Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War

Chapter [Sarga] 60
Verses converted to UTF-8, Nov 09


Ravana returns to Lanka and asks some demons to go to the abode of sleeping Kumbhakarna, to wake him up and request him to come to him. The slumbering Kumbhakarna is roused by the demons under orders of their king. Kumbhakarna, giant in form, sets out on the high way to see Ravana and the monkeys get alarmed to see the giant demon.

Verse Locator

sa pravishya puriim laN^kaam raamabaaNabhayaarditaH |
bhagnadarpastadaa raajaa babhuuva vyathitendriyaH || 6-60-1

1. tadaa = then; saH = that; raajaa = King of Demons; pravishya = after entering; laN^kaam puriim = the city of Lanka; raama baaNabhayaarditaH = afflicted with the fear of Rama's arrows; bhagnadarpaH = his pride humbled; babhuuva = became; vyathi tendriyaH = troubled in his senses.

Returning to the City of Lanka, Ravana the King of Demons was afflicted with the fear of Rama's arrows, his pride was humbled and his senses troubled.

Verse Locator

maataN^ga iva simhena garuDeneva pannagaH |
abhibhuuto.abhavadraajaa raaghaveNa mahaatmanaa || 6-60-2

2. raajaa = that King; abhavat = was; abhibhuutaH = overcome; mahaatmanaa = by the high-souled; raaghaveNa = Rama; maataN^gaH iva = like an elephant; simhena = by a lion; pannagaH iva = or like a serpent; garuDena = by an eagle.

The king was overcome by the high-souled Rama, like an elephant is by a lion or a serpent by an eagle.

Verse Locator

brahmadaNDapratiikaanaam vidyuchchalitavarchasaam |
smatan raaghavabaaNaanaam vivyathe raakShaseshvaraH || 6-60-3

3. raakSaseshvaraH = the lord of Demons; vivyathe = was maddened; smaran = in recollecting; raaghava baaNaanaam = Rama's arrows; brahma daN^Dapratiikaanaam = resembling the Rod of Brahma the Lord of creation; vidyuchchalita varchasaam = and possessed of the splendour of lightning.

The Lord of Demons was maddened in recollecting Rama's arrows resembling the Rod of Brahma the Lord of creation and possessed of the splendour of lightning.

Verse Locator

sa kaaJNchanamayam divyamaashritya paramaasanam |
viprekShamaaNo rakShaa.nsi raavaNo vaakyamabraviit || 6-60-4

4. aashritya = resting on; paramaasanam = an excellen throne; kaaN^chanamayan = made of gold; divyam = and charming; raavaNaH = Ravana; viprekSamaaNaH = looking; rakSaamsi = at the demons; abraviit = spoke; vaakyam = (the following) words.

Resting on an excellent and charming throne made of gold, Ravana looked at the demons and spoke the following words:

Verse Locator

sarvam tatkhalu me mogham yattaptam paramam tapaH |
yatsamaano mahendreNa maanuSheNa vinirjitaH || 6-60-5

5. tat sarvam = all that; paramam = great; tapaH = penance; yat = which; taptam = was performed; me = by me; mogham khalu = was indeed in vain; yat = for; mahendreNa samaanaH = I who am equal to Mahendra the Lord of celestials; vinirjitaH = have been defeated; maanuSeNa = by a mere man!.

"All that great penance performed by me became a waste indeed, for, I who am equal to Mahendra the Lord of Celestials have been defeated by a mere man!"

Verse Locator

idam tadbrahmaNo ghoram vaakyam maamabhyupasthitam |
maanuShebhyo vijaaniihi bhayam tvamiti tattathaa || 6-60-6

6. idam = these; ghoram = terrible; vaakyam = words; brahmaNaH = of Brahma the Lord of creation; iti = saying that; tvam = you; vijaaniihi = know; bhayam = of the threat; maanuSebhyaH = from men; upasthitam = appear (true); maam = to me; tat = that ; tathaa = is so.

"The terrible words of Brahma the Lord of Creation saying, 'You know of the threat from men' appear true. That is so."

Verse Locator

devadaanavagandharvairyakSharaakShasapannagaiH |
avadhyatvam mayaa praaptam maanuShebhyo na yaachitam || 6-60-7

7. praaptam = (The boon) was obtained; mayaa = by me; avadhyatvam = for not to be slain; devadaanava gandharvaiH = by celestials; titans or celestials musicians; yakSaraaSasa pannagaiH = or sam-divine beings or demons or serpent-demons; nayaachitam = but not asked; maanuSebhyaH = from men.

"I sought immunity from death at the hands of celestials, titans or celestials musicians, or semi divine beings or demons or serpent-demons, but f man I made no mention."

Verse Locator

viditam maanuSham manye raamaM dasharathaatmajam |
ikShvaakukulajaatena anarNyena yat puraa || 6-60-8
utpatsyati hi madva.nshe puruSho raakShasaadhama |
yastvaam saputram saamaatyam sabalam saashvasaarathim || 6-60-9
nihaniShyati samgraame tvaam kulaadhama durmate |

8; 9. raamam = Rama; dasharathaatmajam = the son of Dasaratha; maanuSam = is the man; manyee = I think; yat = of whom; puraa = formerly; anaraNyena = Anaranya; ikSvaakukula jaatena = born of Ikshvaku dynasty; viditam = made me to understand; (staying); raakSasaadhama = O; the worst of demons; kulaadhama = and worst of your race!; durmate = O; the wretched one! madvamshe = In my race; utpatsyatihi = will be born; puruSaH = a man; yaH = who; nihaniSyati = will slay; tvaam = you; samgraame = in battle; saputram = with your sons; saamaatyam = ministers; sabalam = army; saashvasaarathim = horses and charioteer.

"Rama the son of Dasaratha is the man I think of whom Anaranya born of Ikshvaku dynasty formerly spoke, saying: 'O, the worst of demons, the worst of your race and the wretched one! In my race will be born a man who will slay you in battle with your sons, ministers, army, horses and charioteer."

Verse Locator

shapto.aham vedavatyaa cha yadaa saa dharShitaa puraa || 6-60-10
seyam siitaa mahaabhaagaa jaataa janakanandinii |

10. aham = I; shaptaH = was cursed; vedavatyaa = by Vedavati; yadaa = when; saa = she; dharSitaa = was humiliated; puraa = before; saa = that; iyam = same Vedavati; jaataa = is born; siitaa = as Seetha; mahaabhaagaa = the highly fortunate one; janakanandinii = and the daughter of Janaka.

"Further, I was formerly cursed by Vedavati when she was humiliated by me. The same Vedavati is born as the highly fortunate Seetha the daughter of Janaka."

Verse Locator

umaa nandiishvarashchaapi rambhaa varuNakanyakaa || 6-60-11
yathoktaastanmayaa praaptam na midhyaa R^iShibhaaShitam |

11. yathaa = how; umaa = parvati the consort of Shiva; nandiishvarashchaapi = lord Nandi the attendant of Shiva; rambhaa = Rambha wife of Nala-Kubara; varuNakanyakaa = Varuna's daughter; uktaaH = told; tat = that; praaptam = has been obtained; mayaa = by me; R^iSibhaaSitam = the words uttered by sages; na = are not; mithyam = untrue.

"What was predicted by Parvati the consort of Shiva, Nandishvara the attendant of Shiva, Rambha the wife of Nalakubara and Punjikasthala the daughter of Varunda has come to pass! The words of the sages never prove false."

Verse Locator

etadevaabhyupaagamya yatnam kartumahaarhatha || 6-60-12
raakShasaashchaapi tiShThantu charyaagopuramuurdhasu |

12. etat eva = on account of all this; abhyupaagamya = and admitting it; arhathaa = effort; iha = in this matter; raakSasaashchaapi = (Let) the demons; tiSThantu = be stationed; charyaagopura muurdhasu = on the summit of Charya Mountian.

