% Text title : Sangita Gadyam with meanings and notes % File name : sangItagadyam.itx % Category : deities\_misc, gurudev, puShpAshrIvatsan, gadyam % Location : doc\_deities\_misc % Author : Pushpa Srivatsan % Transliterated by : N V Vathsan nvvathsan at gmail.com % Proofread by : N V Vathsan nvvathsan at gmail.com % Translated by : Pushpa Srivatsan (Copyright) % Description-comments : Offering for the Maha Pushya Bahula Panchami of Sadguru Sri Tyagabrahmam, February 2, 2021. % Latest update : May 25, 2021 % Send corrections to : Sanskrit@cheerful.com % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. Sri Sangita Gadyam ..}## \itxtitle{.. shrIsa~NgItagadyam ..}##\endtitles ## OM shrIrAmajayam | OM sadgurushrItyAgarAjasvAmine namo namaH | || shrIsa~NgItagadyam || OM tyAgarAjAya vidmahe | satsa~NgItAya dhImahi | tanno guruH prachodayAt || sa~NgItasatsubhAvAya bhAvasuj~nAnagItaye | bhAvasa~NgItagadyAya sadgurusvAmine namaH || atha shrIsa~NgItagadyam | OM jaya jaya shrIpapriyasa~NgItopAsanArthAvatAranAdabrahmAnanda ! 1 shi~njitajhallakaghalkR^itama~njIrahrI~NkR^itatumbarasaptasvarakolAhala\- \- ravamadhuramadhuraravanAdadivyAkR^ite ! 2 sa~NgItayogaj~nAnabhaktibrahmAnandasukha ! 3 sa~NgItAdhyAtmayogajIvanAchAra ! 4 sa~NgItamayashrIrAmamayajIvana ! 5 brAhmamuhUrtabhaulIrAgAlApanasuprabhAtakIrtanashrIsItArAmadainapUjArambha ! 6 shrIsItArAmaprAtarnaivedyanavanavyamR^idumAdhuryarAgakIrtananavanItakShIra ! 7 damashamadhyAnagAnaga~NgAsnAnasukha ! 8 sa~NgItalayAtmAnandaga~NgAparipluta ! 9 shrIrAmasmaraNanAmatArakajapadivyakIrtanaga~NgAbhiShiktashrIrAma ! 10 svahR^itpUrNAnurAgarAgamayasuj~nAnakIrtanachandanacharchitashrIrAmachandra ! 11 amR^itavAgbharmachelaparihitashrIrAma ! 12 kIrtanashatarAgaratnamAlikApariShkR^itashrIrAma ! 13 svaramadhurasurabhitanAmakusumabahura~NgitakR^itimAlikAbhUShita\- \- shrIrAma ! 14 nityAnuShThAnashrIrAmadivyanAmasa~NkIrtananAmakusumasaurabhya\- \- pariveShTitashrIrAma ! 15 upachArakIrtanAtilalitarasabhAvachAruvAksaraNyakhaNDapANDityakomala\- \- hR^idayotkUlAnurAgarAgalayalInama~njugAnahAritaharisAtmaka ! 16 mAnasakanakapIThanavavidhabhaktiratnasphuratsi.nhAsanapratiShThita\- \- shrIrAmanAmakusumakusumajAlapUjananiratapuNyarUpa ! 17 surasa~NgItopAsitadharaNijAramaNapadapallavArchananAmapArijAta\- \- pallavAkarakarapallava ! 18 svaya.nprakAshashrIrAmasannidhirAgadhUpavAsaj~nAnadIpaprakAsha ! 19 shrutisukhalayAlayabhaktibhAvasnigdhashabdAtimR^idusvAdugAnaShaDrasayuta\- divyAnnabhojananaivedya ! 20\* shrIrAmanAmarasasatkIrtanAmR^itapAnakanaivedya ! 21 ma~NgalagAnadIpArAdhitajyotirmaNDalAvR^itajyotissvarUpAkhaNDAnanda\- \- shrIrAma ! 22 jhalkR^itatAlatumbaranAdaghananayarAgama~njulagAnama~NgalakIrtana\- \- ghaNTAmadhuradIpArAdhanashrIrAmadarshanAnanda ! 23 sa~NgItaShoDashopachArapUjanabhojanAntarashrIrAmaShaDakSharamantrajapAyuta ! 24 pratidivAyuktarAmasmaraNanAmajapAnanyachintananAdopAsana\- \- sa~NgItamayajIvanamahAj~nAnin ! 25 pradoShaprashAntilayaramaNIyaj~nAnadIpasannidhishrIrAmaj~nAnasvarUpa\- gAnavismR^itasva ! 26 pradoShArAdhananivedanabhaktibhAvamadhuritadivyakIrtanakShIrAnna ! 27 rAtryatimR^idumadhuraravashAntilayachArurAgasa~NkIrtanalAlitAnubhUta\- \- shAntirUpashrIsItArAma ! 28 shrIrAmapAyanAtivAtsalyAnurAgashlakShNasa~NgItakShIra ! 29 shrIrAmashayyapremasAmodamR^iduhR^itpuShpatUlika ! 30 nIlAmbarIrAgAlApanamiShTakIrtanaparipelavama~njularavalAligAna\- \- shrIrAmayoganidrAsvApana ! 31 shrIrAmamAnasapUjananAdopAsanasa.ntatanirata ! 32 shrIrAmanavamipUjotsavabhajanAmR^itadivyagAnanAmAvalidhoraNavarShaNAhlAda\- nartanapuNyadarshanashrotranetrotsava ! 33 akhilasArashrIrAmatArakanAmasusvaragAnasukhavilasitasumukha ! 34 atilAvaNyarAmAtilAvaNyagAnalAlana ! 35 utsavasampradAyAtimadhurakIrtanAhUtapremalAlitashrIrAma ! 36 lalitakIrtanapuShpAndolikAlAlitanAdasudhArasarUpakashrIrAmabhogya\- \- sArabhIharashrIkaranAmakusumarasamiShTAnnarAgasudhArasapAnara~njana ! 37\* dolotsavachArukIrtanamAdhuryamR^idulasvararamaNIyagAnamohitamohanarAma ! 38 prahlAdabhaktivijayageyanATakagItaprasha.nsitavairAgyabhaktivaisheShya ! 39 naukAcharitrashrIkR^iShNalIlAvarNanagAnaprachoditAnanyasharaNAgatibhAva ! 40 nityapArAyaNashrImadrAmAyaNabhAgavatasArasa~NgItasAra ! 41 shrImadrAmAyaNasArasArasatkIrtanamutyashrIrAmasahasranAmagaNa ! 42 ShaNNavatikoTishrIrAmaShaDakSharamantrajapasAkShAtkR^itashrIrAmayAgarakShaNa\- \- darshanapraharShAjasradhArAga~NgApravAhAThANArAgakIrtanaprAsAnuprAsa\- \- padalAlityanartanAhlAdaharShAshruga~NgApravahatvatpAdapatiteda.nbhakta ! 43\* sadArAmachintanagAnadhyAnasahajasamAdhistha ! 44 harinAmasa~NkIrtanasa~NgItayogasamAdhistha ! 45 sAttvikatyAgasa~NgItopAsananityopachAra ! 46 shrIrAmarAgopachAratiraskR^itarAjopachAra ! 47 shrIrAmasadbhaktisa~NgItasAmrAjyachakravartin ! 48 sa~NgItasatkIrtanasvAnubhUtashrIrAmarAmabhaktisAmrAjya ! 49 sadvairAgyasAyujyAdvaitasAmrAjya ! 50 viShayaviraktanaijabhaktisa~NgItaj~nAnasamaShTirUpa ! 51 u~nChavR^ittigAnaprasAritottamottamopadeshasAra ! 52 sa~NgItaj~nAnabhaktitattvasattvasanmArgabodhana ! 53 sa~NgItarasAnubhavamayakR^itiratnasUkShmasUchitavedapurANetihAsasArA.nsha\- \- yogarahasyanAdayoga ! 54 sa~NgItaprApyasArarUpasArvabhaumashrIrAmapadasArasayugapUjana\- \- sa~NgItayoga ! 55 sa~NgItAdhyAtmayogaprabhAvaprabodhanabahulakIrtanaratna ! 56 sa~NgItAdhyAtmayogaprabhAvaprabodhanabahulakR^ititautikADhya\- \- rAgalayabhAvaj~nAnabrahmAnandasamudra ! 57 brahmAnandaprApanasa~NgItarasamadhurapUritasatkR^itipaTala ! 58 sa~NgItasvaramadhura ! 59 sa~NgItasvaramadhurasa~NgItasa~NgItAtiriktasvaramadhurashrIrAma ! 60 sa~NgItamadhuritamadhutamashrIrAmanAma ! 61 sa~NgItAmodarAgakusumarAgasudhArasarasanarAmarAmasushabdabhramara\- nAdamadhukara ! 62 sa~NgItasa~NgItasa~NgItamahimasa~NgItamahima ! 63 sa~NgItanutavAgIshanutavAgIsha ! 64 sa~NgItasvarasUtranAmajAlamaNimayamAlAla~NkR^itashrIrAma ! 65 sa~NgItAnandaghanaghanasvanArAdhitAnandaghanashrIrAma ! 66 sa~NgItAdhivAsitanAmakusumabhAvasnigdhamAnasashrIrAmapUjanaikaparyAya ! 67 sa~NgItAdhivAsitanAmakusumArchitarAmAnandabhAvasnigdhasatsukIrtana ! 68 sa~NgItAdhivAsitabhAvamadhusnigdhanAmakusumapUjanaprIta\- \- shrIrAmasItApratyakShadarshanasaubhAgya ! 69 sa~NgItopAsanashrIrAmanAmasa~NkIrtanabhajanagAnanartanadivyAnandaghana ! 70 sa~NgItasaptasvarollAsasAhityavANInaTanaj~nAnagabhIranAmakIrtanaprasara ! 71 sa~NgItasAhityasammiShTasatsudivyanAmakIrtanaprachura ! 72 sa~NgItakR^ityatimadhurasaralarItisa.nskR^itabhAShApuShkala ! 73 sa~NgItavAgvachanasalalitasambhAShitashrIrAma ! 74 sa~NgItasa~NgItalolashrIrAmashrIrAmasa~NgItalolasa~NgItalolahR^illola ! 75 sa~NgItopAsanIyasa~NgItapriya ! 76 sa~NgItopAsanalInamAnasadhana ! 77 sa~NgItA~njalisamuditasa~NgItasA.npradAyikashrIrAma ! 78 sa~NgItopAsanAlInAsvananasa~NgItasvana ! 79 sa~NgItopAsanAtishAyanAsvanitasa~NgItasvana ! 80 divyanAmasa~NkIrtanadivyAnubhavadivyasa~NgItasannidha ! 81 sa~NgItasa~NgItaprANasa~NgItAdhArashrutiprANajIvana ! 82 prANadasa~NgItasa~NgItaprANa ! 83 sajjanajIvanamajjanajIvanasadgAnabhajanasa~NgItajIvAna ! 84\* paunaHpunyasnAtavyagA~NgeyasatsukIrtana ! 85 suprakAshasItArAmasuprabhAtasa~NgItasAra~Nga ! 86 pratimitrodayavelamR^idumadhurasa~NgItamitrakulamitrasusvarArthimitra ! 87\* rAgAnurAgasukavitvasa~NgItaj~nAnAnandaghanApavargya ! 88 sarasasa~NgItasadAgatijadhR^ipadasArasa ! 89 shrIrAmanAmasArasAragAnasa~NgItasvara ! 90 kShemadivyadhAmarAmanAmagAnanityaniyama ! 91 divyanAmasa~NkIrtanashabdAtimiShTasvarAnandananditashrIrAma ! 92 harinAmasa~NkIrtanasumArchitashrIraghunAthasupada ! 93 bhaktAntaHsphUrtikAraNadivyanAmasatkIrtana ! 94 sandehabhayApohanAntarikabhaktimArganayanasatkIrtana ! 95 sadbhaktivardhanasatsukIrtana ! 96 sadbhaktinAmasa~NkIrtanajIvanAnanda ! 97 sa~NgItasa.nyuktahR^idayArAmashrIrAma ! 98 rAgAnurAgasa~NgItarAgasvarayutashrIrAma ! 99 susvaramayabhUShabhUShasusvarasusvaramayabhUSha ! 