% Text title : svAmIshivAnandasya bAlakopadeshaH % File name : advice.itx % Category : vedanta, misc, advice, upadesha % Location : doc\_z\_misc\_misc % Latest update : October 1, 2010 % Send corrections to : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om % % This text is prepared by volunteers and is to be used for personal study % and research. The file is not to be copied or reposted for promotion of % any website or individuals or for commercial purpose without permission. % Please help to maintain respect for volunteer spirit. % \documentstyle[11pt,multicol,itrans]{article} #include=ijag.inc #endwordvowel=.h \portraitwide \parindent=100pt \let\usedvng=\Largedvng % for 1 column \pagenumbering{itrans} \def\engtitle#1{\hrule\medskip\centerline{\LARGE #1}} \def\itxtitle#1{\medskip\centerline{\LARGEdvng #1}\medskip\hrule} \def\endtitles{\medskip\obeyspaceslines} %% \begin{document} \engtitle{.. Advice to children ..}## \itxtitle{.. svAmIshivAnandasya bAlakopadeshaH ..}##\endtitles ## ## \medskip \centerline{\Large \bf Swami Shivananda} \medskip \centerline{\Large Sanskrit translation by Dr. Jayadeva Jani} \medskip \centerline{##\LARGEdvng svAmi\-shrIshivAnandasya bAlakopadeshaH##} \medskip \centerline{##sa.nskR^ita anuvAdana DA.c jayadeva jAnI yasya##} God created you, your brother, sister, father, mother, friend and your relatives. ## IshvaraH asR^ijat.h tvAm.h tava bhrAtaram.h bhaginIm.h pitaram.h mAtataram.h suhR^idam.h tathA cha tava bandhuvargam.h | ## He created the sun, moon and the stars. ## IshvaraH asR^ijad.h Adityam.h chandramasam.h tArakANi cha | ## He created the animals and the birds. ## IshvaraH asR^ijat.h pashUn.h vihagAn.h cha | ## He created the mountains, rivers and trees. ## IshvaraH asR^ijat.h parvatAn.h nadIH vR^ikShAn.h cha | ## He created the whole world. \hfill 1 ## IshvaraH asR^ijat.h sakalam.h idam.h vishvam.h | 1 %====================================================================== ## He dwells in your heart. ## saH tava hR^idaye nivasati | ## He is everywhere. ## saH sarvatra asti | ## He is all-pervading. ## saH sarvavyApakaH asti | ## He is all-knowing. ## saH sarvaj~naH asti | ## He is all-powerful. ## saH sarvashaktimAn.h asti | ## He is all-merciful. ## saH sarveShu dayAluH asti | ## He is all-loving. ## saH sarveShu snehilaH asti | ## He is all-blissful. ## saH sampUrNaH AnandamayaH asti | ## Your body is the moving temple of God. ## tava dehaH tasya chalanmandiram.h asti | ## Keep the body pure, strong and healthy. \hfill 2 ## (ataH) deham.h shuddham.h sudR^iDham.h nirogi cha tvam.h rakSha | 2 %====================================================================== ## God is Love. ## Ishvaro ha prema | ## God is Truth. ## Ishvaro hi satyam.h | ## God is Peace. ## Ishvaro vai shAntiH | ## God is Bliss. ## Ishvaro ha AnandaH | ## God is Light. ## Ishvaro vai prakAshaH | ## God is Power. ## Ishvaro hi shaktiH asti | ## God is Knowledge. ## Ishvaro ha j~nAnam.h | ## Realise Him and be free. \hfill 3 ## tam.h veda muktaH cha bhava | 3 %====================================================================== ## Do Kirtan daily morning and night. ## pratidinam.h sAyamprAtaH kIrtanam.h kuru | ## Pray daily. ## pratidinam.h prArthanAm.h kuru | ## Offer flowers to Him. ## tasmai puShpANi nivedaya | ## Prostrate before Him. ## tam.h cha namaskuru | ## Offer sweetmeats to Him and then eat. ## tasmai miShTAnnam.h nivedya eva bhu~NkShva | ## Place light before Him. ## tatpurataH dIpam.h prajvAlaya | ## Burn camphor before Him. ## tatpurataH karpUram.h prajvAlaya | ## Do Arati. ## nIrAjanam.h kuru | ## Put garland on Him. ## tasmai mAlArpaNam.h vidhehi | ## Pray