalayas among immobile things (10.25) ## OM sarvavRRikShANAM ashvatthAya namaH | (10\.26) 200 ## Ashvattha (the holy fig) among the trees (10.26) ## OM devarShINAM nAradAya namaH | (10\.26) ## Sage Narada among divine seers (10.26) ## OM gandharvANAM chitrarathAya namaH | (10\.26) ## Chitraratha among the minstrels (10.26) ## OM siddhAnAM kapilamunaye namaH | (10\.26) ## Sage Kapila among the perfected sages (10.26) ## OM ashvAnAM amRRitotbhavAya uchchaishravase namaH | (10\.27) ## Uchchaishrava, born of ambrosia among the horses (10.27) ## OM gajendrANAM airAvatAya namaH | (10\.27) ## Airavata among lordly elephants (10.27) ## OM narANAM narAdhipAya namaH | (10\.27) ## the Ruler among the human beings (10.27) ## OM AyudhAnAM vajrAya namaH | (10\.28) ## the thunderbolt among the weapons (10.28) ## OM dhenUnAM kAmadhughe namaH | (10\.28) ## Kamadhenu (wish-granting cow) among cows (10.28) ## OM prajanAnAM kandarpAya namaH | (10\.28) ## Kandarpa (the God of love) among the begetters of off-springs (10.28) ## OM sarpANAM vAsukaye namaH | (10\.28) 210 ## Vasuki among the serpents (10.28) ## OM nAgAnAM anantAya namaH | (10\.29) ## Ananta among the nagas (snakes with human heads) (10.29) ## OM yAdasAM varuNAya namaH | (10\.29) ## Varuna among the creatures in water (10.29) ## OM pitRRiNAM aryamNe namaH | (10\.29) ## Aryama among manes (10.29) ## OM saMyamatAM yamAya namaH | (10\.29) ## Yama among the subduers (10.29) ## OM daityAnAM prahLAdAya namaH | (10\.30) ## Prahlada among Asuras (10.30) ## OM kalayatAM kAlAya namaH | (10\.30) ## Time among reckoners (10.30) ## OM mRRigANAM mRRigendrAya namaH | (10\.30) ## the lion among the beasts (10.30) ## OM pakShiNAM vainateyAya namaH | (10\.30) ## Garuda (the carrier of Lord Vishnu) among the birds (10.30) ## OM pAvatAM pavanAya namaH | (10\.31) ## the wind among the purifiers (10.31) ## OM shastrabhRRitAM rAmAya namaH | (10\.31) 220 ## Lord Rama among weapon-bearers (10.31) ## OM jhaShANAM makarAya namaH | (10\.31) ## Shark among the acquatic creatures (10.31) ## OM srotasAM jAhnavyai namaH | (10\.31) ## Ganga (Ganges) among the rivers (10.31) ## OM sargANAM AdimadhyAntAya namaH | (10\.32) ## the beginning, the middle and the end of creation (10.32) ## OM vidyAnAM AtmavidyAyai namaH | (10\.32) ## the knowledge of the Self among the sciences (10.32) ## OM pravadatAM vAdAya namaH | (10\.32) ## the dialectic among those who debate (10.32) ## OM akSharANAM akArAya namaH | (10\.33) ## the letter "a" among letters (10.33) ## OM samAsAnAM dvandvasamAsAya namaH | (10\.33) ## dvandva (the additive) among the compouds (10.33) ## OM akShayAya kAlAya namaH | (10\.33) ## the time imperishable (10.33) ## OM vishvatomukhAya namaH | (10\.33) ## the One facing in all directions (10.33) ## OM dhAtre namaH | (10\.33) 230 ## the dispenser (10.33) ## OM sarvaharAya mRRityave namaH | (10\.34) ## the Lord of death carrying all away (10.34) ## OM bhaviShyatAM udbhavAya namaH | (10\.34) ## the origin of things yet to be (10.34) ## OM nArINAM kIrtyai namaH | (10\.34) ## (the fame among women, i.e) feminine gender qualities (10.34) ## OM shriye namaH | (10\.34) ## the glory (among feminine gender qualities) (10.34) ## OM vAche namaH | (10\.34) ## speech (among feminine gender qualities) ) (10.34) ## OM smRRityai namaH | (10\.34) ## memory (among feminine gender qualities) (10.34) ## OM medhAyai namaH | (10\.34) ## intelligence (among feminine gender qualities) (10.34) ## OM dhRRityai namaH | (10\.34) ## endurance (among feminine gender qualities) (10.34) ## OM kShamAyai namaH | (10\.34) ## patience (among feminine gender qualities) (10.34) ## OM sAmnAM bRRihatsAmAya namaH | (10\.35) 240 ## Brihat among the Saman chants (10.35) ## OM ChandasAM gAyatryai namaH | (10\.35) ## Gayatri among the vedic chants (10.35) ## OM mAsAnAM mArgashIrShAya namaH | (10\.35) ## Margashirsha (Sagittarius) among the months (10.35) ## OM RRitUnAM kusumAkarAya namaH | (10\.35) ## the flower-laded spring among the seasons (10.35) ## OM ChalayatAM dyUtAya namaH | (10\.36) ## the game of dice among the tricksters (10.36) ## OM tejasvinAM tejase namaH | (10\.36) ## the vigour of the vigorous (10.36) ## OM jayAya vyavasAyAya namaH | (10\.36) ## the victory of the resolute & the perseverant (10.36) ## OM satvavatAM satvAya namaH | (10\.36) ## virtue of the virtuous (10.36) ## OM vRRiShNInAM vAsudevAya namaH | (10\.37) ## Lord VAsudeva of the Vrishni clan (10.37) ## OM pANDavAnAM dhana~njayAya namaH | (10\.37) ## Arjuna among the Pandavas (10.37) ## OM munInAM vyAsAya namaH | (10\.37) 250 ## Sage Vyasa among the contemplative sages (10.37) ## OM kavInAM ushanase namaH | (10\.37) ## Ushanas among the poet bards (10.37) ## OM damayatAM daNDAya namaH | (10\.38) ## the rod of those who chastise (10.38) ## OM jigIShatAM nItaye namaH | (10\.38) ## the tactics of those seeking victory (10.38) ## OM guhyAnAM maunAya namaH | (10\.38) ## the silence among the secrets (10.38) ## OM j~nAnavatAM j~nAnAya namaH | (10\.38) ## the knowledge of the learned (10.38) ## OM sarvabhUtAnAM bIjAya namaH | (10\.39) ## the seed of all beings (10.39) ## OM sarvacharAcharabhUtAya namaH | (10\.39) ## the One present in all beings, mobile or stationary (10.39) ## OM jagatkRRitsnaM ekAMshena viShTabhya sthitAya namaH | (10\.42) ## the One eternally encompassing the entire world by a fragment of One's power (10.42) ## OM avyayamAhAtmyAya namaH | (11\.2) ## the One with immutable grandeur (11.02) ## OM kamalapatrAkShAya namaH | (11\.2) 260 ## the lotus-eyed One (11.02) ## OM parameshvarAya namaH | (11\.3) ## the highest spirit and the Supreme Purusha (11.03) ## OM yogeshvarAya namaH | (11\.4) ## the immutable Self and Master of Yogas (11.04) ## OM nAnAvidhAni divyAni nAnAvarNAkRRitIni anekAshcharyarUpANi dhRRitvA pArtthAya vishvarUpaM prakaTitavate namaH | (11\.5) ## the One manifesting the Universal form to Arjuna in many many awe-inspiring forms varied, divine, variously coloured and shaped (11.05) ## OM sacharAcharajagatkRRitsnaikadehAya namaH | (11\.7) ## the One with body of the entire world with all beings moving and unmoving (11.07) ## OM vishvarUpadarshanArthaM pArtthAya divyaM chakShuH dattavate namaH | (11\.8) ## the giver of divine eyesight to Arjuna to view the Universal form) (11.08) ## OM mahAyogeshvarAya namaH | (11\.9) ## the great master of Yoga (11.09) ## OM paramaishvararUpAya namaH | (11\.9) ## the One with