\documentstyle{article} % for multicolumn % \documentstyle[multicol]{article} \input idevn.tex % TeX macros that ease ITRANS devanagari font usage %----- % ITRANS song book....prepend this header to print out songs, % using TeX (either Devnac or Devnag font) % >>>>>>>> Need ITRANS 4.0 <<<<<<<<< %----- % User Configuration Option -- One column or Two column output. %\def\maketwocolumn{YES} % Uncomment this for 2-column printing %\def\makelandscape{YES} % Uncomment this for landscape format \pagestyle{empty} \def\EN#1{} % empty operator \def\m+{\sBs{-0.30}{\char32}\kRn{-0.5}\sBs{0.50}{\char94}\ } % Vedic anusvaar \def\bcksl{{\tt\char92}} % to force a backslash since \\ will add linebreak \newcommand{\SCOUNT}{\stepcounter{scounter}\arabic{scounter}} \newcounter{scounter} %\newcommand{\BCOUNT}{\stepcounter{bcounter}\arabic{bcounter}} %\newcounter{bcounter} %\newcommand{\CCOUNT}{\stepcounter{ccounter}\arabic{ccounter}} %\newcounter{ccounter} %\newcommand{\resetCCOUNT}{\setcounter{ccounter}{0}} %\newcommand{\addline}{\medskip\hrule\medskip} %\newcommand{\separate}{\medskip\hrule\medskip\setcounter{scounter}{0}} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Edit this if needed, default should be ok for most users. \ifx\undefined\maketwocolumn % --- One column output \let\usedvng=\LARGEdvng % 17pt devanagari font % \let\usedvng=\Hugedvng % ??pt devanagari font \let\smallcmr=\eightrm \let\titlefont=\tenrm \else % --- Two column output \let\usedvng=\normaldvng % 10pt devanagri font \let\smallcmr=\sixrm \let\titlefont=\eightrm \fi % font options (normaldvng, largedvng, etc): % sizes: normal < large < Large < LARGE < huge < Huge %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % if needed, redefine "space" to allow each input line to be broken into % multiple output lines (\let =~ is the default, which enforces line rule) % That has to done in the idevn.tex file, or add this command after % \startsong in your input file: % {\global\let =\ }% Comment this out for: 1 input line --> 1 output line % (you cannot uncomment the command here, it has to appear after \startsong) %----- % Uncomment one of the following paragraphs: % First one is for Frans Velthuis's font. % Second one uses the font that is bundled with the ITRANS package. % ONLY one of these should be uncommented at any one time............. % ** Frans's font....(Metafont) (Uncomment the following TWO lines.) #indianifm=dvng.ifm % ITRANS command #indianfont=\fransdvng %-----OR-------- % ** Devnac font (PostScript) (Uncomment the following TWO lines.) % #indianifm=dvnc.ifm % ITRANS command % #indianfont=\postdvng #useshortmarkers % this allows use of ## (beginindian) and ## (endindian) % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % Page Settings \ifx\undefined\makelandscape % Use Portrait Size Page \portraitpage % use a slightly wider page \addtolength{\textwidth}{0.25in} \else % Use Landscape Size Page \landscapepage \fi % \setlength{\topmargin}{-1.25in} % real margin == this + 1in % \setlength{\oddsidemargin}{-.75in} % real margin == this + 1in % \setlength{\evensidemargin}{-0.0in} % real margin == this + 1in % \setlength{\textwidth}{8.0in} % \setlength{\textheight}{10.75in}% % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % The idevn.tex file is now included with ITRANS 4.0, but it has % a new method of specifying the songtitle (using printtitle). % For backward compatibility, need to define songtitle. \def\songtitle#1#2#3#4{% \film{#1}\singer{#2}\lyrics{#3}\music{#4}\printtitle} % ----------------------------------------------------------------- \font\titled=dvng10 scaled\magstep1 \raggedright % since the words are long, this reduces the long % gaps that appear when TeX justifies the lines. %\parskip 3 pt % to slightly increase the space between the shlokas. \parindent 0pt \begin{document} % from startsong command: \def\-{{\englfont -}}% \def\.