to Him daily. ## pratidinam.h tam.h prArthaya | ## He will give you everything. \hfill 4 ## saH tubhyam.h sarvam.h dAsyasi | 4 %====================================================================== ## Keep a picture of God in your room. ## tasya chitram.h tava kakShe sthApaya | ## Worship Him daily. ## tam.h pUjaya pratidinam.h | ## All your desires will be fulfilled. \hfill 5 ## sa te sarvAn.h kAmAn.h pUrayaita | 5 %====================================================================== ## Offer this morning prayer to God, everyday: ## tasya IShvarasya prAtaHprArthanAm.h imAm.h kuru pratidinam.h : ## ``O Lord of this world! Prostrations unto Thee! ## jagadIsha namastubhyam.h | ## Thou art my Guru, real Mother, real Friend ## tvameva mama sadguruH | mAtA tvam.h me sakhA tvam.h me | ## and real Guide. ## mArgadeShTA cha tvameva me | ## Protect me. I am Thine. All is Thine. ## rakSha mAm.h | tava aham.h asmi | sarvam.h tvadIyam.h | ## Thy Will be done.'' \hfill 6 ## tvadIyam.h sa~Nkalpitameva bhaviShyati | 6 %====================================================================== ## ``O Adorable God! Salutations unto Thee. Give me pure intellect. ## devadeva namastubhyam.h dehi me sumatim.h varAm.h | ## Make me pure. Give me light, strength, health and long life. Make me a good Brahmachari.'' \hfill 7 ## nirmalam.h kuru mAm.h dehi prakAsham.h shaktimeva cha Arogyam.h dIrghamAyuShyam.h brahmacharyam.h cha dehi me | 7 %====================================================================== ## ``O Almighty Lord! Remove all my evil qualities. ## vibho tvam.h durguNAn.h sarvAn.h mamApanaya sarvathA | ## Make me virtuous. Make me a patriot. Let me love my mother-country.'' \hfill 8 ## guNAn dhehi deshabhaktim.h mAtR^ibhUmim.h bhajai sadA | 8 %====================================================================== ## Before you retire to bed at night, offer this prayer to God: ## shayanAt.h pUrvam.h nishAsu Ishvarasya imAm.h prArthanAm.h kuru | ## ``O Sweet God! Forgive my sins and wrong actions. ## madhureshvara pApAn.h kShamasva duShkR^itam.h me cha | ## I thank You for all Your gifts. ## AbhAritaH asmi tava dAnagaNaiH cha sarvaiH | ## You are very kind to me. ## tvam.h vai dayAluH asi bhUridayAm.h karoShi | ## Let me remember You always.'' ## nityam.h tava AsmaraNam.h astu mama antara~Nge | ## ``Make me dutiful. Give me success in my examination. Make me a good, brilliant boy. (Make me a good, brilliant girl.) ## dharme retim.h safalatAm.h cha parIkShaNe me medhAvinam.h/medhAvinIm.h kuru vibho bhavate | ## Adorations unto Thee.'' ## namaste | ## ``Give me good memory. Let me love all. Let me serve all. Let me see You in all. ## dehi smR^itim.h dR^iDhamatim.h praNayAni sarvAn.h sevai mama tvayi dR^ishiH sakalasya bhUyAt.h | ## Make me prosperous. Protect me, my father, mother, grandfather, grandmother, brothers and sisters. Glory unto Thee!'' \hfill 9 ## R^iddhim.h pradehi mahyam.h pAhi mAm.h pitaram.h jananIm.h cha tAtapitaram.h pitAmahIm.h bandhUn.h tathA cha bhaginIm.h | svasti prabho tvam.h asi kIrtiyashaHpradAtA | 9 %====================================================================== ## Dear Govinda! Do not fight with your brother, sister or classmates. Obey your parents and teachers. Do not smoke. This is a bad habit. You will get disease from smoking. Give up bad company. \hfill 10 ## vatsa govinda kalaham.h mA kuru bhrAtrA bhaginyA vargamitraiH vA | pitroH guroH cha Aj~nA~NkitaH bhava | mA kuru dhUmrapAnam.h | etad.h vai vyasanam.h | dhUmrapAnakaraNena tvam.h rogagrastaH bhaviShyasi | tyaja duShTasamparkam.h | 10 %====================================================================== ## Do