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He has travelled the world studying under the great enlightened masters who are now no longer alive on Earth. A high ranking martial artist, Alexander now wishes to share with you, the highest and most simplest truths. From a man with decades of experience, join Alexander on a journey of the unknowable and the obvious. \medskip\hrule\medskip \centerline{\bf THE INCONCEIVABLE} \centerline{by N.O. BODY} \medskip \leftline{FOREWORD} The New Testament deals with the necessities of life succinctly and simply: ``....seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all things shall be added unto you'' (Mattew 6:33). It also specifies the direction of search in the two principal commandments: ``.....Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets'' (Matthew 22:37-40). The first commandment requires a realisation, to the core of our being, that we depend entirely on God - the intelligence that governs the universe - for everything: that life is a daily miracle in which we are wholly dependent, even for the air that we breath and for the means of breathing it. When this primary awareness is established, by definition it puts the abstraction of our personal characteristics that we term self - image or personality into perspective: as a relative, although powerful, illusion. Only when this is clearly apparent are we capable of satisfying the second commandment. Of necesity, until this stage is reached, the maintenance of the personal illusion must have priority value and, consequently, all human love - however noble its appearance - is squarely based on self love. When we realise that the reality of our existence is as points of destiny in a field of energy, that we have our being only as part of a greater whole, only then do the conditions exist in which we may begin to value or love our neighbours as ourselves. The world of relative illusion, however, provides the context for our existence within the co-ordinates of time and space: it cannot be dismissed out of hand. The New Testament summarises our relationship to it: ``Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar`s; and unto God the things that are God`s'' (Matthew 22:21). These are the truths that this short publication attempts to convey. It has not been conceived as a carefully reasoned and referenced treatise and, consequently, it should not be read as such; rather, it should be understood as a prose poem and absorbed through a combination of feeling and intellect. WFW. March 1995. \centerline{INTRODUCTION} That the world is in apparent chaos is evident, seen from the point of view that Man is in control. While Man clings for dear life to the idea of his own importance, and each man to the idea of his own superiority over another, then utter chaos apparently reigns. It was ever thus. That the world is not in chaos but is exactly as it should be, is evident to the man who has wakened up to the joyful realisation that he, as such, is not in control of anything, not even himself. Such a man can live, without pretensions of self-importance, wholly and completely, secure in the knowledge that Life has a pattern to it, a rhythm, in which he, and all living things, has a part. When a man has even an inkling that he might not be what he imagines himself to be, this awareness begins the process of bringing order to his life and, consequently, all Life. Hence he begins a life of true freedom of right actions, of heightened awareness, of lightness and laughter and casting off imagined burdens, of ceasing to invest importance (so beloved by Man to uphold the myth that he is `living') into objects, images and ideas in this world of appearance. Here is the dilemma. Appearance. This dual world of light and shade, love and hate, good and bad, is like two sides of a coin. You can`t have one without the other but, unlike a coin, heads and tails never seem to stay as one. What is good for one person will very likely upset another. Call is what you will - Unity, Harmony, God, Life Force, Creation - `It' is not a fixed object but an ever present, living Intelligence. The universal, impersonal `I'. The irony is that for all our searching we are `It' manifest. ``I operate in shape and form and in non-form. I never sleep. I never die, only my forms appear to live and die. The universe is vast and unknowable to you but I know it in minute detail. I am present at all times. I animate all things, when they `die' I am still here. When new `life' appears, I am here. I have come and gone countless times in form but I am still here, NOW. Always now-here, no-where else, therefore I have never left you. I ensure that Truth surrounds you. Prepare, be still, silent, and My unseen presence will be known to you. There is no separation, it only appears so. I am all Life. I am present in everything and everyone. I dwell within you, and you, and you. Should one `you' or 10 million `yous' disappear I am still here. I am you.'' Somehow the truth about ourselves eludes us as we stumble about half asleep, never quite waking up. Occasionally we rub enough sleep from our eyes to allow us to catch a glimpse of that which is beyond our small, unreal `selves`. Once glimpsed never forgotten. This seems like a good moment to wake up! A.A.C March 1995 \medskip \centerline{S T A R T} \medskip When one looks around