सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजगद्यम् सप्तस्वरालास्यम्

ॐ श्रीरामजयम् । ॐ सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजस्वामिने नमो नमः । ॥ सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजगद्यम् ॥ ॥ सप्तस्वरालास्यम् ॥ ॐ त्यागराजाय विद्महे । सप्तस्वराय धीमहि । तन्नो गुरुः प्रचोदयात् ॥ अथ सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजगद्यम् -- सप्तस्वरालास्यम् ॥ ॐ जयजयश्रीसप्तस्वरालास्यसङ्गीतरससत्कीर्तनाचार्य । १ सप्तस्वरस्वादुसुवाससन्नामकुसुमकृतिकदम्बपूजितश्रीराम । २ सप्तस्वरालास्यरागानुरागवासितमानसपुष्पोपपत्या - -सप्तस्वरजालनामपुष्पार्चित । ३ सप्तस्वरशोभसार । ४ समुल्लाससप्तस्वरकोलाहललास्यानन्द । ५ सहस्रियनामामोदपुष्पामोदामोद । ६ संसारसागरपरिप्लुतासहायैकभक्तैकनाव । ७ सन्मृदुभाषणाश्वासितसंतप्तमानसैकशिष्य । ८ सन्ध्याकाशनीलकौसुम्भरङ्गरङ्गणश्रीरामसीतादिव्याभासौन्दर्यलय । ९ सन्ध्यारामसन्ध्यारागस्वर्णाभ । १० सन्ध्याध्याननीरवमानसगाढहिमप्रशान्तिलय । ११ रागहिमारण्यमृदुमधुरनामालापनादपक्षिस्वर । १२ रागार्द्रहृत्स्फोटरागामृतकणाकीर्णलयलससरलपदार्थपुष्कल- -सुभगदिव्यनामकीर्तन । १३ राजवदननामतारकमन्त्रराजजपयोगरागराजश्रीत्यागराज - - गुरुमहाराज । १४ रजस्तमोऽसुरोत्क्रोशप्रमथितशीर्षामयौषधस्निग्धसुख- -तूष्णींस्थान । १५ राजसतामसराक्षसोत्क्रोशबाधितमानसाच्छादनस्निग्ध- -सुखतूष्णींस्थानोत्थाननादमृदुमधुररव । १६ रागानुरागरशनापुञ्जरञ्जितरागार्थिमानसकुञ्जराग । १७ रागकुलजरागपादरागरागरागपाद । १८ रिपुजलदसमीररमितामितात्मानन्दानुरागगान- -धीरसमीर । १९ गलस्फुरन्नामसहस्रस्फटिकमणिमालाप्रतिबिम्बितदिव्य- -तेजोमयानन्दरूपश्रीराम । २० गानाराधितमनोहरश्रीसीताराघवनानाविधगुणरूपसौन्दर्य । २१ गाथवेदसारसारधारनुतनामधेयवेदसार । २२ गोविन्दनामसङ्कीर्तनभगवन्नामगुणानुभवलीनपुलक - - दिव्याह्लादरूप । २३ गानहिमकुलाचलरागसतततुषारनामशिखर । २४ गानमधुगङ्गागलननामश्रुतिनिनादज्ञानहिमालयालौकिक - - सौन्दर्य । २५ मनोमादनमाधुर्योपप्लवरागानुरागरासप्रासानुप्रासभास - - शब्दार्थजाललाससत्तमकीर्तनरसाद्भुतकविश्रेष्ठ । २६ मनोऽखण्डमौनगुहाश्वासाखण्डश्रुतिसहितश्रीरामतारकध्यान- -नादलयसौख्य । २७ मणिमयमकुटविराजमानश्रीरामनामगुणमणिमयकृतिरत्नमकुट - -विराजितश्रीराम । २८ मानसपुष्पानुरागामोदातिलडहसुममकुटविराजितसद्गुरुदेव । २९ मनःपूररागरागधवलतरङ्गश्रीरामचन्द्रशीतलसङ्गीतसर । ३० मानसज्ञानसरोवरादर्शतलकलधौतमयगानकल्लोलोत्पादन- -रामराकाचन्द्र । ३१ परमात्मनामाभस्फुरत्कृतिस्फटिकजालमणिमालालंकृत- -परमात्मश्रीराम । ३२ परार्थभावपूरितगुरुकृत्यनुभवार्द्रशिष्याश्रुबिन्दुस्फटिकमणि - - मालालङ्कृतपरञ्ज्योतिस्स्वरूपसद्गुरुदेव । ३३ परोरजोनिस्तरङ्गमानससरोवरप्रतिबिम्बितपरावरावरण- -परब्रह्मश्रीरामपरमभागवतसद्गुरुदेव । ३४ परार्थसङ्गीतान्वेषणभक्तनिस्तरङ्गमानससरोवरप्रतिबिम्बित- -सद्गुरुदेव । ३५ पक्षिजालविरलमदकलान्यनीरवप्रशान्तसन्ध्यावेला- -रमणीयगहनव्योमस्वर्णरसौन्दर्य । ३६ पञ्चभूतप्रकाशनपरमात्मतत्त्वज्ञानकाशसुकीर्तनकुलकुलभक्तवर । ३७ परमकारुणिकोत्तमोत्तमोत्तमपरमसुखगानपरमकारुणिक । ३८ पदार्थचारुरसभरितललितसुगन्धरसभावपावनमनःश्वेतवर्ण- -कुन्दकृतिकुसुमार्चितश्रीसीताराम । ३९ परमात्मात्यन्तानन्दसारस्वात्मानुभूतिप्रभूत - - दिव्यसङ्गीतशब्द । ४० परिमाथिपरुषाविरलशब्दातितापापहसुमधुरनादकन्दमृदुनीरव । ४१ पर्यश्रुभक्तानन्यशरणागतिभावसरलोपचारप्रसादित । ४२ पञ्चनीराजनपञ्चनदश्रीरामहिमालयगद्यत्रयशरणागतिगद्यात्मसमर्पण । ४३ पङ्कजाक्षिधृतकरयुगलमङ्गलगानपङ्कजादिकुसुमार्चनपङ्कजकर । ४४ परमभक्युत्कूलभगवद्गुणानुभववैचित्र्यदिव्यनामकीर्तनोपप्प्लव । ४५ परामर्शनपरैकशिष्यैहिकतापपरामृष्टशिरःपरामर्शन । ४६ पारमार्थिकप्रपञ्चिकव्यावहारिकतत्त्वोपदेशप्रक्षिप्तायुतकीर्तन । ४७ पदार्थाखण्डपाण्डित्यातिललितरसभावमनोहरदिव्यनामकीर्तन- -रत्नाकर । ४८ परिक्षीणमानससद्बुद्धिबोधनज्ञानमार्गोत्कर्षणभजनगान- -भागवतप्रवेक । ४९ पयःप्रतिबिम्बैहिकसुखमिथ्यासत्यवदनसङ्कीर्तन । ५० धरणकुलजराजकृतिकुलधररागराजराजजितनगराजधरण । ५१ धरणीतलवैक्लवोष्णकूपसमीपहिम्यप्रवाहगानगङ्गे । ५२ धमनुतधमवदनधरधरधमघनगानभजनजितधम । ५३ धवलोत्पलारिकोटिसङ्काशप्रकाशसङ्गीतानन्दविकाशनयनोत्पल । ५४ धरानुभवकुलधरान्तरनादब्रह्मप्रभाप्ररोहढौकनप्रशान्तिलय - - प्रालेयकुलाचल । ५५ धैवतस्वरन्यासकानडरागसुगीतश्रीरामनामध्यानगान - -सुस्वरसुखसुमुख । ५६ धारणहरिनामधारणधोरणिकृतिधोरण । ५७ धरणवंशधरणहृद्धरण । ५८ ध-नादलयरागानुरागभावासक्तमानसपुष्पानन्दपञ्चनदक्षेत्र - - सततवास । ५९ नामगानज्ञानगङ्गोंकारश्रुतिनादपक्षिण् । ६० नागारिरथतवागरिगनाग । ६१ नरापद्धनाराधनापद्धनानन्दगान । ६२ नराधमव्यवहारविडम्बननिवारण । ६३ नादितनादोपासितनादप्रियश्रीरामानन्दघनघननादघननाद- - नादब्रह्मानन्दमय । ६४ नादरूपनामनादरूप । ६५ नादयोगपूर्णत्वदर्शन । ६६ नामघनघनघनगानघन । ६७ नामगानवारिपरिप्लुतश्रीराम । ६८ नुतकामजनकगतकाम । ६९ नादामृतधारानिषिक्तैकान्तभक्त । ७० नादोपासनधुरीण । ७१ नादतारश‍ृङ्गपारप्रशान्तिलय । ७२ नादब्रह्मरामलयनिर्धावितनादाप्लाव । ७३ नागशयननामगाननाग । ७४ नागशयनपालितानन्दितरागशयन । ७५ नागराट्पूजितपूजननामगानराजन् । ७६ नादोंकारप्रभ । ७७ नक्तदिननुतध्यातश्रीराम । ७८ नवनवमञ्जुलरागतालनर्तनगीतोपासनप्रीतश्रीराम । ७९ नवरत्नाभकृतिरत्नजालसेवितसुगुणजालश्रीराम । ८० नामानन्दनदीतीरघनगानप्रशम । ८१ नुतिगानावृतनतजनावृतश्रीराम । ८२ नामोच्चारणनैवेद्य । ८३ नाप्यरनिमिषपरोक्षनिमिष । ८४ नाप्यरनिमिषैकान्तभक्तपरोक्ष । ८५ नित्यनादितनामगर्जनवर्जितभयाधिदुर्बल । ८६ नामसुधारसरसगानरसनामन् । ८७ नैजकृताभिमानपूरितपूजाविधिहारिताभिमानपूरितनैजविधिहृदय । ८८ नादहिमककुदप्रणिंसनरागार्द्रश्वेत । ८९ नुताज । ९० नन्दितनवघनश्यामनामघनघनगान । ९१ नादाप्लव । ९२ नादवेदशास्त्रोपनिषद्विदो । ९३ नवनीताशाशंसन-नव-नव-नवन-नवनीतकृतिनव्य । ९४ नित्यनादोपासितनादानन्दघनश्रीरामनादानन्दघनगान । ९५ नित्यानन्दनादोपासनरामानुभूतिघनकीर्तनघनप्रसादसद्गुरुदेव । ९६ निध्यानानन्दप्रार्थनानिधान । ९७ सङ्गीतानन्दघनसत्कीर्तनघनप्रसन्न । ९८ सप्तस्वरालास्यनन्दितसङ्गीतानन्दलास्यरूप । ९९ सप्तस्वरपुष्पार्चितसप्तस्वरविग्रह । १०० सद्गुरुस्वामिन् । मां वक्तुमर्हसि भवान् । सप्तस्वरविद्याप्रावीण्यं प्रदेहि मे । त्वत्पादयुगलं विना नान्यत्र जाने । तव चरणद्वयं शरणं प्रपद्ये ॥ मङ्गलं गुरुनाथाय सप्तस्वराय मङ्गलम् । मङ्गलं स्वरराजाय त्यागराजाय मङ्गलम् ॥ इति सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजगद्यम् सप्तस्वरालास्यम् सप्तस्वररूपसद्गुरुस्वामिचरणयुगपुष्पे सद्गुरोरनन्योपासिकया पुष्पया समर्पितम् । ॐ शुभमस्तु

सार्थं सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजगद्यम् सप्तस्वरालास्यम्

`OM' `SrI RAmajayam' `OM SadgurushrItyAgarAjasvAmine Namo NamaH .' `.. Sadguru Sri TyAgarAja Gadyam .. ' `.. SaptasvarAlAsyam ..' `OM' Victory unto 1. The `AAcArya' of excellent `kIrtana's, with the nectar of `sa~NgIta' and dance of `saptasvara's! 2. The One who worshipped `SrI RAma' with varied `kRRitis' with flowers of the Names Divine, sweetly fragrant with the `saptasvara's! 3. The One worshipped with flowers of Names with the magic of `saptasvaras' in the flower-garden of these thoughts fragrant with melody and devotion, `saptasvaras' dancing! 4. The Essence of beauty of `saptasvara's! 5. The Joy of the uproarious dance of the radiant `saptasvara's! 6. The Delight of the fragrant flowers of thousands of delightful Names! 7. The One Boat for this one devotee submerged in the ocean of worldly afflictions! 8. The One comforting by very soft words this lone disciple with agonised mind! 9. The One absorbed in the beauty and Divine radiance of `SrI RAma' and `SItA', in the dance of colours blue and orange in the evening sky! 10. The Golden glow of `rAgas' in the delightful twilight! 11. The One absorbed in the `HimAlayan' dense tranquillity of the still mind in contemplation during twilight! 12. The Voice of the bird of `nAda' singing Names Divine sweetly and softly in the `HimAlayan' forest of melody! 