not use vulgar words. Do not abuse anybody. Be kind to all. Serve all. Love all. Respect elders. Do not steal anything. Do not hurt anybody. Speak gently. Speak sweetly. Be punctual in your school. \hfill 11 ## ashlIlashabdAn.h mA vada | mA ka~nchana apashabdAn.h brUhi | sarveShu dayAluH bhava | sarvAn.h sevasva | sarveShu prINaya | gurujanAn.h Adara | mA ki~nchidapi muShANa | mA ka~nchidapi pIDaya | vinamram.h vada | madhuram.h vada | shAlAyAm.h samayapAlakaH bhava | 11 %====================================================================== ## Study your daily lessons well. Stand first in the class. Do not play much. Do not kill bugs and scorpions. Do not waste time. \hfill 12 ## dainika\-svAdhyAn.h samyak.h paTha | vargeShu prathamaH bhava | mA atikrIDAm.h bhaja | kITAn.h matsarAn.h mA hindhi | samayam.h vyartham.h mA gamaya | 12 %====================================================================== ## Don't play cards. Playing cards will make you a wicked boy. Do not go to cinema. But do go to the temple daily and worship the Lord. Take flowers, camphor and fruits when you go to the temple. \hfill 13 ## krIDApatraiH mA krIDa | krIDApatraiH khelA tvAm.h duShTam.h bAlam.h kariShyati | chalachitram.h mA gachCha | parantu pratidinam.h devAlayam.h gachCha Ishvaram.h cha bhaja | yadA tvam.h devAlayam.h gachCheH tadA puShpANi karpUram.h phalAni cha upahara | 13 %====================================================================== ## Don't hate anybody, but do love all. Give a pie to a blind man. Wash the clothes of your parents. Never become angry towards your parents and others. Anger is very bad. It will spoil your health. You will spoil your name. You will do wrong actions if you become angry. \hfill 14 ## mA kasyApi dveSham.h kuru | sarveShu prItim.h kuru | andhajanAya varATakam.h dehi | pitroH vastrANi kShAlaya | pitR^ibhyAm.h mA kadApi krudhya | anyebhyaH api mA krudhya | krodhaH hi duShTaH | krodhaH tava svAsthyam.h hariShyati | tava nAma cha Avilam.h kariShyati | yadi krodham.h kariShyasi tvam.h akAryANi kariShyasi | 14 %====================================================================== ## God watches your thoughts. Don't hide your thoughts. Be frank. Be pure in your thoughts, words and actions. \hfill 15 ## IshvaraH tava vichArAn.h pashyati | svavichArAn.h mA apahnuhi | spaShTaH bhava | vichAreShu vachaneShu karmasu cha shuddhaH bhava | 15 %====================================================================== ## Worship Lord Surya, the Sun-God, on Sundays. Repeat 'Om Mitraya Namah', 'Om Suryaya Namah', 'Om Adityaya Namah'. Lord Surya will give you good health and vigour and good eyesight. \hfill 16 ## sUryadevam.h ravivAsare bhaja | punaH punah brUhi: AUM mitrAya namaH | AUM sUryAya namaH | AUM AdityAya namaH | sUryadevaH tubhyam.h svAsthyam.h shaktim.h dR^iShTi\-sAmarthyam.h cha dAsyati | 16 %====================================================================== ## Worship Lord Shiva on Mondays. Worship Devi on Tuesdays and Fridays. Worship Guru on Thursdays. Worship Hanuman on Saturdays. You will get plenty, peace, prosperity and success! \hfill 17 ## somavAsare bhagavantam.h shivam.h bhaja | bhaumavAsare shukravAsare cha jagadambAm.h bhaja | guruvAsare gurum.h bhaja | shanivAsare hanUmantam.h bhaja | tvam.h bAhulyam.h shAntim.h samR^iddhim.h safalatAm.h cha avApsyasi | 17 %====================================================================== ## Lord Brahma is the creator of this world. Sarasvati, Goddess of learning, is His Sakti or energy or wife. Lord Vishnu is the preserver of this world. Goddess LakShmi is His Sakti, energy or wife. She is the Goddess of