Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 115
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


Rama informs Seetha that the dishonour meted out to him and the wrong done to her by Ravana have been wiped off, by his victory over the enemy with the assistance of Hanuma, Sugreeva and Vibhishana. However, regarding with suspicion the character of Seetha, Rama disowns her and asks her to seek shelter elsewhere.

Verse Locator

tāṃ tu pārśve sthitāṃ prahvāṃ rāmaḥ saṃprekṣye maithilīm |
hṛdayāntargataṃ bhāvaṃ vyāhartumupacakrame || 6-115-1

1. samprekShya = seeing; taam maithiliim = that Seetha; sthitaam = who stood; paarshve = at his vicinity; prahvaam = bowing low; raamaH = Rama; upachakrame = began; vyaahartum = to tell; bhaavam = his feeling; hR^idayaantargatam = hidden in his heart (as follows).

Seeing that Seetha, who stood at his vicinity bowing low, Rama began to tell his feeling hidden in his heart (as follows):

Verse Locator

eṣāsi nirjitā bhadre śatruṃ jitvā raṇājire |
pauruṣādyadanuṣṭheyaṃ mayaitadupapāditam || 6-115-2

2. bhadre = my dear lady!; eShaa = you; asi = are; nirjitaa = won back (by me); jitvaa = after conquering; shatrum = the enemy; raNaajire = in the battle-field; tat yat = that which; anuShTheyam = is to be done; pauruShaat = through human effort; upapaaditam = has been accomplished; mayaa = by me.

"You are won back by me, after conquering the enemy in the battle-field, my dear lady! That which is to be done through human effort, has been accomplished by me."

Verse Locator

gato.asmyantamamarṣasya dharṣaṇā saṃpramārjitā |
avamānaśca śatraśca yugapannihatau mayā || 6-115-3

3. gataH asmi = I have come to; antam = the end; amarShasya = of my indignation; dharShaNaa = and my outrage; sampramaarjitaa = has been completely requited; shatrushcha = and the enemy; anumaanashcha = as well as the contempt; nihatau = have been wiped out; yugavat = all at once; mayaa = by me.

"I have come to the end of my indignation and my outrage has been completely requited as also the contempt against the enemy have been wiped out, all at once, by me."

Verse Locator

adya me pauruṣaṃ dṛṣṭamadya me saphalaḥ śramaḥ |
adya tīrṇapratijño.ahaṃ prabhavāmyadya cātmanaḥ || 6-115-4

4. adya = now; me = my; pauruSham = manly strength; dR^iShTam = has been seen (by all); adya = today; me = my; shramaH = toil; saphalaH = has borne fruit; adya = now; aham = I; tiirNa pratijJNaH = have fulfilled my promise; adya = today; prabhavaami = I am the master; aatmanaH = of myself.

"Now, my manly strength has been seen by all. Today, my toil has borne fruit. Now, I have fulfilled my promise. Today, I am the master of myself."

Verse Locator

yā tvaṃ virahitā nītā calacittena rakṣasā |
daivasaṃpādito doṣo mānuṣeṇa mayā jitaḥ || 6-115-5

5. yaa tvam = you; who; virahitaa = became deserted from me; niitaa = was taken away; chalachittena rakShasaa = by a ficle-minded demon; doShaH = the wrong; daivasampaaditaH = brought about by the destiny jitaH = has been corrected; mayaa = by me; maanuSheNa = a human being.

"The wrong done to you, when you were deserted from me, in that you were taken away by a fickle-minded demon, which was ordained by the destiny, has been corrected by me as a human being."

Verse Locator

saṃprāptamavamānaṃ yastejasā na pramārjati |
kastasya pauruṣeṇārtho mahatāpyalpacetasaḥ || 6-115-6

6. kaH arthaH = what is the use; pauruSheNa = of a prowess; tasya mahataapi alpachetasH = of a weak-minded man; even if it is mighty; yaH na pramaarjati = who does not wipe out; sampraaptam avamaanam = the insult fallen to his lot; tejasaa = by means of his energy?

"What is the use of a prowess, however great, of that weak-minded man who does not wipe out, by his energy, the insult fallen to his lot?"

