
There are three views on what is meant by ‘avidyaanivr.tti’ or the cessation of ignorance.

1.    It is identical with Brahman-Aatman.

2.    It is different from Brahman-Aatman and yet it is not anirvachaniiya , but is of a fifth kind.

3.    It is identical with the direct experience of Brahman-Aatman.

See Samkshepas’aariirakam-4.13 onwards.

Madhusuudana Sarasvati rejects the second view stated above—see Vedaantakalpalatika-

The first view  derives support from S’rii S’ankara ’s Haristuti—tam samsaaradhvaantavinaas’am harim iDe.

MaNDana favours the third view above in Brahmasiddhi.

Madhusuudana Sarasvati supports the first and third views in his Advaitasiddhi—tasmaat ajnaanahaanih aatmasvaruupam tadaakaaraa vr.tti vaa iti siddham----

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