wealth. Lord Shiva is the destroyer of this world. Uma or Parvati is His Sakti, energy or wife. Lord Ganesa is His eldest son. Lord Subrahmanya is His second son! \hfill 18 ## prajApatiH brahmA asya jagataH utpAdakaH | tasya vidyAdevi sarasvatI shaktiH patnI vA | bhagavAn.h viShNuH asya jagataH pAlakaH | tasya shaktiH patnI vA devI lakShmIH | sA samR^iddheH devI | bhagavAn.h shivaH asya jagataH saMhArakaH | tasya shaktiH patnI vA umA pArvatI | tasya jyeShThaH putraH gaNeshaH | tasya dvitIyaH putraH subrahmaNyaH | 18 %====================================================================== ## Lord Ganesa removes all obstacles. Lord Subrahmanya gives all success and strength. Worship them with faith and devotion. You will get Bhakti (devotion), Bhukti (happiness) and Mukti (liberation). \hfill 19 ## bhagavAn.h gaNeshaH sarvAn.h vighnAn.h apAkaroti | bhagvAn.h subrahmaNyaH sarvAH safalatAH sAmarthyam.h cha vitarati | shraddhayA bhaktyA cha tayoH pUjanam.h vidhehi | tvam.h bhaktim.h bhuktim.h muktim.h cha prApsyasi | 19 %====================================================================== ## God loves you. He gives you many good things. He gives you food to eat and clothes to wear. He has given you ears to hear, eyes to see, a nose to smell, tongue to taste, hands to feel and work, and legs to walk. \hfill 20 ## IshvaraH tvayi snihyati | saH tubhyam.h bahUni shubhAni vastUni dadAti | saH tubhyam.h bhojanAya annam.h paridhAnAya cha vastrANi yachChati | saH tubhyam.h shravaNAya karNau darshanAya netre ghrANAya nAsikAm.h svAdanAya rasanAm.h sparshanAya karma karaNAya cha hastau chalanAya cha pAdau dattavAn.h | 20 %====================================================================== ## You cannot see God with your fleshy eyes but He sees you. He takes care of you. He knows all that you do. \hfill 21 ## tvam.h tam.h Ishvaram.h sharIra\-chakShurbhyAm.h dR^iShTum.h na samarthaH kintu saH tvAm.h pashyati | saH tava yogakShemam.h vahati saH tat.h tat.h sarvam.h jAnAti yat.h yat.h api tvam.h karma karoShi | 21 %====================================================================== ## He is very kind to you. Love Him. Praise Him. ## saH tvayi kR^ipAluH | tasmin.h snihya | tam.h prashaMsa | ## Sing His Name and glory. Pray to Him to keep you away from all sins. He will be pleased with you. He will bless you. \hfill 22 ## tasya nAma\-guNa\-kIrtanam.h kuru | tvAm.h sarvebhyaH pApebhyaH avitum.h tam.h prArthayasya | saH tubhyam.h prasannaH bhaviShyati | saH te ashiShaH dAsyati | 22 %====================================================================== ## O David! Look at the rose! How beautiful it is! What a fine fragrance it has. You love it. You pluck it and smell it. Can a scientist produce a rose? You can make a paper-flower which may look beautiful but it has no sweet smell. \hfill 23 ## bhoH DeviDa | gulAba\-puShpam.h pashya | aho kIdR^isham.h sundaram.h | kIdR^ishI manoharA surabhiH tasmin.h | tubhyam.h tat.h rochate | tvam.h tat.h puShpam.h chinoShi jighrasi cha | kaH vaij~nAnikaH gulAbapuShpam.h utpAdayitum.h samarthaH | tvam.h kargada\-puShpam.h utpAdayitum.h sakShamaH kintu tatra madhurA surabhiH na vartate | 23 %====================================================================== ## The rose soon fades and loses its beauty and fragrance. You throw it away. It is perishable. Its beauty lasts for a few minutes. Who has created the beautiful flower? This Creator is God. He is Beauty of beauties. He is everlasting Beauty. Attain Him. You also will possess eternal beauty. Beauty is God. Always discriminate between the real and the unreal. \hfill 24 ## gulAbapuShpam.h nachirAt.h mlAyati svakIyAm.h