Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya

Chapter[Sarga] 52
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


As per instructions of Rama, Guha gets a boat ready. Sumantra requests Rama to take him as a personal attendant to the forest, but Rama declines his offer and after reasoning with him, sends him back to Ayodhya. Rama and Lakshmana matted their hair with the latex of a banyan tree procured by Guha. On reaching the middle of the stream, Sita offers prayers to Mother Ganga (the deity presiding over the stream) and after crossing the river, all the three halt for the night at the foot of a tree.

Verse Locator

prabhaataayaam tu sharvaryaam pR^ithu vR^ikShaa mahaa yashaaH |
uvaaca raamaH saumitrim lakShmaNam shubha lakShaNam || 2-52-1

1. sharvaryaam = night; prabhataayaamtu = having given way to dawn; raamaH = Rama; pR^ithuvakshhaaH = the man with a broad chest; mahaayashaaH = (and) the illustrious; uvaacha = said; lakshhmaNam = to Lakshmana; soumitrim = the son of Sumitra; shubhalakshhaNam = endowed with auspicious signs.

That night having given way to dawn, the illustrious Rama with a broad chest spoke (as follows) to Lakshmana, the son of Sumitra and who was endowed with auspicious signs :

Verse Locator

bhaaskara udaya kaalo ayam gataa bhagavatii nishaa |
asau sukR^iShNo vihagaH kokilaH taata kuujati || 2-52-2

2. taata = "Oh; dear brother. ayam = This; bhaaskarodaya kaalaH = is the hour of sunrise. bhagavatii = The auspicious; nishaa = night; gataa = has departed. vihagaH = That bird; sukR^ishhNaH = of dark plumage; asou kokilaH = the cuckoo; kuujati = is singing".

"Oh, dear brother! This is the hour of sunrise. The auspicious night has departed. That bird of dark plumage, the cuckoo, is singing."

Verse Locator

barhiNaanaam ca nirghoShaH shruuyate nadataam vane |
taraama jaahnaviim saumya shiighragaam saagaram gamaam || 2-52-3

3. nirghoshhaH = the cries; barhiNaanaam = of peacocks; nadataam = resounding; vane = in the forest; shruuyate = are being heard. soumya = Oh; good brother! taraama = (let us) cross; shiighragaam = the swift-flowing; jaahnaviim** = Ganga river; saagaram gamaam = that gushes to the sea."

"Oh, good brother! Hear the cries of peacocks resounding in the forest. Let us cross the swift-flowing Ganga River that gushes to the sea."

--***-The river Ganga, when brought down from heaven by the austerities of Emperor Bhagiratha, followed the latter to the subterranean regions in order to consecrate the remains of his great grand uncles. In its course, it inundated the sacrificial ground of king Jahnu, who in his anger, drank up its waters. But the gods and sages and particularly Bhagiratha appeased his anger and he consented to release the waters through his ears. The river is thereafter regarded as his daughter.

Verse Locator

viGYaaya raamasya vacaH saumitrir mitra nandanaH |
guham aamantrya suutam ca so atiShThad bhraatur agrataH || 2-52-4

4. saH soumitriH = that Lakshmana; mitranandanaH = who makes his friends happy; viG^yaaya = having understood; vachaH = the words; raamasya = of Rama; aamantrya = called; guham = Guha; suutamcha = and Sumantra; atishhTat = and stood; agrataH = in front; bhraatuH = of his brother.

Lakshmana, the delight of his friends, having understood the words of Rama, called Guha as well as Sumantra and stood in front of his brother.

Verse Locator

sa tu raamasya vachanam nishamya pratigR^ihya cha |
sthapatistuurNamaahuya sachivaanidamabraviit || 2-52-5

5. nishamya = hearing; vachanam = the words; raamasya = of Rama; saH sthapatiH = that Guha; tuurNam = quickly; pratigR^ihyacha = received them; aahuuya = invited; sachivaan = his ministers; abraviit = and spoke; idam = these words:

Hearing the command of Rama, Guha quickly received it, invited his ministers and spoke to them as follows:

Verse Locator

asya vaahanasamyuktaam karNagraahavatiim shubhaam |
suprataaraam dR^iDhaam tiirkhe shiigram naavamupaahara || 2-52-6

6. asya = for the sake of Rama; shiighram = quickly; upaahara = bring; tiirthe = to the landing place; naavam = a boat; vaahana samyuktaam = accompanied by a boatman; karNagraahavatiim = and having a helmsman in it; shubhaam = beautiful; suprataaraam = which can easily ferry across; dR^iDhaam = and solidly constructed.

"Let a beautiful boat that is solidly constructed, sails well and a helmsman in it, be brought to the bank to carry this hero across!"

Verse Locator

tam nishamya samaadesham guhaamaatyagaNo mahaan |
upohya ruchiraam naavam guhaaya pratyavedayat || 2-52-7

7. nishamya = hearing; tam = that; samaadesham = command; mahaan guhaamaatya gaNaH = the chief minister of Guha; upohya = brought; ruchiraam = a charming; naavam = boat; pratyavedayat = ( and) reported the matter; guhaaya = to Guha.

Hearing that command, the chief minister of King Guha brought a charming boat to the bank and reported the matter to Guha.

Verse Locator

tataH sapraaJNjalirbhuutvaa guho raaghavamabraviit |
upasthiteyam naurdeva bhuuyaH kim karavaaNi te || 2-52-8

8. tataH = then; guhaH = Guha; bhuutvaa = became; praaNjaliH = one with folded hands; abraviit = and spoke; raaghavam = to Rama: devaH = "Oh; Lord! ; iyam = This; nouH = boat; upasthitaa = has arrived; kim = what; bhuuyaH = more; karavaaNi = can I do; te = for you"

Then, Guha with folded hands spoke to Rama as follows: "Oh, Lord! Here, the boat has arrived. What more can I do for you?"

Verse Locator

tavaamarasutaprakhya tartum saagaragaam nadiim |
nauriyam purushhavyaagra! taam tvamaaroha suvrata! || 2-52-9

9. purushha vyaaghra = Oh; tiger among men! amarasuta prakhya = Oh; Rama resembling a son of divinity! iyam = This; nouH = is the boat; tava = for you; tartum = to cross; nadiim = the river; saagaragaam = which flows into the sea. suvrata = Oh; virtuous one! tvam = You; aaroha = ascend; taam = it.

"Oh, tiger among men! Oh, Rama resembling a son of divinity! Here is the boat for you to cross the river, which flows into the sea. Oh, virtuous one! (Pray) get into it."

Verse Locator

athovaacha mahaatejaa raamo guhamidam vachaH |
kR^itakaamo.asmi bhavataa shiighramaaropyataamiti || 2-52-10

10. atha = then; raamaH = Rama; mahaa tejaaH = with great splendor; uvaacha = spoke; idam = these; vachaH = words; guham = to Guha; iti = thus; asmi = "I became; kR^ita kaamaH = one whose desire has been accomplished; bhavataa = by you. aaropyataam = Let us embark shiighram = with speed".

Then, Rama with great splendor, spoke to Guha as follows: "My desire has been accomplished by you. Let us embark with all speed."

Verse Locator

tataH kalaapaan samnahya khaDgau baddhvaa ca dhanvinau |
jagmatur yena tau gangaam siitayaa saha raaghavau || 2-52-11

11. tataH = then; tou raaghavou = both Rama and Lakshmana; siitayaasaha = along with Sita;samnahya = having put on; kalaapaan = quivers with arrows; baddhvaa = having fastened; khaDgoucha = the swords too; dhanvinou = and holding their bows; jagmatuH = went; yena = in which way; gaN^gaam = Ganga is situated.

Having equipped themselves with a quiver each with arrows, fastening their swords and armed with their bows, Rama and Lakshmana, with Sita, proceeded towards the river of Ganga.

Verse Locator

raamam eva tu dharmaGYam upagamya viniitavat |
kim aham karavaaNi iti suutaH praanjalir abraviit || 2-52-12

12. suutaH = Sumantra; praaN^jaliH = joining his palms; viniitavat = in humility; upagamya = approached; raamameva tu = only Rama; dharmaG^yam = who knew what is right; abraviit = and spoke; iti = thus: kim = :What aham = I; karavaaNi = shall do?"