100\* gAnalolagAnalolagAnalola ! 101 veNugAnalolanAmagAnalola ! 102 shrutimUlastutimUlastutimUla ! 103 sugrIvasuhR^itsugAnasugrIva ! 104 gadanamR^idumAdhuryajitavINAprakvaNa ! 105 tyAgarAjapriyanAmagAnapriya ! 106 nAmarasarasanarasagAnagala ! 107 sadAbhajanagAnamuda ! 108 sadAtmAnandasa~NgItalayaR^iShishreShTha ! 109 saguNagAnAntardhyAnaj~nAnarUpya ! 110 saguNanirguNanijatattvaj~nAnanAmasa~NkIrtana ! 111 bhavatAraNakR^itiratnaparamabhAgavata ! 112 sadbhaktisa~NgItabhAvitabhogishAyirAgarUparAgayoga ! 113 nAdabrahmAnandasuj~nAnasukha ! 114 kamalavairishekharapriyanAmaguNagAnapriya ! 115 susvarapriyasusvarapriyaguNagrAmasusvarapriya ! 116\* sarasIruhacharaNArchanasa~NgItasarasIruha ! 117 dhenamadhuramadhuragAnadhIdhena ! 118\* shrIramaNAramaNaramyagAnasuvAkshrIramaNa ! 119 satsa~NgItasuvAsasattvAtItaparabrahmashrIrAma ! 120 salalitavA~Nmadhurasa~NgItArchitasa~NgItAnandashrIrAma ! 121 salalitavachanavachassalalitasvana ! 122 chandrakalAdharapriyasa~NgItapriyashrIrAmanAmagAnapriyasa~NgItapriya ! 123\* paramArthasa~NgItaparamArthaj~nAnAvabodhanaparamArthasadgurudeva ! 124 ravirAjanayanagAnarAgArdranayanaravirAjarAjanutigAnarAja ! 125\* ravikulAbdhirAjarAgAbdhirAjaravikularAjagAnarAja ! 126\* raviputramitramitra ! 127 ravirAjasutAvAhasudhAkR^itivAha ! 128\* vadanajitasudhAkaravadanajitasudhAsrava ! 129 narAnandarAmavarAnandagAnasvarAnandasAra ! 130 durAchArakhaNDanasanmArgadarshanasa~NgItabodhanasatkIrtanAchArya ! 131 sakalashrutisArashrIrAmanAmasakalashrutisArasAranutigAna\- \- bhajanakIrtana ! 132\* sArarAmanAmadhyAnagAnayogabhogabhogishAyiyoga ! 133\* sArarAmasupadasArasarasagAnabrahmAnandasAra ! 134\* sArasatpAdasamarpitabhaktamanovichAra ! 135 sArasatkIrtananAmatArakopadeshaghorasa.nsArabhayatAraka ! 136 sArasavadanasarasavadanasAdhusArasa ! 137 sArasanetrasarasarAsamAnasasa~NgItasArasa ! 138 sarvasArarAmarAgarAgasArasAra ! 139 sArasvarasa~NgItasArasAkShasArasAkSha ! 140 sadAdhyAnagAnabhajanasAragItamuditasArasAkShasArasAkSha ! 141 sAratamaharipUjanasAratamaharigAyana ! 142 sArarahitajIvanaikasArasa~NgItasAra ! 143 sArarahitakopavelashAntisukhasa~NgItasvana ! 144 sArahInasa.nsArasArarAmanAmagAnatAraka ! 145 sA.nsArikajvarasa~njIvananAmasa~NgItauShadha ! 146 sanmR^idubhAShaNasumadhurasa~NgItAshvAsitasa.nsArasantaptamAnaseda.nbhakta ! 147 sa.nsArakAnanaparibhramaNatAraNasArarAmanAmasa~NgItasAra ! 148 sA.nsArikavAsanAparyastaikabhaktaikaparAyaNasa~NgItAchArya ! 149 timirayuktabhaktamanaskandaraDIyamAnasa~NgItAbhapatravAhana ! 150 j~nAnAbhAvatamaAvaraNapATanaj~nAnabhAbhAvasa~NgIta ! 151\* sa.nsAraniShAdadhUsarAbbhrasa~NgItAruNArkarAgakiraNa ! 152 uShaHprashAntinIlAkAshodayAruNasaumerukarAgarAgasa~NgItarAga ! 153 prakR^itiravajAlapakShijAlamR^idumadhuradhvanivINAprakvaNa\- \- shrutasa~NgItasvana ! 154 sa.nsArarAvamadhyaprashAntasusvarasa~NgItaikaj~nAnakokila ! 155 paruShashabdAsuraharasa~NgItasvarAvatAra ! 156 paruShashabdatApaprashAntasa~NgItakavacha ! 157 tAmasarAjasamAnavasa.nbandhatADitamAnasasAntvanasa~NgItasvana ! 158 dhyAnasAya.nsandhyAmR^idugAnakArtasvarAbha ! 159 sandhyAvelaprashAntivardhanasa~NgItasvara ! 160 sandhyAdhyAnaprashAntininAdasa~NgItasvana ! 161 sandhyAprashAntinIravaghanaravanAdaghana ! 162 sandhyArAmasandhyArAgasa~NgItarAgAbha ! 163 sandhyAdhyAnastimitamAnasapragADhaprashAntilayasa~NgItasvara ! 164 sandhyAkAlaramyagagAthasArasAraramaNIyashrIsItArAma ! 165\* sa~NkIrNasaptasvarasuradhanurvarNajAlavilasitasa~NgItAkAsha ! 166 saptasvarashakradhanUrAgajAlarAgasa~NgItaghanasundaraghananIlagAnagagana ! 167 sa~NgItanIlAkAshasauvarNara~NgaNashrIrAmasItAdivyAbhAsaundaryalaya ! 168 sa~NgItarAganIlAkAshavividhAtmAnubhavashuddhashvetanIlapATalarAgara~NgaNa\- \- rAgakR^itipaTalarAgara~njanarAgara~njana ! 169\* sa~NgItanIlAkAshakA~nchanarajatarAgarAgamayakarakR^itikAra\- \- divyataulika ! 170\* samunnamanodyotanasa~NgItahimAlayadarshana ! 171 sa~NgItahimAlayashrIrAmAnandarAjatarAmitaj~nAnashekhara ! 172\* prauDhonnatanAdahimakulagirishikhararAgahaimakausumbhapATaladyotana\- \- j~nAnanirmalanIlAkAshabhaktibhAvaraktasandhyArAga ! 173\* rAgarAgahimAlayasa~NgItAnandavikiraNagAnarAkArAga ! 174 anurAgahimAlayasa~NgItasauvarNIkR^itaj~nAnaghananIlamAnasasarovara\- \- rAgarasarAkAchandra ! 175 ananyachittabhaktAnurAgamAnasasarovarapratibimbita\- \- sa~NgItasvarNodayachandra ! 176 prashAntamAnasasarovaramandahAsara~Ngatara~NgalasadrAgashuddhasattva\- \- shvetaj~nAnAnandanAdaparamaha.nsa ! 177 nAdasatopAntahimasa.nhatiprabhavasaptasvarasa.nhUtisvanAnandAlakAnandA\- \- pravAhasa~NgItaj~nAnamayakIrtana ! 178\* alaukikaprashAntisaundaryarAmabhaktihimAlayasa~NgItavasudhArApAta ! 179 divyanAmasa~NkIrtanAjasradhArAbhaktiga~NgApravahasa~NgItaj~nAnahimyAlaya ! 180 nArAyaNaharinAmabhajanagAnadivyabadarIdhAmapuNyadarshana ! 181 sa.nsArataptakuNDasamIpaj~nAnahimashikharagAlagIta\- \- shItAlakAnandApravAha ! 182\* dharAvatArashrIrAmadhyAnakIrtanadivyahimaga~NgAsnAnapuNyAnubhava ! 183 paramAtmAnandaj~nAnahimashekharapraNi.nsanasa~NgItamumuchAna ! 184 paramAnandaghananIlavyomaplavanashuddhasattvashvetasa~NgItashveta ! 185 shuddhasattvashvetaplavaparamAnandaghananIlasa~NgItagagana ! 186 nAmakusumADhyasaptasvarAnandapuShpakandarasaptasvarAnandapuShpakandara\- \- nAmakusumasaurabhyaprasarasa~NgItasamIra ! 187\* saptasvaratArAgaNasphuraNashrIrAmachandrachandrahAsanAmanakShatrasmera\- \- sa~NgItapuShkaranAdahimAlaya ! 188 sAya.nsandhyAdhyAnahimyaprashAntasa~NgItalaya ! 189 aprayatnamanolayadhyAnagomukhaprashAntilayasa~NgItasaralavAha ! 190 sarigamapadhanivarasaptasvarasattvashvetapakShyuDDInanAdaga~NgAtIra\- \- dhyAnasandhyAkAsha ! 191 sa.nsAraprachalitAtmaprashAntasa~NgItaga~NgotsUra ! 192 sa.nsAratApitamAnasAkShitashishirasa~NgItaga~Nge ! 193\* sA.nsArikavAsanaikadhAvadivyasa~NgItaga~NgApravAha ! 194 sa~NgItopAsanalayashvAsAkhaNDashrutigItaga~NgApravAha ! 195 sa~NgItasannAmAjasradhArApravAhadivyakIrtanaga~Nge ! 196 shrIrAmasahasranAmAvalyakhaNDadhArApAtadivyasa~NgItaj~nAnaga~Nge ! 197 shrIrAmarAmo.nkArapaTusvarasa~NgItaghaNTArava ! 198 prashAntamAnasalayalayadIpAbhAshobhitadivyasa~NgItaga~Nge ! 199 prashAntamAnasahimAlayalayarAgadIpArAdhitasa~NgItaga~Nge ! 200 sahajabhaktisa~NgItaj~nAnadivyanAmakIrtanaga~NgAsnAnaphala\- \- divyAnugraha ! 201 shrIrAmAnubhUtyaparimitAnandachAruvAkpravAhadivyasa~NgItaga~NgAsaundarya ! 202 sa~NgItaga~NgAtIrAnurAgadIpArAdhitarAgasvarUpashrIrAma ! 203 sarvapuNyakShetrasamaShTimahimasa~NgItasannidha ! 204 sarvapuNyatIrthapAvitryasamaShTirUpasatkIrtanasa~NgIta ! 205 sa~NgItalaharyo.nkArashrutinAdamIra ! 206 sAgarashayananAmamutyADhyasa~NgItasAgara ! 207 shrIrAmachandrodayasUryasvarNaprakAshalAsAkhaNDavaishAlyasa~NgItasamIcha ! 208 shrIrAmachandrabhAtarAgarashmirAgarAgarAgatara~Ngara~NganAnAra~NgadyotamAna\- \- sa~NgItagADhasamudra ! 209\* bhavasantApahararAgamayasa~NgItArNava ! 210 agAdhAnurAgArNavarAgapi~njaraprabhAtaka~njAra ! 211 rAgArNavarAgalasadgAnarAgArchisa~NgItarAga ! 212 ananyabhaktAnurAgahR^itsAgarod.hyotanarAgarashmisusvarasa~NgItarAgarAga ! 213 ananyabhaktihR^idayAbdhyud.hyotanAnugrahamarIchiguchChAvarShaNAmudAmudirapR^iShTa\- \- sa~NgItodayasUrya ! 214\* kavisauShThavakairavyabhrarAgamayalasatsa~NgItasudhAsAgara ! 215\* sa~NgItAnandamudAmudIlasadrAgasudhAmbudhikavichChavinaukArUDha ! 216\* sa.nsArasAgarataraNasa~NgItaj~nAnabhaktirAganAva ! 217 pramathitamAnasAbdhikShitijoditakAvyAlApasauvarNapUrNachandra ! 218 sa~NgItArNavarAgatara~NgarAgamayasphuraNarAgarAgarAgarAkAchandra ! 219\* nAdaghananIlArNavapratiphalanaj~nAnaghananIlaghanAghana ! 220 nagAhlAdatara~Ngara~Ngasa~NgItabrahmAnandasAgara ! 221 anurAgamano.arNastalamandalasadAmodanAdarAga ! 222\* sa~NgItasudhAsAgararAgavIchidyotamAna\- \- rAgaraukmasumanoharasusvaralohitAbja ! 223 j~nAnagabhIrasAgarasa~NgItorminR^ityadivyAnubhUtyAnandajyotiHpu~nja ! 224 sa~NgItAmR^itatara.ntasvAnubhUtitara~NganaTanaj~nAnAnandAbja ! 