PariNaama and Vivarta

(Transformation and Transfiguration)

   When the cause and effect are of the same order of reality, the effect is a transformation or parinaama of the cause, as for example, when milk turns into curd. When the cause and effect belong to different orders of reality, as when a rope appears as a snake, the effect is called a vivarta or transfiguration of the cause. 


    In the Bhashya on Ch. up. 6.2.2 it is said that pot, etc are merely different configurations (samsthaanamaatram) of earth, etc. This is compared to a rope appearing as a snake i.e. vivarta. So it appears that pot is only a vivarta of clay and not a parinama. The same is stated in Anubhootiprakasa on Aitareya up.

  The author of Samkshepas’aariirakam says that the theory of transformation of Brahman as the universe serves as the prelude to the theory of transfiguration. In II.56 it is said that the author of the Brahmasuutras puts forth the doctrine of transfiguration (vivarta) as his final conclusion. In II.64 it is said that the theory of transformation is advanced as a preliminary to the theory of transfiguration.