Sumantra joining his palms in humility, approached Rama who knew what is right and said, "What shall I do?"

Verse Locator

tato.abraviiddaasharathiH sumantram |
spR^ishan kareNottamadakshiNena |
sumantra shiighram punareva yaahi |
raajJNaH sakaashe bhavachaapramattaH || 2-52-13

13. daasharathiH = Rama; tataH = then; spR^ishan = touching; sumantram = Sumantra; uttama dakshhiNena = with his auspicious right; kareNa = hand; abraviit = (and) said: sumantra = "Oh; Sumantra! yaahi punareva = Return; shiighram = quickly; raaG^yaH = to king's; sakaashe = presence; bhava = (and) be; apramattaHcha = attentive."

Touching Sumantra with his auspicious right hand, Rama then said: "Oh, Sumantra! Return quickly to the king's presence and be attentive in serving him."

Verse Locator

nivartasva iti uvaaca enam etaavadd hi kR^itam mama |
ratham vihaaya padbhyaam tu gamishhyaami mahaavanam || 2-52-14

14. etaavat = "this much service; kR^itamhi = has been done indeed; mama = to me. nivartasya = Return. gamishhyaami = I shall go; padbhyaam = on foot; mahaavanam = to the great forest; vihaaya = abandoning; ratham = the chariot. uvaacha = (he) spoke;iti = thus.

"Go now, that your service to me has been completed. Abandoning the chariot, I shall go on foot to the mighty forest," Rama said.

Verse Locator

aatmaanam tu abhyanuGYaatam avekShya aartaH sa saarathiH |
sumantraH puruSha vyaaghram aikShvaakam idam abraviit || 2-52-15

15. aavekshhya = seeing; aatmaanam = himself; abhyanuG^yaatam = dismissed; saH sumantraH = that Sumantra; saarathiH = was distressed; abraviit = and spoke; idam = these words; aikshhvaakam = to Rama; purushavyaaghram = the tiger among men.

Finding himself dismissed, Sumantra the charioteer was distressed and spoke to Rama, the tiger among men, as follows:

Verse Locator

na atikraantam idam loke puruSheNa iha kenacit |
tava sabhraatR^i bhaaryasya vaasaH praakR^itavad vane || 2-52-16

16. vaasaH = dwelling; vane = in the forest; praakR^itavat = like a common man; tava = (has come) to you; sa bhraatR^I bhaaryasya = with your brother and your consort. idam = This; naatikraantam = has never been set aside; kenachit purushheNa = by any man; iha loke = in the world.

"None in the world has had to suffer such a fate as yourself; that you should have to dwell in the forest with your brother and your consort as if you were an ordinary man!"

Verse Locator

na manye brahma carye asti svadhiite vaa phala udayaH |
maardava aarjavayoH vaa api tvaam ced vyasanam aagatam || 2-52-17

17. manye = I think; naasti = there is no; phalodayaH = reward; brahmacharye = in leading a life of religious student; svadhiite vaa = or in studying scriptures; maardavaarjavayorvaapi = or even in cultivating tenderness and strait forwardness; vyasanam chet = (when) adversity; aagatam = has come; tvaam = to you."

"I think that there is no reward in leading a life of religious student or in studying religious scriptures or even in cultivating tenderness and straight forwardness, when adversity has come to you."

Verse Locator

saha raaghava vaidehyaa bhraatraa caiva vane vasan |
tvam gatim praapsyase viira triiml lokaa.ns tu jayann iva || 2-52-18

18. viira = "Oh; heroic; raaghava = Rama! vasan = Residing; vane = in the forest; vaidehyaa saha = along with Sita; bhraatraachaiva = and your brother; tvam = you; praapsyase = will obtain; gatim = the same position; jayanniva = as one who has conquered; triin = the three; lokaan = worlds"

"Oh, heroic Rama! Living in the forest along with Sita and your brother, you will obtain the same position as one who has conquered the three worlds."

Verse Locator

vayam khalu hataa raama ye tayaa api upavancitaaH |
kaikeyyaa vasham eShyaamaH paapaayaa duhkha bhaaginaH || 2-52-19

19. raama = "Oh; Rama! vayam = We; hataaH khalu = are actually ruined; yena = because; upavaNchitaaH = disappointed in our hopes; tvayaapi = by you too; eshhyaamaH = we shall fall; vasham = under the sway; kaikeyyaaH = of Kaikeyi; paapaayaaH = of sinful nature; duHkha bhaaginaH = and reap suffering".

"Oh, Rama! We are actually ruined, in that, disappointed in our hopes by you too, we shall fall under the sway of Kaikeyi the sinful woman and reap the suffering."

Verse Locator

iti bruvann aatma samam sumantraH saarathis tadaa |
dR^iShTvaa dura gatam raamam duhkha aartaH rurude ciram || 2-52-20

20. tadaa = then; sumantraH = Sumantra; saarathiH = the charioteer; iti = thus; bruvan = speaking; rurude = wept; chiram = long; duhkhaartaaH = stricken with grief; dR^ishhTvaa = seeing; raamam = Rama; aatmasamam = equal to his soul; duuragatam = gone to a distance.

Sumantra the charioteer thus speaking, wept for a long time, stricken with grief, seeing Rama, equal to his soul, departing to a distance.

Verse Locator

tataH tu vigate baaShpe suutam spR^iShTa udakam shucim |
raamaH tu madhuram vaakyam punaH punar uvaaca tam || 2-52-21

21. tataH = thereafter; raamastu = Rama; punaH punuH = again and again; uvaacha = spoke; vaakyam(these) words; madhuram = which were sweet; tam suutam = to that charioteer; baashhpe = (whose) tears; vigate = had gone away; spR^ishhTodokam = who had sipped some water; shuchim = and got purified.

Then, Rama again and again spoke these sweet words as follows to that charioteer, whose tears got dried up and who had sipped some water and got himself purified:

Verse Locator

ikShvaakuuNaam tvayaa tulyam suhR^idam na upalakShaye |
yathaa dasharatho raajaa maam na shocet tathaa kuru || 2-52-22

22. nopalakshhaye = "I do not see; suhrudam = a friend; tulyam = equal; tvayaa = to you; ikshhvaakuuNaam = for the kings of Ikshvaku dynasty. kuru = Act; tathaa = in such a way; yathaa = as; raajaa = king; dasharathaH = Dasaratha; na shochet = may not lament; maam = about me."

"I do not see any one who is as great a friend of the Ikshvakus as you are. (Pray) act in such a way that king Dasaratha may not lament about me"

Verse Locator

shoka upahata cetaaH ca vR^iddhaH ca jagatii patiH |
kaama bhaara avasannaH ca tasmaat etat braviimi te || 2-52-23

23. jagatiipatiH = the king; shokopahata chetaashcha = his mind afflicted with grief; vR^iddhashcha = is aged as well. Kaamabhaaraavasannashcha = (He is) pressed down by a burden of passion. tasmaat = for that reason; braviimi = I tell; etat = this; te = to you.

"The king, his mind afflicted with grief, is aged as well. He is pressed down by a burden of passion. Hence, I tell you this."

Verse Locator

yad yad aaGYaapayet ki.ncit sa mahaatmaa mahii patiH |
kaikeyyaaH priya kaama artham kaaryam tat avikaankShayaa || 2-52-24

24. yadyat = what so ever; kimchit = some act; saH = that; mahaatmaa = high-soled; mahiipatiH = emperor; aaG^yaapayet = may enjoin; priya kaamaartham = with intent to oblige the desire; kaikeyyaaH = of Kaikeyi; tat = that; kaaryam = is to be done; avikaaNkshhayaa = un hesitatingly."

"What so ever act that high-soled emperor may enjoin you to do, with intent to oblige the desire of Kaikeyi, it is to be done unhesitatingly."

Verse Locator

etat artham hi raajyaani prashaasati nara iishvaraaH |
yad eShaam sarva kR^ityeShu mano na pratihanyate || 2-52-25

25. nareshvaraaH = "the kings; prashaasatihi = indeed rule; raajyaaani = the states; etadartham = with this end in view; manaH = that their will; yat na pratihanyate = may not be frustrated; sarva kR^ityeshhu = in all their undertakings."

