% Text title : rogaghnaupaniShat % File name : rogaghnaupaniShat.itx % Category : upanishhat % Location : doc\_upanishhat % Description/comments : Rigveda 1\.50\.11\-13. Unconventional. % Latest update : May 1, 2021 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. Rogaghna Upanishad ..}## \itxtitle{.. rogaghnopaniShat ..}##\endtitles ## R^igveda saMhitA maNDala 1, sUkta 50, 11\-13 R^iShi\- praskaNvaH kANvaH, devatA \- sUryaH, ChandaH\- anuShTup, svaraH \- gAndhAraH u\`dyanna\`dya mi\'tramaha A\`roha\`nnutta\'rA\`M diva\'m | hR^i\`dro\`gaM mama\' sUrya hari\`mANa\'M cha nAshaya || 1\.050\.11 shuke\'Shu me hari\`mANa\'M ropa\`NAkA\'su dadhmasi | atho\' hAridra\`veShu\' me hari\`mANa\`M ni da\'dhmasi || 1\.050\.12 uda\'gAda\`yamA\'di\`tyo vishve\'na\` saha\'sA sa\`ha | dvi\`Shanta\`M mahya\'M ra\`ndhaya\`nmo a\`haM dvi\'Sha\`te ra\'dham || 1\.050\.13 udyannadya mitramaha ArohannuttarAM divam | hR^idrogaM mama sUrya harimANaM cha nAshaya || 1\.050\.11 shukeShu me harimANaM ropaNAkAsu dadhmasi | atho hAridraveShu me harimANaM ni dadhmasi || 1\.050\.12 udagAdayamAdityo vishvena sahasA saha | dviShantaM mahyaM randhayanmo ahaM dviShate radham || 1\.050\.13 iti rogaghnopaniShat | rogaghna upaniShad ## Griffith: Rising this day, O rich in friends, ascending to the loftier heaven, Surya remove my heart's disease, take from me this my yellow hue. 11 To parrots and to starlings let us give away my yellowness, Or this my yellowness let us transfer to Haritala trees. 12 With all his conquering vigour this Aditya hath gone up on high, Giving my foe into minehand: let me not be my foeman's prey. 13 \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit at cheerful dot c om Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}