% Text title : Bharatabhumih % File name : bhAratabhUmiH.itx % Category : deities\_misc, ShaTka % Location : doc\_deities\_misc % Author : C Kunjan Rajan % Transliterated by : Sumedh Sathaye % Proofread by : Sumedh Sathaye % Translated by : C Kunjan Rajan % Description/comments : From Bharataprashatih : Ode to India, Inauguration and Proclamation of the Indian Republic on 26th January 1950 % Latest update : September 3, 2024 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. Bharatabhumih ..}## \itxtitle{.. bhAratabhUmiH ..}##\endtitles ## eShA bhAratabhUmiradya sudine nirmuchyamAnA vide\- shIyAnAM paramAdhikAranigaLAt pAde prasahyArpitAt | sArdhe varShashate.anubhUya vividhaM dainyaM punaH svochitA\- mArUDhA janarAjyamAnyapadavIM sarvaiMshcha sambhAvitA || 1|| IjiptAdipurANasaMskR^itisamutpattau svayaM jyAyasI yA prAvardhAta grIkka\-roma\-mukha sAmrAjyAbhipuShTiye | vArdhakyaM punarA~NgalAdinavarAjyeShu prapanneShu sA dhanyA bhAratamedinI vijayate tAruNyapUrNA sadA || 2|| loke kevalabhautikArthaniratAn dharmAtisaktAnapi vyomohena parA~NmukhAn budhajanAnA dhyAtmikAchChreyasaH | naubha~NgAdudadhestara~Nganivahe vikShipyamANAniva trAtuM bhAratabhUmireva bhavati praj~nAplavena kShamA || 3|| utpattirjinabuddhamukhyabahudharmAchAryapuNyAtmanAM vidyAnAM prabhavashcha, tadvisaraNe mUlaM cha loke.akhile | shashvatsvairanivAsabhUmi\-risalAM\-kristu\-jyahovAmata\- sthAnAM, pArsimatAnuyAyyabhayadaM rAShTraM chiraM rAjatu || 4|| indraprasthamiti prashastavibhavA yAsIt purI bhArate seyaM bhAratadeshamUlanagarI dillI navA bhUtale | ArAmaiH sumanoharairvipaNibhirdIpAvalIbhirmahA\- rathyAbhishcha jalAshayairvilasati stambhaishcha hamyairyutA || 5|| ## On this auspicious day, this India, freed from the chain of the supreme authority of foreigners cast on her legs by force, having suffered various humiliations for a century and half, now has once more ascended to the honoured position of the Republic, worth of herself, revered by all. 1 India, that was herself a senior at the time when ancient civilizations like that of Egypt were born, and that grew virile when Greek, Roman and other Empires were prospering and collapsing, even remains triumphant, full of youth and happy, when modern countries like England are growing old. 2 To save the intelligent men of this world who are craving for material gains and who, though in themselves intensely devoted to virtue, turn back their face from spiritual glory through delusions, like people who are tossed about on the multitude of waves in the ocean after a ship-wreck, India alone has the ability with the boat of wisdom. 3 The birth-place of holy personages like Jina and Buddha who are Teachers of Religions, the fountain of wisdom, the center for the spread of that (wisdom) in the whole world, a permanent homeland of peace for the followers of the Islamic, Christian and Jewish Religions, may this country that gave shelter to the followers of the Parsi Religion, shine forever. 4 The City that was far-famed for prosperity in the Mahabharata as Indraprastha, now glows in this world as the New Delhi, the Capital City of India, having very beautiful gardens, shops, brilliant lights, big streets, tanks, columns and mansions. 5 ## shubhAshaMsA | etAdR^ikprabhumantrashaktidhiShaNAsatkIrtijuShTairmahA\- vIraiH shashvadavekShitA dhanalasadvidyAkalAmaNDitA | yogakShemakarI samastabhuvane maitrI parAM tanvatI svasthAne janarAjyabhAratamahI jAga loke sadA || ## Ever looked after by great heroes of such sovereign power and power for deliberations and with such talents and great glory. adorned with wisdom and art resplendent with wealth, producing prosperity and welfare, bestowing full friendliness on all the countries, may the land of India as a Republic continue vigilant in her own position. ## \-\- paNDita shrI chi ku~njan rAjan (26 jAnevArI 1950) rachanA sandarbha bhArataprashatiH ## From Bharataprashatih : Ode to India On the occasion of Inauguration and Proclamation of the Indian Republic on Thursday, 26th January 1950. There are additional 15 verses in the booklet (linked below) praising the first President Rajendra Prasad, the first Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru, and the deputy Prime Minister Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel. Encoded and proofread by Sumedh Sathaye \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit@cheerful.com Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}