"The kings indeed rule the states with this end in view that their will may not be frustrated in any undertaking."

Verse Locator

yadyathaa sa mahaa raajo na aliikam adhigacchati |
na ca taamyati duhkhena sumantra kuru tat tathaa || 2-52-26

26. sumantra = " Oh; Sumantra! kuru = Carry out; tathaa = in such a way; tat = that; saH mahaaraajaH = the said emperor; yathaa = in which way; yat = whatever; na adhigachchhati = may not find it; aLiikam = as anything unpleasing; na cha taamyati = nor gets distressed; duHkhena = by grief."

"Oh, Sumantra! Carry out everything in such a way that the said emperor neither finds it unpleasing nor gets tormented by grief."

Verse Locator

adR^iShTa duhkham raajaanam vR^iddham aaryam jita indriyam |
bruuyaaH tvam abhivaadya eva mama hetor idam vacaH || 2-52-27

27. abhivaadyaiva = "only after doing respectful salutation; raajaanaaam = to the king; vR^iddham = who is old; aaryam = (and) venerable; adR^ishhTa duHkham = who has never known suffering; jiteN^driyam = and who has subdued his senses; tvam = you; bruuyaaH = tell; idam = these; vachaH = words; mama hetoH = on my behalf."

"Only after performing respectful salutation to the old and venerable king, who has never known suffering and who has subdued his senses, you tell these words to him on my behalf."

Verse Locator

na eva aham anushocaami lakShmaNo na ca maithilii |
ayodhyaayaaH cyutaaH ca iti vane vatsyaamaha iti vaa (maheti!)|| 2-52-28

28. naiva = "Indeed neither; aham = I; na = nor; lakshmaNaH maithiliicha = Lakshmana and Sita; anushochaami = grieve; chyutaashcheti = for having moved; ayodhyaayaaH = from Ayodhya; vatsyaamaheticha = or that we are going to dwell; vane = in a forest."

"Indeed neither I nor Lakshmana and Sita grieve for having moved from Ayodhya or that we are going to dwell in a forest."

Verse Locator

catur dashasu varSheShu nivR^itteShu punaH punaH |
lakShmaNam maam ca siitaam ca drakShyasi kShipram aagataan || 2-52-29

29. nivR^itteshhu = after completing; chaturdashasu = fourteen; varshheshhu = years; drakshhyasi = you will see; punaH punaH = once again; lakshhmaNam = Lakshmana; maam cha = myself; siitaam cha = and Sita too; aagataan = returned; kshhipram = quickly."

"After completing fourteen years, you will once more see Lakshmana, myself and Sita too returned apace from the forest."

Verse Locator

evam uktvaa tu raajaanam maataram ca sumantra me |
anyaaH ca deviiH sahitaaH kaikeyiim ca punaH punaH || 2-52-30
aarogyam bruuhi kausalyaam atha paada abhivandanam |
siitaayaa mama ca aaryasya vacanaal lakShmaNasya ca || 2-52-31

30;31. sumantra = "Oh; Sumantra! evam = this is; uktvaa = what should you say; raajaanam = to the king; me mataram cha = and my mother; sahitaaH = all; anyaaH = other; deviishcha = queens; kaikeyiim cha = and Kaikeyi. bruuhi = tell; kousalyaam = Kousalya; aarogyam = (about my)health; punaH punaH = again and again; atha = and thereafter; paadaabhivandanam = salutations at her feet; siitaayaaH = (on behalf of) Sita; mama cha = as well as myself; vachanaat = the words; lakshhmaNasyacha = of Lakshmana; aaryasya = the faithful man."

"Oh,Sumantra! This is what you should say to the king, my mother, all other queens and Kaikeyi. Tell Kausalya again and again that I am keeping good health. Thereafter, convey salutations at her feet on behalf of Sita as well as myself and Lakshmana the faithful man."

Verse Locator

bruuyaaH ca hi mahaa raajam bharatam kShipram aanaya |
aagataH ca api bharataH sthaapyo nR^ipa mate pade || 2-52-32

32. bruuyaaH = "Tell (our salutations); mahaarajaamcha = to the emperor also. anaya = Bring; bharatam = Bharata; kshhipram = quickly. aagashchaapi = after his arrival; bharataH = Bharata; sthaapya = may be installed; pade = in the position; nR^ipa mate = as desired by the king."

"Tell our salutations to the emperor too. Bring Bharata quickly. After his arrival, Bharata may be installed in the position, as desired by the king."

Verse Locator

bharatam ca pariShvajya yauvaraajye abhiShicya ca |
asmat samtaapajam duhkham na tvaam abhibhaviShyati || 2-52-33

33. parishhvajya = "when you embraced; bharatam = Bharata; abhishhichya cha = and installed him; youva raajye = in the office of the Prince Regent; duHkham = the agony;asmatsamtaapajam = caused by the remorse felt by you on our account; na abhibhavishhyati = will not overpower; tvaam = you."

"When you embrace Bharata and install him in the office of the Prince Regent, the agony caused by the repentance felt by you on our account will not overpower you."

Verse Locator

bharataH ca api vaktavyo yathaa raajani vartase |
tathaa maatR^iShu vartethaaH sarvaasv eva avisheShataH || 2-52-34

34. bharatasyaapi = "Bharata also; vaktavyaH = is to be told (thus): vartethaaH = "Treat; avisheshhataH = without distinction; sarvaasveva = all; maatR^ishhu = your mothers; tathaa = with the same regard; yathaa = as; vartase = (you) behave; raajani = towards the king."

"Bharata too is to be told thus: "Treat without distinction all your mothers with the same regard as you behave towards the king."

Verse Locator

yathaa ca tava kaikeyii sumitraa ca avisheShataH |
tathaiva devii kausalyaa mama maataa visheShataH || 2-52-35

35. yathaacha = as is; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; tava = to you; tathaiva = so let it be; sumitraacha = for Sumitra; visheshhataH = more so; devii = (and) the divine kausalyaa = Kausalya; mama maataa = my mother; visheshhataH = in particular"

"As is your affection for Kaikeyi, so let it be for Sumitra and also the divine Kausalya, my mother"

Verse Locator

taatasya priyakaamena yauvaraajyamapekshataa |
lokayorubhayoH shakyam tvayaa yatsukhamedhitum || 2-52-36

36. apekshhataH = "(If you) accept; youva raajam = the princely kingdom; priya kaamana = with an intent to please; taatasya = our father; shakyam = it will be possible; tvayaa = for you; edhitum = to enhance; sukham = happiness; yat = whatever; ubhayoH = in both; lokayaaH = the worlds."

"If you accept the princely kingdom with an intent to please our father, it will be possible for you to enhance happiness in both the worlds (in this world and the next)."

Verse Locator

nivartyamaano raameNa sumantraH shoka karshitaH |
tat sarvam vacanam shrutvaa snehaat kaakutstham abraviit || 2-52-37

37. sumantraH = Sumantra; nivartyamaanaH = who was being sent back; raameNa = by Rama; shoka karshhitaH = agonized with grief; shrutvaa = heard; sarvam = the whole; tat = of that; vachanam = discourse; snehaat = affectionately; abraviit = spoke; kaakutstham = to Rama (as follows):

Sumantra, who was being sent back by Rama, was agonized with grief after hearing the whole of that discourse and affectionately spoke to Rama as follows:

Verse Locator

yad aham na upacaareNa bruuyaam snehaat aviklavaH |
bhaktimaan iti tat taavad vaakyam tvam kShantum arhasi || 2-52-38

38. yat vaakyam = which mode of expression; aham = I; bruuyaam = am speaking; snehaat = friendship; aviklabaH = fearlessly; nopachaareNa = and without courtesy; tat = that; tvaam = you; arhasitaavat = are justified; kshhantum = to forgive; bhaktimaan iti = (considering me) as a devotee."