"On account of all this and admitting it, you should exert yourselves to the uttermost. Let the demons go to the summit of Charya Mountain."

Verse Locator

sa chaapratimagaambhiiryo devadaanavadarpahaa || 6-60-13
brahmashaapaabhibhuutastu kumbhakarNo vibodhyataam |

13. vibodhyataam = Awaken; saH = that; kumbhakarNaH = Kumbhakarna; apratimagaambhiiryaH = who is without equal in prowess; devadaanava darpahaa = who humbles the pride of the celestials and demons; brahma shaapaabhibhuutaH = and on whom the curse of Brahma the Lord of Creation rests.

"Awaken that kumbhakarna, who is without equal in prowess, who humbles the pride of the celestials and demons, and on whom the curse of Brahma the Lord of creation rests."

Verse Locator

samare jitamaatmaanam prahastam cha niShuuditam || 6-60-14
jJNaatvaa rakShobalam bhiimamaadidesha mahaabalaH |

14. jJNaatvaa = having known (that); prahastam = Prahasta; niSuuditam = being slain; saH = and that king; mahaabalaH = the mighty one; aatmaanam = himself; jitam = being defeated; samare = in battle; (that king); aadidesha = issued his commands; bhiimam = to the dreadful; balam = army (saying)

Having known that Prahasta being slain and knowing himself to have been defeated in the battle, Ravana issued his commands tot he dreadful army, saying:

Verse Locator

dvaareShu yatnaH kriyataam praakaarashchaadhiruhyataam || 6-60-15
nidraavashasamaaviShTaH kumbhakarNo vibodhyataam |

15. kriyataam = guard; dvaareSu = the gates; yatnaH = with care; adhiruhyataam = and ascend; praakaarashcha = the ramparts; vibodhyataam = rouse; kumbhakarNaH = Kumbhakarna; nidraavasha samaaviSTaH = who is slumbering soundly.

"Guard the gates with utmost care. Man the ramparts. Rouse Kumbhakarna who is slumbering soundly."

Verse Locator

sukham svapiti nishchintaH kaalopahatachetanaH || 6-60-16
nava sapta dashaaShTau cha maasaan svapiti raakShasaH |

16. raakSasaH = Kumbhakarna; svapiti = is sleeping; sukham = happily; kaalopahata chetanaH = his understannding vitiated by lust; nishchintaH = free from all anxieties; (the demons sleeps); nava = for mine; sapta = seven; dasha = ten; aSTaucha = or eight; maasaan = months.

"Kumbhakarna is sleeping happily, his understanding vitiated by lust and free from all anxieties. The demon sleeps for nine, seven, ten or eight months.

Verse Locator

mantram kR^itvaa prasupto.ayamiastu navame.ahani || 6-60-17
tam tu bodhayata kShipram kumbhakarNam mahaabalam |

17. kR^itvaa = having me; mantram = in consultation (with me); navame = on the nineth; ahani = day; itam = before; ayam = he; prasuptaH = has since fallen asleep; bodhayata = Awaken; kshiipram = quickly; tam = that; mahaabalam = mighty; kumbhakarNam = Kumbhakarna.

"Having deliberated with me nine days ago, he has since fallen asleep. Awaken quickly that mighty Kumbhakarna."

Verse Locator

sa hi samkhye mahaabaahuH kakudam sarvarakShasaam || 6-60-18
vaanaraan raajaputrau cha kShiprameva haniShyati |

18. saH = Kumbhakarna; kakudam = the foremost; sarvaraakSasaam = of all demons; mahaabaahuH = and the mighty armed; haniSyati = will kill kSiprameva = quickly; vaanaraan = the monkeys; raajaputraucha = and the princes; samkhye = in the battle.

"The mighty armed Kumbhakarna, the foremost of all demons will kill the monkeys and the two princes at once in the battle."

Verse Locator

eSha ketuH paraM samkhye mukhye vai sarvarakShasaam || 6-60-19
kumbhakarNaH sadaa shete muuDho graamyasukhe rataH |

19. eSaH kumbhakarNaH = this Kumbhakarna; mukhyaH = the chief; sarva rakSasaam = among all the demons; param = a great; ketuH = mark; samkhye = in the battle; sadaa = is always; shete = sleeping; muuDhaaH = a stupid; rataH = being fond; graamya sukhe = of a rustic comfort.

"This Kumbhakarna, the chief among all the demons and a great mark in the battle, being fond of a rustic comfort, is always sleeping stupidly."

Verse Locator

raameNaabhinirastasya samgraame.asmin sudaaruNe || 6-60-20
bhaviShyati na me shokaH kumbhakarNe vibodhite |

20. kumbhakarNe = (If) Kumbhakarna; vibodhite = is awaken; na bhaviSyati = there will be no; shokaH = grief; me = for me; abhinirastasya = who has been defeated; raameNa = by Rama; asmin = in this; sudaaruNe = highly terrific; samgraame = battle.

"If Kumbhakarna is awaken, there will be no worry for me, who stand defeated by Rama in this highly terrific battle."

Verse Locator

kim kariShyaamyaham tena shakratulyabalena hi || 6-60-21
iidR^ishe vyasane ghore yo na saahyaaya kalpate |

21. kim = what; aham kariSyaami = will I do; tena = with him; yaH = who; shakratulya = Lord of Celestials; na kalpate = cannot; saahaayya = help; iidR^ishe = in such; ghore = a dreadful; vyasane = calamity?

"What is the use of him, who possessing a strength equal to that of Indra the Lord of celestials, cannot help me in such a dreadful catastrophe?"

Verse Locator

te tu tadvachanam shrutvaa raakShasendrasya raakShasaaH || 6-60-22
jagmuH paramasambhraantaaH kumbhakarNaniveshanam |

22. shrutvaa = hearing; tat vaakyam = those words; raakSasendrasya = of Ravana the Lord of Demons; te = those; raakSasaaH = demons; parama sambhraantaaH = very briskly; jagmuH = went; kumbhakarNa niveshanam = to the abode of Kumbhakarna.

Hearing those words of Ravana, those demons very briskly went to the abode of Kumbhakarna.

Verse Locator

taam pravishya mahaadvaaraam sarvato yojanaayataam || 6-60-23
kumbhakrNaguhaam ramyaam puShpagandhapravaahiniim |
kumbhakarNasya niHshvaasaadavadhuutaa mahaabalaaH || 6-60-24
pratiShThamaanaaH kR^icchhreNa yatnaa tpravivishurguhaam |

23; 24. pravishya = entering; ramyaam = the beautiful; kumbhakarNaguhaam = cave of Kumbhakarna; mahaadvaaraam = with a large door; yoganaayataam = having an area of Yojana (About 9 miles x 9 miles); sarvato = on all sides; puSpagandhapravaahiniim = bearing a floral perfume; avadhuutaaH = (thought) shaken off; kumbhakarNasya = by Kumbakarna's; niHshvaasaat = breaths; mahaabalaaH = the demons; of mighty strength; yatnaat = with exertion; pratiSThamaanaaH = remained stable; kR^ichchhreNa = with difficulty; pravivishuH = went into; guhaam = the cave.

Entering the beautiful cave of Kumbhakarna, with a large door, having an area of a Yojana on all sides and bearing a floral perfume, the demons of mighty strength, though shaken off by Kumbhakarna's breaths, remained stable forcefully with difficulty and went into the cave.

Verse Locator

taam pravishya guhaam ramyaam ratnakaaJNchanakuTTimaam || 6-60-25
dadR^ishurnairR^itavyaaghraaH shayaanam bhiimavikramam |

25. pravishya = entering; taam = that; ramyaam = beautiful; guhaam = cave; ratna kaaNchana kuTTimaam = inlaid with diamonds and gold; nairR^ita ryaaghraaH = those tigers among demons; dadR^ishuH = saw; bhiimavikramam = Kumbhakarna of terrific prowess; shayanaam = who was sleeping.

