

Viniyoga is the name given to a collection of yoga techniques drawn from the yoga teachings of T Krishnamacharya and his son TKV Desikachar, as received from both Krishnamacharya and Desikachar, and from their students. Key viniyoga features are:

• practices geared to the individual needs of students
• breathing techniques including a precise use of the breath in asana (postures), and the use of meditational breathing techniques (pranayama)
• adaptation & modification of practice to meet personal therapeutic needs where these arise
• study of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras, an ancient text of philosophical & psychological wisdom, which can be applied to everyday life
• the use of chanting as a meditational tool
• the value of the relationship between student & teacher

In the UK, most teachers and students of the techniques of viniyoga are members of the Association for Yoga Studies (aYs).  This is a community of Yoga teachers, therapists and yoga students at all levels, who share an interest in the techniques of “viniyoga”. aYs teachers offer one to one teaching, group classes, workshops and retreats.

Information can be obtained from:
Association for Yoga Studies
6 College Avenue
St Leonards
Exeter, Devon
email: info@ays.org.uk

The aYs website provides information about teachers, courses and books to read. Scottish yogasurfers should look at the aYs Scotland website for information about Scottish teachers and events.

The best known book to read about viniyoga techniques is by T.K.V. Desikachar, The Heart of Yoga (Inner Traditions International). For more about this book, click here. There are other books which I plan to include on the books page as I gradually overhaul this new website.

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