Verse Locator

laṅghunaṃ samudrasya laṅkāyāścāpi mardanam |
saphalaṃ tasya ca ślāghyamadya karma hanūmataḥ || 6-115-7

7. shlaaghya = the praise-worthy; karma = act; tasya hanuumataH = of that Hanuma; laN^ghanam = (namely) the crossing; samudrasya = of the ocean; mardanam cha = and the destroying; laN^kaayaaH = of Lanka; the destroying; laNKaayaaH = of Lanka; adya = today; saphalam = has borne fruit.

"The praise-worthy act of Hanuma in the form of crossing of the ocean and the destroying of Lanka, has borne fruit today."

Verse Locator

yuddhe vikramataścaiva hitaṃ mantrayatastathā |
sugrīvasya sasainyasya saphalo.adya pariśramaḥ || 6-115-8

8. parishramaH = the endeavour; sugriivasya = of Sugreeva; sa sainyashcha = together with his army; vikramataH = for his attack; yuddhe = in the battle; tathaa = and; mantrayataH = his counsel; hitam = of a good advice; saphalah = is fruitful; adya = today.

"The endeavour of Sugreeva, who exhibited his prowess on the battle-field with his army and tendered a good advice, is fruitful today."

Verse Locator

vibhīṣaṇasya ca tathā saphalo.adya pariśramaḥ |
viguṇaṃ bhrātaraṃ tvaktvā yo māṃ svayamupasthitaḥ || 6-115-9

9. tathaa = furthermore; parishramashcha = the exertion; vibhiiShaNashcha = of Vibhishana; yaH = who; tyaktvaa = after abandoning; bhraataram = his brother; viguNam = who was void of good qualities; svayam = andpersonall; upasthitaH = reached; maam = me; saphalaH = is fruitful; adya = today.

"Furthermore, the exertion of Vibhishana, who after deserting his brother who was void of good qualities, sought my presence, is fruitful today.

Verse Locator

ityevaṃ vadataḥ śrutvā sītā rāmasya tadvacaḥ |
mṛgīvotphullanayanā babhūvāśrupariplutā || 6-115-10

10. shrutvaa = hearing; tat = those; vachaH = words; vadataH = spoken; tiyevam = thus; raamasya = by Rama; siitaa = Seetha; utphullanayanaa = her eyes wide open; mR^igiiva = like those of a female-deer; babhuuva was; ashrupariplutaa = filled with tears.

Hearing those words spoken thus by Rama, Seetha with her eyes wide open like those of a female-deer, was bathed in tears.

Verse Locator

paśyatastāṃ tu rāmasya samīpe hṛdayapriyām |
janavādabhayādrājño babhūva hṛdayaṃ dvidhā || 6-115-11

11. hR^idayam = the heart; raajJNaH raamasya = of King Rama; pashyataH = as he saw; taam = Seetha (hR^idaya priyaam = the beloved of his heart); samiipe = near him; babhuuva dvidha = was torn; janavaada bhayaat = for fear of the talk of the public.

The heart of King Rama, as he saw Seetha, (the beloved of his heart) near him, was torn for fear of public scandal.

Verse Locator

sītāmutpalapatrākṣīṃ nīlakuñcitamūrdhajām |
avadadvai varārohāṃ madhye vānararakṣasām || 6-115-12

12. madhye = in the midst; vaanara raakShasaam = of monkeys and demons; avadat vai = Rama spoke; siitaam = to Seetha; utpala patraakShiim = whose eyes resembled the petals of a lotus; niila kuN^jitu muurdhajaam = hair; dark in hue as also curled; vanaarohaam = and hips; excellent.

In the midst of monkeys and demons, Rama spoke (as follows) to Seetha, whose eyes resembled the petals of a lotus, who wore dark curly hair and was endowed with fine hips.

Verse Locator

yatkartavyaṃ manuṣyeṇa dharṣaṇāṃ pratimārjatā |
tatkṛtaṃ rāvaṇaṃ hatvā mayedaṃ mānakāṅkkṣiṇā || 6-115-13

13. mayaa = by me; maanakaaN^kShiNaa = wanting for an honour; tat idam = this particular act; yat = which; kartavyam = ought to be done; manuShyeNa = by a man; kR^itam = has been done; hatvaa = in killing; raavaNam = Ravana; pratimaarjitaa = and thus wiping away; dharShaNaam = the insult.

"I, wanting for an honour, have done this particular act, which ought to be done by a man, in killing Ravana and thus wiping away the insult meted out to me."