225 vyAmohAvR^itodbodhanasa~NgItarashmij~nAnAruNakiraNa ! 226 aj~nAnatamastimirasAgarakShitijoditamR^idumAdhuryasa~NgItArakta\- \- j~nAnabhAno ! 227 gAnAbdhimahIjIvAraktasa~NgItaj~nAnabhena ! 228 anurAgasAgararAgodayarAga ! 229 sa~NgItAtmAnandAnubhavavikiraNaj~nAnabhesha ! 230 divyAnubhUtighananIlasa~NgItArNavagAnollolalAsya\- \- j~nAnAnandArkakiraNa ! 231 sa~NgItArNavarAgavIchichChavilAsagAnagA~NgeyagaviShTha ! 232 bhaktAnurAganIlArNorAgaghananIlagagana ! 233 avatamasadhUsarArNavasphuraNabhaktisa~NgItaj~nAnarAga ! 234\* bhaktidhUmradukUlasamIchapratiphalitagADhaj~nAnavarShagAnagADava ! 235 dukUlamayApAramahArNavadyutyutkarShasa~NgIta ! 236 shokatApaghanaghanApasAraNasa~NgItashItavAta ! 237 shokagADavavidrAvaNagAnAnandAnila ! 238 himAlayonnatisaundaryaprakR^itimR^idumadhuraravapakShijAlachArugAna\- \- ga~Ngo.nkArashrutilayasAgaragambhIravyomavarNajAlamano.antarIkSha\- \- vINAtumbarasunAdalayasarvavyApisa~NgItasadguro ! 239\* sa~NgItagadyAlayArAdhitasaptasvarasauma~Ngalasaumerukavigraha ! 240 sa~NgItagadyavarNasauvarNaprakAshasa~NgItasadgurudeva ! 241 sa~NgItepsAnanyabhaktihR^itpuShpArpaNaparyupAsita ! 242 sa~NgItopAsanepsAnanyabhaktipUritahR^itpuShpApUjitapadAmbuja ! 243 sa~NgItAsaktidIpArAdhitasa~NgItapara~njyotirmaNDalAvR^ita\- \- sa~NgItajyotissadgurudeva ! 244 sa~NgItepsAnanyabhaktidIpAbhAvR^itasa~NgItahATakavigraha ! 245 sa~NgItagadyapuShpAndoladodulyamAnasa~NgItasauma~Ngalavigraha ! 246 sa~NgItopAsanAsaktamAnasasa~NgItasuj~nAnadIpa ! 247 sa~NgItopAsanepsvanurAgamAnasarAgadIpa ! 248 anurAgadIpArAdhitarAgadIpa ! 249 sAttvikatyAgarAgAnurAgayuktasa~NgItapuShpA~njalipUjanaprIta ! 250 sAttvikatyAgasattvAtItanAmapuShpA~njalipratIta ! 251 sAttvikatyAganAmapuShpA~njalipratItasa~NgItAchArya ! 252\* sa~NgItopAsanIyasadAchArya ! 253 sa~NgItapuShpA~njalisa.ntuShTa ! 254 sa~NgItA~njalisa.ntuShTidha ! 255 sadbhaktisa~NgItabhAgyadheya ! 256 sadAnAmasmaraNanirmalamAnasapuShpArchita ! 257 prANamishritanAmajapapUjita ! 258 sadAsmaraNaikAntabhaktyashrAntachintanapuShpArchitapAvanapadayugala ! 259 sadgurucharaNaikagatibhAvahR^idayapuShpAvAsasa~NgItasvAdusaugandhya ! 260 sadgurucharaNArchanahR^itpuShpAnurAgasa~NgItarAgasaurabhya ! 261 samarpitAnanyabhaktaikadhR^itAsImAnurAgapAvanasachcharaNa ! 262 sadbhaktihR^itpatrArpitarAgAnurAgAmodamAnasapuShpAkArasa~NgItAkAra ! 263 sadgurusarvasvaikabhAvasa~NgItApavargavarada ! 264 sa~NgItasAhityapuShpA~njalipratIta ! 265 manolayAlayajAgradAdisarvAvasthAnapasR^itamatprANasa~NgItaguro ! 266\* brAhmamuhUrtachArusunAdatumbarasahitasusvaragAnanAdopAsanaprasanna ! 267 chittashuddhinaishchalyaikAgryAntarlayAparimitAtmAnubhavAnanda\- \- nAdopAsanamArgaNIteda.nbhakta ! 268\* sa~NgItalayAtmAnandadha ! 269 rAgavAsamAnasapuShpAruchitaruchirAlikhitashobhita\- \- bhaktAsaktahR^idayAyatana ! 270 samarpitarAgamAnasapuShpAvAsa ! 271 satyavAgvAksatya ! 272 sadgurugadyatrayasevitatApatrayaghnaguNatrayAtItatyAgarAjayathAnAma\- \- sadgurusvAmin ! 273 premavAtsalyasnigdhadR^iShTyAchChAditapAdapatiteda.nbhakta ! 274 tvatpAdakamaladR^iDhagrAhiNyasmi ! 275 kShamasva svAmin madaparAdhachayam ! 276 tathyopahAramidaM bAlAlApaM svIkuruShva ! 277 avij~nabhaktAntarAtmasphuritagadyatrayaparamAnandarasikaj~nAnasvarUpa ! 278 sa~NgItaj~nAnabhaktibhikShAM pradehi me ! 279 asambhavedaM lAlasAM tvattulyagAnalolupAM paripUraya ! 280 prasIda me ma~NgalAchArya ! 281 kuru me tava sAtmatAm ! 282 tava pUjyacharaNadvayaM sharaNaM prapadye ! 283 ma~NgalaM tyAgarAjAya rAgarAjAya ma~Ngalam | ma~NgalaM rAmarAgAya nAdajyotyai suma~Ngalam || sa~NgItagadyapUjyAya sa~NgItagadyavAsine | sa~NgItagadyalolAya tyAgarAjAya ma~Ngalam || bhAvaprabhavagItAya gItabhAvAtishAyine | bhAvasa~NgItabhAvAya tyAgarAjAya ma~Ngalam || gadyatrayAdimUlAya gadyatrayalayAya cha | gadyatrayagapUjyAya tyAgarAjAya ma~Ngalam || tyAgarAjagurusvAmishiShyApuShpAsulekhanI | gurussvaya.nkR^itAmodagadyatrayasuvAsanaH || iti sadgurushrItyAgarAjasvAminaH bhaktayA shiShyayA puShpayA gurucharaNapuShpe samarpitaM shrIsa~NgItagadyam | OM shubhamastu \chapter{TippaNI shrIsa~NgItagadyam} ##Notes for the given number marked by * above ## TippaNI ## ## 20 shrutisukha \- layAlaya \- bhakti \- bhAvasnigdha \- shabdAtimR^idu \- svAdu \- gAna \- ShaDrasayuta \- divyAnna\-bhojana\-naivedya 37 lalitakIrtana\- puShpAndolikA \- lAlita \- nAdasudhArasarUpaka \- shrIrAma\-bhogya \- sAra\-bhIhara \- shrIkara\-nAmakusumarasa\-miShTAnna \- rAgasudhArasa\-pAna\-ra~njana 43 ShaNNavatikoTi ## ninety six crores, ## shrIrAmaShaDakSharamantrajapa ## `japa' of the six-syllabled `mantra' of `SrI RAma', ## sAkShAtkR^ita ## before the very eyes, ## shrIrAma\-yAgarakShaNa ## `SrI RAma' protecting the `YAga' (of Sage `VishvAmitra'), ## darshana\-praharSha ## thrill of the vision, ## ajasradhArA ## continuous cascade, ## ga~NgApravAha ## flowing as the the `Ga\~NgA', ## aThANArAga\-kIrtana ## `kIrtana' in `AThANA rAga' --- `Ela nI dayarAdu', ## prAsAnuprAsa ## alliterations, ## padalAlitya ## charming beauty of words, ## nartana ## dancing, ## AhlAda ## ecstasy, ## harSha ## rapture, ## ashruga~NgA ## `Ga\~NgA' of tears, ## pravaha ## flowing, ## praNata ## prostrated, ## ida.nbhakta ## this `bhaktA'. ## 67 sa~NgItAdhivAsita \- nAmakusuma \- bhAvasnigdhamAnasa \- shrIrAmapUjanaikaparyAya 75 sa~NgIta \- sa~NgItalolashrIrAma \- shrIrAmasa~NgItalola \- sa~NgItalolahRRillola 84 sajjanajIvana ## One who is the very life of the virtuous, ## majjana ## bathing, ## jIvana ## enlivening, ## sadgAna\-bhajana ## auspicious singing and chanting, ## sa~NgIta, jIva\-ana ## life breath. ## 87 pratimitrodayavela ## Everyday at sunrise, ## mR^idumadhura sa~NgIta ## sung softly and sweetly ## mitrakula ## the Solar Race, ## mitra ## the Sun, ## susvarArthi ## this seeker of susvara, ## mitra ## Sun. ## 100 susvaramayabhUSha ## (`SrI RAma') ornamented fully by susvara, ## bhUSha ## ornament, ## susvara ## sweet music, ## susvaramayabhUSha ## the One ornamented by `susvara'. ## 116 susvarapriya ## the Lover of `susvara', ## susvarapriyaguNagrAma ## the several attributes of the Lover of `susvara' -- `SrI RAma', ## susvara ## sweet voice, ## priya ## fond of. ## 118 dhena ## speech, ## madhura ## sweet, ## dhI ## wisdom ## dhena ## ocean. ## 123 chandrakalAdhara ## Lord `Siva' ## priya \- sa~NgItapriyashrIrAma \- nAmagAnapriya \- sa~NgItapriya 125 ravi ## sun, ## rAja ## moon, ## nayana ## eyes (The One whose eyes are the sun and the moon), ## gAna, rAgArdranayana ## eyes tenderly moist with love ## ravirAja ## the sun and the moon, ## rAja ## Lord, ## nutigAna\-rAja ## king of songs of praise. (`SrI RAma's eyes are brilliant as the sun and cooling as the moon, conferring grace. `SrI RAma' is the `prapa~nca svarUpa', whos eyes are the sun and the moon, giving nourishing light and warmth as the sun and grace soothing as the moon.) ## 126 ravikulAbdhirAja ## the Moon to the ocean of Solar Race (`SrI RAma'), ## rAgAbdhirAja ## Moon to the ocean of melody, ## ravikularAja ## the King of the Solar Race (`SrI RAma') ## gAnarAja 128 ravi ## mountain, ## rAja ## king (## ravirAja ## -- King of mountains, `HimavAn'), ## sutA ## daughter (`Ga\~NgA'), ## vAha ## torrent, ## sudhAkR^itivAha ## flow of nectarine `kRitis'. ## 132 sakalashrutisAra \-shrIrAmanAma\-sakalashrutisAra \- sAranutigAna\-bhajanakIrtana 133 sAra\-rAmanAma\-dhyAnagAnayoga\-bhoga\-bhogishAyiyoga 134 sAra\-rAma\-supadasArasa\-rasagAna\-brahmAnanda\-sAra 151 j~nAna\-abhAva\-tama\-AvaraNa\-pATana\-j~nAnabhA\-bhAvasa~NgIta 165 sandhyAkAla\-ramyaga\-gAthasAra\-sAra\-ramaNIya\-shrIsItArAma 169 sa~NgIta\-rAga\-nIlAkAsha ## colorful, blue expanse of `sa\~NgIta' (blue denoting vastness), ## vividha\-AtmAnubhava ## varied inner experiences, ## shuddhashveta ## pure white signifying `sAttvic', ## nIla ## blue -- deeply moving, ## pATala ## pink -- bright and cheerful, ## rAgara~NgaNa ## dancing colours, ## rAgakR^itipaTala ## multitudinous beautiful `kRitis', ## rAgara~njana ## delighting by melody, ## rAgara~njana ## Delighter in melody.