
Heart of Yoga, by TKV Desikachar

Chapter 1 - Yoga: Concept and Meaning

[A summary of the key points]

Yoga is one of the six fundamental systems of Indian thought. The word "yoga" has various layers of meaning. One of these is "to unite". Another is "to tie the strands of the mind together". Taking these two layers together you can see that there is an idea of both physical and mental unity.


Another layer of meaning is "to attain what was previously unattainable" - and thus uniting two things that were previously separate. This achievement could be physical: we are able to bend forward and touch our toes, having previously found this impossible. It could also be intellectual: we now understand the meaning of a concept (such as "yoga") which previously mystified us. Or it could be spiritual: through introspection or discussion with others we gain a better understanding of ourselves.


Another layer of meaning has to do with our actions. If you are fully concentrating your attention on one action - the one you are performing now, this is yoga.


Yet another layer of meaning is "to be one with the divine", in the sense that there is some power greater than ourselves, with which we can be in harmony.


What all these layers have in common is the idea of making ourselves better in order to achieve a particular goal. Since there are many aspects to yoga, the actual practice of yoga will mean different things for different people. Some people will prefer a physical approach (asana or "posture"); others will prefer a spiritual approach (meditation) and so on. Each person's starting point will be different, but a continuing interest in yoga will lead to other aspects, and gradually draw them in to our practice."So let us not forget, we can begin practicing yoga from any starting point, but if we are to be complete human beings we must incorporate all aspects of ourselves, and do so step by step." (Heart of Yoga, p. 7)