% Text title : koviDavyApanakAle loke % File name : koviDavyApanakAleloke.itx % Category : misc, sanskritgeet % Location : doc\_z\_misc\_general % Author : muthalapuraM mohanadAsa % Description/comments : Sanskrit through Songs Series Song 2 % Acknowledge-Permission: Muthalapuram Mohanadasa muthalapurammohandas@gmail.com % Latest update : August 11, 2024 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. Kovidavyapanakale Loke ..}## \itxtitle{.. koviDavyApanakAle loke ..}##\endtitles ## koviDavyApanakAle loke mAnavAssarve saMbhItA jAtAH | uchcho vA nIcho vA madhyamo vA nAsti vibhedaH koroNAyAshcha || ## While Covid is rampant in the country, mankind is all terrified. Corona does not discriminate the lower, middle, and upper classes. ## mantrI vA tantrI mahAjano vA mantrayatyekaM koroNAmantram | mantreNa yantreNa naiva vAryA jAgratA ekAsti tannirodhe || ## Minister, priest or common man, all are chanting but only the Corona Mantra. It can be encountered with neither chanting or charm, the only prevention possible is being Alert. ## sachChIlAnAM paripAlanena uchchATanaM sAdhyaM koviDasya | yatra kutrApi vA sa~ncharaNe vyaktishuchitvaM pradhAnameva || ## Covid can be warded off only through observing chaste routines. Wherever one goes, personal hygience is important. ## kAryAlaye vA.nyasa~Ngame vA dhAryaM sadApi mukhAvaraNam | hastaprakShAlanaM madhye madhye kartavyamevANunAshanAya || ## Whether one is in an office of there in a meeting place, wearing mask is a must. Virus eliminarion is possible only be washing hands at refgular intervals. ## sAmUhikAnantaraM kalpanIyam shArIrikaM natu mAnasikam | hastadAnaM mAstu svIkaraNe vaktumuchitaM \ldq{}namaste\rdq{} eva || ## Social distancing is essential physically, not mentally. Greetings should not be through handshake, a verbal greeting like `Namaste' should be preferred. ## AshharyaM koviDavaibhavena nishchalaM sarvaM pinaddhaM jAtam | nAsti gatyantaramityato hi sarve janA gR^ihamAshrayanti || ## It is amazing that, by the glory of Covid, everything has become still and locked. Now, as there is no other go, people is finding solace at home alone. ## pitarassantuShyanti svAtmajAnAM satatassAnidhyena durlabhena | evamapatyAnyanubhavanti vAtsalyamanyathA naiva labhyam || ## Men are gladdening parents and children, by constant presence, which used to be rare. ## nAsti bahirmudhA paryaTanaM asti durAshAnAM saMyamanam | bhUtvA gR^ihe sarve sannihitAH svasthAH parasparaM saMvadanti || ## Unwanted outings have stopped and hence all are ever available in the house. The family members have healthy communication among them. ## koviDguroranushAsanena kovidA jAtAH mahAjanAshcha | andhavishvAsadurAchArANaM antamabhavadanekakAnAm || ## By order from Guru Covid, people became more aware of life and have got rid of many supersitions and amorality. ## asti jagadIsha sarvato.api Ishvaratulyajano.asti loke | mAnavasevA bhavati sAkShAt daivikasevA vadati koviD || ## God is omnipresent. There are godlike men too in this world. Serving mankind is the same as serving God: says Covid. ## yAnAni sarvANi nishchalAni rAjamArgAH jAtA nirjanAshcha | antasthiteShu janeShu bAhye sarvato vanyamR^igAshcharanti || ## As vehicles stopped plying roads, streets have become tidier and secluded, wild-life is free to move around. ## mALinyamuktA jalAshayAH! svachcha~ncha sa~njAtamantarIkShaM | jantavo vismitA mAnavAnAM mAnasAntaraM kathaM nu jAtam ? || ## Water sources are cleaner. The atmosphere has become polution free. The animals may be wondering what made the human change their mind? ## asti kR^iShikarma gehe gehe atti subhikShaM dine dine cha | nAsti pidhAnavairasyamalpaM vetti jano.api kuTumbasaukhyam || ## Every homestead has farming these days and there is lot to eat. Instead of the lockdown, more people are experiencing family bliss. ## koviD! tvaM gururmAnavAnAM pATHAnanekAn tvaM pAThitavAn | pAThanematyantamuttamaM syAt ko.api na visparejjIvanAntam || ## Covid, you are Guru to mankind. You have taught many lessons. Your teaching methodology is excellent! No one will forget these learning experiences. ## evaM sthite.api tvAM kIrtayituM sAdhyaM kathaM tava dushcharitaiH ? | mR^ityuM vapasi tvaM martyaloke bhR^ityo vA tvaM bhuvanAntakasya? || ## However, it is not proper to heap praises on you. You are spreading death on earth. Are you an agent of the God of destruction? ## utsara! koviDa! re durAtman! bharsayati tvAM jagadidAnIm | vAksinAgachChettvannAshanAya ujjhitvA gachCha! bhuvanAchChIghram || ## Clear out! Evil minded Covid, demands the world. It is sure that vaccine will arrive to destroy you. Go, leave the world at the earliest. ## koviDanirmArjanAya lokAH! baddhaparikarA santvidAnIm! | tyajyanthAM bhedavivechanAni lokAH samastAssukhunassantu! || ## O men of the world, set aside the radical discriminations and get set to drive away the Covid menace, so that there shall be welfare for the entire world. ## dhanyavAdAH mAstu punarAgamanam ! \-\- mutalapuraM mohanadAsa ## Composed by Muthalapuram Mohandas \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit@cheerful.com Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}