## 170 sa~NgItanIlAkAsha \- kA~nchana\-rajata\-rAga\-rAgamayakara \- kR^itikAra\- divyataulika 172 sa~NgItahimAlaya\-shrIrAmAnanda\- rAjatara ## extreme brilliance, - ## amitaj~nAna\-shekhara ## summit of boundless knowledge. ## 173 prauDha ## lofty, ## unnata ## elevating ## nAda\-himakulagiri ## the `HimAlayan' range of `NAda', ## shikhara ## peak, ## rAga ## silver, ## haima ## golden, ## kausumbha ## orange, ## pATala ## pink, ## dyotana ## illumining, ## j~nAna\-nirmalanIlAkAsha ## the blemishless blue sky of knowledge, ## bhaktibhAva ## devotion and emotion, ## rakta ## red, ## sandhyA ## twilight, ## rAga ## Sun. This refers to the wonderful changes in colour of the silvery Himalayan snow-peaks during sunset. ## 178 nAda, satopAnta\-himasa.nhati ## the `HimAlayan' glacier of `Satopant', ## prabhava ## originated, ## saptasvara, sa.nhUti ## uproarious, ## svana\-Ananda, alakAnandA ## river Alakananda (the main tributary of the Ganga, originating in the Satopanta glacier above Badrinath), ## pravAha-sa~NgIta-j~nAnamaya-kIrtana 182 ## The hot springs in Badrinath temple and the icy Alakananda river flowing down below are referred to here.## 187 ## Reference is to the Valley of flowers in the Himalayas en route to Badrinath. `Saptasvaras' are the different flowers, each note blooming as several Names Divine. Eg: `Sa- Sa\~NgItalola, SalakShmIka, SahiShNu, SarasIruhanayana, SanAtana', `Ma- MAdhava, MadhusUdana, MAramaNa, MatsyAvatAra, MahAsvana' etc. ## 193 sa.nsAra\-tApita\-mAnasa \- akShita\-shishira\-sa~NgItaga~Nge 209 shrIrAmachandra ## `SrI RAmachandra', ## bhAta rAga ## the Sun at dawn, ## rashmi ## rays, ## rAga ## colourful, ## rAga ## lovely, ## rAga ## melody, ## tara~Nga ## waves, ## ra~Nga ## dance, ## nAnAra~Nga ## myriad colours, ## dyotamAna ## shimmering, ## sa~NgIta\-gADhasamudra ## the deep sea of `sa\~NgIta'. ## 214 ananyabhakti ## Exclusive devotion, ## hR^idayAbdhi ## ocean of heart, ## ud.hyotana ## illumining, ## anugraha ## grace, ## marIchi\-guchCha ## bunch of rays, ## AvarShaNa ## showering, ## a\-mudA ## unhappiness, ## mudira ## cloud, ## pR^iShTa ## behind, ## sa~NgIta\-udayasUrya ## rising sun of `sa\~NgIta'. ## 215 kavi\-sauShThava ## Poetic excellence, ## kairavI ## moonlight, ## abhra ## gold, ## rAga ## silver. ## 216 sa~NgItAnanda ## Bliss of `sa\~NgIta', ## mudA ## delight, ## mudI ## moonlight, ## lasat ## gleaming, ## rAga \- sudhAmbudhi ## nectarine ocean of melody, ## kavi\-Chavi ## poetic beauty, ## naukA\-ArUDha ## embarked on the boat. ## 219 sa~NgItArNava ## Ocean of sangita, ## rAgatara~Nga ## waves of melody, ## rAgamayasphuraNa ## gleaming golden, ## rAga\-rAga ## gold and silver ## rAga\-rAkAchandra ## Full Moon of divine love. ## 222 anurAga \- manas \- arNas \- tala \- manda \- lasat \- Amoda \- nAdarAga 234 avatamasa \- dhUsara\- arNava \- sphuraNa \- sa~NgIta \- j~nAna \- bhakti \- rAga 239 himAlaya\-unnati\-saundarya \- prakR^iti\-mR^idumadhura\-rava \- pakShijAla\-chArugAna \- ga~NgA\-o.nkArashruti\-laya \- sAgaragambhIra \- vyomavarNajAla \- manas\-antarIkSha \- vINA\-tumbara\-sunAda\-laya \- sarvavyApi \- sa~NgItasadguro 252 sAttvika\-tyAganAma\-puShpA~njalipratIta\-sa~NgItAchArya 266 manolaya\-alaya\-jAgrat\-Adi\-sarva\-avasthA\-anapasR^ita\-satprANa\-sa~NgItaguro 268 chittashuddhi \- naishchalya \- aikAgrya \- antarlaya \- aparimita\-AtmAnubhava\-Ananda\- nAdopAsana\-mArga\-nIta\-ida.nbhakta \chapter{sArthaM shrIsa~NgItagadyam} ## `OM' `SrI RAmajayam' `SrI Sa~NgIta Gadyam' ``The One whose `sa~NgIta' originated from the Supreme Truth/ who sang the Supreme Being who is the Truth; whose songs are devotion and knowledge; for whom this `gadyam' is sung with devotion, prostrations unto the `Sadguru SvAmin' !'' 1. Victory unto Thee, the Bliss of `NAda Brahman', incarnated for the purpose of musical worship dear to the Consort of `SrI' ! 2. The Divine Form of sweet `nAda', anklets jingling and cymbals tinkling rhythmically, `tamburA' ringing `hrINkAra', with the uproariously joyous sweet sound of the `saptasvara's! 3. The One in `sa~NgIta yoga' with the Divine Bliss of `j~nAna' and `bhakti' ! 4. The One whose way of life was `sa~NgIta' as `adhyAtma yoga' (oneness with the inner self)! 5. The One whose life was fully `SrI RAma' and `sa~NgIta' ! 6. The One whose daily worship of `SrI SItA RAma' started at `brAhma muhUrta', with AlApana of `BhaulI rAga' and `suprabhAta kIrtana's. 7. The One whose offering to `SrI SItA RAma' at dawn was fresh butter and milk of ever fresh ` kIrtanas' in soft and sweet melodies! 8. The One who enjoyed the `Ga~NgA snAna' of subdued mind, tranquillity, contemplation and singing! 9. The One absorbed in `sa~NgIta', immersed in the `Ga~NgA' of Bliss of the Self! 10. The One who showered `SrI RAma' with the `Ga~NgA' of divine `kIrtanas' born of contemplation on `SrI RAma' and `japa' of His redeeming Name! 11. The One, heart full of Divine love, who anointed `SrI RAma' with the sandal paste of `kIrtanas' of Divine wisdom brimming with melody! 12. The One who dressed `SrI RAma' in the golden garment of nectarine expressions! 13. The One who ornamented `SrI RAma' with garlands of gems of `kIrtanas' in hundreds of `rAga's! 14. The One who adorned `SrI RAma' with garlands of `kRiti's, several hued with flowers of Names Divine, scented by sweet voice! 15. The One who enveloped `SrI RAma' with the fragrance of flowers of Names Divine in `DivyanAma sa~NkIrtanas' in daily worship! 16. The One one with `Hari' captivated by Thy lovely singing -- absorbed in melody and rhythm, Divine love overflowing in the tender heart, limitless expertise in beautiful flow of expressions with extremely tender, delicate and beautiful sentiment -- of `upacArakIrtana's! 17. The Sacred Form delighting in worshipping with multitudinous flowers and flowers of Names Divine, `SrI RAma' installed on the throne sparkling with gems of the nine forms of devotion, on the golden seat of the mind! 18. The One with tender blossoms of hands full of `pArijAta' blossoms of the Names Divine, doing `arcanA' of the tender Feet of the Delighter of the Daughter of the Earth, worshipped by His celestial singing! 19. The Glow of the lamp of knowledge and the Fragrance of the incense of melody in the sanctum of `SrI RAma' who is Light Himself! 20. *The One whose divine food offering was sweet singing endowed with the six `rasa's of pleasant `shruti', oneness with rhythm, devotion, emotion, extremely tender words and soft tone! 21. The One who offered the nectarine sweet drink of virtuous `kIrtanas' whose essence was `Sri RAma NAma' ! 22. The One who worshipped by the light of auspicious singing, `SrI RAma' the continual Bliss, Who is Light Himself, surrounded by the halo of light! 23. The One in the Bliss of vision of `SrI RAma', in `dIpArAdhanA' with sweet bells of beautiful singing of auspicious `kIrtanas' in `ghana-naya rAga's, with `tamburA nAda' and tinkling of cymbals! 24. The One engaged in `japa' of `SrI RAma mantra' of six syllables after partaking the `prasAda' of worship with the sixteen types of `upacAra' through ` sa~NgIta' ! 25. `MahAj~nAnIn' ! Life full of `sa~NgIta', engaged everyday in contemplation of `SrI RAma', `nAma japa' and exclusive `nAdopAsana' ! 26. The One who lost Himself in singing, with the lighted lamp of `j~nAna' in the sanctum of `SrI RAma', the Embodiment of `J~nAna', in the loveliness, repose and tranquillity of dusk! 27. The One whose `nivedana' after the worship at dusk was the milk rice of Divine `kIrtanas' sweetened by devotion and emotion! 