the world today, the planet, the universe, society, I am sure one must be struck by the absolute chaos; suffering that is going on in all our professions - business, banking, agriculture - and one wonders why is this so? For a number of years now, I and a few friends have discussed this in our own homes intimately, and tried to find sane solutions; because I think you will agree that there`s insanity in this planet. I believe someone at one time quoted that this planet was a lunatic asylum for the rest of the universe, and so it seems. So, my friends decided that we would try and bring this forward in a very simple way so that people could understand it. We ourselves had studied it from a metaphysical point of view - from a philosophical point of view - but when we tried to get other people interested, they complained that although they thought the subject was very good and very interesting, the language fobbed them off. They got lost and they weren`t happy with that at all. Of course, if we look at our language, any language today: our language is dual. Our language is brought about by thought. Thought, if we examine it very closely, is based on memory. Memory of course is education, and memory is, of course, past. Always in the past, never now in the present, and I think you will agree that past is dead. So we come to the alarming view that we really are dead people trying to live now, from the past - from the grave, you may say. And then you wonder why we are always in a state of chaos, in this state of not knowing - a state of guessing. Thought itself bases all its observations on what we call metaphysically split minds, in other words, divided minds, i.e. works on the basis of a comparitive rather than an holistic approach. The whole of society is divided, fragmented. It isn`t in one piece and in actual fact the universe was created in one piece, whole. The dictionary meaning of the word `whole' means holy. H-o-l-y. It also means sane, healthy, in order, complete. This is the dictionary meaning of the word, but it doesn`t seem to apply when we look around us at what is happening in our political life, in our business life - dare I say - in our holy life, in our churches, in our religions. There is a continual conflict going on in everything. And of course there is division everywhere. One of the odd things, when one looks at words, I think we can learn a lot from words, from the dictionary. For instance we use the word `individual' when we refer to ourselves, or different nations and so on.....but if we look at the dictionary meaning of the word `individual' it actually means indivisible - not divided. And yet the whole universe is divided, separated - or, let me add quickly, appears to be; because later on I hope to show you, or share with you, my observations that in the whole universe there is only one, there is no such thing as division. Division is an appearance rather like time and space. Time and space is only an illusory appearance - has no actuality. In physics they have found this out time and time again. Also everything that we see as individuals, again, we must look at the word `individual`, what it actually means. However, when we look around us nothing is whole and because it is divided, it is in conflict. Conflict exists everywhere. I am separate from you, you are separate from me. I am better than you or not so good as you. People, instead of working in harmony, helping each other, are working in conflict with each other. Bosses are demanding high wages and making sure that people who are not so fortunate are getting the lowest wages, if any wage at all. On the other hand, we are so short of money that we are paying millions of people - 20 million people in Europe - not to work, yet there is poverty and shortage of hospital beds - shortages all round. Why is this so? Have we got wrong ideas? Is our whole education wrong, or flawed? - rather like the banking system, which is also flawed. For instance if I may point again to words. The word `education`, coming from the Greek and Roman roots, doesn`t mean to push in, it means to draw out and, looking at creation itself, it doesn`t take a great deal of intelligence to see that creation, being whole, holy, one cannot actually allow in any way the great majority of the human race to do what it likes. I am sorry actually to contradict Christianity and quite a lot of other religions too, but one can see at a glance that there is no such thing as free will. Free will is a trap. Where can we get this free will from? I know that in our political life, we`ve got freedom of choice - so they say. But from an intelligent point of view if one has to choose one is confused. The man or woman who sees at a glance what is right and what is wrong, doesn`t choose. They don`t have to. These are anomalies that go on and on and on and if we are going to sort the whole problem out we have got to see these problems. For instance, the greatest truth that we must see at a glance, and if we don`t see it we may as well walk away - don`t listen any more to this little humbug. Nobody will accept it, I don`t suppose my readers will accept it. We are lived, we don`t have freedom of choice. We think we walk down streets, and go to the supermarkets, we don`t. We are walked down the street, we are led into the supermarket. There is nothing we can do