{{\englfont .}}% \usedvng % use whatever font the user wants...default normaldvng \englfont % usedvng makes default font indian, restore english font % end from startsong command % \ifx\undefined\maketwocolumn \relax \else \twocolumn[\centerline{##\titled R^igveda 1##}\bigskip] \fi %\hrule height0.4pt % ----------------------- End of ishdr.itx ------------------------ %\obeylines %\obeyspaces %\obeyspaceslines #indian % for multicolumn % ## \centerline{\titled } ## % \begin{multicols}{5} ## %## \centerline{##\hugedvng maajhyaa aaThavaNii.ntiil kaahii maraaThii mhaNii##\footnote{\large Send corrections to P. E. Narasimhan, Phone: (617)487-5818; Fax: (508)675-5544; Email: pnarasimhan@mmt.com} } ## \medskip \medskip maraaThiita evaDhyaa mhaNii aaheta kii tyaa.nchaa eka mahaagra.nthacha nirmaaNa hoiila\. aso\. ekadaa 1950's madhye taamiiLa bhaashhetalyaa kalaimakhaLa yaa naavaachyaa, maraaThiichyaa sahyaadriisaarakhyaa, ekaa saahityika maasikaane, ##``##paLaimoLikaLil naay.h, mhaNaje, mhaNiitiila kutraa" yaa vishhayaavara vaachakaaMkaDuuna mhaNii maagavilyaa, aaNi tyaa.nchii sa.nkhyaa 450 pekshaaM adhika jhaalii hotii\. para.ntu, maajhyaa bahiNiilaa aaiine vichaarale, ##``##aga, bagha kii, hii mhaNa yaa yaadii.nta aahe kii naahii?" ase mhaNuuna aaiine ekaa mhaNiichaa ullekha kelaa\. tyaana.ntara ase aaDhaLale kii tii nemakii eka mhaNa kalaimakhaLachyaa prasiddha jhaalelyaa mhaNii.nchyaa yaadii.nta navhatii\. taatparya heca kii, aapalaa mhaNiisa.ngraha nehamiicha apuurNa raahaNaara\. tariipaNa, mii malaa aaThavaNa asalelyaa maraaThii mhaNii.nchyaa saMkalanaachaa nirdesha karato\. chuukabhuula maapha karaa\. \medskip \medskip 1\. prayatnaa.ntii parameshvara ## by effort even God can be realized\. ## 2\. he baalaajii, chhappanna koTii.nchaa chaturthaaMsha ## Grant me 56 crore, O' Baaalaajii, and I will give you its quarter! ## 3\. halavaayaachyaa gharaavara tuLashiipatra ## public donation at somebody else's cost\.## 4\. aapalaa haatha jagannaatha ## being free with the usage of someone else's property\.## 5\. gaaDyaabarobara naLyaalaa yaatraa ## free ride ## 6\. kaanaamaaguuna aalaa aaNi tikhaTa jhaalaa ##bossy newcomer## 7\. sataraa purabhayye aaNi aTharaa chulii ## taking social dictums to extreme ## (sovaLyaabaabatiita) 8\. uthaLa paaNyaalaa khaLakhaLaaTa phaara ## an empty vessel makes much noise\.## 9\. ##``##dha chaa maa karaNe" ## maliciously twisting the intent, ## raaghobaachyaa baayakone dha chaa maa kelaa ## committed a crime of changing ##dharaave##\ to ##maaraave##\ thus changing the order to capture into the order to kill ##naaraayaNaraava \. 10\. theMbe theMbe taLe saache ##or## \ jalabindunipaatena kramashaH puuryate ghaTaH (sa.nskR^ita) ##Every little bit helps!## 11\. paDatyaa phaLaachii aaGYaa ## Use any excuse as needed.## 12\. paDatyaa paavaliivara ghara ## inordinate gift or blessing## 13\. baapa daakhava, naahiitara shraaddha kara ## demand evidence obstinately.## 14\. kaavaLyaache daa.nta shodhaNyaasaarakhecha ## an impossible endeavor.## kaakadantagaveshhaNanyaaya 15\. R^ishhipaMchamiichaa baila ## a powerful proverb with various complimentary and derogatory meanings. Solicit reader contributions here. ## 16\. kaaya karuuM kasaM karuuM? ## describes utter helplessness. ## 17\. ardhyaa haLakuNDaane pivaLe hoNe ## a proclivity or a misplaced tendency towards over exuberance\. tamiLa equivalent is,## ##``##aLaikkaNDa samudram.h" 18\. itaraaMchyaa DoLyaatale kusaLa disate (paNa svataHchyaa DoLyaatale musaLa disata naahii);## Nitpicker with others (but does not see big mistakes of oneself).## 19\. naachataa yeiinaa, aMgaNa vaakaDe ## a bad workman quarrels with tools\. ## 20\. choraavara shirajora ## Outfox the foxes!## 21\. choraachyaa ulaTyaa boMbaa ##Cry foul to hide your own fault.