28. The One who experienced and indulged `SrI SItARAma' by singing lovely `kIrtanas' in beautiful melodies, reposefully in a very sweet soft voice at night! 29. The One offering the milk of smooth flowing `sa~NgIta' replete with tender affection and loving devotion for `SrI RAma' to drink! 30. The One whose tender heart was the flower-bed, fragrant with love for `SrI RAma' ! 31. The One singing `lAli' (lullaby) in extremely tender and delicately beautiful voice, sweet `kIrtanas' elaborating `NIlAmbarI rAga', lulling `SrI RAma' to `YoganidrA' ! 32. The One ever delighted in `nAdopAsanA' as `mAnasa pUjA' of `SrI RAma' ! 33. The One dancing ecstatically, showering continuously the Names Divine, singing divinely nectarine songs in `bhajana', during the `pUjA' and celebrations of `SrI RAma NavamI' --- the sacred vision of which is a feast for the eyes and ears! 34. The One whose auspicious face is resplendent with the bliss of singing melodiously the `TAraka NAma' of `SrI RAma', the Essence of all! 35. The One indulging the extremely lovely `SrI RAma' by extremely lovely singing! 36. The One who fondly called and indulged `SrI RAma' lovingly in His extremely sweet `utsava sampradAya kIrtana's! 37. *The One indulging `SrI RAma', the Embodiment of the nectar essence of `nAda', in the flower-swing of delicately beautiful ` kIrtanas' and delighting Him by enjoyable delicacies sweet with the nectar of the flower of the Name that is the Quintessence, causing auspiciousness and destroying fear, and the drink of essence of nectar of melody! 38. The One beautifully singing charming `kIrtanas' in soft sweet voice during `dolotsava' (swing festival) --- by which the enchanting SrI RAma' was enchanted! 39. The One who extolled the special merit of detachment and devotion in His songs in the musical opera `PrahlAda Bhakti Vijayam' ! 40. The One who enjoined the attitude of absolute surrender in His songs describing the `lIlA' of `SrI KRiShNa' in `NaukA Caritram' ! 41. The One whose excellent `sa~NgIta' was the quintessence of `SrImad RAmAyaNa' and `BhAgavata', which were daily `pArAyaNa' ! 42. The One whose sweet, virtuous `kIrtanas' that are the essence of `SrImad RAmAyaNa' contain multitudes of pearls of `SrI RAma Sahasra NAma' ! 43. *O Thou at whose Feet this `bhaktA' prostrates, `Ga~NgA' of tears of rapture flowing, out of the sheer joy of the dancing beauty of words and alliterations in Thy `AThANA rAga kIrtana' (`Ela nI dayarAdu'), that is the continuous cascade of the `Ga~NgA', flowing out of ecstasy of vision of `SrI RAma' protecting the `yAga' (of `VishvAmitra'), before Thine very eyes, after `japa' of the six-syllabled `mantra' of `SrI RAma' ninety six crore times! 44. The One who was in a natural state of `samAdhi', contemplating, singing and meditating upon `SrI RAma' all the time! 45. The One in the state of `samAdhi', absorbed in `sa~NgIta yoga', singing `HarinAma' ! 46. The One whose daily worship was `sa~NgItopAsana' endowed with `sattva' and renunciation! 47. The One who rejected the king's offer in favour of worshipping `SrI RAma' with devotion and love! 48. The Emperor of the kingdom of `sa~NgIta' with true devotion to `SrI RAma' ! 49. The One whose was the empire of `RAmabhakti'; Who experienced `SrI RAma' within by singing virtuous `kIrtanas' ! 50. The One whose is the Empire of `Advaita' --- oneness with the self through true non-attachment! 51. The Form of Totality of `SangIta J~nAna' and innate devotion, devoid of material attachment! 52. The One who spread the highest, most sublime `upadesha', singing during `u~nchavRitti' ! 53. The One teaching the virtuous path to the truth and nature of devotion and `sa~NgIta j~nAna' ! 54. The One in whose gems of `kRitis' replete with experience of the nectar that is `Sa~NgIta', is subtly hinted, the essence of `Veda's, `PurANas' and `ItihAsa's, and `NAda Yoga' that contains the secrets of `Yoga' ! 55. The One in `sa~NgIta yoga', worshipping the lotus feet of `SrI RAma', the Lord of the entire universe and the Form of the Essence, to be attained by `sa~NgIta' ! 56. The One whose multitudinous gems of `kIrtanas' impart the knowledge of glory of `sa~NgIta' as `adhyAtma yoga' (the concentration that confers knowledge of the Supreme Soul)! 57. The Ocean of Supreme Bliss of knowledge, emotion, rhythm and melody, rich in multitudes of pearls of `kRitis' that teach the glory of `sa~NgIta' as `adhyAtma yoga' ! 58. The One whose multitudinous virtuous `kritis' filled with sweet essence of `sa~NgIta' lead to Supreme Bliss! 59. The One of sweet musical voice! 60. The One who sang in a sweet musical voice, `SrI RAma' of sweetness of voice surpassing sweet music! 61. The One who sweetened by `sa~NgIta' the sweetest honey of `SrI RAma NAma' ! 62. The Honey-bee of `NAda', whirring round with the sweet sound ` `RAma' ' ` `RAma' ', tasting the essence of nectar of melody from the colourful, fragrant flower of `sa~NgIta' ! 63. The Glory of `Sa~NgIta' sung here, Who glorified and sang the glory of `sa~NgIta' ! 64. The Lord of expression, who musically adored the One (`SrI RAma') extolled by the Lord of Speech (`BrahmA')! 65. The One who ornamented `SrI RAma' with the garland of multitudes of gems of Names Divine, strung in the cord of a musical voice! 66. The One who worshipped `SrI RAma', fully Bliss, with a ringing voice rich in the Bliss of `sa~NgIta' ! 67. *The One whose sole routine was worshipping `SrI RAma' with mind tender with devotion by flowers of Names Divine, scented by `sa~NgIta' ! 68. The One whose virtuous, auspicious `kIrtana's, dripping with emotion, were a delight for `SrI RAma', worshipped with flowers of the Names Divine, scented by `sa~NgIta' ! 69. Thou Auspicious, blessed with the vision of `SrI RAma and SItA' before the very eyes, delighted by Thy worship with flowers of Names Divine, dripping with honey of devotion, fragrant with sweet music! 70. The One, full of divine, ecstatic Bliss, dancing, chanting and singing the glory of `SrI RAma NAma' in musical worship! 71. The One whose flood of `nAma kIrtanas' of profound `j~nAna' has `SarasvatI' dancing in the `sAhitya', with the shining splendour of `saptasvaras' in the `sa~NgIta' ! 72. The One of abundant, virtuous `Divya NAma KIrtana's, of extremely sweet `sa~NgIta' and `sAhitya' (music and lyrics)! 73. The One whose musical compositions are extremely sweet, easy flowing, elegant and rich in style of the Sanskrit language! 74. The One who conversed with `SrI RAma' sweetly in musical words and expressions! 75. *The One who sang `SrI RAma', delighting in `sa~NgIta'; the One who delights in singing `SrI RAma'; the Delighter in the heart of this delighter in `sa~NgIta' ! 76. The Lover of `sa~NgIta', to be worshipped by `sa~NgIta' ! 77. The Wealth of this mind absorbed in `sa~NgItopAsanA' ! 78. The One who delighted in musical worship of `SrI RAma', worshipped in the tradition of music! 79. The One of resounding musical voice, absorbed in musical worship! 80. The Musical Voice that resounded, excelling in `sa~NgItopAsanA' ! 81. The Divine Musical Presence in the divine experience of singing the `Divya NAma KIrtana's! 82. The One sung here, Whose life-breath was `sa~NgIta', vivifying with the life-breath that is the basic `shruti' for `sa~NgIta' ! 83. The One whose `sa~NgIta' is life-giving; the Soul of `sa~NgIta' ! 84. *The One whose life breath was `sa~NgIta', bathing `SrI RAma' the very life of the virtuous, with auspicious, enlivening singing and chanting! 85. The One whose auspicious virtuous `kIrtanas' are verily the `Ga~NgA', to be bathed in again and again! 