transcendent and sovereign form (11.09) ## OM haraye namaH | (11\.9) ## the Lord Hari (the destroyer of sins) (11.09) ## OM anekavaktranayanAya namaH | (11\.10) ## the One with many a mouth and many an eye (11.10) ## OM anekAdbhutadarshanAya namaH | (11\.10) 270 ## the One with many marvellous aspects (11.10) ## OM anekadivyAbharaNAya namaH | (11\.10) ## the One with many divine ornaments and many up-lifted weapons (11.10) ## OM anekodyatadivyAyudhAya namaH | (11\.10) ## the One with many up-lifted weapons (11.10) ## OM divyamAlAmbaradharAya namaH | (11\.11) ## the One wearing divine garlands and vestments (11.11) ## OM divyagandhAnulepanAya namaH | (11\.11) ## the One smeared with divine scents (11.11) ## OM sarvAshcharyamayAya namaH | (11\.11) ## the infinite One full of marvels (11.11) ## OM anantAya namaH | (11\.11) ## the One without end (11.11) ## OM devAya namaH | (11\.11) ## the resplendent One (11.11) ## OM divyasUryasahasrasadRRishabhAsakAya namaH | (11\.12) ## the One great Lord with the divine splendour of a thousand simultaneous suns (11.12) ## OM mahAtmane namaH | (11\.12) ## the great Self (11.12) ## OM anekadhA pravibhaktaM kRRitsnaM jagat ekasthaM darshayitavate namaH | (11\.13) 280 ## the One manifesting as holding the entire world, variegated in many ways in one body (11.13) ## OM anekabAhUdaravaktranetrAya namaH | (11\.16) ## the One with many arms, bellies, faces and eyes (11.16) ## OM sarvato.anantarUpAya namaH | (11\.16) ## the One with an infinite form in all directions (11.16) ## OM AdimadhyAntarahitAya namaH | (11\.16) ## the One which has no beginning, middle or end (11.16) ## OM vishveshvarAya namaH | (11\.16) ## the Lord of the Universe (11.16) ## OM vishvarUpAya namaH | (11\.16) ## the One with an Universal form (11.16) ## OM kirITine namaH | (11\.17) ## the One adorned with diadem (11.17) ## OM gadine namaH | (11\.17) ## the One adorned with mace (11.17) ## OM chakriNe namaH | (11\.17) ## the One adorned with discus (11.17) ## OM sarvatodIptimate tejorAshaye namaH | (11\.17) ## the One blazing in all directions like a mass of splendour (11.17) ## OM aprameyAya namaH | (11\.17) 290 ## the One who is boundless and immeasurable (11.17) ## OM durnirIkShyAya namaH | (11\.17) ## the One dazzling to gaze (11.17) ## OM samantAddIptAnalArkadyutaye namaH | (11\.17) ## the one blazing all around with the light of blazing fire and sun (11.17) ## OM veditavyAya namaH | (11\.18) ## the One worthy to be known (11.18) ## OM vishvasya parasmai nidhAnAya namaH | (11\.18) ## the ultimate ground of the Universe (11.18) ## OM shAshvatadharmagoptre namaH | (11\.18) ## the eternal immutable guardian of Dharma (11.18) ## OM anAdimadhyAntAya namaH | (11\.19) ## the One with no beginning, middle or end (11.19) ## OM anantavIryAya namaH | (11\.19) ## the One with infinite power (11.19) ## OM anantabAhave namaH | (11\.19) ## the One with infinite number of arms (11.19) ## OM shashisUryanetrAya namaH | (11\.19) ## the One with moon and sun as eyes (11.19) ## OM svatejasA vishvamidaM tapate namaH | (11\.19) 300 ## the One burning up the universe with own radiance (11.19) ## OM dIptahutAshavaktrAya namaH | (11\.19) ## the One with face like flaming