Entering that beautiful cave inlaid with diamonds and gold, those tigers among demons beheld Kumbhakarna, of terrific prowess, who was sleeping.

Verse Locator

te tu tam vikR^itam suptam vikiirNamiva parvatam || 6-60-26
kumbham mahaanidram sametaaH pratyabodhayan |

26. te = they; sametaaH = together; pratyabodhayam = tried to awaken; kumbhakarNam = Kumbhakarna; suptam = who was sleeping; vikR^itam = nastily; vikiirNam parvatam ive = like a spread-out mountain; mahaanidram = in a great slumber.

They together tried to awaken Kumbhakarna who was sleeping nastily like a spread-out mountain in a great slumber.

Verse Locator

uurdhvalomaaJNchitatanum shvasantamiva pannagam || 6-60-27
bhraamayantam viniHshvaasaiH shayaanam bhiimavikramam |
bhiimanaasaapuTam tam tu paataalavipulaananam || 6-60-28
shayane nyastasarvaaN^gam medorudhiragandhinam |
kaaJNchanaaN^gadanaddhaaN^gam medorudhiragandhinam || 6-60-29
dadR^ishurnairR^itavyaaghram kumbhakarNamarindamam |

27; 28; 29. uurdhva lomaaNchita tanum = his limbs covered with down which stood on end; shvasantam = breathing; pannagamiva = like a serpent; shayaanam = as he slept; bhiimavikramam = shayaanam = as he slept; bhiimavikramam = Kumbhakarna of irresistible valour; bhraamayantam = brandishing; viniHshvaasaiH = dreadful snores; bhiimanaasaapuTam = his nostrils being horrible; paataala vipulaananam = and his mouth a gaping hell; nyasta sarvaaNgam = stretched to his full length of body; shayane = while lying down; medorudhiragandhinam = giving forth an odour of marrow and blood; kaaN^chanaaNga danaddhaaN^gam = his limbs adorned with goldedn armlets; kiriiTena = wearing a diadem; arkavarchasam = as bright as the sun; tam kumbhakarNam = that Kumbhakarna; nairR^ita vyaaghram = the lion among demons; arindanam = and the slayer of his foes; dadR^ishuH = (they) saw.

His limbs covered with down which stood on end, breathing like a serpent, as he slept, Kumbhakarna of irresistible valour emitted dreadful snores, his nostrils being horrible, and his mouth a gaping hell. Stretched to his full length on the earth, he gave forth an odour of marrow and blood, his limbs were adorned with golden armlets and he wore a diadem as bright as the sun, thus did that lion among demons, Kumbhakarna, the slayer of his foes, appear!

Verse Locator

tatashcakrurmahaatmaanaH kumbhakarNasya chaagraataH || 6-60-30
bhuutaanaam merusamkaasham raashim paramatarpaNam |

30. tataH = then; mahaatmaanaH = those powerful demons; parama taraNam = in order to satisfy him excellently; chakruH = made; raashim = a heap; bhuutaanaam = of (hunted) being; merusamkaasham = as high as mount Meru agrataH = in front; kumbhakarNasya = of Kumbhakarna.

Then, those powerful demons, in order to satisfy him, placed a heap of venison as high as Mount Meru, in front of Kumbhakarna.

Verse Locator

mR^igaaNaam mahiShaaNaam cha varaahaaNaam cha sa.nchayaan || 6-60-31
chakrurnairR^itashaarduulaa raashimannasya chaadbhutam |

31. nairR^itashaarduulaaH = those lions among demons; chakruH = made; samahayaan = a great mass; adbhutam annam = of wonderful food; mR^igaaNaam = with deers; mahiSaaNaam cha = buffaloes; varaahaNaam cha = and pigs.

Those excellent demons piled up a great mass of wonderful food with the meat of deers, buffaloes and pigs.

Verse Locator

tataH shoNitakumbhaa.nshcha maa.nsaani vividhaani cha || 6-60-32
purastaatkumbhakarNasya chakrustridashashatravaH |

32. tataH = then; tridasha shatravaH = the demons; chakruH = made; shoNita kumbhaashcha = pots of blood; vividhaani = various kinds; maamsaani = of meats; purastaat = in front; kumbhakarNasya = of Kumbhakarna.

Then, the demons placed pots of blood and various kinds of meat in front of Kumbhakarna.

Verse Locator

lilipushcha paraardhyena chandanena paramtapam || 6-60-33
divyairaashvaasayaamaasurmaalyairgandhaishcha gandhibhiH |

33. lilipuH = (They) rubbed; paramtapam = that scourge of his foes; paraardhyena = with the most rare; chandanena = sandalwood; aashvaasa yaamaasuH = and refreshed him; divyaiH = with celestials; gandhibhiH = and fragrant; maalyaiH = garlands; gandhaiH cha = and sweet-smelling perfumes.

They rubbed Kumbhakarna the scourge of his foes with the most rare sandalwood and refreshed him with celestial and fragrant garlands as well as sweet-smelling perfumes.

Verse Locator

dhuupagandhaa.nshcha sasR^ijustuShTuvushcha paramtapam || 6-60-34
jaladaa iva chaaneduryaatudhaanaastatastataH |

34. yaatudhaanaaH = the demons; sasR^ijuH = created; dhuupagandhaan cha = the burnt incense; tuSTuvushcha = and hymned the praises; paramtapam = of that warrior who proved fatal to his foes; aaneduH cha = (they) cried out noises; (which burst forth); tatastataH = on every side; jaladaaH iva = like thunder of clouds.

They burnt incenses and hymned the praises of that warrior who proved fatal to his foes. They cried out noises which burst forth on every side like thunder.

Verse Locator

shaN^khaa.nshcha puurayaamaasuH shashaaN^kasadR^ishaprabhaan || 6-60-35
tumulam yugapachchaapi vinedushchaapyamarShitaaH |

35. puurayaamaasuH = (They) blew; shaN^khaan = couches; shashaaN^ka sadR^isha prabhaan = as bright as the moon; amarSitaaH = and with impatience; vineduH cha api = made sounds; tumulam = tumultuously; yugapat = all at once.

They blew couches which were as bright as the moon and with impatience, made with impatience, made sounds tumultuously all at once.

Verse Locator

neduraasphoTayaamaasushcikShipuste nishaacharaaH || 6-60-36
kumbhakarNavibodhaartham chakrustevipulam svanam |

36. te nishaacharaaH = those demons; neduH = made sounds; kumbhakarNa vibodhaartham = in order to awaken Kumbhakarna; aasphoTayaamaasuH = clapped their hands; chikSupuH = and shook him; chakruH = made; vipulam = a great; svanam = clamour.

Those demons made sounds by clapping their hands, in order to awaken Kumbhakarna and shook him too, creating a great clamour.

Verse Locator

sashaN^khabheriipaNavapraNaada |
maasphoTitakShvelitasimhanaadam |
disho dravantastridivam kirantaH |
shrutvaa vihamgaaH sahasaa nipetuH || 6-60-37

37. vihamgaaH = the birds; kirantaH = passing through; tridivam = the sky; dravantah = ran; dishaH = (to different) quarters; nipetuH = and fell down; sahasaa = soon; shrutvaa = on hearing; sashaNkha bheriipaNava praNaadam = the sound of the couches; drums; gongs; aasphoTitakSvelita simhanaadam = clapping of hands and leonine roars.

The birds passing through the sky ran helter-shelter and fell down soon on hearing the sounds of the couches, drums, gongs, clapping of hands and leonine roars.

