
About Me!

wpc569cf39_0f.jpg So who am I? I’m Margo von Romberg; I’m a retired teacher of Classics (I.e. Latin, Classical Greek, Classical Studies, Ancient History); I live in Scotland.

I started practising yoga in 1987, and have been teaching yoga since 1998. My first training was with the Scottish Yoga Teachers’ Association (which has renamed itself Yoga Scotland - see the Links page); but as I was completing my training with them, I was introduced to the concept of Viniyoga, and what I liked about the viniyoga approach was its rationality - there was a precise reason for everything you did (or didn’t do).

I liked that approach so much that I worked my way through the Introductory and Foundation courses of Viniyoga Britain, then went on to complete their training course with Paul Harvey. In recent years Viniyoga Britain has renamed itself Association for Yoga Studies, essentially because Desikachar had become unhappy with the way he saw Viniyoga being sold as a brand name.

However the Association feels that it makes a great deal of sense to continue talking about “viniyoga techniques”, because the word itself says it all -- we teach according to the individual needs of the yoga student, and don’t force the student to fit into a pre-existing mould.

Although I am growing old and decrepit (that’s how it sometimes feels, although at other times I feel as if I am still 33), I find that yoga takes up a lot of my time, one way or another. I’m currently Director of aYs. My interest in yoga philosophy led eventually to an appointment to teach the subject to trainee yoga teachers taking the Yoga Scotland teacher training course. Much of the material on this website has been written as a result of my work as Yoga philosophy tutor. I also continue to teach a few yoga classes, and also individual students. Details are available on the aYs Scotland website.

When I’m not involved with yoga, I go hill-walking with a few friends (who are also yoga teachers) or go to performances of Scotttish Opera.

The photographs on this page are just a piece of self indulgence - I hope you like them.

A view of the Cobbler, in the Arrochar Alps

Rannoch Moor

World heritage Site at Mahabalipuram

We sadly announce that Margo passed away in 2014. Obituary. Also Her Facebook

May she rest in peace!

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