fire (11.19) ## OM dyAvApRRithvyorantaraM sarvAH dishAshcha vyAptAya namaH | (11\.20) ## the One filling up the space between heaven and earth and all the quarters (of the space) (11.20) ## OM lokatrayaM pravyathite namaH | (11\.20) ## the One, seeing whom all the three worlds tremble (11.20) ## OM adbhutograrUpAya namaH | (11\.20) ## One with a marvellous and menacing form (11.20) ## OM prA~njalibhiH maharShisiddhasa~NghaiH puShkalAbhiH stutibhiH stUyamAnAya namaH | (11\.21) ## the One whom bands of great seers and perfected souls, with folded hands, extol with hymns rich in content (11.21) ## OM bahuvaktranetrAya namaH | (11\.23) ## the One with many mouths and eyes (11.23) ## OM mahAbAhave namaH | (11\.23) ## the mighty-armed (11.23) ## OM mahadrUpAya namaH | (11\.23) ## the One with an immense form (11.23) ## OM bahubAhUrupAdAya namaH | (11\.23) ## the One with many arms, thighs and feet (11.23) ## OM bahUdarAya namaH | (11\.23) 310 ## the One with many bellies (11.23) ## OM bahukarALadaMShTrAya namaH | (11\.23) ## the One terrifying because of many tusks (11.23) ## OM nabhaHspRRishAya namaH | (11\.24) ## the One with a form touching the sky (11.24) ## OM dIptAya namaH | (11\.24) ## the One with a blazing form (11.24) ## OM vyAttAnanAya namaH | (11\.24) ## the One with open mouth (11.24) ## OM dIptavishAlanetrAya namaH | (11\.24) ## the One with distended flaming eyes (11.24) ## OM anekavarNAya namaH | (11\.24) ## the many hued One (11.24) ## OM kAlAnalasannibhamukhAya namaH | (11\.25) ## the One with mouth glowing like the all-consuming fire of time (11.25) ## OM deveshAya namaH | (11\.25) ## the God of Gods (11.25) ## OM jagannivAsAya namaH | (11\.25) ## the abode of the worlds (11.25) ## OM jvaladbhiH vadanaiH samantAt samagrAn lokAn grasamAnAya namaH | (11\.30) 320 ## the One with mouth glowing like the all-consuming fire of time (11.30) ## OM tejobhiH samagraM jagat ApUrya ugraiH bhAsaiH pratapate namaH | (11\.30) ## the One filling the entire universe with luminous energy and scorching dreadful radiations (11.30) ## OM ugrarUpAya namaH | (11\.31) ## the One with a fierce form (11.31) ## OM devavarAya namaH | (11\.31) ## the supreme among the Gods (11.31) ## OM lokakShayakRRite | (11\.32) ## the One wreaking the dissolution of the world (11.32) ## OM kAlarUpAya namaH | (11\.32) ## the One with the dominant form of time (11.32) ## OM Adikartre namaH | (11\.37) ## the primal creator (11.37) ## OM garIyase namaH | (11\.37) ## the venerable (11.37) ## OM purANapuruShAya namaH | (11\.38) ## the ancient Purusha (the One described in the ancient epics) (11.38) ## OM vetre namaH | (11\.38) ## to the knower (11.38) ## OM parandhAmne namaH | (11\.38) 330 ## the Supreme Abode (11.38) ## OM anantarUpAya namaH | (11\.38) ## the One whose form is infinite (11.38) ## OM vishvasmai namaH | (11\.38) ## the transcendent pervading the Universe (11.38) ## OM vAyuryamo.agnirvaruNashshashA~NkaHprajApatiHprapitAmahassvarUpAya namaH | (11\.39) ## the One with the great form of wind, Yama (the Lord of death), fire, water, moon, Brahma (the Lord of creation) and Vishnu (the Lord of protection) (11.39) ## OM amitavikramAya namaH | (11\.40) ## the One pervading