Verse Locator

yadaa bhR^isham tairninadairmahaatmaa |
na kambhakarNo bubudhe prasuptaH |
tato bhushuNDiirmusalaani sarve |
rakShogaNaastam jagR^ihurgadaashcha || 6-60-38

38. yadaa = when; mahaatmaa = the illustrious; KumbhakarNaH = Kumbhakarna; na bubudhe = did not waken; prasaptaH = from the slumber; taiH = (despite) those; bhR^isham = great; nivadaiH = sounds; tataH = then; sarve = all; rakSogaNaaH = troops of demons; jagR^ihuH = seized hold; bhushuNDiiH = of bars; musalaani = pestles; gadaashcha = and maces; tam = towards him.

As the illustrious Kumbhakarna did not waken from his slumber despite those great sounds, all troops of demons seized hold of bars, pestles and maces towards him.

Verse Locator

tam shailashR^iN^germusalairgadaabhi |
rvakShaHsthale mudgaramuShTibhishcha |
sukhaprasuptam bhuvi kumbhakarNam |
rakShaa.nsyudagraaNi tadaa nijaghnaH || 6-60-39

39. tadaa = then; udagraaNi = the cruel; rakSaamsi = demons; nijaghnuH = struck; tam = that; sukhaprasuptam = sleeping comfortably; bhuvi = on the floor; kumbhakarNam = Kumbhakarna; vakSasthale = on his chest-region; shailashR^iNgaiH = with mountain-tops; musalaiH = pestles; gadaabhiH = maces; mudgaramuSTibhiH cha = hammers and fists.

Then, the cruel demons struck that sleeping Kumbhakarna on his chest with mountain-tops, pestles, maces, hammers and their fists.

Verse Locator

tasya niHshvaasavaatena kumbhakarNasya rakShasaH |
raakShasaa balavanto.api sthaatum shekurna chaagrataH || 6-60-40

40. balavanto.api = eventhough strong; raakSasaaH = the demons; na shekuH = could not; sthaatum = stand upright; agrataH = before; niHshvaasavaatena = the breathing winds; kumbhakarNasya = of Kumbhakarna; rakSasaH = the demon.

Even with all their strength, the demons could not stand upright before the breathing winds of Kumbhakarna, the demon.

Verse Locator

tataH parihitaa gaaDham raakShasaa bhiimavikramaaH |
mR^idaN^gapaNavaan bheriiH shaN^khakumbhagaNaa.nstathaa || 6-60-41

41. tataH = then; bhiima vikramaH = the terribly strong; raakSasaaH = demons; gaaDham = firmly; parihitaaH = seated themselves round him; (and began to beat); mR^idaN^ga paNavaan = drums; cymbals; bheriiH = kettle-drums; tathaa = and shaNkha kumbhagaNaam = myriads of couches and trumpets.

Then, the terribly strong demons firmly seated themselves round him and began to beat drums, cymbals, kettle-drums and myriads of couches and trumpets.

Verse Locator

dasha raakShasasaahasram yugapatparyavaarayat |
niilaJNjanachayaakaaram te tu tam pratybodhayan || 6-60-42
abhighnanto nadantashcha na cha sambubudhe tadaa |

42. dasha raakSasa sahaahasram = ten thousand demons; paryavaarayat = surrounded (him); yugapat = all at once; te tu = they on their part; abhighnantaH = beating; tam = him; niilaaJNanachayaakaaram = that colossus who resembled a heap of antimony; pratyabodhayan = tried to rouse; tam = him; nadantaH = by making sounds; tadaa = (even) then; na sambabudhe = (he) did not wake.

Ten thousand demons surrounded him all at once. Beating that colossus who resembled a heap of antimony, the demons on their part tried to rouse him by making sounds. Even then, he did not wake.

Verse Locator

yadaa chainam na shekuste pratibodhayitum tadaa || 6-60-43
tato gurutaram yatnam daaruNam samupaakraman |

43. yadaa = when; te = they; na shekuH = were unable; patibodhayitum = to rouse; enam = him; tadaa = then; samupaakraman = they began; tataH guru taram = with a more energetic; daaruNam = and ruthless; yatnam = endeavour.

As they were unable to rouse him by these means, they resorted to more energetic and ruthless methods.

Verse Locator

ashvaanuShTraan kharaannaagaan jaghnardaNDakashaaN^kushaiH || 6-60-44
bheriishaN^khemR^idaN^gaa.nshcha sarvapraaNairavaadayan |

44. aajaghnuH = (they) beat; ashvaan = horses; uSTraan = camels; kharaan = donkeys; naagaan = and elephants; daNDaka shaan^kushaiH = with sticks; whips and thongs; (to trample upon him); avaadayan = and caused to blast; bheriishaNkha mR^idaN^gan cha = kettle-drums; couches and drums; sarvapraaNaiH = by all the beings.

They beat horses, camels, donkeys, and elephants with sticks whips and thongs, so that they trample upon him and blasted kettle-drums, couches and drums.

Verse Locator

nijaghnashchaasya gaatraaNi mahaakaaShThakaTamkaraiH || 6-60-45
mudgarairmusalaishchaapi sarvapraaNasamudyataiH |

45. nijaghnuH = (They) crushed; asya = his; gaatraaNi = limbs; mahaa kaaSThaka TamkaraiH = under piles of heavy logs and pillars; musalaishchaapi = and maces; sarvapraaNa samudyataiH = lifted with all strength.

They crushed his limbs under piles of heavy logs and pillars, as also maces lifted with all their strength.

Verse Locator

tena naadena mahaaa laN^kaa samabhipuuritaa || 6-60-46
saparvatavanaa sarvaa so.api naiva prabudhyate |

46. tena mahataa maadena = by that great noise; sambhipuuritaa = was filled; sarvaa = the entire; laN^kaa = Lanka; saparvatavanaa = along with its mountains and groves; saH api = he nevertheless; naiva prabudhyati = did not wake.

The entire Lanka, with its mountain and groves, was filled with great noise. He nevertheless did not wake.

Verse Locator

tataH sahasram bheriiNaam yugapatsamahanyata || 6-60-47
mR^iShTakaaJNchanakoNaanaa maasaktaanaam samantataH |

47. tataH = thereafter; sahasram = a thousand; bheriiNaam = drums; aasaktaanaam = lying upon that; samantataH = all around; mR^iSTa kaaN^chana koNaanaam = with sticks of refined gold.

Then, they beat a thousand drums all around with sticks of refined gold.

Verse Locator

evanaotatubudrasty tadaa bauva oravydgtata || 6-60-48
shaapasya vashamaapannastataH kruddhaa nishaacharaaH |

48. evamapi = yet; yadaa = when; naiva prabudhyata = he did not wake; atinidraH = from his profound slumber; aapannaH = having been afflicted; vasham = under the spell; shaapasya = of a curse; tataH = then; nishaaharaaH = the demons; kruddhaaH = were enraged.

Yet, as he did not wake from his profound slumber, being under the spell of a curse, the demons were enraged.

Verse Locator

mahaakrodhasamaaviShTaaH sarve bhiimaparaakramaaH || 6-60-49
tadrakSho bodhayiShyantashchakruranye paraakramam |

49. sarve = all those demons; bhiimaparaakramaaH = of terrible strength; mhaakrodha samaaviSTaaH = were filled with a great fury; anye = some others; chakruH = assembled; paraakramam = their strength; bodhayiSyantaH = to awaken; tat = that rakSaH = demons.

All those demons of terrible strength were filled with a great fury. Some others assembled their strength to awaken that demon.

Verse Locator

anye bheriiH samaajaghnaranye chakrurmahaasvanam || 6-60-50
keshaananye pralulupuH karNaavanye dashanti cha |

50. anye = some; samaajaghnuH = beat; bheriiH = drums; anye = some; chakruH = made; mahaasvanam = a great sound; anye = some; pralulupuH = tore out; keshaan = his hair; anye = some others; dashanti = bit; karNau = his ears.

