श्री वीर जिन स्तवनम्

श्री वीर जिन स्तवनम्

ॐ ह्रीं श्रीमहावीराय नमः । जय जीनेन्द्र । कीर्त्या भुवि भासितया, वीरत्वं गुण समुच्छ्रया भासितया । भासोदुसभासितया, सोम इव व्योम्नि कुन्दशोभासितया ॥ १॥ O Vira, On earth, you are resplendent in the attributes of your form and soul, In the sky, you are like the Kunda flower, lustrous as the moon itself. तव जिनशासनविभवो जयति कलावपि गुणानुशासनविभवः । दोषक-शासनविभवः स्तुवन्ति चैनं प्रभाकृशासन-विभवः ॥ २॥ O Jina, Your teachings, which destroy the transmigration of eligible souls, Retain their capacity to describe reality even in this era. Your splendour is enough to put false teachings in the shade. Your chief disciples praise this capacity of teaching. अनवद्यः स्याद्वादस्तव दृष्टेस्ता-विरोधतः स्याद्वादः । इतो न स्याद्वादो सद्वितय-विरोधान्मुनीश्वरा-स्याद्वादः ॥ ३॥ O lord of monks, Your teachings, being governed by integrated perception, are flawless. The teachings of others, bereft of integrated perception, are flawed. त्वमसि सुरासुरमहितो ग्रन्थिक-सत्त्वाशय-प्रमाणाहितः । लोकत्रय परमहितो'नावरण-ज्योतिरुज्ज्वलद्धामहितः ॥ ४॥ You are worshipped by celestial beings and demons alike, But not by deluded beings who cannot think beyond their biases. You are supremely beneficial to all three worlds, As you are enlightened by the flame of omniscience. सभ्यानामभिरुचितं दधासि दुनभुसनं श्रिया चारुचितम् । मग्नं स्वस्यां रुचितं जयसि च मृगलाञ्छनं स्वकान्त्या रुचितम् ॥ ५॥ Your qualities are your ornaments and the eight auspicious signs add to your glory. Engrossed in your true self, you put the luminescence of the moon to shame. त्वं जिनगतमदमायस्तव भावानां मुमुक्षुकामद मायः । श्रेयान् श्रीमदमायस्त्वया समादेशि सप्रयामदमायः ॥ ६॥ O Jina, You fulfil the wishes of those who desire liberation. Your omniscience is worshipable because is free of vanity and deceit. You are exalted because you teach the path of purification. गिरिभित्यवदानवतः श्रीमत इव दन्तिनः स्रवद्दानवतः । तव शमावादानवतो गतमूर्जितमपगत-प्रमादानवतः ॥ ७॥ Just as rutting elephants, capable of making way through mountains, Find an obstruction-free passage to wander, Similarly, as the protector of scriptures that teach us to do away with our flaws, And because you are full of forgiveness, your travels are unimpeded. बहुगुणसम्पदा सकलं परमतपि मधुरवचनविन्याससकलम् । नयभक्त्यवतं सकलं तव देव मतं समन्तभद्रं सकलम् ॥ ८॥ O Lord, Even though the teachings of other religions are articulate and pleasing to the ear, They are lacking in all good qualities. But your teachings are adorned by the jewels of integrated perception and non-one-sidedness, And are the greatest good for all. - Manish Modi इति आचार्य समन्तभद्रविरचितं श्री वीर जिनस्तवनं सम्पूर्णम् । Composed by Acharya Samantabhadra English translation by Manish Modi Meaning if the word ford (n): a shallow place in a river or stream allowing one to walk or drive across. synonyms: crossing place, crossing, causeway Fordmaker : तीर्थङ्कर tIrthankara
% Text title            : vIrajinastavanam
% File name             : vIrajinastavanam.itx
% itxtitle              : vIrajinastavanam (AchArya samantabhadravirachitam)
% engtitle              : vIrajinastavanam A Prayer to the Fordmaker Mahavira
% Category              : deities_misc, jaina
% Location              : doc_deities_misc
% Sublocation           : deities_misc
% Author                : Acharya Samantabhadra
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Transliterated by     : Manish Yashodhara Modi hindipremi1912 gmail.com
% Proofread by          : Manish Yashodhara Modi
% Translated by         : Manish Yashodhara Modi Hindi Grantha Karyalaya
% Latest update         : August 9, 2020
% Send corrections to   : (sanskrit at cheerful dot c om)
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

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