## 21\.1\. chora naahiitara choraachii laMgoTiicha ## Save whatever you can. ## 22\. Thakaasa mahaaThaka ## Similar to 20 above.\. ## 23\. tela gele, tuupa gele, haatii dhupaaTaNe raahile ## Lose everything (usually thru sheer stupidity). There is a story of an ignoramus who takes a ## dhupaaTaNe ## (shaped like a double cone) to buy some oil and some clarified butter. Having bought the oil in one cone, he turns the pot upside down to buy the butter - losing the oil right there. Having gone home he shows off the butter and when his wife asks about the oil, turns it upside down to show it... ## 24\. vaaje paauula aapule, aaNi mhaNe maaguuna koNa aale? (shrii sa.nta tukaaraama);## being afraid of one's own shadow\.## 25\. khaaNyaasa kaaLa aaNi bhuiilaa bhaara ##freeloader with a big appetite \.## 26\. mulagaa je.nvhaapaasuuna baapaachaa joDaa vaaparuu shakalaa tevhaa.npaasuuna ## When the kid becomes a man ## (praapte tu shhoDashhe varshhe putre mitra vadaa.acharet.h) 27\. lagna baghaave karuuna, aaNi ghara baghaave baaMdhuuna ## Two things look easy until you actually try them, marriage and housebuilding!## 28\. jaave tyaachyaa va.nshaa tevhaaM kaLela ## You don't know (the real hardship) until you have walked in their shoes! ## 29\. aayatyaa biLaavara naagobaa ##Be opportunistic! ## 30\. gavayaache muula suraa.nniicha raDaNaara ## Class shows! Cream rises to the top! ## 31\. atyuchchii padi thorahii bighaDato, haa bola aahe kharaa ## Power corrupts! ## 32\. ikaDe aaDa aaNi tikaDe vihiira ## Between a rock and a hard place!## 33\. ##``##ga" chii baadhaa jhaalii ##afflicted by inordinate pride. ## 34\. R^iddhii siddhii paaNii bharataata tyaachyaa ghariiM ## Extremely rich! Born with a silver spoon in his mouth! ## 35\. maaLaraana (yaavaratii aneka mhaNii aaheta; ##On this topic of ``maaLaraana," I solicit reader input\.## 36\. mana chintii te vairiihi na chi.ntii 37\. chitaa melelyaa maaNasaalaa jaaLate, parantu chi.ntaa jiva.nta maaNasaalaa jaaLate (pharaka kevaLa ekaa TiMbaachaacha!) 38\. aaga laagalyaavara vihiira khaNaNe 39\. vihiriitalaa beDuuka; kuupamaNDuuka 40\. taa varuun taakabhaata (kaLaayalaa havaa) 41\. vaasaraaMta laMgaDii gaaya shahaaNii ##one eyed man is a king amongst the blind.## 42\. divyaakhaaliiM nehamiicha aMdhakaara 43\. kelaa jarii pota barechi khaale, jvaaLaa tarii te varatii uphaaLe 44\. aho, suurya baghaayalaa mashaaliichii kaaya garaja? 45\. bhiika nako paNa kutraa aavara 46\. dR^ishhTiiaaDa sR^ishhTii ##out of sight, out of mind\. ## 47\. saapaalaa duudha deNyaasaarakhe (payaHpaanaM bhuj.ngaanaaM kevalaM vishhavardhanam.h sa.nskR^ita) \medskip ## \hfill Continued \.\.\.\.## \vfill\eject sa.nskR^ita subhaashhitaani: ## Following represents only a small fraction of the ##sa.nskR^ita##\ \ sayings that are currently prevalent, without any modification, in maraaThii. Please recognize that the list can be quite long\.## \medskip ka\. kaakataaliiyanyaayaH kha\. karmadharmasa.nyogaane ga\. si.nhaavalokana gha\. samaanashiilavyasaneshhu sakhyam.h ## People with common trends come together and so do people in a common predicament\.## N^\. maunaM sammatidarshanam.h cha\. maunaM sarvaarthasaadhanam.h chha\. yena kena prakaareNa prasiddhaH purushho bhavet.h ja\. shubhasya shiighram.h, ashubhasya kaalaharaNam.h jha\. kaalaaya tasmai namaH JNa\. durjanaM prathamaM vande Ta\. R^iNaM kR^itvaa ghR^itaM pibet.h Tha\. dR^ishhTiM GYAnamayiiM kR^itvA pashyet.h brahmamayaM jagat.h Da\. andhaparaMparaanyaayaH Dha\. lohachu.nbakanyaayaH Na\. dehaliidiipanyaayaH ## two birds with one stone flock together\.## ta\. kR^ipaNaaH phalahetavaaH tha\. kuupayantraghaTikaanyaayaH ## world has people of prolific contributions, and also with no contributions.\.## \medskip \medskip ## P. E. Narasimhan\\ Phone: (617)487-5818\\ Fax: (508)675-5544\\ Email: pnarasimhan@mmt.com\\ \medskip\hrule\medskip ## #endindian \end{document}