Some beat drums, some shouted, some tore out his hair and some others bit his ears.

Verse Locator

udakumbhashataanyanye samasiJNchanta karNayoH || 6-60-51
na kumbhakarNaH paspande mahaanidraavashaM gataH |

51. anye = some; samasiJNchanta = poured; uda kumbha shataani = hundreds of pitchers of water; karNoyoH = into his ears; kumbhakarNaH = (but) Kumbhakarna; mahaanidravasham gataH = plunged in deep sleep; na paspande = did not stir.

Some poured hundreds of pitchers of water into his ears but Kumbhakarna, plunged in deep sleep, did not stir.

Verse Locator

na kumbhakarNaH paspande mahaanidraavasham gataH || 6-60-52
muurdhni vakShasi gaatreShu paatayan kuuTamudgaraan |

52. anye = some; balinaH = strong one; kuuTamudgara paaNayaH = armed with rocks and hammers; paatayan = struck; kuuTa mudgaraan = the rocks and hammers; tasya muurdhni = on his head; vakSasi = chest; gaatreSu = and other limbs.

Some strong ones, armed with rocks and hammers, struck the rocks and hammers on his head, chest and other limbs.

Verse Locator

rajjubandhanabaddhaabhiH shatagniibhishcha sarvashaH || 6-60-53
vadhyamaano mahaakaayo na praabudhyata raakShasaH |

53. vadhyamaanaH = (Though) smitten; shataghniibhiH = by missiles; rajju bandhana baddhaabhiH = fastened with ropes; sarvashaH = on all sides; mahaakaayaH = the giant bodied; raakSasaH = demon; na praabudhyata = did not wake.

Though smitten by missiles fastened with ropes on all sides, the giant bodied demon did not wake.

Verse Locator

vaaraNaanaam sahasram cha shariire.asya pradhaavitam || 6-60-54
kumbhakarNastadaa buddhvaa sparsham paramabudhyata |

54. sahasram = a thousand; vaaraNaanaam = elephants; pradhaaritam = ran up and down; asya = on his; shariire = body; tadaa = then; kumbhakarNaH = Kumbhakarna; buddhvaa = lightly waking up; abudhyata = became aware; sparsham param = of the pressure.

A thousand elephants ran up and down on his body till Kumbhakarna lightly woke up and became aware of the pressure.

Verse Locator

sa paatyamaanairgirishR^iN^gavR^ikShai |
rachintaya.nstaanvipulaan prahaaraan |
nidraakShayaat kShudbhayapiiDitashcha |
vijR^imbhamaaNaH sahasotpapaapa || 6-60-55

55. achintayan = being insensible; taan = to those; vipulaan = violent; prahaaraan = blows; girishR^iNga vR^ikSaiH = of crags and trees; paatyamaanaiH = hurled upon him; kSud bhaya piiDitashcha = but under the prompting of extreme hunger; sahasaa = suddenly; utpapaata = sprung up from sleep; vijR^imbhamaanaH = yawning; nidraakSayaat = due to loss of sleep.

Being insensible to those violent blows of crags and trees hurled upon him, but under the prompting of extreme hunger, Kumbhakarna suddenly sprang up from sleep, yawning due to loss of sleep.

Verse Locator

sa naagabhogaachalashR^iN^gakalpau |
vikShipya baahuu jitavajrasaarau |
vivR^itya vaktram vaDavaamukhaabham |
nishaacharo.asau vikR^itam jajR^imbhe || 6-60-56

56. vikSipya = waving; baahuu = his arms; naagabhogaachlashR^iN^ga kalpau = resembling serpent's coils or the peaks of mountains; jita vajra saarau = hard as cut diamonds; saH = such; asau = of this; niSaacharaH = demon; vivR^itya = opening; vikR^itam = his monstrous vaktram = mouth; vaDavaamukhaabham = like unto the face of a submarine fire; jajR^imbhe = yawned.

Waving his arms resembling serpent's coils or the peaks of mountains, hard as cut diamonds, that demons opening his monstrous month like unto the face of a submarine fire, yawned.

Verse Locator

tasya jaajR^imbhamaaNasya vaktram paataalasamnibham |
dadR^ushe merushR^iN^gaagre divaakara ivoditaH || 6-60-57

57. tasya = his; vaktram = mouth; jaajR^imbhamaaNasya = yawning horribly; paataala samnibham = resembled hell; dadR^ishe = and appeared; divaakaraH = like the sun; uditaH = rising; meru shR^iN^ge = under the high peak of Meru Mountain.

His mouth yawning horribly resembled hell and appeared like the sun rising under the high peak of Meru Mountain.

Verse Locator

sa jR^imbhamaaNo.atibalaH prabuddhastu nishaacharaH |
niHshvaasashchaasya samjajJNe parvadaadiva maarutaH || 6-60-58

58. saH = that; atibalaH = mighty; nishaacharaH = demon; prabuddhaH = being awake; jR^imbhamaaNaH = yawned; asya samjajJNe niHshvaasaH = heaving his sigh; maarutaH iva = like unto a tempest; parvataat = from a mountain.

That mighty demon, being awake, yawned, heaving a sigh, like unto a tempest arising from a mountain.

Verse Locator

ruupamuttiShThatastasya kumbhakarNasya tad babhau |
yugaane sarvabhuutaani kaalasyeva didhakShataH || 6-60-59

59. tat ruupam = that figure; tasya kumbhakarNasya = of that Kumbhakarna; uttiSThataH = rising up; babhau = stood out; kaalasyeva = resembling Time; yugaante = at the dissolution of the world; didhakSataH = prepared to devour; sarva bhuutaani = all beings.

That figure of Kumbhakarna, rising up, stood out resembling Time at the dissolution of the world, prepared to devour all beings.

Verse Locator

tasyaagnidiiptisadR^ishe vidyutsadR^ishavarchasii |
dadR^ishaate mahaanetre diiptaaviva mahaagrahau || 6-60-60

60. tasya mahaanetre = his huge eyes; agnidiipti sadR^ishe = resembling flames of fire; vidyutsadR^ishavarchasii = with a glitter equal to that of lightning; dadR^ishaate = appeared; diiptau mahaagrahau iva = like blazing great planets.

His huge eyes, resembling flames of fire, with a glitter equal to that of lightning, appeared like great blazing planets.

Verse Locator

tatastvadarshayan sarvaan bhakShyaa.nshcha vividhaan bahuun |
varaahaan mahiShaa.nshchaiva babhakSha sa mahaabalaH || 6-60-61

62. tataH = then; adarshayan = (the demons) pointed out; vividhaan = various kinds; bahuuvn = of many; sarve = and all pieces; bhakSyaancha = of eatables; varaahaan = boar; mahiSaamshcha = and buffaloes; mahaabalaH = the mighty; saH = Kumbhakarna; babhakSa = devoured (them).

Then, the demons pointed to various kinds of victuals, boar and buffalo. The mighty Kumbhakarna devoured them.

Verse Locator

aadadbubhukShito maa.nsam shoNitam tR^iShito.apibat |
medaHkumbhaa.nshcha madyaa.nshcha papau shakraripustadaa || 6-60-62

63. tadaa = then; buhukSitaH = the hungry; shakraripuH = Kumbhakarna the enemy of Indra; aadat = ate; maamsam = the meat; tR^iSitaH = and being thirsty; apibat = drank; shoNitam = the blood; papau = and gulped; medaH kumbhaamshcha = pitchers full of fat; madyaamshcha = and wine.

Then, the hungry Kumbhakarna, the enemy of Indra, ate the meat and being thirsty drank the blood and gulped pitchers full of fat and wine.