"If I spoke to you fearlessly in a friendly tone without following courteousness, you ought to forgive my mode of expression, considering me as your devotee"

Verse Locator

katham hi tvad vihiino aham pratiyaasyaami taam puriim |
tava taata viyogena putra shoka aakulaam iva || 2-52-39

39. katham hi = "How indeed; aham pratiyaasyaami = can I return; tvadvihiinaH = without you ; taam = to that; puriim = city; tava viyogena taavat = which through separation from you; putra shokaakulaamiva = has been reduced to the state of a mother stricken with grief due to separation from her son."

"How indeed can I return without you to that city, which through separation from you, has been reduced to the state of a mother stricken with grief due to separation from her son"

Verse Locator

saraamam api taavan me ratham dR^iShTvaa tadaa janaH |
vinaa raamam ratham dR^iShTvaa vidiiryeta api saa purii || 2-52-40

40. tadaa = "at that time; dR^ishhTvaa = by seeing; me ratham = my chariot; saraamapi = even with Rama in it; janaH = the people; taavat = (were lamenting) so much. DR^ishhTvaa = by seeing (now); ratham = the chariot; vinaa raamam = without Rama; saa purii = that city; videryetaapi = will even be broken apart."

"By seeing my chariot on that day even with Rama in it, the people were lamenting so much. Now, if they see the chariot without Rama the city of Ayodhya will even be broken asunder."

Verse Locator

dainyam hi nagarii gacched dR^iShTvaa shuunyam imam ratham |
suuta avasheSham svam sainyam hata viiram iva aahave || 2-52-41

41. nagarii = "the city; gachchhet hi = will go through; dainyam = a miserable condition; sainyam iva = like an army; hata viiram = in which its commander has been killed; aahave = in a battle; svam = and seeing his chariot; suutavasheshham = remaining with charioteer alone; dR^ishhtvaa = by beholding; imam = this; ratham = chariot; shuunyam = empty."

"The city will be plunged in misery, like an army in which its commander is lost in a combat with the charioteer alone surviving, on seeing this chariot without you."

Verse Locator

duure api nivasantam tvaam maanasena agrataH sthitam |
cintayantyo adya nuunam tvaam niraahaaraaH kR^itaaH prajaaH || 2-52-42

42. chintayantyaH = "thinking; tvaam = of you; sthitam = established; agrataH = foremost; maanasena = in their minds; nivasantam api = though residing; duure = at a far away place; prajaaH = the people; adya = today; kR^itaaH = were made; niraahaaraaH = without food. nuunam = It is certain."

"Thinking of you, who though residing far away are established foremost in their minds, the people of Ayodhya must have been deprived of their food today."

Verse Locator

dR^ishhTaM taddhi tvayaa raama! yaadR^isham tvatpravaasane |
prajaanaam samkulam vR^ittam tvachchhokaklaantachetasaam || 2-52-43

43. raama = "Oh; Rama! samkulam = Perplexity; yaadR^sham = of what kind; tat = that; vR^ittam = behavior;dR^ishhTam hi = was witnessed indeed; tvayaa = by you; tvatpravaasane = on the occasion of your exile; prajaanaam = among the people(of Ayodhya); tvacchoka klaanta chetasaam = whose minds were depressed through grief on your account."

"The great perplexity that ensued, on the occasion of your exile, among the people (of Ayodhya), whose minds were depressed through grief on your account, was witnessed by you indeed, Oh, Rama!"

Verse Locator

aarta naado hi yaH pauraiH muktaH tat vipravaasane |
rathastham maam nishaamya eva kuryuH shata guNam tataH || 2-52-44

44. yaH = "which; aartanaadaH = cry of distress; pouraiH = the citizens; muktaH = raised; tvadvipravaasane = at the time of your banishment; tataH = to that; shataguNam = hundred-fold; kuryuH = will be made; nishaamyaiva = soon after seeing; maam = me; saratham = with (an empty) chariot."

"The cry of distress raised by the citizens (of Ayodhya) will be increased a hundred-fold, when they see me with an empty chariot."

Verse Locator

aham kim ca api vakShyaami deviim tava sutaH mayaa |
niitaH asau maatula kulam samtaapam maa kR^ithaaiti || 2-52-45

45. aham vakshhyaami kimchaapi = "what shall I say further? Deviim = To Kausalya; iti = that; asou = this; sutaaH = your son; niitaH = has been taken; mayaa = by me; maatula kulam = to the house of his maternal uncle; maa kR^ithaaH = do not; santaapam = grieve."

"Further, shall I say to the queen Kausalya as follows: - �Your son, Rama has been taken by me to the house of his maternal uncle, do not grieve'."

Verse Locator

asatyam api na eva aham bruuyaam vacanam iidR^isham |
katham apriyam eva aham bruuyaam satyam idam vacaH || 2-52-46

46. aham = �I; naiva bruuyaam = cannot tell; iidR^isham = such; vachanamapi = words too; asatyam = which are untrue. Katham = How; aham = can I; bruuyam = tell; idam vachaH = whish are true; apriyam = (but) unkind?"

"I cannot tell such words too which are untrue. How can I tell, �I abandoned your son in the forest', which words are true but unkind?"

Verse Locator

mama taavan niyogasthaaH tvad bandhu jana vaahinaH |
katham ratham tvayaa hiinam pravakShyanti haya uttamaaH || 2-52-47

47. katham = "how; hayottamaaH = the excellent horses; niyogasthaaH = obedient; mama = to me; tvad bandhu jana vaahinaH = which carried yourselves and your relatives(Sita and Lakshmana); pravakshhyanti = will draw; ratham = the chariot; hiinam = bereft; tvayaa = of you?"

"How will the excellent horses obedient to me, which carried yourself, Sita and Lakshmana, draw the chariot bereft of you?"

Verse Locator

tanna shakshyaamyaham gantumayodhyaam tvadR^ite.anagha |
vanavaasaanuyaanaaya maamanujJNaatumarhasi || 2-52-48

48. anagha = "Oh; the faultless Rama! tat = for that reason; aham = I; na shakshhyaami = can not; gantum = go; ayodhyaam = to Ayodhya. arhasi = You are obliged; anuG^yaatum = to permit; maam = me; vanavaasaanuyaanaaya = to accompany you to the forest."

"Oh, the faultless Rama! For this reason, I cannot go back to Ayodhya. (Pray) permit me to accompany you to the forest."

Verse Locator

yadi me yaacamaanasya tyaagam eva kariShyasi |
saratho agnim pravekShyaami tyakta maatraiha tvayaa || 2-52-49

49. karishhyasi yadi = "If you do; me = my; tyaagameva = abandonment; yaachamaanasya = (even though I) solicit;tyaktamaatraH = soon after I am forsaken; pravekshhyaami = I shall enter; agnim = a fire; sarathaH = along with chariot; iha = here."

"If you leave me even though I solicit you to take me with you, I shall enter a fire with chariot and all, here itself the moment I am forsaken by you"

Verse Locator

bhaviShyanti vane yaani tapo vighna karaaNi te |
rathena pratibaadhiShye taani sattvaani raaghava || 2-52-50

50. raaghava = Oh; Rama! yaani = which animals; vane = in the forest; bhavishhyanti = become; tapovighnakaraaNi = creators of obstacles to austerities; pratibaadhishhye = I shall ward off; taani sattvaani = those animals; rathena = by the chariot."

"Oh, Rama! With the help of the chariot, I shall ward off those animals in the forest, which create obstacles to your austerities."

Verse Locator

tat kR^itena mayaa praaptam ratha caryaa kR^itam sukham |
aasha.nse tvat kR^itena aham vana vaasa kR^itam sukham || 2-52-51

51. sukham = "the pleasure; rathacharyaakR^itam = of driving your chariot; avaaptam = has been obtained; mayaa = by me. TvatkRi^tena = It is through you; aham = I; aashamse = seek; sukham = the happiness; vanavaasakRi^tam = that comes in dwelling in a forest."

"The pleasure of driving your chariot has been obtained by me because of you and it is through you that I seek the happiness that comes in dwelling in a forest."

Verse Locator

prasiida icchaami te araNye bhavitum pratyanantaraH |
priityaa abhihitam icchaami bhava me patyanantaraH || 2-52-52

52. prasiida = "Be graceful. Ichchhaami = I desire; bhavitum = to become; pratyanantaraH = close associate; araNye = in the forest. ichchhaami = I wish(to hear); priityaa = (your) loving; abhihitam = assent; bhava = Be; me = my; pratyanantaraH = close associate!"

