धरणिकृतं वराहस्तोत्रम्

धरणिकृतं वराहस्तोत्रम्

धरण्युवाच । नमस्ते देवदेवेश वराहवदनाच्युत । क्षीरसागरसङ्काश वज्रश‍ृङ्ग महाभुज ॥ १॥ उद्धृतास्मि त्वया देव कल्पादौ सागराम्भसः । सहस्रबाहुना विष्णो धारयामि जगन्त्यहम् ॥ २॥ अनेकदिव्याभरणयज्ञसूत्रविराजित । अरुणारुणाम्बरधर दिव्यरत्नविभूषित ॥ ३॥ उद्यद्भानुप्रतीकाशपादपद्म नमो नमः । बालचन्द्राभदंष्ट्राग्रमहाबलपराक्रम ॥ ४॥ दिव्यचन्दनलिप्ताङ्ग तप्तकाञ्चनकुण्डल । इन्द्रनीलमणिद्योतिहेमाङ्गदविभूषित ॥ ५॥ वज्रदंष्ट्राग्रनिर्भिन्नहिरण्याक्ष महाबल । पुण्डरीकाभिरामाक्ष सामस्वनमनोहर ॥ ६॥ श्रुतिसीमन्तभूषात्मन्सर्वात्मंश्चारुविक्रम । चतुराननशम्भुभ्यां वन्दितायतलोचन ॥ ७॥ सर्वविद्यामयाकार शब्दातीत नमो नमः । आनन्दविग्रहाऽनन्त कालकाल नमो नमः ॥ ८॥ इति स्तुत्वाऽचला देवी ववन्दे पादयोर्विभुम् । इति श्रीस्कन्दपुराणे वैष्णवखण्डे वेङ्कटाचलमाहात्म्ये प्रथमाध्यायान्तर्गतं धरणिकृतं वराहस्तोत्रं समाप्तम् । - ॥ स्कन्दपुराण । वैष्णवखण्ड । वेङ्कटखण्ड । अध्याय १/८५-९२ आदिवराहस्तोत्रम् पृथ्वीकृतम् - .. skandapurANa . vaiShNavakhaNDa . ve~NkaTakhaNDa . adhyAya 1/85-92 Dharani said: 1. Obeisance to you, O Lord of the Chiefs of Devas, O Acyuta, with the face of a Boar, O Lord resembling the Milk Ocean, O mighty one with adamantine curved teeth. 2. At the beginning of the Kalpa I have been lifted up from the waters of the ocean, O Lord, by you with a thousand arms. O Visnu, I hold up the worlds. 3. O Lord shining with the sacred thread and many divine ornaments, O Lord adorned with divine gems and jewels, the wearer of exceedingly reddish robes. 4. Obeisance, obeisance (to you, O Lord) with lotus-like feet on a par with the rising Sun, O Lord with the curved teeth resembling the Crescent Moon, O Lord of great strength and exploit. 5. O Lord with limbs smeared with sandal paste of divine origin, having ear-rings made of heated gold, O Lord bedecked in golden armlets, shining with sapphire gems. 6. O Lord who had torn up Hiranyaksa with the tips of adamantine curved teeth, O Lord of great strength with eyes beautiful like lotuses, O Lord fascinating with the sounds of Saman hymns. 7. O Lord with the Vedas as the crest jewel, O immanent soul of everyone, O Lord with enchanting exploits, O Lord, saluted by the Four-faced Lord (i.e. god Brahma) and Sambhu, O Lord with large eyes. 8. O Lord, the embodiment of all the lores, O Lord beyond the worlds, obeisance, obeisance. O infinite one, the embodiment of bliss, O Kalakala (? Death unto the god of Death), repeated obeisance to you. Proofread by PSA Easwaran
% Text title            : Varahastotram by Dharani
% File name             : varAhastotramdharaNi.itx
% itxtitle              : varAhastotram dharaNikRitam sArtham AdivarAhastotram (skandapurANantargatam namaste devadevesha varAhavadanAchyuta)
% engtitle              : varAhastotramdharaNikRitam
% Category              : vishhnu, dashAvatAra, stotra, vishnu, aShTaka
% Location              : doc_vishhnu
% Sublocation           : vishhnu
% SubDeity              : dashAvatAra
% Texttype              : stotra
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Proofread by          : PSA Easwaran
% Translated by         : ancient-indian-tradition-and-mythology
% Description-comments  : skandapurANa | vaiShNavakhaNDa | veNkaTakhaNDa | adhyAya 1/85\-92
% Indexextra            : (Scan,Hindi, English, Hindi, Marathi, Kannada)
% Latest update         : May 3, 2024
% Send corrections to   : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

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