86. The `Koel' of `Sa~NgIta', singing sweetly at early dawn, `SrI SItA RAma' of auspicious lustre! 87. *The Sun for this one whose aim is sweet music, Who sang softly and sweetly at sunrise everyday, the Sun to the solar race (`SrI RAma')! 88. The One leading to final Beatitude that is fully Bliss of `J~nAna', by His `sa~NgIta' that is melody, devotion and sweet poesy! 89. The One who sang beautifully the lotus Feet clasped by the Son of the Wind (`HanumAn')! 90. The Musical Voice, singing the nectar-essence of `SrI RAma NAma' ! 91. The One whose daily discipline was to sing `RAma NAma', that confers welfare and beatitude! 92. The One who delighted `SrI RAma' with extremely sweet words and expressions and delightful music in His `Divya NAma Sa~NkIrtana's! 93. The One who worshipped the auspicious Feet of `SrI RaghunAtha' by flowers of `Hari NAma Sa~NkIrtana' ! 94. The One whose virtuous `kIrtanas' on the Name Divine cause inspiration within this `bhaktA' ! 95. The One whose `satkIrtanas' lead in the path of inner devotion, removing doubt and fear! 96. The One whose auspicious virtuous `kIrtanas' augment true devotion! 97. The One whose life's delight was `NAma sa~NkIrtana' with true devotion / The life's Delight of this one singing His Name with true devotion / The One whose `nAma sa~NkIrtanas' of true devotion are enlivening and a delight ! 98. The One in whose heart one with `sa~NgIta', `SrI RAma' delighted! 99. The One who sang with melody and devotion, `SrI RAma', one with musical note and melody! 100. *The One ornamented by `susvara', ornamenting by sweet music the One ornamented by `susvara' (`SrI RAma')! 101. The One delighting in song, delighting in singing the Delighter in song! 102. The One delighting in singing the Name of the One delighting in flute music! 103. The Basis of adulations unto the Lord who is the Basis of the `Veda's; the Basis for this adulation! 104. The Sweet-throated, who sang sweetly the Friend of `SugrIva' ! 105. The One whose sweet and soft speech won over the sweet sound of the veena! 106. The One fond of singing the Name (`RAma') dear to `TyAgarAja' (Lord `Siva')! 107. The One of sweet singing voice, tasting the nectar of the Name Divine! 108. The One with the joy of constant chanting and singing! 109. The Supreme `.RShi', absorbed in `sa~NgIta' that is eternal Bliss of the `AAtman' ! 110. The Embodiment of `J~nAna', absorbed in inner contemplation in singing the Supreme as with attributes! 111. The One whose `NAma sa~NkIrtana' confers knowledge of the true nature of the Supreme as with and without attributes! 112. The `Parama BhAgavata' whose gems of `kRitis' help cross the ocean of repeated births! 113. The One one with melody, who worshipped the Form of Melody --- the Recliner on the serpent --- by His `sa~NgIta' of true devotion! 114. The One in the bliss of Knowledge of `NAdabrahman' that is Bliss! 115. The One fond of singing the attributes of the One whose Name is dear to the Moon-crested One (`Siva')! 116. *The Lover of `susvara'; fond of the sweet voice and several attributes of the Lover of `susvara' --- `SrI RAma' ! 117. The Lotus of `sa~NgIta', of worship of the lotus feet of the Lord! 118. *The Ocean of Wisdom, sweetly singing `SrI RAma' of sweet speech! 119. The One delighting by auspicious, lovely expressions in His beautiful singing, in which delights the Delighter of `SrI' ! 120. The One in whose virtuous `sa~NgIta' abides `SrI RAma' the Supreme Being beyond `sattva' ! 121. The One who worshipped `SrI RAma' the Bliss of `Sa~NgIta', by sweet `sa~NgIta', with delicately beautiful expressions! 122. The One of sweet words in a sweet voice, about the One (`SrI RAma') of sweet speech! 123. *The Lover of `sa~NgIta', fond of singing the Name of `SrI RAma' the Lover of `sa~NgIta' dear to the One bearing the crescent moon (`Siva')! 124. `Sadgurudeva' ! my Supreme Aim! Awakening supreme knowledge by `sa~NgIta' that is the supreme wealth! 125. *The King of songs of praise on the Lord of the sun and the moon (`SrI RAma'), eyes tenderly moist with love, singing the One whose eyes are the sun and the moon (`SrI RAma')! 126. *The Moon to the ocean of love for the Moon to the ocean of the solar race (`SrI RAma'); the King of songs on the King of the solar race (`SrI RAma')! 127. The Friend of the Friend of the son of the sun (`SrI RAma', the friend of `SugrIva')! 128. *The One in the flow of whose nectarine `kRitis' is the torrent of `Ga~NgA', daughter of the King of mountains (`HimAlaya')! 129. The One whose praise of the One whose face vanquished the moon (`SrI RAma'), surpassed flow of nectar! 130. The One of voice of nectarine delight, whose singing on `SrI RAma', the Joy of Mankind, is choicest Bliss! 131. The `AAcArya', teaching `sa~NgIta' through virtuous `kIrtanas' that condemn the unrighteous way of life and show the righteous path! 132. *The One whose `bhajana kIrtanas' are the essence of all `veda's, nectarine songs of praise on `SrI RAma NAma', the Essence of all `veda's! 133. *The One who enjoyed oneness with the Recliner on the serpent by the `yoga' of contemplating and singing `SrI RAma NAma' the Essence! 134. *The One whose nectarine singing of the Lotus Feet of `SrI RAma' the Essence, is the essence of supreme Bliss! 135. The One at whose sacred Feet that are the Essence, the mental reflections of this worshipper are offered! 136. The One who relieves from the fear of terrible `sa.nsAra' by `upadesha' of the redeeming Name Divine, in `kIrtanas' that are the essence of Truth! 137. The Moon among saints, tastefully describing the moon-faced `SrI RAma' ! 138. The One whose mind is the lotus of `sa~NgIta', in which dances beautifully the lotus-eyed Lord! 139. The Quintessence of nectarine melody and love for `SrI RAma' the Essence of all! 140. The Lotus-eyed One who sang the Lotus-eyed Lord in nectarine voice! 141. The Lotus-eyed One who delighted the Lotus-eyed Lord by nectarine songs, chanting, singing and constant contemplation! 142. The extremely sweet `Koel' of a singer worshipping `SrI Hari', the Quintessence! 143. The One whose nectarine `sa~NgIta' is the only essence in this life devoid of substance! 144. The Musical Voice giving the comfort of tranquillity during times of meaningless anger! 145. The One redeeming from the worthless `sa.nsAra' (devoid of substance) by singing the `RAma NAma' that is the Essence! 146. The One with the remedy of singing the Name Divine that revives from the fever of `sa.nsAra' ! 147. The One soothing with soft talk and sweet music, this `bhaktA', mind afflicted by the heat of `sa.nsAra' ! 148. The One rescuing the one whirling around in the forest of `sa.nsAra' by nectarine singing of `SrI RAma NAma' that is the Quintessence! 149. The `Sa~NgItAcArya', Sole Refuge for this lone worshipper encompassed and upset by mundane influences. 150. The Bird of Light of `Sa~NgIta' flying in the dark cavern of this `bhakta' 's mind! 151. *The One whose devotional `sa~NgIta' is the light of knowledge tearing away the dark covering of ignorance! 152. The Ray of Melody of the red, rising sun of `sa~NgIta', in the grey sky of gloom of worldly life! 153. The rising Sun of melodious `Sa~NgIta', red, gold and silver, in the blue sky of tranquillity of dawn! 154. The Musical Voice, heard in the sweet sound of the veena, the soft sweet twitterings of birds and various sounds in nature! 155. The Unique `Koel' of `j~nAna', singing in a sweet tranquil voice amidst the roar of worldly life! 156. The Incarnation of the sound of music slaying the demons of harsh noises! 157. The Armour of tranquil `sa~NgIta' for the affliction of harsh noises! 158. The Musical Voice soothing this one battered in mind by `tAmasik' and `rAjasik' associations! 