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Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 3.. ## jarii hii tanuu rakshisii pushhTa kaa.nhii.n . tarii bhoga to roga ho{ii}la dehii.n .. vipattiipuDhe.n te na ye bolataa.n re . hare raama haa mantra sopaa japaa re .. 4.. ## Even if you protect and nourish this body, Know for sure it will fall to disease through enjoyment of pleasures, And to unspeakable calamities. Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 4.. ## khuLe hastapaadaadi he bhagna hotii . diThii ma.nda ho{uu}niyaa.n karNa jaatii .. tanuu kaMpa sarvaa.ngi.n hotii kaLaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 5.. ## The madly active limbs will shatter, All senses,like hearing will fade and fail; Tremors will afflict the whole body; Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 5.. ## kaphe.n ka.nTha haa ruddha ho{ii}la jevhaa.n . akasmaata to praaNa jaa{ii}la te.nvhaa.n .. tulaa koNa tethe.n sakhe soyare re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 6.. ## When your throat will get blocked by secretions, Unexpectedly will the life end; What friends and kinsmen will you have then? Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 6.. ## tujhe.n baaLa taaruNya gele.n nighonii . kaLenaa kase loka jaatii maronii .. kariisii mulaachii svahaste.n kriyaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 7.. ## Your childhood and youth have now slipped by, We know not how death whisks us away; You may have to perform the obsequies of your own child; Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 7.. ## duraashaa nako re parastriidhanaachii . nako tuu.n karuu.n niicha sevaa janaachii .. paraadhiina kaisaa malaa diisasii re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 8.. ## Give up up the evil lust for others' wives and wealth, Serve not others in servility, A slave you will be in others' eyes, Why do you not chant this simple prayer " Hare Rama" .. 8.. ## made.n Dolasii bolasii saadhuvR^i.ndaa . kase.n hiita tuu.n neNasii buddhima.ndaa .. rikaamaachi tuu.n gu.ntashii vaa{u}gaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 9.. ## Haughtily you behave and speak to holy persons, Dim-witted, you know not your well-being, Idle and wasteful will be your pursuits, Why do you not chant this simple prayer " Hare Rama" .. 9.. ## bahuu vyaapasa.ntaapa to muuLapaapaa . gataayushhya dravye.n na ye koTi baapaa .. kaLenaa tulaa koNataa to naphaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 10.. ## Vice it is to engage in aimless furious activities, Wasted life cannot be bought by any wealth, You know not wherein your profit lies, Why do you not chant this simple prayer " Hare Rama" .. 10.. ## tujhe aapta dravyaarthi nustechi hotii . tanuu he chitemaaji kii.n boLaviitii .. ase.n jaaNunii hiita kaa.nhii.n karaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 11.. ## Your kinsmen are merely after (your) wealth, Unceremoniously will they send your body on the funeral pyre, Knowing all this, strive for your (spiritual) welfare. Why do you not chant this simple prayer " Hare Rama" .. 11.. ## kuTuMbii.n striyaa putra te daasadaasii . bahuu poshhisii sosunii duHkharaasii .. tyajii.n bhaara kaabaaDa ojhe.n kitii re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 12.. ## Family you have with wife, children, and servants, Suffering endless misery, you support them, Will you not like to lighten this arduous burden, Why do you not chant this simple prayer " Hare Rama" .. 12.. ## bahuu ichchhisii kiirti sanmaana kaa.nhii.n . sukhaachaa tulaa a.ntarii.n lesha naahii.n .. phukaache.n mukhii.n naama te.n kaa na ye re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 13.. ## Much fame and honor do you desire, Happiness , though, dwells not in your heart, For free can you chant (God's) name, and yet you do not, Why do you not chant this simple prayer " Hare Rama" .. 13.. ## raviisuuta te duuta vikraaLa yetii . tujhyaa li.ngadehaasi oDhuuni netii . tulaa kha.nDitii mu.nDiti da.nDitii re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 14.. ## Death's messengers, ferocious, will arrive, And drag your subtle body, Only to break, revile, and punish it ! Why do you not chant this simple prayer " Hare Rama" .. 