all with infinite power, immeasurable energy (11.40) ## OM sarvavyApine namaH | (11\.40) ## the One pervading everywhere (11.40) ## OM yAdhavakRRiShNAya namaH | (11\.41) ## Krishna of yadu clan (11.41) ## OM arjunasakhye namaH | (11\.41) ## the companion of Arjuna (11.41) ## OM charAcharasya lokasya pitre pUjyAya garIyase gurave namaH | (11\.43) ## the father of the world of beings, moving and unmoving worthy of worship and pre-eminent teacher (11.43) ## OM lokatraye.apyapratimaprabhAvAya namaH | (11\.43) ## the One who is incomparably great and matchless in the three worlds (11.43) ## OM IDyAya namaH | (11\.44) 340 ## One who is worthy of worship (11.44) ## OM IshAya namaH | (11\.44) ## the Lord of Lords (11.44) ## OM sahasrabAhave namaH | (11\.45) ## the One with thousands of arms (11.45) ## OM chakrahastAya namaH | (11\.46) ## the One holding discus in His hands (11.46) ## OM chaturbhujAya namaH | (11\.46) ## the One in the four-handed form (11.46) ## OM tejomayAya namaH | (11\.47) ## the One in luminous form (11.47) ## OM anAdyantavishvarUpAya namaH | (11\.47) ## the God of Gods manifesting in the cosmic form (11.47) ## OM vedayaj~nAdhyayanairdAnairkriyAbhirugratapobhiH draShTumashakyAya namaH | (11\.48) ## the One with cosmic form that cannot be seen either by the Vedas, sacrifices, studies, charity, rituals or severe austerities (11.48) ## OM saumyavapuShe namaH | (11\.50) ## the One with a gentle form) (11.50) ## OM devo.api nityaM darshanaM kA~NkShate sudurdarsharUpAya namaH | (11\.52) ## the One with a lovely form whom even Devas wish to see everyday (11.52) ## OM ananyayA bhaktyA eva j~nAtuM draShTuM praviShTuM shakyAya bhagavate namaH | (11\.54) 350 ## the Great Lord who can be known, seen and be united with only through unwavering devotion (11.54) ## OM anirdeshyAya namaH | (12\.3) ## the One who cannot be ascertained (12.03) ## OM sarvatragAya namaH | (12\.3) ## the omnipresent (12.03) ## OM kUTastAya namaH | (12\.3) ## the immutable and the immobile (12.03) ## OM dhruvAya namaH | (12\.3) ## the unwavering (12.03) ## OM kRRiShNAveshitachetasAM mRRityusAgarAt samuddhartre namaH | (12\.7) ## the deliverer of those who have set their mind on Lord Srikrishna from the sea of empirical existence leading to death (12.07) ## OM bhaktapriyAya namaH | (12\.20) ## the lover of devotees (12.20) ## OM prakRRityai namaH | (13\.1) ## the nature (the power of creation, sustenance and dissolution of the Lord) (13.01) ## OM kShetraj~nAya namaH | (13\.1) ## the One who knows the Kshetra (the field - combination of body, all that is known by the senses and the mind, intellect, ego etc) ) (13.01) ## OM j~nAnAya namaH | (13\.1) ## the One in the form of knowledge (13.01) ## OM j~neyAya namaH | (13\.1) 360 ## One which is to be known (13.01) ## OM RRiShibhi vividhaiH ChandobhiH brahmasUtraishcha bahudhA gItAya namaH | (13\.5) ## the One sung variously by seers in many varied hymns and in the Brahmasutra (a prominent vedantic text) (13.05) ## OM sarvataH pANipAdAya namaH | (13\.14) ## the One with hands and feet on all sides (13.14) ## OM sarvato shiromukhAya namaH | (13\.14) ## the One with heads, mouths and eyes on all sides (13.14) ## OM sarvataH