Verse Locator

tatastR^ipta iti jJNaatvaa samutperurnishaacharaaH |
shirobhishcha praNamyainam sarvataH paryavaarayan || 6-60-63

64. tataH = thereupon; JNaatvaa = knowing; tR^iptaH iti = that Kumbhakarna was gratified; nishaacharaaH = the demons; samutpetuH = jumped up (to him); praNamya = saluting; enam = him; shirobhiH = with their heads; paryavaarayan = (they) surrounded him; sarvataH = on all sides.

Thereupon, knowing that Kumbhakarna was gratified of his hunger, the demons approached him, saluting him with their heads bent and surrounded him on all sides.

Verse Locator

nidraavishadanetrastu kaluShiikR^italochanaH |
chaarayan sarvato dR^iShTim taanuvaacha nishaacharaan || 6-60-64

65. nidravishadanetraH = raising his eyelids that were heavy with sleep; kaluSiikR^ita lochanaH = his gaze still veiled; chaarayan = (he) directed; dR^ishTim = his glance; taan = towards those; nishaacharaan = demons; uvaacha = and spoke (as follows):

Raising his eyelids that were heavy with sleep, his gaze still veiled, he directed his glance towards those demons and spoke as follows:

Verse Locator

sa sarvaan saantvayaamaasa nairR^taan nairR^itarShabhaH |
bodhanaadvismitashchaapi raakShasaanidamabraviit || 6-60-65

66. saH = that; nairR^itarSabhaH = excellent demon; saantvayaamaasa = kindly addressed; sarvaan = all; nairR^itaan = the demons; vismitashchaapi = and surprised at being roused; abraviit = spoke; idam = those words; raakSasaan = to the demons.

That excellent demons kindly addressing all the demons and surprised at being roused, spoke the following words to the demons:

Verse Locator

kimarthamahaamaadR^itya bhavadbhiH pratibodhitaH |
kacchitsukushalam raajJNo bhayam vaa neha ki.nchan || 6-60-66

66. kimartham = for what reason; aham = have I; pratibodhitaH = been awakened; bhavadbhiH = by you; aadR^itya = so suddenly?; sukushalam kachchit = is all well; raaJNaH = with the king?; vaa = or; kimchana = is there anything; na = not; bhayam = peril; iha = here?.

"For what reason have you thus wakened me so suddenly? Is all well with the king or anything in peril here?"

Verse Locator

athavaa dhruvamanyebhyo bhayam paramupasthitam |
yadarthameva tvarirairbhavadbhiH pratibodhitaH || 6-60-67

67. athavaa = or; dhruvam = surely; param = a great; bhayam = danger; upasthitam = must have arisen; yadarthameva = for which reason; pratibodhitaH = I have been awaken; bhavadbhiH = by you; tvaritaiH = in haste.

"Surely, there must be some great danger from an external source since you have wakened me in haste."

Verse Locator

adya raakShasaraajasya bhayamutpaaTayaamyaham |
daarayiShye mahendram vaa shiitayiShye tathaanalam || 6-60-68

68. adya = now; aham = I; utpaaTayaami = shall drive away; bhayam = the misfortune; raakSasa raajarsya = from Ravana the King of Demons; daarayiSye = (even if) I have to cut to pieces; mahendram vaa = Mahendra himself; tathaa = and; shiitayiSye = to freeze; analam = the Fire.

"Now, I shall drive away the misfortune from Ravana the King of Demons, even if I have to cut Mahendra himself to pieces or to freeze the Fire.

Verse Locator

sa hyalpakaaraNe suptam bodhayiShyati maadR^isham |
tadaakhyaataarthatattvena matprabodhanakaaraNam || 6-60-69

69. alpakaaraNe = for a petty reason; na bodhayiSyati hi = one does not indeed awaken one; maadR^isham = such as I; suptam = who was sleeping; tat = hence; aakhyaata = tell me; arthatattvena = frankly; matprabodha kaaraNam = for what reason you have roused me.

"For a petty reason, one does not indeed awaken, one such as I, from my slumber. Hence, tell me frankly, for what reason you have roused me."

Verse Locator

evam bruvaaNam samrabdham kumbhakarNamari.ndamam |
yuupaakShaH sachivo raajJNaH kR^itaaJNjalirabhaaShata || 6-60-70

70. yuupaakSaH = Yupaksha; sachivaH = a minister; raaJNaH = of the king; kR^itaaN^jaliH = with his hands joined in salutation; abhaaSata = spoke; kumbhakarNam = to Kumbhakarna; arimdamam = the annihilator of his enemies; evam = thus; bruvaaNam = talking; samrabdham = excitedly.

Yupaksha, a minister of the King, with his hands joined salutation, spoke (as follows) to Kumbhakarna, the annihilator of his enemies, thus talking excitedly.

Verse Locator

na no devakR^itam ki.nchidbhayamasti kadaachana |
maanuShaanno bhayam raaja.nstumulam samprabaadhate || 6-60-71

71. raajan = O; Prince!; naasti = there is no; kimchit = any; bhayam = panic; kadaachana = at any time; naH = for us; devakR^itam to be caused by celestials; maanuSaat = (but) from a man; tumulam = there is a tumultuous; bhayam = tremor; samprabaadhate = that is driving us back.

"O, Prince! There is no threat whatsoever at anytime for us from celestials but a mere man is driving us back by a tumultuous tremor."

Verse Locator

na daityadaanavebhyo vaa bhayamasti hi taadR^isham |
yaadR^isham maanuSham raajan bhayamasmaanupasthitam || 6-60-72

72. raaja = O; Prince!; naastihi = It is not indeed; daitya daanavebhyo = the celestials or demons; upasthitam = who have put; asmaan = us; taadR^isham = in such; bhayam = a peril; maanuSam = from a man!.

"O, Prince! It is not indeed the celestials or demons who have put us in such a peril as it comes to us from a man."

Verse Locator

vaanaraiH parvataakaarairlaN^keyam parivaaritaa |
siitaaharaNasamtaptaadraamaannastumulam bhayam || 6-60-73

73. vaanaraiH = by monkeys; parvataakaaraiH = whose forms are as large as mountains; iyam laN^kaa = this Lanka; parivaaritaa = is besieged; tumulam = there is tumultuous; bhayam = peril; naH = for us; raamaat = from Rama; siitaaharaNa samtaptaat = who is furious on account of Seetha's abduction.

"Monkeys, whose forms are as large as mountains, are besieging Lanka. There is a tumultuous peril for us from Rama, who is furious on account of Seetha's abduction."

Verse Locator

ekena vaanareNeyam puurvam dagdhaa mahaapurii |
kumaaro nihatashchaakShaH saanuyaatraH sakuJNjaraH || 6-60-74

74. puurvam = already; ekena = by one; vaanareNa = monkey; iyam = this; mahaapurii = great city; dagdhaa = was burnt; kumaaraH akSaH = and the youthful Prince Aksha; nihataH = was killed; saanuyaatraH = along with his retinue; sakuN^jaraH = and elephants.

"Already, a single monkey set fire to our great city of slew the youthful Prince Aksha with his escort of elephants and retinue."

Verse Locator

svayam rakShodhipashchaapi paulastyo devakaNTakaH |
vrajeti samyuge mukto raameNaadityavarchasaa || 6-60-75

75. vraja iti = 'get thee hence'; (were the words addressed); raameNa = by Rama; aaditya; varchasaa = who is equal to the sun in splendour; paulastyaH api = to Ravana; svayam = in person; rakSodhipaH = the Lord of Demons; devakaNTakaH = the Lord of Demons; devakaNTakaH = and the troublesome person to celestials.

" ' Get thee hence' were the words addressed by Rama who is equal to the sun in splendour, to Ravana in person the Lord of Demons and the trouble-some person to celestials."