"Be graceful. I desire to become your close associate in the forest. I wish to hear your loving assent with the words �be my close associate!"

Verse Locator

ime chaapi hayaa viira yadi te vanavaasinaH |
paricharyaam karishhyanti praapsyanti paramaam gatim || 2-52-53

53. viira = "Oh; hero! Ime hayashchaapi karishhyanti yadi = If these horses too can do; paricharyaam = service; te = to you; praapsyanti = they can attain; paramaam = a supreme; gatim = abode"

"Oh, hero! If these horses too can render service to you, they can attain a supreme abode."

Verse Locator

tava shushruuShaNam muurdhnaa kariShyaami vane vasan |
ayodhyaam deva lokam vaa sarvathaa prajahaamy aham || 2-52-54

54. aham = "I; prajahaami = am leaving; ayodhyaami = Ayodhya; devalokamvaa = or even a celestial world (heaven); sarvathaa = by all means. vasam = Dwelling; vane = in the forest; muurdhanaa = with my head bent low; karishhyaami = I shall render; tava = your; shushruushhaNam = service."

-"By all means, I am leaving for good, Ayodhya or even heaven. Dwelling in the forest, with my head bent low, I shall render service to you."

Verse Locator

na hi shakyaa praveShTum saa mayaa ayodhyaa tvayaa vinaa |
raaja dhaanii mahaa indrasya yathaa duShkR^ita karmaNaa || 2-52-55

55. saa ayodhyaa = That Ayodhya; na hi shakyaa = cannot be; praveshhTum = entered; mayaa = by me; tvayaa vinaa = without you; raajadhaanii yathaa = as Amaravati the capital; mahendrasya = of Devendra; dushhkR^ita karmaNaa = by a doer of wicked deeds."

"As a doer of wicked deeds cannot enter Amaravati, the capital of Devendra, so also I cannot enter Ayodhya without you."

Verse Locator

vana vaase kShayam praapte mama eSha hi mano rathaH |
yad anena rathena eva tvaam vaheyam puriim punaH || 2-52-56

56. eshhaH hi = "This is indeed; mama = my; manorathaH = desire; yat = that; praapte = after reaching; kshhayam = the end; vanavaase = of dwelling in the forest; vaheyam = I may take; tvaam = you; punaH = again; anena rathenaiva = in this very chariot; puriim = to the city (of Ayodhya)."

"This is indeed my desire that after reaching the end of your exile, I may take you back to the city of Ayodhya in this very chariot."

Verse Locator

catur dasha hi varShaaNi sahitasya tvayaa vane |
kShaNa bhuutaani yaasyanti shatashaH tu tataH anyathaa || 2-52-57

57. sahitasya = "Me; along with; tvayaa = you; vane = in the forest; chaturdasha varshhaaNi = fourteen years; yaasyanti = will slip away; kshhaNa bhuutaani = momentarily. Anyathaa = Otherwise; ataH = than this; shata samkhyaani = will multiply hundred-fold."

"So long as I am with you together in the forest, fourteen years will slip away momentarily. Otherwise than this, they will multiply a hundred- fold."

Verse Locator

bhR^itya vatsala tiShThantam bhartR^i putra gate pathi |
bhaktam bhR^ityam sthitam sthityaam tvam na maam haatum arhasi || 2-52-58

58. bhR^itya vatsale = "Oh; prince; who cherish your dependents! tvam = You; naarhasi = ought not; haatum = abandon; maam = me; bhaktam = your devoted; bhR^ityam = servant; tishhThantam = established; pathi = in the path; bhartR^iputra gate = followed by the son of his master; sthitam = (and) keeping; sthityaam = within bounds"

"Oh, prince, who are so fond of your dependents! You ought not abandon me, your devoted servant, established in the path followed by the son of his master and (always)keeping within bounds."

Verse Locator

evam bahu vidham diinam yaacamaanam punaH punaH |
raamaH bhR^itya anukampii tu sumantram idam abraviit || 2-52-59

59. raamah = Rama; bhR^ityaanukampii = who was compassionate towards his dependents; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; sumantram = to Sumantra; diinam = who was miserably; yaachamaanam = entreating; punaH punaH = again and again; bahuvidham = in many modes.

Rama, who was compassionate towards his dependents, spoke as follows to Sumantra, who was miserably entreating him again and again in many modes.

Verse Locator

jaanaami paramaam bhaktim mayi te bhartR^i vatsala |
shR^iNu ca api yad artham tvaam preShayaami puriim itaH || 2-52-60

60. bhartR^ivatsala = "Oh; charioteer; so fond of your master! jaanaami = I knew; te = your; paramaam = excellent; bhaktam = devotion; mayi = to me. ShR^iNuchaapi = Hear; yadartham = wherefore; preshhayaami = I send; tvaam = you; itaH = from here; puriim = to the city."

"Oh, charioteer so fond of your master! I know your excellent devotion to me. Hear wherefore I send you from here to the city of Ayodhya."

Verse Locator

nagariim tvaam gatam dR^iShTvaa jananii me yaviiyasii |
kaikeyii pratyayam gacched iti raamaH vanam gataH || 2-52-61

61. dR^ishhTvaa = "seeing; tvaam = you; gatam = going; nagariim = to the city; kaikeyii = Kaikeyi; me = my; yaviiyasii = younger;jananii = mother; gachchhet = will get; pratyayam = the proof; iti = that; raamaH = Rama; gataH = went; vanam = to the forest."

"Seeing you, returning to Ayodhya, Kaikeyi, my younger mother will get the proof that Rama has gone to the forest."

Verse Locator

parituShTaa hi saa devi vana vaasam gate mayi |
raajaanam na atishanketa mithyaa vaadii iti dhaarmikam || 2-52-62

62. paritushhTaa = "having strongly satisfied; mayi = about me; gate = having gone; vanavaasam = to dwell in the forest; saa devii = that queen; (Kaikeyi); naatishaNketa = will not suspect strongly; raajaanaam = about the king; dhaarmikam = who is virtuous; mithyaavaadiiti = as one who speaks untruth"

"Having completely satisfied, about me having gone to forest, Kaikeyi will leave her strong suspicion that the virtuous king may be a person who speaks untruth."

Verse Locator

eSha me prathamaH kalpo yad ambaa me yaviiyasii |
bharata aarakShitam sphiitam putra raajyam avaapnuyaat || 2-52-63

63. eshhaH = "this is; prathamaH = the first; kalpaH = rule to be observed before any other rule; me = for me; yat = that; me = my; yaviiyasii = younger; ambaa = mother; avaapnuyaat = should get; spiitam = the extensive; putra raajyam = kingdom of her son; bharataa rakshhitam = protected by Bharata"

"This is my first priority that my younger mother should get the extensive kingdom, protected by Bharata and thus ruled by her own son."

Verse Locator

mama priya artham raaGYaH ca sarathaH tvam puriim vraja |
sa.ndiShTaH ca asi yaa anarthaa.ns taa.ns taan bruuyaaH tathaa tathaa || 2-52-64

64. priyaartham = "for the pleasure; mama = of me; raaG^yashcha = and of the king; tvam = you; sarathaH = along with the chariot; vraja = go; puriim = to the city (of Ayodhya); yaan = which; arthaan = matters; asi = you are; sandishhTaH = told; bruuyaaH = inform; taan taan = those and those matters; tathaa tathaa = in that manner."

"For my pleasure and pleasure of the king, you go along with the chariot to Ayodhya and inform all the matters that you have been asked to tell each in the way you have been asked to do."

Verse Locator

iti uktvaa vacanam suutam saantvayitvaa punaH punaH |
guham vacanam akliibam raamaH hetumad abraviit || 2-52-65

65. uktvaa = having spoken; vachanam = the words;iti = thus; suutam = in the chariot; akliibaH = the courageous; raamaH = Rama; saantvayitvaa = consoled(him); punaH punaH = again and again; abraviit = spoke(the following); hetumat = reasoned; vachanam = words; guham = to Guha.

