प्रियं भारतम् सार्थम्

प्रियं भारतम् सार्थम्

प्रकृत्या सुरम्यं विशालं प्रकामं सरित्तारहारैः ललामं निकामम् । हिमाद्रिर्ललाटे पदे चैव सिन्धुः प्रियं भारतं सर्वथा दर्शनीयम् ॥ १॥ By character/ nature exceedingly beautiful and great with beautiful necklace of rivers, With Himalaya mountain on the forehead and river Sindhu at its feet, dear Bharat desha is in every way beautiful and worth being seen. धनानां निधानं धरायां प्रधानं इदं भारतं देवलोकेन तुल्यम् । यशो यस्य शुभ्रं विदेशेषु गीतं प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा पूजनीयम् ॥ २॥ Treasure of valuable and greatest on earth, this Bharat desha is comparable to heavens, Whose glory is praised across the globe, dear Bharat desha is worthy of worshipping at all times. अनेके प्रदेशाः अनेके च वेषाः अनेकानि रुपाणि भाषा अनेकाः । परं यत्र सर्वे वयं भारतीयाः प्रियं भारतं तत् सदा रक्षणीयम् ॥ ३॥ With different regions and different costumes, different appearance and different languages. Here we all are Bharatiya, that dear Bharat desha should always be protected. वयं भारतीयाः स्वदेशं नमामः परं धर्ममेकं सदा मानयामः । तदर्थं धनं जीवनं चार्पयाम प्रियं भारतं मे सदा वन्दनीयम् ॥ ४॥ We all Bhartiya salute to our country, and always think we all are one, for that we offer our money and life, dear Bharat desha to be always respected/ adored. कविवर्य- डाॅ. चन्द्रभानु त्रिपाठी Encoded from audio and translated by Manish Gavkar
% Text title            : My Beloved Country, Bharat with Translation
% File name             : priyaMbhAratamsArtham.itx
% itxtitle              : priyaM bhAratam
% engtitle              : priyaM bhAratam
% Category              : misc, sanskritgeet
% Location              : doc_z_misc_general
% Sublocation           : misc
% Author                : Dr. Chandrabhanu Tripathi
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Transliterated by     : Manish Gavkar manishyg at gmail.com
% Proofread by          : Manish Gavkar manishyg at gmail.com
% Translated by         : Manish Gavkar manishyg at gmail.com
% Indexextra            : (Video)
% Latest update         : February 9, 2020
% Send corrections to   : (sanskrit at cheerful dot c om)
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

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