shrutimate namaH | (13\.14) ## the One with ears on all sides (13.14) ## OM sarvalokAvRRitAya namaH | (13\.14) ## the One encompassing all the worlds (13.14) ## OM sarvendriyaguNAbhAsAya namaH | (13\.15) ## the One apparently possessing all sense-organs and their properties (13.15) ## OM sarvendriyavivarjitAya namaH | (13\.15) ## the One devoid of all sense organs (13.15) ## OM asaktAya namaH | (13\.15) ## the unattached One (13.15) ## OM nirguNAya namaH | (13\.15) ## One free form attributes (13.15) ## OM guNabhoktre namaH | (13\.15) 370 ## One experiencing all constituents (13.15) ## OM charAya acharAya cha namaH | (13\.16) ## the One moving and unmoving (13.16) ## OM bhUtAnAM bahirantasthAya namaH | (13\.16) ## the One present both inside and outside of beings (13.16) ## OM sUkShmatvAt avij~neyAya namaH | (13\.16) ## the One hard to know due to subtlety (13.16) ## OM dUrasthAya antike.apisthitAya namaH | (13\.16) ## the One far off (for those without devotion) as well as near (for the devotees) (13.16) ## OM bhUteShu vibhaktamivasthitAya avibhaktAya namaH | (13\.17) ## the undivided One, seemingly divided in the beings (13.17) ## OM bhUtabhartre namaH | (13\.17) ## the sustainer (of beings) (13.17) ## OM grasiShNave namaH | (13\.17) ## the consumer (of beings) (13.17) ## OM prabhaviShNave namaH | (13\.17) ## the generator (of beings) (13.17) ## OM tamasaH parasmai namaH | (13\.18) ## the One beyond all darkness (13.18) ## OM jyotiShAM jyotiShe namaH | (13\.18) 380 ## the supreme Light of all Lights (13.18) ## OM j~nAnagamyAya namaH | (13\.18) ## the One who is accessible through knowledge (of Self) (13.18) ## OM hRRidi sarvasyadhiShThitAya namaH | (13\.18) ## the One entrenched in the hearts of all (13.18) ## OM upadraShTre namaH | (13\.23) ## the preceptor (13.23) ## OM anumantre namaH | (13\.23) ## the listener to the advice of the preceptor (13.23) ## OM bhartre namaH | (13\.23) ## the sustainer (13.23) ## OM bhoktre namaH | (13\.23) ## the experiencer (13.23) ## OM maheshvarAya namaH | (13\.23) ## the Supreme Ruler (13.23) ## OM paramAtmane namaH | (13\.23) ## the Supreme Self (13.23) ## OM yo yogibhiH dhyAnena Atmani AtmanAtmAnaM dRRishyate tasmai namaH | (13\.25) ## the One perceived by yogis (with their clear intellect) as the self, through meditation (13.25) ## OM yassA~Nkhyayogena karmayogena cha prAptavyastasmai namaH | (13\.25) 390 ## the One attainable through Sankhyayoga (path of knowledge) and Karmayoga (path of action) (13.25) ## OM shrutiparAyaNAnAM bhaktAnAM upAsanAphaladAyakAya mRRityutArakAya namaH | (13\.26) ## the One granting results to the vedic devotees, making them overcome death (13.26) ## OM sarveShubhUteShu samaM tiShThate namaH | (13\.28) ## the Supreme Lord dwelling alike in all beings (13.28) ## OM vinashyatsu avinashyate namaH | (13\.28) ## the imperishable One in all perishable beings (13.28) ## OM sarvatra samavasthitAya samasmai namaH | (13\.29) ## the One beholding alike and dwelling equanimously in all (13.29) ## OM prakRRityaiva karmANI sarvashaH kriyamANAya akartre namaH | (13\.30) ## the One seeing all actions performed by nature yet remaining as non-doer (13.30) ## OM bhUtapRRithakbhAve ekasthAya namaH | (13\.31) ## the sole One abiding in the multiplicity of beings (13.31) ## OM sharIrastho.api akartre namaH | (13\.32) ## the One dwelling in bodies without any action and not getting stained (13.32) ## OM alepyAya namaH | (13\.32) ## the One not getting stained (13.32) ## OM sarvatra dehe avasthitAya anupalipyAya namaH | (13\.33) ## the Self present in all the bodies everywhere and not getting stained (13.33) ## OM kRRitsnaM kShetraM prakAshayate namaH | (13\.34) 400 ## the One that illuminates the entire Kshetra (13.34) ## OM kShetriNe namaH | (13\.34) ## the Kshetri (the Self in all beings) (13.34) ## OM sarvabhUtAnAM garbhadhArakAya namaH | (14\.3) ## the great Brahman that bears the seed of all beings (14.03) ## OM mahatbrahmaNi bIjapradAya jagatpitre namaH | (14\.4) ## the sire of the Universe that casts the seed in the great Brahman (14.04) ## OM guNebhyaH parasmai shuddhasatvasvarUpAya namaH | (14\.19) ## the One beyond attributes in pure satvic form (pure consciousness) (14.19) ## OM triguNavimuktAya namaH | (14\.20) ## the One free from the three attributes (14.20) ## OM amRRitapadadAyakAya namaH | (14\.20) ## the One granting the status of immortality (14.20) ## OM avyabhichAreNa bhaktiyogena sevyamAnAya namaH | (14\.26) ## the One free from attributes to be served loyally through bhaktiyoga (path of devotion) (14.26) ## OM guNAtItAya namaH | (14\.26) ## the One free from attributes (14.26) ## OM dharmAya namaH | (14\.27) ## the One eternally righteous (14.27) ## OM aikAntikasukhAya namaH | (14\.27) 410 ## the One who is unfailing bliss (14.27) ## OM yasmin gatAH na bhUyaH nivartate tat parimArgitapadadAyakAya namaH | (15\.4) ## the One granting the status to be laboriously sought (by devotees), reaching which there is no return (to the cycle of births and deaths) (15.04) ## OM AdyAya namaH | (15\.4) ## the primeval One (15.04) ## OM yatantaiH yogibhiH pashyate AtmanyavasthitAya namaH | (15\.11) ## the One seen by striving yogis as established in the self (15.11) ## OM AdityachandrAgni tejobhiH akhilajagatbhAsakAya namaH | (15\.12) ## the One illuminating the whole world by sun, moon and fire (15.12) ## OM gAmAvishya ojasA sarvabhUtadhArakAya namaH | (15\.13) ## the One sustaining all beings, having entered the earth, by vital energy, (15.13) ## OM rasAtmakaH somo bhUtvA sarvauShadhIpoShakAya namaH | (15\.13) ## the One nourishing all herbs, having become the sapful moon (15.13) ## OM vaishvAnaro bhUtvA prANApAnasamAyuktaH chaturvidhAnnaM pachate namaH | (15\.14) ## the One digesting the four kinds of food (masticated, swallowed, licked and sucked) having become the vaisvanara fire (digestive fire) united with Prana and Apana (inbreath and outbreath) (15.14) ## OM sarvasya hRRidisanniviShTAya smRRitirj~nAnApohanakArakAya namaH | (15\.15) ## the One dwelling in the heart of all, giving memory, knowledge as well as forgetfulness (15.15) ## OM vedAntakRRite namaH | (15\.15) ## the maker of vedas (15.15) ## OM vedavide namaH | (15\.15) 420 ## the knower of vedas (15.15) ## OM sarvaiH vedaiH vedyAya namaH | (15\.15) ## the One to be known through vedas by all (15.15) ## OM lokatrayabhartre namaH | (15\.17) ## the mighty Lord upholding