Verse Locator

nirjitā jīvalokasya tapasā bhāvitātmanā |
agastyena durādharṣā muninā dakṣiṇeva dik || 6-115-14

14. nirjitaa = (you have been) won by me; bhaavitaatmanaa = whose mind stands purified; tapasaa = by asceticism; dakShiNaa dik iva = as the southern quarter; duraadharShaa = which was difficult to be approached; jiivalokasya = by the world of mortals; (was conquered by) agastyena = by the Sage Agastya.

"You have been won by me, whose mind stands purified by asceticism as the southern quarter, which was difficult to be approached by the world of mortals, was conquered by the Sage Agastya."

Verse Locator

viditaścāstu bhadraṃ te yo.ayaṃ raṇapariśramaḥ |
sutīrṇaḥ suhṛdāṃ vīryānna tvadarthaṃ mayā kṛtaḥ || 6-115-15
rakṣatā tu mayā vṛttamapavādam ca sarvataḥ |
prakhyātasyātmavaṃśasya nyaṅgaṃ ca parimārjatā || 6-115-16

15-16. viditaH astu = let it be known (to you); ayam yuddhaparishramaH = that this endeavour in the shape of war; sutiirNaH = which has been successfully carried through; viiryaat = due to the strength; suhR^idaam = of my friends; na kR^itaH = was not undertakne; tvadartham = for your sake; te bhadram astu = let there be happiness to you!; mayaa = (this was done) by me; rakShataa = in order to keep up; vR^itam = my good conduct; parimaarjitaa = and wipe off; apavaadam cha = the evil-speaking; sarvataH = from all sides; nyaNgam = as well as the insinuation; prakhyaatasya aatmavamshasya = on my own illustrious dynasty.

"Let it be known to you that this endeavor in the shape of war, which has been successful carried through, due to the strength of my friends was not undertaken for your sake. Let there be prosperity to you! This was done by me in order to keep up my good conduct and to wipe off the evil-speaking from all sides as well as the insinuation on my own illustrious dynasty."

Verse Locator

prāptacāritrasaṃdeha mama pratimukhe sthitā |
dīpo netrāturasyeva pratikūlāsi me dṛḍham || 6-115-17

17. praapta chaaritra sandehaa = (You) with a suspicion arisen on your character; sthitaa = standing; pratimukhe = in front of; mama = me; dR^iDham pratikuulaa api = are extremely disagreeable; me = to me; diipaH iva = even as a light; netraaturasya = to one; who is suffering from a poor eye-sight.

"You, with a suspicion arisen on your character, standing in front of me, are extremely disagreeable to me, even as a light to one, who is suffering from a poor eye-sight."

Verse Locator

tadgaccha tvānujāne.adya yatheṣṭaṃ janakātmaje |
etā daśa diśo bhadre kāryamasti na me tvayā || 6-115-18

18. janakaatmaje = O Seetha!; tat = that is why; anujaane = I am permitting; tvaa = you; adya = now; gachchha = go; yatheShTam = wherever you like; tetaaH dasha dishaH = to any of these ten directions; naasti = there is no; kaaryam = work to be done; me = to me; tvayaa = by you; bhadre = my dear lady!

"O Seetha! That is why, I am permitting you now. Go wherever you like. All these ten directions are open to you, my dear lady! There is no work to be done to me, by you."

Verse Locator

kaḥ pumāṃstu kule jātah striyaṃ paragṛhoṣitām |
tejasvī punarādadyāt suhṛllekhyena cetasā || 6-115-19

19. kaH tejasvii pumaan = which noble man; jaataH = born; kule = in an illustrious race; aadadyaat = will take; punaH = back; striyam = a woman; paragR^ihoShitaam = who lived in another's abode; suhR^illekhyena chetasaa = with an eager mind?

"Which noble man, born in an illustrious race, will take back a woman who lived in another's abode, with an eager mind?"

Verse Locator

rāvaṇāṅkaparikliṣṭāṃ dṛṣṭāṃ duṣṭena cakṣuṣā |
kathaṃ tvāṃ punarādadyāṃ kulaṃ vyapadiśan mahat || 6-115-20

20. vyapadishan = while mentioning about; mahat kulam = my great lineage; katham = how; aadadyaam = can I accept; punaH = again; tvaam = you; raavaNaaN^ka parikliShTaan = who were harassed in Ravana's lap while being borne away by him) dR^iShTaam = and who were seen (by him) duShTena chakShuShaa = with evil looks?

