\documentstyle{article} \input idevn.tex % TeX macros that ease ITRANS devanagari font usage %----- % ITRANS song book....prepend this header to print out songs, % using TeX (either Devnac or Devnag font) % >>>>>>>> Need ITRANS 4.0 <<<<<<<<< %----- % User Configuration Option -- One column or Two column output. %\def\maketwocolumn{YES} % Uncomment this for 2-column printing %\def\makelandscape{YES} % Uncomment this for landscape format \pagestyle{empty} %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % Edit this if needed, default should be ok for most users. \ifx\undefined\maketwocolumn % --- One column output % \let\usedvng=\LARGEdvng % 17pt devanagari font \let\usedvng=\normaldvng % 10pt devanagari font \let\smallcmr=\eightrm \let\titlefont=\tenrm \else % --- Two column output \let\usedvng=\normaldvng % 10pt devanagri font \let\smallcmr=\sixrm \let\titlefont=\eightrm \fi % font options (normaldvng, largedvng, etc): % sizes: normal < large < Large < LARGE < huge < Huge %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% % if needed, redefine "space" to allow each input line to be broken into % multiple output lines (\let =~ is the default, which enforces line rule) % That has to done in the idevn.tex file, or add this command after % \startsong in your input file: % {\global\let =\ }% Comment this out for: 1 input line --> 1 output line % (you cannot uncomment the command here, it has to appear after \startsong) %----- % Uncomment one of the following paragraphs: % First one is for Frans Velthuis's font. % Second one uses the font that is bundled with the ITRANS package. % ONLY one of these should be uncommented at any one time............. % ** Frans's font....(Metafont) (Uncomment the following TWO lines.) #indianifm=dvng.ifm % ITRANS command #indianfont=\fransdvng %-----OR-------- % ** Devnac font (PostScript) (Uncomment the following TWO lines.) % #indianifm=dvnc.ifm % ITRANS command % #indianfont=\postdvng #useshortmarkers % this allows use of ## (beginindian) and ## (endindian) % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % Page Settings \ifx\undefined\makelandscape % Use Portrait Size Page \portraitpage % use a slightly wider page \addtolength{\textwidth}{0.25in} \else % Use Landscape Size Page \landscapepage \fi % ----------------------------------------------------------------- % The idevn.tex file is now included with ITRANS 4.0, but it has % a new method of specifying the songtitle (using printtitle). % For backward compatibility, need to define songtitle. \def\songtitle#1#2#3#4{% \film{#1}\singer{#2}\lyrics{#3}\music{#4}\printtitle} % ----------------------------------------------------------------- \font\titled=dvng10 scaled\magstep1 \raggedright % since the words are long, this reduces the long % gaps that appear when TeX justifies the lines. %\parskip 3 pt % to slightly increase the space between the shlokas. \parindent 0pt \begin{document} % from startsong command: \def\-{{\englfont -}}% \def\.{{\englfont .}}% \usedvng % use whatever font the user wants...default normaldvng \englfont % usedvng makes default font indian, restore english font % end from startsong command % \ifx\undefined\maketwocolumn \relax \else \twocolumn[\centerline{Pronunciation\ ##\titled uchchaara##}\bigskip] \fi %\hrule height0.4pt % ----------------------- End of ishdr.itx ------------------------ % Corrections: Shashikant Joshi rava0002@gold.tc.umn.edu %\obeylines #indian ## %\begin{table}[t] \begin{table}[h] %\caption{## devanaagarii uchchaara paddhata ## Pronunciation of devanagari characters} \centerline{## devanaagarii uchchaara paddhata ## Pronunciation of devanagari characters} \begin{tabular}{|l|l|l|} \multicolumn{1}{c}{## akshara##}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{letter}& \multicolumn{1}{c}{Pronunciation key} \\ \hline ## a## & a & but \\ ## aa(A)## & aa(A) & father \\ ## i## & i & bit \\ ## ii(I)## & ii(I) & meet \\ ## u## & u & put \\ ## uu## & uu & boot \\ ## e## & e & a in fate\\ ## ai## & ai & bait \\ ## o## & o & boat \\ ## au## & au & now \\ ## aM## & aM & Umm! \\ ## aH## & aH & Uh! \\ ## a.c## & a.c & bat \\ ## aa.c## & aa.c & corn \\ ## R^i## & Ri & ri \\ ## R^I## & RI & extended ri \\ ## L^i## & Li & lri \\ ## L^I## & LI & extended lri \\ \hline ## ka## & ka & skin \\ ## kha## & kha & kh in brick-head\\ ## ga## & ga & get \\ ## gha## & gha & gh in dog-house\\ ## N^## & N\^ & bang \\ ## cha## & cha & chin \\ ## chha## & chha & chh in church-hat or march-hare\\ ## ja## & ja & major\\ ## jha## & jha & as in sledge-hammer or page-her\\ ## JN## & JN & bench, change\\ ## Ta## & Ta & stick \\ ## Tha## & Tha & th in fat-head, boat-house\\ ## Da## & Da & dig \\ ## Dha## & Dha & dh in head-hair, adhere\\ ## Na## & Na & band \\ ## ta## & ta & restaurant, travaille (French)\\ ## tha## & tha & bath, faith, thank\\ ## da## & da & then \\ ## dha## & dha & th in with-hold\\ ## na## & na & net \\ ## pa## & pa & spin \\ ## pha## & pha & ph in sharp-hit\\ ## ba## & ba & big \\ ## bha## & bha & bH in Bob-Harry\\ ## ma## & ma & met \\ ## ya## & ya & yet \\ ## ra## & ra & rat \\ ## la## & la & let \\ ## va## & va & wet \\ ## sha## & sha & shin \\ ## shha## & shha & shin with tongue moved in \\ ## sa## & sa & sin \\ ## ha## & ha & hat \\ ## ksha## & ksha & back-shot compound ksh \\ ## GYa## & GYa & combination of g and y (for hindi) \\ &&OR d, n, y (for marathi) \\ \hline ## q## & q & qayaamat(Urdu)\\ ## K## & K & KHayaal(Urdu)\\ ## G## & G & Gaalib(Urdu)\\ ## z## & z & nazar(Urdu)\\ ## f## & f & fasal(Urdu)\\ ## .D## & .D & (Urdu)\\ ## .Dh## & .Dh & (Urdu)\\ \hline \end{tabular} \end{table} ## #endindian \end{document} % ---- % send Sanskrit texts, hindi/marathi/bengali/gujarathi songs, % corrections, etc to Avinash Chopde (avinash@acm.org) % ----