in this whole universe on our own. The inconceivable created the universe and everything in it - everything - man, woman, child, bird, beast, flower, dandelion, butterfly, the sky, the sea, the rainbows - everything out of the inconceivable. We are not separated from each other, from the universe, nor are we separated from the Inconceivable - we are one, always one, there is no other. No way. And until we wake up to these facts - and one or two other facts that I will mention later on - till we wake up to these facts we are actually asleep, we are dreaming. Quite often we have a nice dream, or unpleasant dream, and we say to our wives, or husbands or friends, ``My goodness I had a nice dream last night, or ......'' but the friend who listens, says ``Oh, that`s interesting, but you were only dreaming'' and you say, ``Yes, I was, I was only dreaming''. But what you don`t realise is that there is not only the sleeping dream, there is the waking dream which we call life. From the moment we enter, or are manifested by the Inconceivable into this universe - a delightful universe, a paradise - from the moment we enter into this we are asleep and we are dreaming. The dreamer is the Inconceivable and the Inconceivable created this universe in order to experience himself, herself, themselves, call it what you like. Or shall I say, the Inconceivable created the inconceivable universe in order to know the inconceivable, to experience the inconceivable. Which brings us to a point which stands out very clearly. There is a lot of appearance of suffering, of wickedness, of evil, but we do not suffer pain, starvation, birth and death, we - who are the Inconceivable`s creation - we don`t experience this at all. We see it purely as an appearance and we appear to experience this suffering, but in actual fact it is only the inconceivable who experiences suffering, death, birth, pleasure, pain. The masters of the East many thousands of years ago pointed this out very clearly. We are sensient beings, in other words we have the sense of seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, smelling and cognition, but there is no actual entity in this universe which has these senses. These senses are in another dimension, we`ll call it a forth dimension. This universe that we live in, or are lived in, is the tri-dimensional universe but thought can operate in this tri-dimensional universe but not the senses, the senses are in the forth dimension. So we never experience what we dream we experience. Isn`t this quite magical? So we can forget death and birth. We don`t even taste our breakfast that we had in the morning. We feel, or we imagine, or dream that we have had breakfast and it tasted nice, or good, or bad, but in actual fact it is just as illusory as the universe we live in. The universe in which we live is just a \noindent Magic Shadow-show \\ Play`d in a Box whose Candle \\ is the Sun, \\ Round which we Phantom \\ Figures come and go. \\ That comes from the Rubaiyat, Omar Khayyam wrote that several hundred years ago, but it sums up actually what our universe is without any shadow of doubt. When we look out at the universe using our senses of seeing we imagine that the universe is out there, our universe in all its beauty, all its magic magnificence. In actual fact there is no universe outside of us. There is no exterior universe. Everything is inside, interior. Now that brings me to a point - lots of you are probably what I sometimes call ``do-gooders''. You want to change the world, make it a better place. Some of you no doubt, I am sorry to say, but perhaps not, I don`t think any of my readers would be still reading if they were the other side, the other side would do anything to get on, to cheat, rob, steal - these are evil people. Now the funny thing is in the whole universe, there is no such thing as a separation between good and evil. Good supports evil and evil supports good, so don`t try and waste a lot of energy to be good, or even evil. Be what you are, what you have always been. That is not a waste of energy, that is a paradise because you will be completely ordered and controlled and lived twenty-four hours a day. You have no problems, no worries. You will realise that everything in the universe is just seeing. There is no see-er and nothing seen. It`s the same with all the senses, there is just hearing, there is nothing heard and no hearer. Tasting the same. Suffering? There is no suffering, because there is no sufferer and nothing suffered. So all your pain and aches have gone with the wind. This is where you are going to jump in very quickly and say - ``Ah well wait a minute, I have suffered, I know about it. I`ve seen someone who suffers, and there is suffering''. Well now, I am sorry to contradict you. Only the appearance of suffering, but it`s only the unenlightened or the people who are asleep who suffer, they are the dreamers, both waking and sleeping dream. Mind you, I will admit, that quite often if you have had a nightmare or a nasty dream, at the time you suffer, you are terrified. But you have no scars when you wake up in the morning to show your friends, only a description. So most of our life is psychological. In fact all our life is, because the universe is purely an image in mind, a conceptualisation of mind, and image in mind. That is all we are. That is all we have ever