% Text title : Durga Pancharatnam % File name : durgApancharatnam.itx % Category : pancharatna, devii, durgA, chandrashekharendrasarasvatI, devI % Location : doc\_devii % Author : chandrashekharendra sarasvatii svaamiigala % Proofread by : Gayathri V vgayu at yahoo.com % Latest update : September 7, 2020 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. Durga Pancharatnam ..}## \itxtitle{.. durgA pa~ncharatnam ..}##\endtitles ## te dhyAnayogAnugatAH apashyan tvAmeva devIM svaguNairnigUDhAm | ## var ## devAtmashaktiM tvameva shaktiH parameshvarasya mAM pAhi sarveshvari mokShadAtri || 1|| devAtmashaktiH shrutivAkyagItA maharShilokasya puraH prasannA | guhA paraM vyoma sataH pratiShThA mAM pAhi sarveshvari mokShadAtri || 2|| parAsya shaktiH vividhaiva shrUyase shvetAshvavAkyoditadevi durge | svAbhAvikI j~nAnabalakriyA te mAM pAhi sarveshvari mokShadAtri || 3|| devAtmashabdena shivAtmabhUtA yatkUrmavAyavyavachovivR^ityA | tvaM pAshavichChedakarI prasiddhA mAM pAhi sarveshvari mokShadAtri || 4|| tvaM brahmapuchChA vividhA mayUrI brahmapratiShThAsyupadiShTagItA | j~nAnasvarUpAtmatayAkhilAnAM mAM pAhi sarveshvari mokShadAtri || 5|| iti paramapUjya shrI chandrashekharendra sarasvatI svAmIgalakR^itaM durgA pa.ncharatnaM sampUrNam || ## Proofread by Gayathri V vgayu at yahoo.com Translation Salutations to Durga Durga Pancharatnam Stotram Lyrics Those adopting meditation (Dhyana) and contemplation (yoga) saw, you as the only divine Goddess hidden in her own qualities and you are the only power behind the great God of the Universe, and so please protect me, oh Goddess of all and oh giver of salvation. 1 You are the self-power of the Divine, sung about by the Vedas, delighted in front of great saints propitiating you, who have established yourselves in their hearts as Truth, and so please protect me, oh Goddess of all and oh giver of salvation. 2 You are His Shakthi called Para, which is spoken in different ways, you are the one who is being celebrated by Shvetashvatara* Upanishad, you are by your nature, the power force in all actions and wisdom, and so please protect me, oh Goddess of all and oh giver of salvation. 3 (This major Upanishad gives the basic teachings and concepts of Bhagawad Gita.) Formed by Self-power of sound of Shiva’s Aatma you are declared by sacred texts as the sound of Anahata, which exists in Kurma and Vayavya as Shakthi you are known as one cutting off worldly attachments (or the rope that drags you to death), and so please protect me, oh Goddess of all and oh giver of salvation. 4 OM Anahata sabda – just before one enter Samadhi in yoga one can clearly hear Om inside which is not heard outside the physical body after this the person goes into Samadhi. Vayavya Dharana -- From the heart to the middle of the eyebrows is said to be the region of Vayu. It is black in color and shines with the letter ‘Ya’. Carrying the breath along the region of Vayu, one should contemplate on Ishvara, the omniscient. The Yogi does not meet his death through Vayu. ( Naga, Kurma, Krikara, Devadatta and Dhananjaya are the five sub-Pranas; Kurma performs the function of opening the eyes.) Hey Mayuri, you are praised as the route to Brahmam, you are the form of Brahamam established by the Bhagawad Gita too, you are the wisdom personified, enact the sport of creation and so please protect me, oh Goddess of all and oh giver of salvation. 5 Mayuri - Durga worshiped Lord Shiva in the form of a peacock. And hence she is addressed as Mayuri. Gita - "For the changeless, eternal Brahmam, the Maya which is Shakti is the pratishta (that through which Brahmam spreads as the many worlds is called pratishta). I am That. I am the Brahmam; and I am its pratishta will be appropriate; because, there is a bhashyam that “Shakti Shaktimatoh Abhedat” (both the Shakti and the One who has it are not of different tattvam (nature).” This was composed by H H Sri Jagadguru Srimaan Chandrasekharendrendra Saraswathi of Kanchi Kamakoti Peetham and is based on Shvetashvatara Upanishad. Whoever recites this every day will attain moksha i.e liberation. \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit at cheerful dot c om Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}