% Text title : kRiShNAShTakam 6 with transalation % File name : kRiShNAShTakam.itx % Category : vishhnu, puShpAshrIvatsan, krishna, aShTaka, vishnu % Location : doc\_vishhnu % Author : Pushpa Srivatsan % Transliterated by : N V Vathsan nvvathsan at gmail.com % Proofread by : N V Vathsan nvvathsan at gmail.com % Translated by : Pushpa Srivatsan % Source : Stotra Pushapavali % Latest update : December 28, 2017 % Send corrections to : Sanskrit@cheerful.com % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. Shri Krishnashtakam with Translation ..}## \itxtitle{.. shrIkR^iShNAShTakam sArtham ..}##\endtitles ## OM shrIrAmajayam | OM sadgurushrItyAgarAjasvAmine namo namaH | OM gItAchAryAya vidmahe | bhaktamitrAya dhImahi | tannaH kR^iShNaH prachodayAt || paramAtmasvarUpAya nArAyaNAya viShNave | paripUrNAvatArAya shrIkR^iShNAya namo namaH || 1|| devakIpriyaputrAya yashodAlAlitAya cha | vAsudevAya devAya nandanandAya te namaH || 2|| gopikAnandalIlAya navanItapriyAya cha | veNugAnAbhilolAya rAdhAkR^iShNAya te namaH || 3|| govindAya mukundAya kaMsAdiripudAriNe | mAtApitR^isunandAya dvArakApataye namaH || 4|| rukmiNIpriyanAthAya rugmapItAmbarAya cha | satyabhAmAsametAya satkAmAya namo namaH || 5|| pANDavapriyamitrAya pA~nchAlImAnarakShiNe | pArthAnugrahakArAya pArthasArathaye namaH || 6|| gItopadeshabodhAya vishvarUpaprakAshine | vedAntasArasatyAya vedanAdAya te namaH || 7|| sadAsaktasurakShAya sadAmAnasavAsine | sadAtmAnandapUrNAya shrIkR^iShNAya namo namaH || 8|| tyAgabrahmasugItAya gItapuShpArchitAya cha | manovAkkAyapUrNAya shrIkR^iShNAya suma~Ngalam || 9|| kR^iShNAShTakamidaM puNyaM kR^iShNapreryaM shubhapradam | puShpArchanasupadyaM cha shrIkR^iShNasukR^ipAvaham || 10|| tyAgarAjagurusvAmishiShyApuShpAsamarpitam | kR^iShNAShTakaM shubhastotram gurusAnnidhyapUraNam || 11|| iti sadgurushrItyAgarAjasvAminaH shiShyayA bhaktayA puShpayA kR^itaM shrIkR^iShNAShTakaM gurau samarpitam | OM shubhamastu | ## \section{Sri Krishnashtakam} Gayatri Let us know Gitacharya; let us contemplate on the Friend of the bhakta; may Krishna lead us on.  1. Prostrations again and again unto the One whose reality is the Supreme Atman; Sriman Narayana; Vishnu;  the Complete Incarnation, Sri Krishna! 2. Prostrations unto Thee, the darling Son of Devaki; fondly indulged in by Yashoda; Vasudeva, the Lord;  the Delight of Nanda! 3. Prostrations unto Thee, delightfully sporting with gopikas; fond of butter; delighting in the song of the flute; Radhakrishna! 4. Prostrations unto Govinda, Mukunda, who destroyed enemies like Kamsa; the Delighter of His mother and father; the Lord of Dwaraka! 5. Prostrations again and again unto the beloved Consort of Rukmini; the One with golden yellow silk garment; accompanied by Satyabhama;  the Desire of the virtuous! 6. Prostrations unto the dear Friend of the Pandavas; the One who protected the honour of Panchali; the One who blessed Partha; the One who drove the chariot of Partha! 7. Prostrations unto Thee, awakening knowledge by teaching the Gita; resplendent in the Form of the entire creation; the Truth, the essence of vedanta; the Music of the vedas/ whose sound is the vedas! 8. Prostrations again and again unto the One protecting the constantly devoted; the One abiding in the mind (of this one) always; the One fully the Bliss of the Atman; Sri Krishna! 9. The One sung beautifully by Sri Tyagabrahmam; the One worshipped by song flowers /by Pushpa with this song;  the One fully in the mind, speech, expressions, and body (of this one); auspiciousness unto Sri Krishna! flowers 10. This Krishnashtakam is sacred; inspired by Sri Krishna, conferring auspiciousness; this auspicious poem, is Pushpa's worship; brings about the grace of Shri Krishna, conferring auspiciousness. 11. This offering by Pushpa, the disciple of Sri Tyagarajaguruswami - Krishnashtakam, the auspicious  stotram - is replete with the Guru's Presence. Om Mangalam Composed and translated by Pushpa Srivatsan Encoded and proofread by N V Vathsan nvvathsan at gmail.com Copyright Pushpa Srivatsan \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit at cheerful dot c om Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}