been. So I am wondering if you are beginning to take another look at yourself. For instance when you sit across the room from your wife or husband, and you look across at them, you think you see them sitting in a chair at the other side of the room, that is not so. We see nothing outside of our minds, and you could call our minds inside our heads. Inside our heads we carry the whole universe and if we want to change the external universe that we imagine we see which is outside, there is no way you can change that except from inside. The wise change the outer from the inner. When we look and think we are looking at the outside, its absolute dream, doing absolutely nothing, it is as it is and remember we ourselves are in that dream. The dream we have or had last night, we created that dream, like the inconceivable created the inconceivable universe. We created that dream and everybody and everything in it. Some of our friends were in that dream and some of the creation we create we haven`t met yet but we will sooner or later. The other point which is something that you must know, really know, try it out for yourself. Everything you observe you are. The observation changes the observed. The physicists have found that out years ago. The observer is the observed. Without your observation, the observed has no existence on this earth. That includes your wife or your husband. He is dependent on your observation, but you are also dependent on his observation for your very existence. People say ``Oh, but when I`m not there, or he`s not there......''. There`s always an observer. The chap down the street, the woman across the road, even the beetle is a observer, but when all else fails, the Inconceivable is not only the observer, but the Inconceivable never sleeps therefore the Inconceivable is the dreamer too. There is no separation. This is simple language. No doubt a lot of my readers will laugh their sides out at it, but he who laughs last, laughs loudest. I will laugh, not to be rude or to be insulting or even to be, what shall we say, rip you off or take the mickey out of you, no but I laugh because I know that I have sowed the seed. The seed has been sown. I am drawing your attention to facts. I am trying to lead you away, gently, away from untruths. There is a little Hindu prayer which I learned in India many years ago - I thought it was very interesting. It deals with what I am talking about right at this moment. The Hindus say ``Oh Lord, lead me from darkness to light, from untruth to truth, from appearance to reality and from death to immortality.'' There you have it in a short prayer. Appearance is the universe. Reality - I must complain about the prayer because it is not quite right, it says ``lead me from appearance to reality''. You don`t have to be led from appearance to reality. As soon as you realise that appearance is not real, reality comes to you. Toute de suite. ``Lead us from death to immortality.'' There is no such thing as death. Life is life and lives for ever. You live for ever, everything lives for ever. The circumstances, the appearance may change, but it only changes into another appearance. So you have immortality. ``Lead us from darkness into light.'' There is no such thing as darkness. You can`t be led from darkness. There is only light. Where there is light there is no darkness. So, I am probably rambling on a little bit, but I am so thrilled with what I am sharing, what I am allowed to share with you dear people, that I am delighted. I am invulnerable and as soon as you have seen the direction in which I am pointing, you will be invulnerable too, and immortal. You see, the language that we use in everyday life, is a dual language. The language of duality. It is comparing, judging, interpreting, blaming - all the time. The greatest gift man has in life is to see everything as it is and to allow it to remain so. That is the great secret. It costs nothing and it doesn`t use any energy up. Just look. When you look you will see the universe. You will know the universe, because the Inconceivable that created the universe will be looking while you see. He will be hearing while you hear, smelling while you smell, tasting while you taste, knowing and cognizing what you know. If you hear the skylark singing in the summer`s morning as it soars up to the heavens, that will be the song of the Inconceivable, the Inconceivable will be the skylark`s music. The lion roars, but the Inconceivable is the one that roars. The thunderstorm and the lightning flashes, the Inconceivable will be the lightning that flashes and the roar of the thunderstorm. Nothing takes place in the universe outside of the Inconceivable. The Inconceivable is one, there is no other. One whole. One creation. I think we should be ashamed of ourselves when we imagine that we do this, that or the next thing. Who controls our breathing when we are unconscious and go to sleep? The Inconceivable. Who controls the functions of our body? Who puts the food into our mouths, or doesn`t put it in? The Inconceivable. Who digests it? Talking about this creation being just simply an appearance the physicists will tell you we are just oscillations, energy patterns and that even as we sit talking to each other, we are disappearing seven thousand, four hundred times a second, coming and going. When we talk about knowing ourselves