% Text title : gurvashhTakam 2 meaning 1 % File name : gurvashtakam.itx % Category : aShTaka, deities\_misc, gurudev, shankarAchArya % Location : doc\_deities\_misc % Author : Adi Shankaracharya % Transliterated by : Original encoding by Sorin Suciu aka SeSe at sorins at hotmail.com % Proofread by : Sunder Hattangadi % Description-comments : Hymn of 8 verses in praise of the Guru % Latest update : july 6, 2001 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. gurvaShTakaM ..}## \itxtitle{.. gurvaShTakam ..}##\endtitles ## janmAnekashataiH sadAdarayujA bhaktyA samArAdhito bhaktairvaidikalakShaNena vidhinA santuShTa IshaH svayam . sAkShAt shrIgururUpametya kR^ipayA dR^iggocharaH san prabhuH tattvaM sAdhu vibodhya tArayati tAn saMsAraduHkhArNavAt .. ## The Supreme Lord, moved by the devout and reverential homage of his disciples in accord with scriptural prescriptions in countless former births, incarnates out of compassion in the form of a Guru; he thereby comes within the orbit of sight, freely transmits to them the wisdom concerning Ultimate Reality, and enables them to cross over the ocean of sorrowful samsara, the realm of conditioned existence. ## sharIraM surUpaM tathA vA kalatraM yashashchAru chitraM dhanaM merutulyam . manashchenna lagnaM gurora~Nghripadme tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kim .. 1.. ## One's vesture may be superb, one's consort likewise, one's reputation resplendent and renowned, and one's riches like unto Mount Meru; but if one's mind be not centred upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then? ## kalatraM dhanaM putrapautrAdi sarvaM gR^ihaM bAndhavAH sarvametaddhi jAtam . manashchenna lagnaM gurora~Nghripadme tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kim .. 2.. ## Wife, wealth, sons, grandsons and all such; home and kindred; the host of all these things may be there; but if one's mind be not centred upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then? ## ShaDa~NgAdivedo mukhe shAstravidyA kavitvAdi gadyaM supadyaM karoti . manashchenna lagnaM gurora~Nghripadme tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kim .. 3.. ## The Vedas with their six limbs and the knowledge of all sciences may be on one's lips; one may possess the poetic gift and may compose fine prose and poetry; but if one's mind be not centred upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then? ## videsheShu mAnyaH svadesheShu dhanyaH sadAchAravR^itteShu matto na chAnyaH . manashchenna lagnaM gurora~Nghripadme tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kim .. 4.. ## I am honoured in other lands and I am prosperous in my homeland; in the paths of righteous conduct there is none who surpasses me; thus one may think; but if one's mind be not centred upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then? ## kShamAmaNDale bhUpabhUpAlavR^indaiH sadA sevitaM yasya pAdAravindam . manashchenna lagnaM gurora~Nghripadme tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kim .. 5.. ## One may be constantly extolled and one's presence highly honoured by hosts of emperors and rulers of this world; but if one's mind be not centred upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then? ## yasho me gataM dikShu dAnapratApA\- jjagadvastu sarvaM kare yatprasAdAt . manashchenna lagnaM gurora~Nghripadme tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kim .. 6.. ## My repute has travelled in all directions through my philanthropy and prowess; all the things of this world are in my hands as rewards for my virtues; but if one's mind be not centred upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then? ## na bhoge na yoge na vA vAjirAjau na kAntAmukhe naiva vitteShu chittam . manashchenna lagnaM gurora~Nghripadme tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kim .. 7.. ## Consciousness cannot be confined to enjoyment or to yoga, nor indeed to multitudes of steeds, neither to the face of the beloved nor to riches; yet if one's mind be not centred upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then? ## araNye na vA svasya gehe na kArye na dehe mano vartate me tvanarghye . manashchenna lagnaM gurora~Nghripadme tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kiM tataH kim .. 8.. ## My mind does not dwell upon the forest nor even upon my home, nor in what is to be accomplished, not upon the body, nor upon what is auspicious; yet if one's mind be not centred upon the lotus feet of the Guru, what then, what then, what then? ## guroraShTakaM yaH paThetpuNyadehI yatirbhUpatirbrahmachArI cha gehI . labhedvA~nChitArthaM padaM brahmasaMGYaM guroruktavAkye mano yasya lagnam .. ## Whoever, hallowed by holy merit, ponders the above octad extolling the Guru, whose mind is centred upon the words of the Guru, whether such a person be an ascetic, sovereign, student or householder, attains the desired goal, the consummation of union with brahman. Original encoding by Sorin Suciu aka SeSe at sorins@hotmail.com Proofread by Sunder Hattangadi and Sridhar Seshagiri seshagir at engineering.sdsu.edu Translation by Hermes from http://theosophy.org/tlodocs/devoguru.htm \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit@cheerful.com Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}