Having spoken thus to the charioteer, the courageous Rama consoled him again and again. Then, he spoke the following reasoned words to Guha:

Verse Locator

nedaaniim guha yogyo.ayam vaso me sajane vane |
avashyam hyaashrame vaasah kartavyastadgato vidhiH || 2-52-66

66. guha = "Oh; Guha! ayam = this; vaasaH = stay; vane = in the forest; sajane = inhabited with people. na yogyaH = is not proper; me = for me. vaasaH = The stay; avashyam = should be certainly; aashrame = in a hermitage. VidhiH = Let the action; tadgataH = directed towards that; kartavyaH = be done."

"Oh, Guha! This stay in the inhabited woods is not proper for me. My stay should definitely be in a hermitage. Let an action diverted towards that aim be taken"

Verse Locator

so.aham gR^ihiitvaa niyamam tapasvijanabhuushhaNam |
hitakaamaH piturbhuuyaH siitaayaa lakshmaNasya cha || 2-52-67
jaTaaH kR^itvaa gamiShyaami nyagrodha kShiiram aanaya |

67. saH aham = "I as such; hita kaamaH = wishing well of; pituH = my farther; bhunyaH = and; siitaayaaH = of Sita; lakshhmaNasyacha = and of Lakshmana; gR^ihiitvaa = having taken up; niyamam = the restraint; tapsvi janabhuushhaNam = to be adorned by ascetics; gamishhyaami = and proceed further; kR^itvaa = wearing; jaTaaH = matted hair. aanaya = (please) bring; nyagrodha kshhiiram = the milk-like exudation (latex) of a banyan tree."

"I as such, wishing well of my father, Sita as well as Lakshmana and having taken up a discipline to be followed by ascetics, want to proceed further, wearing matted hair. Please bring the latex of a banyan tree."

Verse Locator

tat kShiiram raaja putraaya guhaH kShipram upaaharat || 2-52-68
lakShmaNasya aatmanaH caiva raamaH tena akaroj jaTaaH |

68. guhaH = Guha;kshhipram = immediately; upaaharat = brought; tat = that; kshhiiram = milk-like exudation (latex); raaja putraaya = to the prince. Tena = with that; raamaH = Rama; aakarot = made; jaTaaH = matted hair; aatmanashchaiva = to himself; lakshhmaNasya = and to Lakshmana.

Guha immediately brought that latex to the prince. With that, Rama made matted hair to himself and to Lakshmana.

Verse Locator

diirghabaahurnaravyaaghro jaTilatva madhaarayat || 2-52-69
tau tadaa ciira vasanau jaTaa maNDala dhaariNau |
ashobhetaam R^iShi samau bhraatarau raama rakShmaNau || 2-52-70

69;70. diirgha baahuH = That long armed; nara vyaaghraH = tiger among men; Rama; aadhaarayat = wore; jaTilatvam = the matting; tadaa = Then; raama lakshhmaNav = Rama and Lakshmana; bhraatarov = the brothers; chiira vasanou = clad in the bark of trees; jaTaa maNdala dhaariNau = and wearing a rounded mass of matted locks (on their hair); ashobhetaam = looked bright; R^shhisamou = like ascetic sages.

Rama, tiger among men who possessed long arms wore the distinguished mark of an ascetic (in the shape of matted hair) . Then, Rama and Lakshmana the brothers clad in the bark of trees and wearing a round mass of matted locks (on their head) looked bright like two ascetic sages.

Verse Locator

tataH vaikhaanasam maargam aasthitaH saha lakShmaNaH |
vratam aadiShTavaan raamaH sahaayam guham abraviit || 2-52-71

71. tataH = then; aasthitaH = Having adopted; maargam = the way; vaikhaanasam = of a hermit (temporarily); saha lakshhmaNa = along with Lakshmana; raamaH = Rama; aadishhTavaan = accepted; vratam = the vow (of an ascetic); abraviit = and spoke; guham = to Guha; sakhaayam = his friend (as follows):

Having adopted the way of a hermit (temporarily) along with Lakshmana, Rama then accepted the vow of an ascetic life and spoke to Guha, his friend as follows:

Verse Locator

apramattaH bale koshe durge jana pade tathaa |
bhavethaa guha raajyam hi duraarakShatamam matam || 2-52-72

72. guha = "Oh; Guha! Bhavethaa = Remain; apramattaH = vigilant; bale = in the case of an army; koshe = the treasury; durge = the fortress; tathaa = and; janapade = the people. Matam hi = It is said; raajyam = that a kingdom; duraa rakshhatamam = is the most difficult one to protect."

"Oh, Guha! Remain vigilant in defense, finance, internal security and public relations, for a kingdom is the most difficult one to be protected!"

Verse Locator

tataH tam samanuGYaaya guham ikShvaaku nandanaH |
jagaama tuurNam avyagraH sabhaaryaH saha lakShmaNaH || 2-52-73

73. tataH = then; ikshhvaaku nandanaH = Rama; who was a delight to Ikshvaku dynasty; samanuG^yaaya = bade farewell; tam guham = to Guha; jagaama = and departed; tuurNam = quickly; avyagraH = remaining undistracted; sabhaaryaH = along with his consort; sahalakshhmaNaH = together with Lakshmana.

Then Rama, who was a delight to Ikshvaku dynasty, bade farewell to Guha and departed quickly, remaining undistracted, along with his consort and together with Lakshmana.

Verse Locator

sa tu dR^iShTvaa nadii tiire naavam ikShvaaku nandanaH |
titiirShuH shiighragaam gangaam idam lakShmaNam abraviit || 2-52-74

74. dR^ishhTvaa = seeing; naavam = the boat; nadiitiire = on the bank of the river; saH ikshhvaakunandanaH = that Rama; titirshhuH = desirous of crossing; shiighragaam = the swift-flowing; gaNgaam = Ganga; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; lakshmaNam = to Lakshmana: -

Seeing the boat on the bank of the river and keen to cross the swift- flowing Ganga, Rama spoke to Lakshmana as follows: -

Verse Locator

aaroha tvam nara vyaaghra sthitaam naavam imaam shanaiH |
siitaam ca aaropaya anvakSham parigR^ihya manasviniim || 2-52-75

75. nara vyaaghraH = "Oh; Lakshmana the tiger among men! Tvam = you; aaroha = get into; imaam = this; naavam = boat; sthityaam = stationed; (here); parigR^ihya = having helped; siitaam cha = Sita; mansviniim = the virtuous wife; aaropaya = step into it."

"Oh, Lakshmana the tiger among men! You get into the boat stationed here unhurriedly afterwards, having helped Sita the virtuous wife step into it."

Verse Locator

sa bhraatuH shaasanam shrutvaa sarvam apratikuulayan |
aaropya maithiliim puurvam aaruroha aatmavaa.ns tataH || 2-52-76

76. shrutvaa = hearing; shaasanam = the command; sarvam = wholly; bhraatruH = of his (elder) brother; saH = that Lakshmana; aatmavaan = prudent; apratikuulayan = not resisting it; aaropaya maithiliim = having made Sita to ascend (the boat); puurvam = first; aaruroha = stepped into (the boat); tataH = afterwards.

Hearing the command completely of his elder brother, the prudent Lakshmana, by not counteracting it, made Sita to ascend the boat first and stepped into it afterwards.

Verse Locator

atha aaruroha tejasvii svayam lakShmaNa puurvajaH |
tataH niShaada adhipatir guho GYaatiin acodayat || 2-52-77

77. atha = then; tejasvii = the glorious; lakshhmaNa puurvajaH = Rama; the elder brother of Lakshmana; aaruroha = got into (the boat); svayam = himself. TataH = Thereafter; guhaH = Guha; nishhadaadhipatiH = the ruler of the Nishadas; achodayat = commanded; G^yaatiim = his kinsfolk (to row them across the river).

Then, the glorious Rama got into the boat himself. Thereafter, Guha the ruler of Nishadas commanded his kinsfolk to row them across the river.