Verse Locator

yanna devaiH kR^ito raajaa naapi daityairna daanavaiH |
kR^itaH sa iha raameNa vimuktaH praaNasa.nshayaat || 6-60-76

76. yat = that which; saH raajaa = that king; na kR^itaH = never suffered; devaiH = (in the hands) of Gods; na = never; daityaiH = with demons; na = never; daityaiH = with demons; na = never; daanavaiH = with Danavas; kR^itaH = (he had had) to endure; iha = here; raameNa = from Rama; vimuktaH = who released him; praaNasamshayaat = from the danger to his life.

"That which this king never suffered at the hands of Gods or Demons or Danavas, he has had to endure here from Rama, who released him from the danger to his life."

Verse Locator

sa yuupaakShavachaH shrutvaa bhraaturyudhi paraabhavam |
kumbhakrNo vivR^ittaakSho yuupaakShamidamabraviit || 6-60-77

77. shrutvaa = hearing; paraabhavam = about the humiliation; bhraatuH = of his brother; yudhi = in the battle; yuupaakSa vachanaH = through the words of Yupaksha; kumbhakarNaH = Kumbhakarna; vivR^ittakSaH = rolling his eyes; abraviit = spoke; yuupakSam = to Yupaksha (as follows):

Hearing about the humiliation of his brother in the battle through the words of Yupaksha, Kumbhakarna rolling his great eyes, spoke to Yupaksha (as follows):

Verse Locator

sarvamadyaiva yuupaakSha harisainyam salakShmaNam |
raaghavam cha raNe jitvaa tato drakShyaami raavaNam || 6-60-78

78. yuupaakSa = O; Yupaksha!; adyaiva = now itself; jitvaa = after conquering; raagjavam = Rama; salakshamaNam = along with Lakshmana; sarvam = and the entire; harisainyam = army of monkeys; raNe = in the battle; drakSyaami = I shall see; raavaNam = Ravana; tata = thereafter.

"O, Yupaksha! Now itself, after conquering the entire army of monkeys with Lakshmana and Rama on the battle-field, then only I shall see Ravana."

Verse Locator

raakShasaa.nstarpayiShyaami hariiNaam maa.nsashoNitaiH |
raamalakShmaNayoshchaapi svayam paasyaami shoNitam ||6-60-79

79. tarpayiSyaami = I shall satiate; raakSasaan = the demons; maamsashoNitaiH = with the flesh and blood; hariiNaam = of the monkeys; paasyaami = I shall drink; svayam = myself; shoNitam = the blood; raamalakSmaNayoH = Rama and Lakshmana.

"I shall satiate the demons with the flesh and blood of monkeys and, as for Rama and Lakshmana, I shall drink their blood myself."

Verse Locator

tattasya vaakyam bruvato nishamya |
sagarvitam roShavivR^iddhadoSham |
mahodaro nairR^itayodhamukhyaH |
kR^itaaJNjalirvaakyamidam babhaaShe || 6-60-80

80. nishamya = hearing; tat vaakyam = those words; bruvataH = spoken; garvitam = with haughtiness; roSavivR^iddha doSam = and whose anger increased his ferocity; tasya = of him; sah = that; mahodaraH = Mahodara; nairR^itayodhamukhyaH = the chief of warriors of demons; kR^itaaN^jaliH = with joined palms; babhaaSe = spoke; idam vaakyam = these words.

Hearing these haughty from that demon, whose anger increased his ferocity, Mahodara the chief of warriors of demons, having offered obeisance with joined palms, spoke the following words:

Verse Locator

raavaNasya vachaH shrutvaa guNadoShau vimR^ishya cha |
pashchaadapi mahaabaaho shatruunyudhi vijeShyasi || 6-60-81

81. mahaabaaho = O; the mighty armed!; shrutvaa = when your have listened to; vachaH = the words; raavaNasya = of Ravana; vimR^ishya cha = and considered; guNa doSau = the advantages and disadvantages (of the matter); pashchaat = api = even afterwards; vijeSyasi = you can conquer; shatruun = the enemies; yudhi = in battle.

"O, the mighty armed! When you have listened to the words of Ravana and considered the advantages and disadvantages of the matter, even afterwards you can conquer the enemies in battle."

Verse Locator

mahodaravachaH shrutvaa raakShasaiH parivaaritaH |
kumbhakarNo mahaatejaaH sampratasthe mahaabalaH || 6-60-82

82. shrutvaa = hearing; mahodara vachaH = the words of Mahodara; mahaabalaH = the mighty; kumbhakarNaH = Kumbhakarna; mahaatejaaH = of great valour; sampratasthe = prepared to depart; parivaaritaH = surrounded; raakSasaiH = by demons.

Hearing the words of Mahodara, the might Kumbhakarna of great valour prepared to depart, surrounded by demons.

Verse Locator

suptamutthaapya bhiimaakSham bhiimaruupaparaakramam |
raakShasaastvaritaa jagmurdashagriivaniveshanam || 6-60-83

83. raakSasaaH = the demons; utthaaprya = having awaken; suptam = that sleeping Kumbhakarna; bhiimaakSam = of dreadful eyes; bhiimaruupa paraakramam = with formidable aspect and valour; jagmuH = went; dashagriiva niveshanam = to the king's palace; tvaritaaH = in haste.

The demons, having awaken that sleeping Kumbhakarna of dreadful eyes, form and valour, went to the King's palace in haste.

Verse Locator

te.abhigamya dashagriivamaasiinam paramaasane |
uuchurbaddhaaJNjalipuTaaH sarva eva nishaacharaaH || 6-60-84

84. sarve = all; te nishaacharaaH = those demons; abhigamya = approaching; dashagriivam = Ravana; aasiinam = who was seated; paramaasane = on the throne; uuchuH = said to him; baddhaaN^jalipuTaaH = with joined palms (as follows):

All those demons, approaching Ravana who was seated on the throne, said to him with joined palms, as follows:

Verse Locator

kumbhakarNaH prabuddho.asau bhraataa te raakShaseshvara |
katham tatraiva niryaatu drakShyase tamihaagatam || 6-60-85

85. raakSaseshvara = O; Lord of Demons!; asau kumbhakarnaH = this Kumbhakarna; te bhraataa = your brother; prabuddhaH = has wakened; niryaatu katham = (It is your will) that he should enter the battle field; tatraiva = from there itself; drakSyase = or do you desire to see; tam = him; aagatam = who came; iha = here?.

"O, Lord of Demons! Kumbhakarna, your brother, has wakened. Is it your will that he should enter the battle field from there itself or do you desire him to come here and see you?"

Verse Locator

raavaNastvabraviiddhR^iShTo raakShasaa.nstaanupasthitaan |
draShTumenamihechchhaami yathaanyaayam cha puujyataam || 6-60-86

86. raavaNastu = Ravana on his part; abraviit = answered; taan = those; raakSasaan = demons; upasthitam = who stood before him; hR^iSTaH = and with a glad heart; (said); ichchhami = I want; draSTum = to see; enam = him; iha = here; puujyataam = let hi receive the honours; yathaanyaayam = in a befitting manner.

Ravana answered those demons who stood before him and with a glad heart, said: "I want to see him here. Bring him after extending the honours due to him in a befitting manner."

Verse Locator

tathetyuktvaa tu te sarve punaraagamya raakShasaaH |
kumbhakarNamidam vaakyamuuchuu raavaNachoditaaH || 6-60-87

87. uktvaa = uttering; tatheti = "Be it so"; sarve = all; te = those; raakSasaaH = demons; raavaNachoditaaH = as per the command of Ravana; punaH aagamya = returned; kumbhakarNam = to Kumbhakarna; uuchuH = and spoke; idam = these; vaakyam = words.

