

विदिताखिल शास्त्रसुधाजलधे कथिताखिल वेद पुराणमते । हृदये कलये शिवदं चरणं जय इन्द्र देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ (१) Ocean of all known Sastras, master of all Vedas and Puranas expounded, I meditate in my heart on your auspicious Feet. O Shri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (1) युववत्सरभूत यतीन्द्रविभो तमनाशकजात जयेन्द्रगुरो । जनिमोहनिरासन दक्षनिधे जय इन्द्र देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ (२) O Supreme among Sanyasis, who appeared on earth in 'Yuva' year O Shri Jayendra Guru, you are born to eradicate darkness (of ignorance); O Treasure of mastery in destruction of delusion of people, O Shri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (2) भगवद्गुरु शंकर एव भवान् जनपापनिरासन लोकगुरो । परिपालय दीनमिमं कृपया जय इन्द्र देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ (३) O Guru of the entire world, you are none other than Sankara Bhagavatpada Guru; you destroy the sins of people. Please protect this poor me out of compassion. O Shri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (3) विविधागमदर्शनरक्ष गुरो बहुधा श्रुति शास्त्र प्रचारक ते । परतत्व विचारण चारुमते जय इन्द्र देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ (४) O Guru, you are the protector of the various Agamas and philosophies and the propagator of Vedas and Sastras through many ways. You are the master of exquisite analysis of the Supreme Principle. O Shri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (4) विजिताखिल शत्रुसमूह यते करुणामृतपूरित वीक्ष गुरो । वरदाभय दर्शक पद्म करे जय इन्द्र देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ (५) O Guru, you are the Sanyasi who wins over all the multitudes of enemies by your mere look exuding the nectar of compassion. You show with your lotus hands the gestures of boon and freedom from fear. O Shri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (5) गुरु चन्द्रशेखर पाद नते गुरुमार्ग जनावन कार्यरते । निज मानस तत्त्व सुधा रमते जय इन्द्र देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ (६) You worship the feet of Guru Chandrasekharendra Saraswathi. You are ever engaged in activities of protecting the people following the path of the Guru. You are immersed in the bliss of nectar of Brahman in which your own mind abides. O Shri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (6) वरशंकर पीठ विभूषक ते गुण निर्जित गोद्विज भूमिपते । वरशंकर विजय सुतीर्थ गुरो जय इन्द्र देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ (७) You are an ornament to the seat (Peetham) of the great Sankaracharya. By your virtues you have conquered the earth and specially the cows and brahmanas. (Cows and brahmanas are the prime instrument of yagnas, which please Devas and enable the advent of rain and prosperity to all people). You are the Guru of the exalted Shri Sankara Vijayendra Saraswathi. O Shri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge. (7) शिव पावनपूजनलीन मते ललिता परदेविस्वरूप गुरो । प्रविवेक विराग विशोकप्रदं जय इन्द्र देशिक मे शरणम् ॥ (८) O Guru, you are keen in performing the sacred and purifying Pooja of Siva. You are the very incarnation of Supreme Devi Shri Lalita. O Shri Jayendra Guru, give me refuge, which grants discrimination, dispassion and freedom from grief. (8) श्रीतोटकाष्टकं श्रेष्ठं रविना दभ्रबुद्धिना । श्रीजयेन्द्रगुरुप्रीत्यै रचितोऽयं गुणाञ्जलिः ॥ (९) May this great Totakashtakam, an offering on virtues, by Ravi of little intellect, be pleasing to Shri Jayendra Guru. (9) इति श्रीजयेन्द्रगुरुतोटकाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् । The word toTaka relates to the verse metre, and means (one of different meanings) a metre of 4x12 syllables. This is not related to totAkAchArya, a disciple of Adi Shankaracharya.
% Text title            : Totakashtakam (1) on Shri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamiji
% File name             : jayendrasarasvatItoTakAShTakam1.itx
% itxtitle              : jayendrasarasvatItoTakAShTakam 1
% engtitle              : Totakashtakam (1) on Shri Jayendra Saraswathi Swamiji
% Category              : deities_misc, gurudev, aShTaka
% Location              : doc_deities_misc
% Sublocation           : deities_misc
% SubDeity              : gurudev
% Author                : Ravi
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Translated by         : P. R. Kannan
% Description/comments  : Found in Tanjavur Parampara
% Indexextra            : (text)
% Latest update         : December 20, 2018
% Send corrections to   : (sanskrit at cheerful dot c om)
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

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