% Text title : uktiprtyuktistotram % File name : uktiprtyuktistotram.itx % Category : vishhnu, vishnu\_misc, vAdirAja % Location : doc\_vishhnu % Author : Shri Vadirajayati % Transliterated by : N.Balasubramanian bbalu at sify.com % Proofread by : N.Balasubramanian bbalu at sify.com % Latest update : August 10, 2007 % Send corrections to : Sanskrit@cheerful.com % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. 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The gopi cunningly uses this second meaning to tease Krishna and thus the conversation goes on.## (ukti ## = statement, ##pratyukti## = statement in reply.)## a~NgulyA kaH kavATa.n praharati\? kuTile\! mAdhavaH\, ki.n vasanto\? no chakrI\, ki.n kulAlo\? nahi dharaNIdharaH\, ki.n dvijihvaH phaNIndraH\? nAha.n ghorAhimardI\, khagapatirasi ki.n\? no hariH\, ki.n kapIndrastvityeva.n gopakanyA\-prativachanajaDaH pAtu mA.n padmanAbhaH || 1|| ##(Gopi):- ##a~NgulyA## =With the finger## kaH kavATa.n praharati##? = who is hitting (tapping) the door? (Krishna):- ##kuTile## = O! crooked one! ## mAdhavaH## (I am) Madhava. (also means spring season). (Gopi):-## ki.n vasantaH##? =Is it the spring season? (Krishna):- ## no\, chakrI## = No, (I am) Chakrapani or the one with the wheel (also means a potter). (Gopi):- ## ki.n kulAlaH##? = Is it a potter? (Krishna):- ## nahi, dharaNIdharaH## = No, I am the one bearing the world. (Gopi):- ## ki.n dvijihvA phaNIndraH##? = is it the serpant Sesha (who is said to bear the world on his head), the king of the snakes? (Krishna):- ## nAha.n\, ghorAhimardI## = not me, (I am) the one who controlled the frightful snake (Kaliya), (Gopi):- ##khagapatirasi ki.n## = are you Garuda, the king of birds? (and enemy of snakes) (Krishna):- ## no\, hariH## no, (I am) Hari (also means a monkey), (Gopi):- ## ki.n kapIndraH asti##? are you the chief of the monkeys?## iti eva.n## = in this manner## padmanAbhaH ## = Lord Padmanabha## gopakanyA prativachanajaDaH## = who was not smart and was unable to respond to the gopi ##mA.n pAtu## = may protect me.## kR^iShNa\! tva.n kutra gato.asi chAdya mR^igayAsakto vanAnta.n gato gandho.anyo vanapuShpajaH shramajala.n gharmaxata.n kaNTakaiH | astveva.n mR^igayA tu kenachid aho daShTo.adharo dR^Ishyate sha~NkhapUraNamatra kAraNamida.n kuryA.n pramANani te || 2|| ## (Gopi):- ##kR^iShNa\! tva.n kutra gato.asi chAdya## = Krishna! where had you been today? (Krishna):- ## mR^igayAsakto vanAnta.n gataH## = I went to the forest in search of animals. (Gopi):- ## gandho anyo vanapuShpajaH## = (but I get) smell that is different; it is from that of a wild (forest) flower? (Krishna):- ## shramajala.n gharmaxata.n kaNTakaiH## = it is from the sweat caused by the heat and (I am also) hurt by the thorns. (Gopi):- ##astu eva.n mR^igayA## = let it be so about chasing the animals, ## tu kenachid aho daShTo.adharo dR^ishyate##? = but, your lips appear to be bitten by some one? (Krishna):- ## sha~NkhapUraNamatra kAraNamida.n## = the reason is the blowing of the conch.## kuryA.n pramANani te## = I will put up evidence to you.## ambhaste shayanIya\-meta\-dudadhe\-rlIlopadhAna.n phaNI tvattejaHparamANureSha dahano bhR^ityAH samastAH surAH | kuxinyasta\-samasta\-bhArajagataH ki.n syAttulAropaNe vyartha.n vAchyamida.n striyopahasitaH smero hariH pAtu naH || 3|| udadhe ambhaste shayanIya.n## = the waters of the ocan is your resting place, ##etat lIloupadhAna.n phaNI## = the pillow You sport is the snake (Sesha), ##eSha dahanaH## = this fire ##tvat tejaHparamANuH## = is but an atom of Your effulgence, ##bhR^ityAH samastAH surAH## = all the gods are Your servants, ##kuxinyasta\-samasta\-bhArajagataH## the weight of the entire universe is held in Your stomach, (this being so), ##tulAropaNe## in making comparison ## ki.n syAt##? = what can happen? ## striyopahasitaH## (to say that ) You were laughed at by a woman, ##vyartha.n vAchyamida.n## = is but a meaningless statemant only. ##smeraH## = that smiling, ##hariH pAtu naH## = Hari, let Him protect us. Note:- The legend of Krishna is charming and had given rise to many such poems that describe gopis teasing or talking to Krishna. This one is from Sri Krishnakarnamritam. Here a gopi had caught Krishna when He was trying to insert His hand into a vessel containing butter. She starts questioning Him. ## kastva.n bAla\! balAnujaH\, kimiha te\? manmandirAsha~NkayA\, yukta.n\, tannavanIta\-pAtravivare hasta.n kimarta.n nyaseH\? mAtaH\! ka~nchana vatsaka.n mR^igayitu.n mA gAH viShAda.n xaNAt ityeva.n varavallavI prativachaH kR^iShNasya puShNAtu naH ||## Gopi:- ##kastva.n bAla\!## = O boy! who are you? Krishna:- ##balAnujaH## = I am the brother of Balarama. Gopi:- ##kimiha te\?## = what do you want here? Krishna: ## manmandirAsha~NkayA## = (I entered) mistaking this to be my house. Gopi:- ##yukta.n tat## = it is OK.##navanIta\-pAtravivare hasta.n kimarta.n nyaseH\?## = (but) why did you keep your hand in the vessel having butter? Krishna:- ## mAtaH\!## O mother!## ka~nchana vatsaka.n mR^igayitu.n## = (it is) to look for a calf, ## mA gAH viShAda.n xaNAt## = do not get upset (so fast) in a second. ##ityeva.n varavallavI prativachaH kR^iShNasya puShNAtu naH## = let such words of Krishna given in reply to the good gopi woman protect us.## || iti shrIvAdirAjayati kR^itam ukti\-pratyukti stotram sa.npUrNam || ## Encoded, translated, and proofread by N.Balasubramanian bbalu@sify.com \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit at cheerful dot c om Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}