These pages would not be possible without Prof. Tokunaga's monumental effort in encoding the whole RAmAyaNa of the Baroda Critical Edition. This original encoding  by Prof. Muneo Tokunaga of Kyoto, Japan was modified by Prof. John Smith of Cambridge University for the CSX version of the Ramayana e-text.

Prof John Smith's files were used with his perl scripts for creating the .dn files for use with Frans J. Velthuis's Devnag package. The Devnag version was converted to Avinash Chopade's ITRANS 5.1 encoding using Jan Labanowski's Translit package and dvng2itx.tbl provided by Sorin Suciu. The ITRANS encoded text was then modified further using SED scripts to remove the TEX commands, handle nasals / anusvaars and words starting with avagraha.

ITRANS 5.1 was used to convert it to Devanagari script - both as web pages using Sandeep Sibal and Arun Gupta's XDVNG fonts and as Postscript files. The files can be selected on a chapter-by-chapter basis.

It would be great if we can get chapter names for each as it would make the selection much more meaningful.

  January 17, 1999 02:07 PM

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