The five sheaths

The three bodies mentioned above are grouped in another manner to form five sheaths or Kos’as. These are—annamayakos’a, praaNamayakos’a, manomayakos’a, vijnaanamayakos’a and aanandamayakos’a. These are described in taitt.up. Ch.2.

annamayakos’a or the Food-sheath-- This is the same as the gross body. See Viveka chuuDaamaNi, verses 156 to 158 for a description.

praaNamayakos’a--  The five praaNas, together with the five organs of action, form this. See Viveka chuuDaamaNi, verses 167 and 168.

manomayakos’a—This is made up of the mind and the five sense- organs. See Viveka chuuDaamaNi, verses 169 onwards.

vijnaanamayakos’a---The buddhi (intellect) and the five sense-organs constitute this. See Viveka chuuDaamaNi, verses 186 onwards.

The praaNamayakos’a, manomayakos’a and vijnaanamayakos’a together make up the subtle body.

aanandamayakos’a---See Viveka chuuDaamaNi, verses 209 and 210. This sheath is the modification of avidyaa and appears as a reflection of the aatmaa which is Pure Bliss. It is fully manifested in dreamless sleep. In the waking and dream states it is experienced a little due to the presence of desired objects. In Brahma suutra 1.1.12 to 19 the contention of some schools that this sheath is Brahman is refuted with detailed reasons and it is established that this sheath is also non-self. This sheath is the same as the kaaraNa s’ariira.

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