Verse Locator

raaghavo.api mahaatejaa naavamaaruhya taam tataH |
brahmavat kshatravachchaiva jajaapa hitamaatmanaH || 2-52-78

78. aaruuhya = after ascending; taam naavam = that boat; raaghava. Api = Rama too; mahaa tejaH = of mighty splendor; tataH = then; jajaapa = recited (a sacred text Daiviim naavam etc) brahmavat = (fit for) Brahmanas; kshhatriyashchaiva = and Kshatriyas; hitam = and conducive to the good; aatmanaH = of his son.

After ascending the boat, Rama too of mighty splendor then recited a sacred text (daiviim naavam etc) fit for brahmanas and Kshatriyas alike and conducive to his own good.

Verse Locator

aachamya cha yathaashaastram nadiim taam saha siitayaa |
praaNamatpriitisamhR^ishhTo lakshmaNashchaamitaprabhaH || 2-52-79

79. aachamyacha = having sipped water; yathaa shaastram = as per scriptures; priitisamhR^ishhTaH = and with extreme delight; siitayaa saha = (Rama) with Sita; praaNamat = made obeisance; taam nadiim = to that river; lakshmaNashcha = Lakshmana also; amita prabhaH = of infinite splendor (followed suit.)

Having sipped water as per scriptures and with extreme delight, Rama with Sita made obeisance to that river. Lakshmana, of infinite splendor, followed suit.

Verse Locator

anuGYaaya sumantram ca sabalam caiva tam guham |
aasthaaya naavam raamaH tu codayaam aasa naavikaan || 2-52-80

80. anuG^yaaya = bidding farewell; tam guham = to that Guha; sabalam = with his army of men; sumantram = and Sumantra; raamastu = Rama; aasthaaya = sat on; naavam = the boat; chodayaamaasa = and directed; naavikaan = the boatmen (to move on).

Bidding farewell to Guha with his army of men and Sumantra, Rama sat on the boat and directed the boatmen to move on.

Verse Locator

tataH taiH coditaa saa nauH karNa dhaara samaahitaa |
shubha sphya vega abhihataa shiighram salilam atyagaat || 2-52-81

81. taiH = through their; choditaa = propulsion; sa nauH = that boat; karNadhaara samaahitaa = furnished with a pilot; shubha sphya vega abhihataa = obeying those splendid and vigorous oarsmen; shiighram = rapidly; atyagaat = moved across; salilam = water.

Propelled by those splendid and vigorous oarsmen, that boat furnished with a pilot, rapidly moved across the water.

Verse Locator

madhyam tu samanupraapya bhaagiirathyaaH tu aninditaa |
vaidehii praanjalir bhuutvaa taam nadiim idam abraviit || 2-52-82

82. samanupraapya = coming to; madhyam = the middle; bhaagiirathyaaH = of Bhagirathi; aninditaa = the irresproachable; vaidehii = Sita; bhuutvaa = having been; praaN^jaliH = with joined palms; abraviit = spoke; idam = these words; taam nadiim = to the said river.

Coming to the middle of Bhagirathi river, the irreproachable Sita with joined palms, spoke as follows to the said river: -

Verse Locator

putraH dasharathasya ayam mahaa raajasya dhiimataH |
nidesham paalayatu enam gange tvad abhirakShitaH || 2-52-83
catur dasha hi varShaaNi samagraaNi uShya kaanane |
bhraatraa saha mayaa caiva punaH pratyaagamiShyati || 2-52-84
tataH tvaam devi subhage kShemeNa punar aagataa |
yakShye pramuditaa gange sarva kaama samR^iddhaye || 2-52-85

83;84;85. gaNge = "Oh; Ganga! Ayam (let) this Rama; putraH = the son; dasharathasya = of Dasaratha; mahaaraajasya = the emperor; paalayitvaa = honor; imam = this (his father's); nidesham = command; tvadabhirakshhitaH = under your protection! Ushhya = Having dwelled; kaanane = in the forest; samagraaNi = in full; chaturdasha = for fourteen; varshhaaNi = years; pratyaagamishhyati = (may he) return; punaH = once more (to your bank); bhraataa saha = with his brother; Lakshmana; mayaachaiva = and myself! Subhage = Oh; blessed; devii = goddess; gaN^ge = Ganga! PunaH aagataa = Returning; kshhemeNa = safely; tataH = then; pramuditaa = I; full of joy; sarva kaama samR^iddhinii = all my desires fulfilled; yakshhye = shall worship; tvaam = you."

"Oh, Ganga! Let Rama, the son of the emperor Dasaratha honor his father's command under your protection! Having dwelled in the forest in full fourteen years, may he return once more to your bank with his brother, Lakshmana and myself! Oh, blessed goddess Ganga! Returning safely, with all my desires fulfilled, I shall worship you with great joy."

Verse Locator

tvam hi tripathagaa devi brahma lokam samiikShase |
bhaaryaa ca udadhi raajasya loke asmin sampradR^ishyase || 2-52-86

86. tvam = "you; devii = Oh; goddess; tripathagaa = flowing through three regions; (namely heaven; earth and subterranean); samiikshhase hi = are indeed seeing; brahmalokam = Brahma's realm (the outermost of the six spheres enveloping the earth); sampradR^ishyase = and are vividly seen; asmin = on this; loke = terrestrial plane; bhaaryaacha = as a consort; udadhiraajasya = of the ocean king."

You, Oh goddess flowing through three regions (namely heaven, earth and subterranean regions), include in your basin the realm of Brahma (the outermost of the six spheres enveloping the earth) and are vividly seen on this terrestrial plane as a consort of the ocean king."

Verse Locator

saa tvaam devi namasyaami prasha.nsaami ca shobhane |
praapta raajye nara vyaaghra shivena punar aagate || 2-52-87
gavaam shata sahasraaNi vastraaNi annam ca peshalam |
braahmaNebhyaH pradaasyaami tava priya cikiirShayaa || 2-52-88

87;88. shobhane devii = "oh; charming goddess! Saa = I; Sita; namasyaami = greet; tvaam = you; prashamsaami cha = and extol you too; naravyaaghre = when Rama the tiger among men; shivena = has safely; aagate = returned; punaH = again; praapte raajye = and regains his kingdom; pradaasyaami = I shall give away; shatasahasraaNi = a lakh; gavaam = of cows; peshalam = soft; vastraaNi = clothing; annamcha = and food stuff; brahmaNebhya = to Brahmanas; priyachikiirshhayaa = with an intent to please you."

"Oh, charming goddess! I, Sita, greet you and extol you too. When Rama the tiger among men safely returns and regains his kingdom, I shall give away a lakh of cows, soft clothing and food to brahmanas with intent to please you."

Verse Locator

suraaghaTasahasreNa maa.nsabhuutodanena cha |
yakshye tvaam prayataa devi puriim punarupaagataa || 2-52-89

89. devii = "Oh; goddess! Upaagata = After reaching; puriim = the city (Ayodhya); punaH = again; yakshhye = I shall worship (you); suraaghata sahasreNa = with thousand pots of spirituous liquor; maamsa bhuutodanena cha = and jellied meat with cooked rice; prayataa = well-prepared for the solemn rite."

"Oh, goddess! After reaching back the city of Ayodhya, I shall worship you with thousand pots of spirituous liquor and jellied meat with cooked rice well prepared for the solemn rite."

Verse Locator

yaani tvattiiravaasiini daivataani cha santi hi |
taani sarvaaNi yakshyaami tiirthaanyaayatanaani cha || 2-52-90

90. yakshhyaami = I shall worship; yaami = whatever; daivataani = deities; santi = are there; sarvaaNi = all; tvattiira vaasini = dwelling on your banks; tiirthaani = sacred spots; aayatanaamicha = and sanctuaries."

"I shall worship all deities dwelling on your banks as also sacred spots and sanctuaries."

Verse Locator

punareva mahaabaaurmayaa bhraatraa cha samgataH |
ayodhyaam vanavaasaattu pravishatvanagho.anaghe || 2-52-91

91. anaghe = "oh; irreproachable one! AnaghaH = (May) the sinless; mahaabaahuH = and mighty armed Rama; pravishatu = re-enter; ayodhyaam = Ayodhya; punareva = again; vanavaasaat = from dwelling in the forest; sangataH = along with; bhraatraacha = Lakshmana; his brother; mayaa = (and) myself."