14.. ## nako viishhayii.n phaarasaa masta ho{uu}.n . nako maanadaMbhaamadhe.n chitta govuu.n .. nako bhasma laavuu.n jaTaabhaara kaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 15.. ## Let no pleasures intoxicate you, Let not your mind cling to hypocritical honors, Show off never the burden of matted hair, and ash-smeared body, Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 15.. ## nako phaara ma.ntraagnichyaa ma.ntradiikshaa . nako jaaraNaamaaraNaadii apekshaa .. kaLaayukta chaaturyataa viikaLaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 16.. ## Long not for initiation, by the side of the sacred fire, Long not for the powers of deathly and evil incantations, Deceitful cleverness is no better than vomit, Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 16 ## nako yoga ashhTaa.nga to rodha praaNaa . nako kR^ichchhrachaa.ndraayaNii.n haTTa jaaNaa .. apabhra.nsha haa maarga kii.n vokhaTaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 17.. ## Bother not with the eight steps of yoga, or the control of breath, Stick not stubbornly to rituals of fasting, Corrupted practices will only lead you on the wrong path, Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 17 ## kadaapii ghaDenaa vrate.n yaGYadaane.n . nase dravyagaa.nThii.n karaave.n jayaane.n . ghaDe naa ghaDe yadyapii kaa.n phukaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 18.. ## What will vows, sacrifices, and charity accomplish ? Or by the hoarding of wealth ? Nothing prevents what is bound to happen, for free can you pray, Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 18 ## nase satya kaa.nhii.n dise do.n disaa.nche.n . tulaa luuTitii choraTe loka saache .. striyaa putra kaamaa na yetii tulaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 19.. ## Fleeting appearances reveal not truth, Even honest-appearing folks may rob you, Neither wife nor son may help you in time of need, Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 19 ## nako tuu.n kadaapii karuu.n tiirthayaatraa . tanuuda.nDaNii.n kshiiNataa sarva gaatraa.n .. karii grasta aayushhya tuu.n koNasaare . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 20.. ## Never mind going on pilgrimages, Punishing the body thus, all your limbs will feel weak, Afflictions only will you add to your life, Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 20 ## tulaa yema paashii.n karii baddha jevhaa.n . sakhaa koNataa soDavii saa.nga tevhaa.n .. yamaalaa kadaapii dayaa te na ye re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 21.. ## When Death will bind you in his grip, Tell me what friend will release you, Death shows never any compassion, mindful be Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 21.. ## tapasvii manasvii bhale paara gele . dujii sR^ishhTi karte ase thora mele .. chira.njiiva kalpaayu gele kitii re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 22.. ## Gone are the greatest of ascetics, Gone are even those who could create other universes, Long-lived for aeons, gone are they, thus think and Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 22.. ## bahuu kaamadha.ndyaa.nmadhe.n dhaa.nva ghesii . kitii naa.nvaruupaa jagii.n miiraviisii .. kashaalaa tulaa u.nTa ghoDe nagaare . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 23.. ## Many and varied works you pursue, How much you strut with your name and fame, What need have you for camels, horses, and drums ? Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 23.. ## mhaNe desha maajhe bhumii gaa.nva vaaDe . shibiikaasanii.n baisasii u.ncha loDe.n .. kasaa u.ncha tuu.n ma.nchakii.n loLasii re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 24.. ## Say you, my country, my land, my town, my palaces, Seat yourself in a palanquin held aloft, Roll and roll on a high fancy bed, instead Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 24.. ## dashagriiva la.nkaapurii.n masta jaalaa . akasmaata gelaa puriimaaji ghaalaa .. chira.njiiva de raajya biibhiishhaNaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 25.. ## Inflated with pride was Ravana in Lanka, Sudden was his departure, VibhishaNa (a devotee of Rama), was handed the kingdom, so Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 25.. ## adhomuukha vishhThemadhe.n maayapoTii.n . pache pi.nDa haa sosunii duHkhakoTii .. smarenaa kashii laaja naahii.n tulaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 26.. ## In the mother's womb, with lowered head in foul surroundings, Ripened this body after endless suffering, Remember you not this, and feel no shame, why ? Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 26.. ## ase bhogunii pa.nchachatvaari maasii.n . puDhe.n daivayoge.n sakhyaa janmalaasii .. kasaa viisare dhyaana sohaM puDhe.n re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 27.. ## Suffering thus for nine months, By chance you took birth, Forgetting the meditation of ' I AM THAT TRUTH ', Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 27.. ## kaLe vaayuchaa sparsha hotaa.nchi je.nvhaa.n . raDe baaLa kohaM mhaNe jiiva tevhaa.n .. puDhe.n kheLa naanaaparii kheLasii re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 28.. ## When the wind of breath enters the body, Cries the infant ' WHO AM I ' ? But forgets in the world of play ahead, Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 28.. ## disa.ndiisa maataa pitaa ba.ndhu jaaNe . parii roga naanaa karii tetha ThaaNe.n .. jarii.n daivayoge.n puDhe.n vaa.nchalaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 29.. ## Day by day, recognition dawns of mother, father, brother, But diseases galore make the body their home, And perchance survive, therefore Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 29.. ## karii lagna mu.njii pitaamaaya tyaache.n . karii shaahaNaa maarunii ruupa saache.n .. kari poTadha.ndaa bhalaa chaa.ngalaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 30.. ## Father and mother have him undergo the vows of upanayana and marriage, Teach him, not even foregoing the cane !, in honesty, Earns a living, good and proper, but Why not at least recite this simple chant of ' Hare Rama '.. 30.. ## bahuu paaLile.n poshhile.n maayabaapii.n . nighe bhinna ni.nduuniyaa.n paaparuupii .. striyechemuLe.n shevaTii.n durgatii re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 31.. ## Nurtured and nourished by the parents, Yet he turns out to be hateful and vicious, Carnal lust drives him to disaster, if Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 31.. ## shataayuu navhe puurNa aayushhya kaa.nhii.n . ase.n hiita aahiita te.n aadya paa.nhii.n .. ashaahiimadhye.n baaLataaruNya saare.n . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 32.. ## Living for a hundred years means not a fulfilled life, Examine first the true meaning of life, Without it, the whole childhood and youth slip by, so Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 32.. ## kariishiila dharmaashramaa asta jevhaa.n . bahuu ghaatapaatii gharii.n hoya tevhaa.n .. bharii.n poTa poshhii.n kuTuMbaa baraa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 33.. ## When you will let righteousness fade like the sunset, Your home will become a den of destruction, Even if you can feed the whole family sumptuously, therefore Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 33.. ## ravii{U}dayo{a}sta to.n poTadha.ndaa . stavii aarjavii to karii yerami.ndaa .. kaLenaa puDhe.n kaaya hoNaara te.n re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 34.. ## From sunrise till sunset, you work to earn a living, Flattering, supplicating, and obliging others, You know not what is in store for you in the future, so Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 34.. ## bahuu Dhiiga maage.n puDhe.n moharaa.nche . madonmatta ho{U}niyaa tetha naache .. ase garva tyaalaagi.n narkaasi thaare . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 35.. ## Heaps of wealth lie all around you, Intoxicated, you dance there, Know you not that hell awaits the arrogant, Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 35.. ## ala.nkaaramaanii.n tanuu sajjaviito . manaa darpaNii.n paahuuni ra.njaviito .. kaLenaa jaLe sarpaNii.n ruupa te.n re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 36.. ## You decorate your body with ornaments, Looking at yourself in the mirror, you take mental delight, Know you not that this body will burn on the funeral pyre, so Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 36.. ## bahuu.n dravya gaa.nThii.n punhaa meLaviisii . guru vipra ba.ndhu kase chaaLaviisii .. duraashaa kashaalaa mashaalaa puDhe.n re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 37.. ## Despite with plentiful wealth, you long to earn more, Even if it means insulting your teachers, brothers, and sages, Why this inordinate desire leading you like a torch ? Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 37.. ## jarii kshiiNadeho parii vR^IddhakaaLii.n . kariitii striyaa suuta naatuu DhavaaLii .. dhanaa uuchakii laagataa.n guuchakii re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 38.. ## Old age weakens the body, And your wife, children and grand-children surround you with affectionate chaos, Bereft of wealth, you will be as good as excreta, Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 38.. ## ravii je ghaDii haaNito kaaLa jevhaa.n . shruti shabda he garjatii taasa tevhaa.n .. mhaNe kshiiNa aayushhya gele.n tujhe.n re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 39.. ## When Time drives Death to your door, You will hear this roar of the Vedas for hours, This weakened life of yours is ending, know Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 39.. ## kasii janmunii maaya tvaa.n vaa.njha kelii . kasii laaja va.nshaa kuLaa laaviyelii .. bhumiibhaara dho.nDaa pashu haa kharaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 40.. ## How could you make your mother barren after you were born ? How could you tarnish your family and lineage ? A burden to the earth, as good as a stone, or a beast, by forgettig Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 40.. ## kasaa koNataa kaaLa ye{I}la kevhaa.n . dinaasaarikhaa kaaLa ne{I}la tevhaa.n .. tujhe.n vitta taaruNya lopela saare.n . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 41.. ## When and how death will strike you, When death will carry you away, Wealth and youth will fade away, no matter Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 41.. ## tulaa da.nDitii khu.nDiti kuMbhapaakii.n . tulaa kha.nDunii agniku.nDaa.nta Taakii .. tulaa oDhitii saa.nDase.n toDitii re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 42.. ## Punished and battered in hell, Landing in a pyre of fire, Dragging and dismembering may be your lot after death, yet Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 42.. ## asaa u.ncha bhoguuniyaa.n kalpakoTii . punhaa janma ghe lakshachauryaa.nshi koTii .. mahaasa.nkaTii.n hiMpuTii jiiva saare . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 43.. ## Enjoying the pleasures for aeons, You will return to this life millions of times, In times of great danger, all beings are sad, so Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 43.. ## nako so.nga chha.nde.n karuu.n Dho.nga kaa.nhii.n . nako shishhyashaakhaa maThii.n suukha naahii.n .. maha.ntiimuLe.n naasha hoto tapaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 44.. ## Let not your passions drive you to pretense and hypocrisy, Happiness dwells not in throngs of disciples, or in monasteries, Destructive of askesis is this longing for the splendor of chieftaincy. Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 44.. ## nako chaa{u}Tii vaa{u}gii yaa janaa.nsii . hariichi.ntanii.n dhyaasa laavii.n manaasii .. amoliika haa kaaLa jaato vR^ithaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 45.. ## Indulge not in idle gossip, Steep your mind in the remembrance of Hari. Precious time is being wasted away, so Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 45.. ## mahaaghora haa thora sa.nsaara moThaa . kaLe sa.ntasa.nge.n samuuLii.ncha khoTaa .. kaLe bhukti muktii viraktiicha gaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 46.. ## Fiendish is this great cycle of existence, Know its inherent falsity, if only you will associate with the saintly, You will realise then bondage of enjoyment, liberation, and renunciation. Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 46.. ## tyajaa dushhTasa.ngaa pahaa re bhalyaa.nsii . karaa hiita ye{U}.n nakaa garbhavaasii.n .. jase.n a.ntiche.n duHkha hote.n jivaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 47.. ## Evil company, abjure; meet the sagacious; Pursue your well-being, and avoid this vicious cycle of rebirths. The end of life also is full of sorrow. Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 47.. ## bahuu bhogitaa.n puuDhatii narka aahe . ase.n jaaNunii tyaa sukhaamaaji raahe .. prapa.nchii.n ugaa maarisii kaa.n gapaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 48.. ## Excess in pleasures is sure to be followed by hell. Knowing this, seek the true happiness. Why spend time in this life speaking unworthy thoughts, instead Only chant this simple prayer, Hare Rama .. 48.. ## kalii.n saadhane.n yaaviNe.n sarva ni.ndii.n . hare raama haa ma.ntra jo tyaasi va.ndii.n .. hare raama he maaLikaa saadha kaa re . hare raama haa ma.ntra sopaa japaa re .. 49.. ## Penance of all sorts can you give up in this age of Kali, If only you can surrender yourself with this chant, Acquire this rosary of chanting Hare Rama, so simple Keep chanting Hare Rama, I plead with you .. 49.. ## ##\end{multicols}## \centerline{.. iti raamadaasakR^ita raamama.ntraache shloka saMpuurNa ..} \centerline{.. jaya jaya raghuviira samartha ..} #endindian \medskip\hrule\medskip\parindent=0pt {\rm Please send corrections to Sunder Hattangadi (sunderh@hotmail.com)}\\ {\rm Last updated on \today} \end{document}