"While mentioning greatly about my lineage, how can I accept again, you who were harassed in Ravana's lap (while being borne away by him) and who were seen (by him) with evil looks?"

Verse Locator

tadarthaṃ nirjitā me tvaṃ yaśaḥ pratyāhṛtaṃ mayā |
nāsth me tvayyabhiṣvaṅgo yatheṣṭaṃ gamyatāmitaḥ || 6-115-21

21. tvam nirjitaa = you were won; me = by me; tadartham = for that end (viz. retrieval of my lost honour); yashaH = the honour; pratyaahR^itam = has been restored; mayaa = by me; me = for me; na asti = there is no; abhiShvaN^gaH = intense attachment; tvayi = in you; gamyataam = you may go; yatheShTam = wherever you like; itaH = from here.

"You were won by me with that end in view (viz. the retrieval of my lost honour). The honour has been restored by me. For me, there is no intense attachment in you. You may go wherever you like from here."

Verse Locator

tadadya vyāhṛtaṃ bhadre mayaitat kṛtabuddhinā |
lakṣmaṇe vātha bharate kuru buddhiṃ yathāsukham || 6-115-22

22. bhadre = O gracious lady!; tat = therefore; etat = this; vyaahR^itam = has been spoken; mayaa = by me; adya = today; kR^ita buddhinaa = with a resolved mind; kuru buddhim = set your mind; lakShmaNe = on Lakshmana; atha = or; bharate = on Bharata; yathaa sukham = as per your ease.

"O gracious lady! Therefore, this has been spoken by me today, with a resolved mind. Set you mind on Lakshmana or Bharata, as per your ease."

Verse Locator

śatrughne vātha sugrīve rākṣase vā vibhīṣaṇe |
niveśaya manaḥ sīte yathā vā sukhamātmanaḥ || 6-115-23

23. siite = O Seetha!; niveshaya = set; manaH = your mind; shatrughne vaa = either on Shatrughna; atha = or; sugriiva = on Sugreeva; vibhiiShaNe va = or on Vibhishana; raakShase = the demon; aatmanaH yathaa sukham = or according to your own comfort.

"O Seetha! Otherwise, set your mind either on Shatrughna or on Sugreeva or on Vibhishana the demon; or according to your own comfort."

Verse Locator

na hi tvāṃ rāvaṇo dṛṣṭvo divyarūpāṃ manoramām |
marṣayeta ciraṃ sīte svagṛhe paryavasthitām || 6-115-24

24. dR^iShTvaa = seeing; tvaam = you; divyaruupaam = who are endowed with a beautiful form; manoramaam = and attractive to the sense; paryavasthitaam = detained; chiram = for long; svagR^ihe = in his abode; raavaNaH = Ravana; na marShayetahi = could not have endured (your separation).

"Seeing you, who are endowed with a beautiful form and attractive to the sense, detained for long in his abode, Ravana could not have endured your separation."

Verse Locator

tataḥ priyārhaśravaṇā tadapriyaṃ |
priyādupaśrutya cirasya maithilī |
mumoca bāṣpaṃ subhṛśaṃ pravepitā |
gajendrahastābhihateva vallarī || 6-115-25

25. upashrutya = hearing; tat = that; apriyam = unpalatable speech; priyaat = from her beloved husband; maithilii = Seetha; priyaarha shravaNaa = who used to hear pleasing words alone; subhR^isham pravepitaa = was very much trembled; chirasya = for long; vallariiva = like a creeper; gajendra abhihataa = attacked by the proboscis of an elephant; mumocha = and shed; baaShpam = tears.

Hearing that unpalatable speech of her beloved husband, Seetha who used to hear pleasing words alone, was very much trembled for long, like a creeper attacked by the proboscis of an elephant and thereupon shed tears.

- - - -

ityārṣe śrīmadrāmāyaṇe ādikāvye yuddhakāṇḍe pañcadaśādhikaśatatamaḥ sargaḥ

Thus, this is the 115th chapter in Yuddha Kanda of Valmiki Ramayana, the First Epic poem of India.

Verse Locator for Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War : Chapter 115

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© August 2009, K. M. K. Murthy