"Oh, irreproachable goddess! May the sinless Rama (with mighty arms) re-enter Ayodhya again from the forest, along with Lakshmana and myself."

Verse Locator

tathaa sambhaaShamaaNaa saa siitaa gangaam aninditaa |
dakShiNaa dakShiNam tiiram kShipram eva abhyupaagamat || 2-52-92

92. tathaa = then; sambhaashha maaNaa = praying (to Ganga); siita = Sita; dakshhiNaa = the efficient; aninditaa = irreproachable; abhyupaagamat = reached; kshhiprameva = rapidly; dakshhiNam = the right; tiiram = bank.

Thus praying to Ganga, the efficient and irreproachable Sita rapidly reached the right bank of the river.

Verse Locator

tiiram tu samanupraapya naavam hitvaa nara R^iShabhaH |
praatiShThata saha bhraatraa vaidehyaa ca param tapaH || 2-52-93

93. samanupraapya = reaching; tiiram = the bank; nararshhabhaH = Rama the best among men; paramtapaH = and the chastiser of foes; hitvaa = left; naavam = the boat; praatishhThata = and further proceeded; bhraatraasaha = along with Lakshmana his brother; vaidehyaacha = and Sita.

Reaching the bank and leaving the boat, Rama the best among men and the chastiser of foes proceeded further along with Lakshmana and Sita.

Verse Locator

atha abraviin mahaa baahuH sumitra aananda vardhanam |
bhava samrakshaNaarthaaya sajane vijane.api vaa || 2-52-94

94. "Be prepared for protecting Sita in the inhabited as well as in uninhabited areas also." W.wM---atha = then; mahaabaahuH = Rama; the mighty armed; abraviit = spoke; sumitraa nandanam = to Lakshmana (who heightened the joy of Sumitra); bhava = "Be prepared; samrakshaNaarthaaya = for protecting; (Sita); sajane = in the inhabited; vijane.apivaa = and in the uninhabited areas also."

Then, Rama the mighty armed, spoke to Lakshmana (who heightened the joy of Sumitra) as follows:

Verse Locator

avashyam rakshaNam kaaryamadR^ishhTe vijane vane |
agrataH gaccha saumitre siitaa tvaam anugacchatu || 2-52-95

95. rakshhaNam = "security; kaaryam = is to be arranged; avashyam = inevitably; adR^shhTe = and in an unforeseen; vijane = and in an uninhabited; vane = forest. soumitre = Oh; Lakshmana! Gachchha = Go; agrataH = in front. Siitaa anugachchhatu = Let Sita follow; tvaam = you."

"Security is an inevitable need in a forest, which has unforeseen dangers and is uninhabited, Oh, Lakshmana! Go in front. Let Sita follow you."

Verse Locator

pR^iShThataH aham gamiShyaami tvaam ca siitaam ca paalayan |
adya duhkham tu vaidehii vana vaasasya vetsyati || 2-52-96

96. aham = "I; gamishhyaami = shall proceed; pR^ishhThataH = in the back; paalayam = protecting; tvaam cha = you; siitaamcha = and Sita; purushharshhabha = Oh; jewel among men! Rakshha = Protection; kartavyaa = must be accorded; iha = here; naH = by us; anyonyasya = to one another."

"I shall proceed in the rear, protecting you and Sita. Oh, jewel among men! We must accord protection here to one another."

Verse Locator

na hi taavadatikraantaa sukaraa kaachana kriyaa |
adya duHkham tu vaidehii vanavaasasya vetsyati || 2-52-97

97. atikraanta = "an over stepped; kaachana kriyaa = doing whatsoever; Na hi taavat = cannot indeed be; sukaraa = smoothly done again. Vaidehii = Sita; vetsyati = will experience; duHkham = the hardship; vanavaasasya = of staying in a forest; adya = (only) from us."

"An act which has gone out of hand, whatsoever, cannot indeed be remedied again. Sita will experience the hardship of staying in a forest only from now."

Verse Locator

praNashhTajanasambaadham kshetraaraamavivarbitam |
vishhamam cha prapaatam cha vanamadya pravekshyati || 2-52-98

98. adya = " today; pravekshhyati = (she)will enter; vanam = the forest; praNashhTajana sambaadhaam = when density of people is not seen; kshhetra araama vivarjitam = which is utterly devoid of fields and gardens; vishhamamcha = and is full of stumbles."

"Today she will enter the forest, where density of people is not seen, which is utterly devoid of fields and gardens, has a rugged surface and is full of stumbles."

Verse Locator

shrutvaa raamasya vachanam pratisthe lakshmaNO.agrataH |
anantaram cha siitaayaa raaghavo raghanandhanaH || 2-52-99

99. shrutvaa = listening to; raamasya = Rama's; vachanam = words; lakshmaNaH = Lakshmana; pratasthe = walked; agrataH = in front. Anantaram = immediately after; siitaayaaH = Sita; raaghavaH = Rama; raghunandanaH = the delight of Raghu dynasty (advanced).

Listening to Rama's words, Lakshmana walked in front. Immediately after Sita, Rama, the delight of Raghu dynasty, advanced.

Verse Locator

gatam tu gangaa para paaram aashu |
raamam sumantraH pratatam niriikShya |
adhva prakarShaat vinivR^itta dR^iShTir |
rmumoca baaShpam vyathitaH tapasvii || 2-52-100

100. pratatam = constantly; niriikshhya = gazing at; raamam = Rama; gatam = who reached; ashu = soon; gaN^gaa para paaram = the other bank of Ganga river; tapasvii = the distressed; sumantraH = Sumantra; vinivR^itta dR^ishhTiH = his vision having failed; adhvaprakarshhaat = due to the great distance; vyathitaH = and perturbed as he was; mumocha = shed; baashhpam = tears (of grief over separation from Rama).

Constantly gazing at Rama, who reached soon the other bank of Ganga River, the distressed Sumantra, his vision having failed due to the long distance and perturbed as he was, shed tears (of grief over separation from Rama).

Verse Locator

sa lokapaalapratimaprabhaavavaam |
stiirtvaa mahaatmaa varado mahaanadiim |
tataH samR^iddhaan shubhasasyamaalinaH |
krameNa vatsaan muditaanupaagamat || 2-52-101

101. tiirvaa = having crossed; mahaanadiim = the great river; saH = that Rama; mahaatmaa = the high-soled; varadaH = the bestowal of boons; loka paala pratimaprabhaava vaan = equal in glory with the guardians of spheres; tataH = then; upaagamat = reached; krameNa = progressively; vatsaan = the land of Vatsa; samRidhdhhaan = and the happy; shubha sasya maalinaH = which contained rows of beautiful crops.

Having crossed the great river, Rama the high-soled, the bestowal of boons, equal in glory with the guardians of spheres, then reached progressively the prosperous and the happy land of Vatsa; which contained rows of beautiful crops.

Verse Locator

tau tatra hatvaa caturaH mahaa mR^igaan |
varaaham R^ishyam pR^iShatam mahaa rurum |
aadaaya medhyam tvaritam bubhukShitau|
vaasaaya kaale yayatur vanaH patim || 2-52-102

102. hatvaa = having killed; tatra = there; chaturaH = four; mR^igaan = deer (namely); varaaham = Varaaha; R^ishyam = Risya; pR^ishhatam = PR^isata; mahaaruru = (and) Mahaaruru; (the four principal species of deer); aadayaa = and taking; tvaritam = quickly; medhyam = the portions that were pure; tou = Rama and Lakshmana; bubhukshhitou = being hungry as they were; yayatuH = reached; vanaspatim = a tree; vaasayaa = to take rest; kaale = in the evening.

Having hunted there four deer, namely Varaaha, Rishya, Prisata; and Mahaaruru (the four principal species of deer) and taking quickly the portions that were pure, being hungry as they were, Rama and Lakshmana reached a tree to take rest in the evening.

- - -

iti vaalmiiki raamaayaNe aadi kaavye ayodhya kaaNDe dvipa.nchaashaH sargaH

Thus completes 52nd chapter in the AyodhyaKanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Verse Locator for Book II : Ayodhya Kanda - Book Of Ayodhya : Chapter 52

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© Oct 2002, K. M. K. Murthy