श्रीकृष्णाष्टकं युगलाष्टकम् च

श्रीकृष्णाष्टकं युगलाष्टकम् च

कृष्ण प्रेममयी राधा Radha is filled with Krishna's love, राधा प्रेममयो हरिः । Krishna is filled with Radha's love; जीवनेन धने नित्यं In life it is the only wealth, राधाकृष्ण गतिर्मम ॥ Radha and Krishna-- they are my refuge. 1 कृष्णस्य द्रविणं राधा Radha is the wealth of Krishna, राधायाः द्रविणं हरिः । Krishna is the wealth of Radha; जीवनेन धने नित्यं In life it is the only wealth, राधाकृष्ण गतिर्मम ॥ Radha and Krishna-- they are my refuge. 2 कृष्ण प्राणमयी राधा Radha is filled with Krishna's life, राधा प्राणमयो हरिः । Krishna is filled with Radha's life; जीवनेन धने नित्यं In life it is the only wealth, राधाकृष्ण गतिर्मम ॥ Radha and Krishna-- they are my refuge. 3 कृष्ण द्रवामयी राधा Radha is filled with Krishna's essence, राधा द्रवामयो हरिः । Krishna is filled with Radha's essence; जीवनेन धने नित्यं In life it is the only wealth, राधाकृष्ण गतिर्मम ॥ Radha and Krishna-- they are my refuge. 4 कृष्णगेहे स्थितां राधा Radha's abode is Krishna's home, राधागेहे स्थितो हरिः । Krishna's abode is Radha's home; जीवनेन धने नित्यं In life it is the only wealth, राधाकृष्ण गतिर्मम ॥ Radha and Krishna-- they are my refuge. 5 कृष्णचित्ता स्थितां राधा Radha resides in the mind of Krishna, राधाचित्त स्थितो हरिः । Krishna resides in the mind of Radha; जीवनेन धने नित्यं In life it is the only wealth, राधाकृष्ण गतिर्मम ॥ Radha and Krishna-- they are my refuge. 6 नीलाम्बरा धरा राधा Radha is clad in garments of blue, पीताम्बरा धरो हरिः । Krishna is clad in garments of yellow; जीवनेन धने नित्यं In life it is the only wealth, राधाकृष्ण गतिर्मम ॥ Radha and Krishna-- they are my refuge. 7 वृन्दावनेश्वरी राधौ Radha is the Queen of Brindavana, कृष्णो वृन्दावनेश्वरः । Krishna is the King of Brindavana; जीवनेन धने नित्यं In life it is the only wealth, राधाकृष्ण गतिर्मम ॥ Radha and Krishna-- they are my refuge. 8 ॥ इति श्री वल्लभाचार्यकृतं कृष्णाष्टकं सम्पूर्णम् ॥ The author and part of the song lyric is disputed. Many sources identify this song as `Krsnastakam' by Sri Vallabhacarya, while other sources identify this song as `Yugalastakam' by Srila Jiva Goswami. The third line in each verse differs between the variations. Other sources say `jIvane nidhane', which translates to `in life and in death.' -- kksongs.org Encoded by Mohana Rao RAO@FCRFV1-NCIFCRF.GOV
% Text title            : kRishhNaashhTakaM 2
% File name             : krishna8k.itx
% itxtitle              : kRiShNAShTakam 2 athavA yugalAShTakam (vallabhAchAryavirachitam kRiShNa premamayI rAdhA)
% engtitle              : kRiShNAShTakam (another file)
% Category              : aShTaka, devii, rAdhA, vishhnu, krishna, vishnu, rAmAnujasampradAya, vallabhaachaarya, devI
% Location              : doc_vishhnu
% Sublocation           : vishhnu
% SubDeity              : krishna
% Author                : vallabhAchArya OR (Srila Jiva Goswami for yugalAShTakam)
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism
% Transliterated by     : Mohana Rao
% Proofread by          : Mohana Rao
% Indexextra            : (Text)
% Latest update         : July 3, 2024
% Send corrections to   : sanskrit at cheerful dot c om
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

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