it is laughable. How can we know ourselves? We are changing every second of our life - every second. We`ve got to wake up, we have got to look at what is thoroughly obvious before our very eyes. I often look at when I was born, where I was born, the family I was born into, whether I had blue eyes or brown eyes, whether I was male or female and I think now I wasn`t even aware that I was being born but I find myself in a country with a family and then I think I will go through life master of my ship and captain of my soul doing what I want to do. What a load of absolute nonsense - absolute nonsense. Some future date I will die in some future place of some disease or other, or accident, without hardly knowing and it will happen so quick, nobody`s going to tap me on the shoulder and say ``Excuse me, my friend, are you ready to die now?'' But there again I`ve told you there is no death. No way. There is just appearance and disappearance. There is no suffering, no pain, no success, no becoming, just what is. Wisdom is the principal thing, therefore get wisdom and with all thy getting get understanding. Proverbs 4:7 The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom and the knowledge of the Holy is understanding. Proverbs 9:10 The Basic Invalidity of Science Is Science valid? Either the world, and the entire universe, is as real as the word `real` itself asserts, or it is phenomenal (appearance) only, and appears to exist conceptually (in mind). There is, therefore, a solution of continuity between the findings of empirical science and those of dialectic metaphysics. The former is entirely dependent on the phenomenon of sense-perception, the limitations of which are known and obvious, demonstrable in experimental science itself, and variable in kind, character and efficiency among different species of sentient beings. Sensorially-based knowledge of a universe has thereby become a colossal structure of conceptuality, overwhelmingly convincing despite continual reversals of theory, to those who can accept the validity of what sense-perceptions report. But the validity of sense-perceptions as accurate records of realities objectively existing in their own right is, and remains, philosophically untenable. More over the whole conceptual edifice is extended in a spatial concept, on the validity of which it entirely depends, and also on sequential, or repetitive, duration in a time-concept whose `real`-ness as opposed to its phenominality, is necessary to the initial existence of such a scientific universe - for by means of these that universe is perceived and measured and the relation of its parts is ascertained. The metaphysical development of philosophy, however, not only questions but categorically denies, and dialectically disproves, the validity of concepts as possessing objective reality. The Madhyamika of Nagarjuna, Candrakirti, etc. may be cited as an example. So that thereby the ground is cut from under the feet of experimental science, and its vast structure is exposed as a colossal fabrication of mind, devoid of existence in its own right, the deduced `laws' of which are based on invalid assumptions according to its own system of logic, as well as upon intuitive apperception. To an open mind the question this posed must be: does the metaphysical extension of philosophy provide an alternative explanation of the apparent universe as sensorially perceived, and as interpreted and measured collectively, individually, rationally or instinctively, by different categories of sentient beings, from human to insectival? If it does not, then the claim may be justifiable that scientific methods are our only hope of understanding our relation to the phenomenal universe, and of knowing what that universe is. But if, on the contrary, it does satisfactorily explain what these are and their relation - which is the essential factor - and if we can see clearly that what it reveals must indeed be true - then the structure of Science stands revealed as a purely conceptual creation of the dualistic mind of man, with no validity that is not relative to spatial and temporal concepts. Science, recognised as a conceptual structure, built on the shifting sands of sense- perception, can only exist in a framework of theoretical space-time, the assumed reality of which it makes no effort either to justify or to explain. As a conceptual interpretation of phenominality Science is, and must remain, of immense interest to those who are themselves fully identified with the phenomenal, but it is entirely unreliable - because basically fictitious - as an explanation of our relation to the universe which appears to surround us and to which we appear to belong. The metaphysical development of philosophy alone can reveal - even though it may never be able to state in dualistic terms - what ultimately we are and what is our relation to our phenomenal universe, inseparable from ourselves, a revelation which the most optimistic could hardly anticipate from the empirical methods of Science. For Further information Contact: \noindent Alexander Fraser\\ 54 Castle Street\\ Norham\\ Berwick-apon-Tweed\\ England\\ TD15 2LQ \\ Telephone: 01289 382019 \\ \medskip \centerline{THE END} \end{document} % ---- % send Sanskrit texts, hindi/marathi/bengali/gujarathi songs, % corrections, etc to Avinash Chopde (avinash@acm.org) % ----