Uttering "Be it so", all those demons as commanded by Ravana, returned to Kumbhakarna and spoke the following words:

Verse Locator

draShTum tvaam kaamkShate raajaa sarvaraakShasapumgavaH |
gamane kriyataam buddhirbhraataram sampraharShaya || 6-60-88

88. raajaa = the king; sarva raakSasa pungavaH = the lion of all the dmeons; kaan^kSate = desires; draSTum = to see; tvaam = you; kriyataam = bestow; buddhiH = your mind; gamane = in going; sampraharSaya = and gratify; bhraataram = your brother!.

"The king, the lion of all the demons, desires to see you. Go and gratify your brother!"

Verse Locator

kumbhakarNastu durdharSho bhraaturaajJNaaya shaasanam |
tathetyuktvaa mahaaviiryaH shayanaadutpapaata ha || 6-60-89

89. aaJNaaya = understanding; bhraatuH = his brother's; shaasanam = command; kumbhakarNastu = Kumbhakarna; durdharSaH = the inviolable demons; mahaaviiryaH = of great prowess; uktvaa = uttering; tathaa iti = "so be it"; utpapaataha = rose up; shayanaat = from his couch.

Hearing his brother's wish, Kumbhakarna the inviolable demon of great prowess, uttering "so be it", leapt up from his couch.

Verse Locator

prakShaalya vadanam hR^ShTaH snaataH paramabhuuShitaH |
pipaasustvarayaamaasa paanam balasamiiraNam || 6-60-90

90. prakSaalya = washing; vadanam = his face; snaataH = bathing; hR^iSTaH = refreshed and delighted; paramabhuuSitaH = adorning himself well; pipaasuH = and feeling thirsty; tvarayaamaasa = (he) hastened (them); paanam = (to bring him) a drink; balasamiiraNam = which can boost up his strength.

Washing his face and bathing, refreshed and delighted, adorning himself well and feeling thirsty, he hastened them to bring him a drink which can boost up his strength.

Verse Locator

tataste tvaritaastatra raakShasaa raavaNaajJNayaa |
madyam bhakShyaa.nshcha vividhaan kShipramevopahaarayan || 6-60-91

91. tataH = thereupon; te raakSasaaH = those demons; upahaarayan- brought; (him); kSiprameva = quickly; madyam = the wine; vividhaan = and various kinds; bhakSyaamshcha = of eatables; tatra = there; tvaritaaH = (and who) hastened; raavaNaaJNayaa = to carry out Ravana's commands.

Thereupon, those demons brought him quickly the wine and various kinds of eatable there, in their hurry to take Kumbhakarna with them as per Ravana's commands.

Verse Locator

piitvaa ghaTasahasre dve gamanaayopachakrame |
iiShatsamutkaTo mattastejobalasamanvitaH || 6-60-92

92. pitraa = having drunk; dve = two; ghaTa sahasre = thousand pitchers; gamanaaya upachakrame = (Kumbhakarna) prepared to set out; iiSat = and slightly; samutkaTaH = inebriated; mattaH = and flushed; tejobalasamanvitaH = he was exhilarated and filled with energy.

Having drunk two thousand pitchers, Kumbhakarna prepared to set out and slightly inebriated and flushed, he was exhilarated and filled with energy.

Verse Locator

kumbhakarNo babau ruShTaH kaalaantakayamopamaH |
bhruutuH sa bhavanam gachchhan rakShobalasamanvitaH || 6-60-93
kumbhakarNaH padanyaasairakampayata mediniim |

93. ruSTaH = the fuming; umbhakarNaH = Kumbhakarna; gachchhan = going; bhraatruH = to his brother's; bhavanam = palace; rakSobala samanvitaH = along with the army of demons; babhau = appeared; kaalaantaka yamopamaH = like Yama the Lord of Death at the end of all-destroying time; akampayata mediniim = he caused the earth to tremble; padanyaasaiH = with his foot-steps.

The fuming Kumbhakarna, going to his brother's palace along with the army of demons, appeared like Yama the Lord of Death at the end of all-destroying Time. He caused the earth to tremble with his foot-steps, while marching.

Verse Locator

sa raajamaargam vapuShaa prakaashayan |
sahasrarasmirdharaNiimivaa.nshubhiH |
jagaama tatraaJNjalimaalayaa vR^itaH |
shatakraturgehamiva svayambhuvaH || 6-60-94

94. raajamaargam = the royal highway; prakaashayan = was illumined; vapuSaa = by his body; sahasra rashmiH iva = like unto that orb of a thousand rays (sund); amshubhiH = by its flashes; dharaNiim = (illumines) the earth; jagaama = and he went; tatra = there; vR^itaH = surrounded by; aN^jalimaalayaa = a circle of demons paying him obeisance; shatakratuH = resembling Indra the Lord of Celestials; geham = (approaching) the abode; svayambhuvaH = of Brahma the Lord of Creation.

The royal high way was illumined by his body, like unto that orb of a thousand rays (the sun) by its flashes illumines the earth and he went there, surrounded by a circle of demons paying obeisance, resembling Indra the Lord of Celestials approaching the abode of Brahma the Lord of Creation.

Verse Locator

tam raajamaargasthamamitraghaatinam |
vanaukasaste sahasaa bahiHsthitaaH |
dR^iShTvaa.a prameyam girishR^iN^gakalpam |
vitatrasuste saha yuuthapaalaiH || 6-60-95

95. dR^iSTvaa = seeing; amitraghaatinam = that slayer of his foes; raajamaargastham = on the royal high way; tam = that monster; girishR^iNga kalpam = as high as the peak of a mountain; te vanaukasaH = those monkeys; bahiHsthitaH = stationed outside (the city); yuuthapaalaiH saha = as also their leaders; vitatrasuH = were frightened; sahasaa = suddenly.

Seeing that slayer of his foes on the royal high way, that monster as high as the peak of a mountain, those monkeys stationed outside the city, as also their leaders, were frightened suddenly.

Verse Locator

kechichharaNyam sharaNam sma raamam |
vrajanti kechidvyathitaaH patanti |
kechiddishashcha vyathitaaH patanti |
kechidbayaartaabhuvi sherate sma || 6-60-96

96. kechit = some; sharaNam vajrantisma = gained refuge; raamam = in Rama; sharaNyam = who affords protection; kechit = some; patantisma = fell down; vyathitaa = tottering; kechit = some; patantisma = fled away; vyathitaaH = perturbed; dishaH = in all directions; kechit = and some; sherate sma = lay; bhuvi = on the ground; bhayaartaaH = confounded with fear.

Some gained refuge in Rama who affords protection, some fell down tottering, some fled away perturbed in all directions and some others lay on the ground, confounded with fear.

Verse Locator

tamadrishR^iN^gapratimam kiriiTinam |
spR^ishantamaadityamivaatmatejasaa |
vanaukasaH prekShya vivR^iddhamadbhutam |
bhayaarditaa dudruvire yatastataH || 6-60-97

97. prekSya = seeing; tam adbhutam = that colossus; adri shR^iNga pratimam = like a great peak; kiriiTinam = having a diadem; spR^ishantam iva = who seemed to touch; aadityam = the sun; aatma tejasaa = with his brilliance; vanaukasaH = the monkeys; bhayaarditaaH = were seized with terror; vivR^iddham = and had grown immensely in size; dudruvire = fled; yatastataH = hither and thither.

Seeing that colossus appearing like a great peak, having a diadem who seemed to touch the sun with his brilliance, the monkeys were seized with terror and had grown immensely in size, fled hither and thither.

- - - -

ityaarShe shriimadraamaayaNe aadikaavye yuddhakaaMDe ShaShTitamaH sargaH

Thus completes 60th Chapter of Yuddha Kanda of the glorious Ramayana of Valmiki, the work of a sage and the oldest epic.

Verse Locator for Book VI : Yuddha Kanda - Book Of War : Chapter 60

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© July 2006, K. M. K. Murthy