the three worlds (15.17) ## OM IshvarAya namaH | (15\.15) ## the Supreme Lord (15.15) ## OM kSharAtItAya namaH | (15\.18) ## the One surpassing the perishable (15.18) ## OM akSharAduttamAya namaH | (15\.18) ## the One exalted above the imperishable (15.18) ## OM loke vede cha prathitAya namaH | (15\.18) ## the One exalted both in common speech and in the vedas (15.18) ## OM bhaktAnAM vimokShAya daivIsampatpradAyakAya namaH | (16\.5) ## the One granting divine attributes to devotees for their salvation (16.05) ## OM OM tat sat ityabhidheyAya namaH | (17\.23) ## the supreme self with the three apellations of OM, Tat and Sat (17.23) ## OM keshiniShUdanAya namaH | (18\.1) ## the slayer of Asura named Keshi (18.01) ## OM sarvabhUtAnAM hRRiddeshe tiShThate namaH | (18\.61) 430 ## the Lord who resides in the heart of all beings (18.61) ## OM sarvabhAvena prapannAnAM shAshvataparamashAntisthAnapradAyakAya namaH | (18\.62) ## the One granting the status of eternal supreme peace to those who take refuge with all One's heart and soul (18.62) ## OM sarvadharmaparityAginAM ananyasharaNAgatAnAM sarvapApamochakAya namaH | (18\.66) ## the One liberating those giving up all Dharmas and seeking the Lord as sole refuge, from all sins (18.66) ## OM gItopadeshakapriyatamAya namaH | (18\.69) ## the lover of Gita instructors (18.69) ## OM sashraddhAgItAshrotRRiNAM shubhalokapradAyakAya namaH | (18\.71) ## the One granting happy realms to those listening to Gita with faith (18.71) ## OM adbhutarUpAya namaH | (18\.77) 435 ## the One with a wonderful form (18.77) ## iti bhagavadgItAdhiShThitA bhagavannAmAvaliH samAptA | OM shAntiH shAntiH shAntiH | ## Om Peace, Peace, Peace ## OM tat sat | ## OM Tat Sat ## shrIkRRiShNArpaNamastu | ## Submission to Lord SrIkrishna ## sarvAparAdhAni kShamyatAm | ## May all mistakes be pardOned ## kAyena vAchA manasendriyairvA ## I submit all that I do with my body, word, mind, senses, ## buddhyAtmanA vA prakRRitersvabhAvAt | ## intellect and natural character to Supreme Lord NArayana. ## karomi yadyat sakalaM parasmai nArAyaNAyeti samarpayAmi | namaH shivAyai cha namaH shivAya | ## the Goddess Parvati and Lord Siva ## lokAH samastAH sukhino bhavantu | ## May all the worlds become happy ## kRRiShNakRRipayA nAmasamAharaNaM \- maThattil narendran ## Namas collected by Madathil Narendran with the grace of Lord Krishna ## kRRitaj~natA \- shrI mohan cheTTUr, ## With immense gratitude to Shri Mohan Chettoor, ## sampUjya svAmi shivAnanda sarasvati (siddhAshramaM, AlattUr, pAlakkAT), ## Revered Swami Sivananda Saraswathi (Siddhashramam, Alathur) and ## sampUjya svarUpAnanda sarasvati (shivAnanda AshramaM, pAlakkAT) ## Swami Swaroopananda Saraswathi (Sivananda Ashramam, Palakkad) Compiler's Contact E-mail address: madathilnarendran at gmail.com The nAmAvalI is constructed from The Bhagvadgita with efforts by Narendran Madathil (madathilnarendran at gmail.com). In addition to direct names of Shrikrishna, the nAmAvalI addresses various situations, events, and descriptions like vibhUtis of Shrikrishna based on the Bhagvadgita. \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit@cheerful.com Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}