

(श‍ृङ्गेरीजगद्गुरुश्रीश्रीभारतीतीर्थमहास्वामिविरचिता) श्रीमच्चन्द्रशेखरभारत्यभिधानमाश्रये यमिनम् । निरवधिसंसृतिनीरधिमग्नजनोद्धरणबद्धदीक्षं तम् ॥ १॥ काषायाम्बरपरिवृतमीषत्स्मितवदनमिष्टदातारम् । शेषाख्येयगुणालिं भूषायितशमदमादिकं वन्दे ॥ २॥ गाङ्गझरीसमवाचं स्वाङ्गत्विण्णिर्जिताच्छगाङ्गेयम् । माङ्गलिकमाश्रयेऽहं जाङ्गलिकं भवमहाविषस्येशम् ॥ ३॥ करुणामृतसरिदीशं गुरुणाऽपि स्तुत्यमतुलधीयुक्तम् । तरुणारुणवदनाब्जं च नृणां गम्यं तमाश्रये सततम् ॥ ४॥ अतिवेलमधुरभाषितमतितरलस्वान्तमखिलवन्द्यपदम् । यतिवर्यं हृदि कलये मतिमान्द्यस्यापनुत्तये सततम् ॥ ५॥ पालितनिजभक्तततिं शीलितवेदान्तगूढतत्त्वं तम् । मीलितलोचनयुगलं लालितभुवनत्रयं नमामि सदा ॥ ६॥ राकाशशिनिभवक्त्रं पाकारिप्रमुखकीर्त्यचारित्रम् । आकाशकेशभक्तं शोकापहमाश्रये गुरूत्तंसम् ॥ ७॥ तापारण्यकृशानुं भूपालकवन्दनीयपदयुगलम् । पापापहनामानं शापानुग्रहसमर्थमहमीडे ॥ ८॥ शङ्करदेशिकविरचितपीठाधिपमालिकामहारत्नम् । प्रणमामि चन्द्रशेखरभारत्यभिधानदेशिकं हृदये ॥ ९॥ इति श‍ृङ्गेरीजगद्गुरुश्रीश्रीभारतीतीर्थमहास्वामिविरचिता श्रीचन्द्रशेखरभारतीनवरत्नमालिका समाप्ता । Translation of Srichandrasekharabharatinavaratnamalika A Bejewelled Garland of Nine Verses on Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekhara Bharathi Mahaswamigal An offering of the Sringeri Jagadguru His Holiness Bharathi Theertha Mahaswamigal (1) I seek refuge in Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekhara Bharathi Mahaswamigal, an ascetic committed to rescuing the people drowning in the ocean of phenomenal existence. (2) I pay obeisance to Him, whose attire is ochreous, who has a gentle smile on His face, who bestows all that is wished for, whose ornaments are traits like control of the mind and restraint of the senses and whose host of noble qualities can be reckoned only by Adisesa with a thousand mouths. (3) I resort to Him, the auspicious Lord, whose body is more lustrous than gold, whose speech resembles the flow of the Ganges and who nullifies the terrible poison of transmigratory existence. (4) I ever take shelter in Him, who is an ocean of mercy, who is worthy of even My Guru’s praise, who has an unmatched intellect, whose face is like the rising sun and who is accessible to all people. (5) For the removal of mental dullness, I constantly hold in My heart the foremost samnyasin, whose intellect is most splendid, whose speech is exceedingly sweet and whose feet ought to be saluted by all. (6) I always offer prostrations to Him, who takes care of His numerous devotees, who is versed in the profound essence of Vedanta, whose gaze is indrawn and who is benevolent to the three worlds. (7) I take refuge in the best of Guru-s, who eradicates sorrows, whose face is beautiful like the full moon, who is devoted to Lord Siva and whose conduct is commendable even to the celestials headed by Indra. (8) I extol Him, the very utterance of whose name destroys sins, who has the power to curse and to shower grace, who is a fire that burns up the forest of afflictions and whose pair of feet is saluted even by kings. (9) In My heart, I offer reverential prostration to Jagadguru Sri Chandrasekhara Bharathi Mahaswamigal, a great gem in the garland of pontiffs of the Sringeri Sharada Peetham founded by Sankara Bhagavatpada. Proofread by Sunder Hattangadi
% Text title            : Chandrashekharabharati Navaratnamalika
% File name             : chandrashekharabhAratInavaratnamAlikA.itx
% itxtitle              : chandrashekharabhAratInavaratnamAlikA (shrIbhAratItIrthamahAsvAmivirachitA)
% engtitle              : Chandrashekharabharati Navaratnamalika
% Category              : deities_misc, gurudev, nava
% Location              : doc_deities_misc
% Sublocation           : deities_misc
% SubDeity              : gurudev
% Author                : shrIbhAratItIrthamahAsvAmi
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Latest update         : June 17, 2018
% Send corrections to   : Sanskrit@cheerful.com
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

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