159. The Golden Splendour of soft song in the evening twilight of contemplation! 160. The Musical Voice, augmenting the tranquillity of twilight! 161. The Musical Voice resounding in the tranquillity of contemplation at twilight! 162. The resounding bell of `NAda' in the silence and tranquillity of twilight! 163. The Golden glow of `Sa~NgIta' in the repose of the colourful twilight! 164. The Musical Voice in the deep tranquillity of the still mind in contemplation at twilight! 165. *The One, the essence of whose songs that have entered into the loveliness of twilight, is the lovely `SrI SItA RAma' the Essence! 166. The Sky of `Sa~NgIta', resplendent with the riot of scattered colours of the rainbow of the `saptasvara's! 167. The beautiful deep blue Sky of Song, with clouds of melodious music, with a riot of colours of the rainbow of `saptasvara's! 168. The One absorbed in the dancing, golden beauty of the Divine glow of `SrI RAma and SItA' in the blue sky of `sa~NgIta' ! 169. *The Delighter in melody, delighting by the melody of multitudinous lovely `kRiti's, with dancing colours of pure white, blue and pink of varied inner experiences in the beautiful blue expanse of `sa~NgIta' ! 170. *The Divine Painter, Creator of `kRitis' colouring the blue sky of `sa~NgIta' with varied hues of melody, shining gold and silver! 171. The Vision of the `HimAlaya' of `sa~NgIta', that exalts, elevates and enlightens! 172. *The Peak of unlimited `j~nAna', silvery with the Bliss of `SrI RAma', in the `HimAlaya' of `sa~NgIta' ! 173. *The Red Twilight Sun of devotion and emotion in the clear blue sky of knowledge, illumining silver, gold, pink and orange, the lofty peaks of the `HimAlayan' range of `NAda' ! 174. The Full Moon of Song scattering rays of joy of `sa~NgIta' over the colourful `HimAlaya' of melody! 175. The Full Moon of essence of melody, that turned the deep blue `MAnasa' lake of `j~nAna', golden with `sa~NgIta', in the `HimAlaya' of loving devotion! 176. The Golden Rising Moon of `Sa~NgIta', reflected in the `MAnasa' Lake of devotion of this exclusive worshipper! 177. The Supreme Soul of `NAda', the Bliss of Knowledge, the pure white Swan of `sattva', on the gently smiling colourful waves, sparkling with melody, in the lake of the tranquil mind! 178. *The One whose `kIrtana's, replete with `sa~NgIta j~nAna', are the torrent of the `AlakAnandA', uproarious with the joy of the `saptasvara's, originated from the `HimAlayan' `SatopAnta' glacier of `NAda' ! 179. The `VasudhArA' Cascade of `Sa~NgIta' in the `HimAlaya' of `RAma Bhakti', of beauty and tranquillity not of this world! 180. The Snowy `HimAlaya' of `Sa~NgIta j~nAna', from which the `Ga~NgA' of devotion flows as the continuous cascade of `Divya NAma Sa~NkIrtana's! 181. The One in whose songs of `bhajana' of Names Divine --- `NArAyaNa, Hari', is the sacred vision of the Divine Badrinath! 182. *The icy Torrent of the `AlakAnandA' of song, flowing from the snowy `HimAlayan' summit of `j~nAna', near the hot spring of `sa.nsAra' ! 183. The One whose `kIrtanas' of contemplation on `SrI RAma' incarnated on this earth, give the sacred experience of bathing in the Divine `HimAlayan' `Ga~NgA' ! 184. The Cloud of `Sa~NgIta' touching the snowy summit of knowledge and Supreme Bliss! 185. The Cloud of `Sa~NgIta', pure white with `sattva', floating in the deep blue sky of Supreme Bliss! 186. The Sky of `Sa~NgIta', deep blue with supreme Bliss, clouds of pure `sattva' floating about! 187. *The delightful Flower-valley of the `Saptasvara's, rich in flowers of Names Divine; The Breeze of `Sa~NgIta' wafting the fragrance of flowers of Names Divine in the delightful flower-valley of `Saptasvara's! 188. The `HimAlaya' of `NAda', constellations of `saptasvaras' sparkling in the sky of `sa~NgIta', with the moon `SrI RAmacandra' and stars of Names Divine smiling! 189. The One absorbed in `sa~NgIta' that has the `HimAlayan' tranquillity of contemplation at dusk! 190. The Smooth Flow of `sa~NgIta' in the tranquillity of the `Gomukha' of contemplation that brings about effortless absorption of mind (in the Source)! 191. The twilight Sky of contemplation, over the shore of the `Ga~NgA' of `NAda' with the pure white birds of `sattva' --- of seven musical notes `sa, ri, ga, ma, pa, dha, ni' in flight! 192. The lovely Twilight along the `Ga~NgA' of tranquil `sa~NgIta' for this one agitated by `sa.nsAra' ! 193. *The cool, undiminishing `Sa~NgIta Ga~NgA', soothing the mind of this one afflicted by the heat of `sa.nsAra' ! 194. The Torrent of the Divine `Sa~NgIta Ga~NgA' that is the sole cleanser of the impressions of `samsAra' ! 195. The Torrent of the `Ga~NgA' of song, with the continuous `shruti' of the breath, in absorption in `sa~NgItopAsanA' ! 196. The Divine `KIrtana Ga~NgA', the auspicious Names Divine flowing as a continuous torrent in the `Sa~NgIta'! 197. The Divine `Ga~NgA' of `Sa~NgIta J~nAna', an unbroken cascade of `SrI RAma Sahasra NAmAvalI' ! 198. The Bell of `sa~NgIta', with the ringing notes of `` `SrI RAma RAma' " sounding `O.nkAra' ! 199. The Divine ` Sa~NgIta Ga~NgA', luminous in the light of lamp of `laya', in the repose of this tranquil mind! 200. The `Sa~NgIta Ga~NgA' worshipped with lamps of melody and rhythm in the `HimAlaya' of this tranquil mind! 201. The One Whose divine grace is the fruit of bathing in the `Ga~NgA' of `Divya NAma KIrtanas' with innate devotion and `sa~NgIta j~nAna' ! 202. The Beauty of the Divine `Sa~NgIta Ga~NgA', the unlimited Bliss of experiencing `SrI RAma', flowing as beautiful words and expressions! 203. The One who worshipped `SrI RAma', whose Form is Melody, with the lamp of divine love on the banks of the `Ga~NgA' of `sa~NgIta' ! 204. The One Whose musical presence is the totality of glory of all sacred places! 205. The One whose `sangIta' and virtuous `kIrtanas' are the form of totality of purity of all sacred waters! 206. The Ocean of `NAda', waves of `sa~NgIta' sounding `O.nkAra shruti' ! 207. The Ocean of `Sa~NgIta' abounding in pearls of Names of the Recliner on the ocean! 208. The Expansive Ocean of `Sa~NgIta', in which dances the golden light of the rising Sun, `SrI RAmacandra' ! 209. *The Deep Sea of `Sa~NgIta', shimmering with myriad hues, in the dance of waves of colourful, lovely melody, with rays of light of the rising Sun, `SrI RAmacandra' ! 210. The Ocean of Melodious Music destroying the distress of worldly life! 211. The golden rising Sun of Melody, over the fathomless sea of devotion! 212. The Moon of `Sa~NgIta', golden beams of song making the ocean of melody/devotion shine beautifully! 213. The Golden Sun of melodious, sweet music, illumining with rays of melody, the ocean of loving heart of this exclusive `bhaktA' ! 214. *The Sun of `Sa~NgIta', rising from behind the cloud of unhappiness, showering rays of light of grace illumining the heart's ocean of this one with exclusive devotion! 215. *The One whose poetic excellence is the Moonlight by which the nectarine ocean of `sa~NgIta' glitters gold and silver! 216. *The One embarked on the boat of poetic excellence in the nectarine ocean of melody gleaming in the delight of moonlight of `sa~NgItAnanda' ! 217. The Boat of melody, devotion, knowledge and music, ferrying across the ocean of `sa.nsAra' ! 218. The Golden Full Moon of singing poetry, rising in the horizon over the sea of this whirling mind! 219. *The gold and silver Full Moon of divine love making the waves of melody in the sea of `sa~NgIta' gleam golden! 220. The dense blue Cloud of Knowledge, reflected in the deep blue ocean of `NAda' ! 221. The Ocean of Supreme Bliss of `Sa~NgIta', with mountainous dancing waves of ecstasy! 