sundaratAm.h surabhim.h cha ujjhati | tat.h tu nashvaram.h | tasya sundaratA katichit.h kShaNa\-sthAyinI | kaH sundaram.h puShpam.h utpAdayati | utpAdakaH IshvaraH eva | saH eva sundarANAm.h saundaryam.h | saH avinAshi saundaryam.h | tam.h prApnuhi | tataH tvam.h api shAshvatam.h saundaryam.h avApsyasi | saundaryam.h eva IshvaraH | nitya\-anityayoH vivekam.h nityam.h bhaja | 24 %====================================================================== ## There is only one God. But His names and aspects are endless. Call Him by any name and worship Him in any aspect that pleases you. You are sure to see Him and get His grace and blessings. \hfill 25 ## ekaH eva IshvaraH | kintu tasya nAmAni anantAni mUrtayaH cha anantAH | yena kena api nAmnA tam.h AkAraya | yayA kayA api mUrtyA tam.h pUjaya yA tubhyam.h atIva rochate | tvam.h tam.h avashyam.h prakShyasi | tasya kR^ipAm.h AshiShaH cha AsAdayasi eva | 25 %====================================================================== ## Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva are the three Forms of the one God of the Hindus. Allah is the God of Muslims. Jehovah is the God of the Jews. The Father in Heaven is the God of Christians. Ahura Mazda is the God of the Zoroastrians. \hfill 26 ## brahmA viShNuH shivaH cha hindUnAm.h ekeshvarasya trINi svarUpANi | allaH mohamadIyAnAm.h IshvaraH | yahUdInAm.h IshvaraH yehovA | khristInAm.h IshvaraH svargasthitaH paramapitA | jarasthostIyAnAm.h ahuramazdaH IshvaraH | 26 %====================================================================== ## God is the Aim of all religions. Every religion points out the way to attain God. God is the central topic of every religion. \hfill 27 ## sarveShAm.h dharmasampradAyAnAm.h dhyeyaH IshvaraH eva | pratyekam.h dharmasampradAyaH Ishvara\-prApteH mArgam.h dishati | IshvaraH eva pratyekam.h dharmasampradAyasya kendra\-viShayaH | 27 %====================================================================== ## Do not fight with your Christian friends. Do not fight with your Muslim friends or Parsee friends. Their religions also lead them to God just as your religion does. You can reach the same destination by travelling through any of the paths leading to it. ``All paths lead to God.'' Bear this in mind. \hfill 28 ## tava khristi\-mitraiH mA yuddhyasva | tava mohamadIya\-mitraiH pArasika\-mitraiH vA mA yuddhyasva | teShAm.h dharma\-sampradAyaH api tAn.h Ishvaram.h prApayati yathA tava dharma\-sampradAyaH | tadeva gantavyam.h tvam.h teShAm.h kenachid.h ekena pathA gachChan.h prApnuyAH | sarve mArgAH Ishvaram.h prati gachChanti iti manasi nitarAm.h kuru | 28 %====================================================================== ## Purity, charity, control of the senses, penance, truthfulness, absence of hatred and pride will help you to attain God. \hfill 29 ## shudhiH dAnam.h indrIya\-saMyamaH tapaH satyam.h rAga\-dvesha\- rAhityam.h cha tava sahAyyam.h kariShyanti Ishvara\-prAptim.h prati || 29 % ## \centerline{##\LARGEdvng .. OM tatsat.h ..##} \medskip \medskip \medskip {\large Please send corrections to Haresh BakShi hareshbakShi at hotmail.com .} %====================================================================== %ADVICE TO CHILDREN By SRI SWAMI SIVANANDA % % %CREDITS: Translated by: Dr. Jayadeva Jani % Reader, Sanskrit Dept. of M. S. Uni of Vadodara, INDIA %Communication link: Arati Pradeep %Transliterated by: Haresh BakShi July 31, 1998 %NOTE: All errors, of any kind, are mine. -- Haresh BakShi % hareshbakShi at hotmail.com % \medskip\hrule\obeylines Please send corrections to sanskrit@cheerful.com Last updated \today https://sanskritdocuments.org \end{document}