222. *The Delightful Moon of `NAda', shining gently over the surface of the sea of this loving mind! 223. The Red Moon of `Susvara', charming the mind with gold and silver shining waves of melody, in the nectarine ocean of `sa~NgIta' ! 224. The Beam of Light of Bliss of Divine Experience, over the profound ocean of `j~nAna', with dance of waves of `sa~NgIta' ! 225. The Moon of Bliss of `j~nAna' over the nectarine ocean of `sa~NgIta', with waves self-experience dancing! 226. The Light of Dawn of spiritual knowledge with rays of `sa~NgIta', awakening the one covered by delusion! 227. The Sun of `J~nAna', pale-red with soft, sweet `sa~NgIta', risen in the horizon over the dark sea of ignorance and `tamas' ! 228. The light red Sun of `Sa~NgIta J~nAna' in the horizon of the sea of song! 229. The rising Sun of Melody over the sea of loving devotion! 230. The Sun of Knowledge scattering rays of experience of the soul's Bliss of `sa~NgIta' ! 231. The Solar Ray of Bliss of Knowledge, dancing in the waves of song of the ocean of `sa~NgIta', deep blue with Divine experience! 232. The Golden Sun of Song, making the beauty of waves of melody dance in the ocean of `sa~NgIta' ! 233. The deep blue Sky of Melody, over the blue sea of ` anurAga' of this `bhaktA' ! 234. *The Sun of `Sa~NgIta J~nAna' and devotion, sparkling in the grey sea of darkness of descending gloom! 235. The Rain-cloud of song showering profound wisdom reflected in the grey silken sea of devotion! 236. The One whose elevated `sa~NgIta' is the silken glory of the vast shoreless ocean! 237. The cool Breeze of `Sa~NgIta' chasing away the dense cloud of distress and sadness! 238. The Breeze of joy of singing, putting to flight the clouds of despondency! 239. *`Sa~NgItasadguru', pervading all --- the lofty beauty of the `HimAlaya', the soft, sweet sounds of nature, the sweet music of birds, the repose of the `O~NkAra shruti' of the `Ga~NgA', the profundity of the ocean, the magical colours of the sky, the inner space of this mind and the sweet sounds of the veena and `tamburA' ! 240. The auspicious Golden Image of the `Saptasvaras' worshipped in this temple of `Sa~NgIta Gadyam' ! 241. `Sa~NgItasadgurudeva', shining as gold in the letters of this `Sa~NgItagadyam' ! 242. The One worshipped by the offering of the flower of heart of this one with exclusive devotion and longing for `sa~NgIta' ! 243. The Lotus Feet worshipped by Pushpa/the flower of heart full of exclusive devotion and longing for `sa~NgItopAsanA' ! 244. `Sadgurudeva' ! Light of `Sa~NgIta' ! haloed by the Supreme light of `sa~NgIta' ! worshipped by the light of this one's devoted desire for `sa~NgIta' ! 245. The Golden Image of `Sa~NgIta', surrounded by the glow of lamps of (this one's) exclusive devotion and desire for `sa~NgIta' ! 246. The Auspicious Image of `Sa~NgIta', swinging in this flower-swing of `Sa~NgIta Gadyam' ! 247. The Lamp of Knowledge and `Sa~NgIta' in the mind of this one devoted to `sa~NgItopAsana' ! 248. The Lamp of Melody in the loving mind of this one eagerly desirous of `sa~NgItopAsana' ! 249. The Light of Melody worshipped with the lamp of devotion! 250. The One pleased by worship with flowers of `sa~NgIta' endowed with melody and devotion, as `sAttvika tyAga' ! 251. The One, delighting in worship as `sAttvika tyAga', with flowers of Names Divine of the One who is beyond `sattva' ! 252. *The `Sa~NgItAcArya' who is `sAttvik', whose very name is renunciation, delighted by this floral worship/worship by Pushpa! 253. The virtuous `AAcArya' to be worshipped by `sa~NgIta' ! 254. The One delighted by musical worship by Pushpa/ floral musical worship! 255. The One who bears/ grants the happiness of musical worship! 256. The One granting the fortune of `sa~NgIta' with true devotion! 257. The One worshipped by Pushpa, mind blemishless with constant contemplation of Thy Name Divine! 258. The One worshipped with `NAma japa'; mingled in the life breath of this one! 259. The Sacred Feet worshipped by flowers of untiring thoughts of this one of unique devotion and constant remembrance! 260. The Sweet Fragrance of `Sa~NgIta', inhabiting the flower of heart of this one with the conviction that `Sadguru' 's Feet are the only recourse! 261. The Fragrance of Melody in Pushpa's devoted `sa~NgIta', heart set on worshipping `Sadguru' 's Feet! 262. The Sacred Feet, offered the limitless love that is the sole possession of this exclusive `bhaktA' ! 263. The Form of `Sa~NgIta' in the form of these flowers of thoughts scented with melody and devoted love, offered on the leaf of the heart with true devotion! 264. The Granter of absolution through `sa~NgIta' to this one with the sentiment that `Sadguru' is all-in-all! 265. The One delighted by this worship by Pushpa with `sa~NgIta' and `sAhitya'! 266. *`Sa~NgIta Gurudeva', my life-breath, never away from me in all states such as wakefulness, whether the mind is in tune or not! 267. The One pleased by `nAdopAsana' by tuneful sweet singing at early dawn, accompanied by sweet sounding `tamburA' ! 268. *The One who has led this `bhaktA' in the path of `nAdopAsanA' that confers purity of mind, steadiness, single-pointed concentration, absorption within and limitless Self-experience that is Bliss! 269. The One granting the Bliss of the Self by absorption in `sa~NgIta' ! 270. The One abiding in the heart of this devoted `bhaktA'; adorned by this brilliant writing, illumined by these loving thoughts! 271. The One abiding in/the Fragrance of --- this offering of colourful blossoms of thoughts! 272. The One whose expressions are the Truth; the Truth of these expressions/ The One whose expressions about `SrI RAma', whose speech was truth, are the Truth! 273. `SadgurusvAmin', as Thy name indicates--- King of renunciation, beyond the three `guNas' (`sattva, rajas and tamas'), slaying the three afflictions (caused by self, divine dispensation and environment), abiding in this `Sadgurugadyatrayam' ! 274. The One by whose tender affectionate glance this `bhaktA', fallen at the Feet, is enveloped! 275. I clasp Thy lotus Feet firmly! 276. `SvAmin' ! forgive all my faults! 277. Please accept this genuine offering, this child's prattle! 278. The `J~nAnasvarUpa' enjoying with great delight this `Gadyatrayam' inspired from the inner soul of this illiterate `bhaktA' ! 279. Please grant me the alms of devotion, knowledge and `sa~NgIta' ! 280. Please fulfil this impossible longing --- to sing like Thee! 281. Auspicious `AAcArya' ! Please grace me! 282. Please grant me oneness with Thee! 283. I seek refuge at thy sacred Feet! Auspiciousness unto `TyAgarAja'; auspiciousness unto the King of melody; auspiciousness unto the One with love for `SrI RAma'; auspiciousness unto the Light of `nAda'. The One being worshipped by this `Sa~NgIta Gadyam'; the One abiding in this `Sa~NgIta Gadyam'; the One delighting in this `Sa~NgIta Gadyam'; auspiciousness unto `TyAgarAja'. The One for whom this song has sprung out of devotion, the One excelling in the devotion and sentiment of His songs; the Import of this song sung with devotion, auspiciousness unto `TyAgarAja'. The Basis and Source of this `Gadya Trayam', the One one with this `Gadya Trayam'; the One to be worshipped by singing this `Gadya Trayam' / Who has entered into this `Gadya Trayam', auspiciousness unto `TyAgarAja'. Pushpa, `shiShyA' of `SrI TyAgarAjagurusvAmI' is a mere pen. The Guru abides in this delightful `Gadya Trayam' which He Himself has created. `OM' Encoded and proofread by N V Vathsan nvvathsan at gmail.com Copyright Pushpa Srivatsan \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit at cheerful dot c om Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}