13. The One of auspicious `divyanAmakirtanas' rich in word and meaning, simple in style, with the sparkle of rhythm, sprinkled with the nectar of melody burst out from the heart tender with love! 14. The Sovereign Guru, `SrI TyAgarAja', the King of melody, in the `yoga' of `japa' of the king of `mantra's, the `TAraka mantra' of `SrI RAma' whose face is the moon! 15. The soft, velvety Silence that is a balm to the hurt mind excessively tormented by the clamour of the demons of `rajas' and `tamas'~! 16. The dulcet Voice of `NAda' arising out of the velvety soft silence enveloping this one tortured by the uproar of the demons of `rAjasa' and `tAmasa'~! 17. The Sun by whom the bower of mind of this seeker of melody is illumined with bunch of rays of melody and love! 18. The Moon-beam of melody and love on the beauteous Feet of the One born in the Solar race! 19. The Gentle Breeze of loving song with unlimited joy of the Self in which delighted the Wind to the cloud of foes! 20. The One in whose neck sparkles the crystal garland of thousands of Names Divine, in which is reflected the Divine Form that is fully Light, `SrI RAma' ! 21. The One who worshipped by song the mind-captivating `SrI SItA RAghava' of beauteous form and varied attributes! 22. The One whose nectarine downpour songs that are the essence of the `Veda's, extolled the One whose Name is the Essence of the `Veda's~! 23. The Divine Ecstatic Form, with the rapture of absorption in the experience of Divine Names and attributes in singing the Names of `Govinda'~! 24. The Summit of the Name Divine always gleaming silvery white with love/melody in the ranges of mountains of song! 25. The Ethereal Beauty of the lofty `HimAlaya' of wisdom with the flowing `Ga~NgA' of sweet songs, to the resounding `shruti' of the Name Divine! 26. The Transcendental Poet of the most excellent nectarine `kIrtanas' with the sparkling magic of word and meaning, resplendent with alliterations, with the dance of melody and devotion, overflowing with sweetness, intoxicating the mind! 27. The Comfort of oneness with `nAda', contemplating `SrI RAma TAraka NAma' to the accompaniment of the continual `shruti' of the breath, in the unbroken silence of the cave of the mind! 28. The One in whose crown of gems of `kRRitis' on the Name and attributes of `SrI RAma' with shining crown of precious gems, `SrI RAma' was resplendent! 29. `Sadgurudeva' ! resplendent in this beautiful flower-crown of mental blossoms fragrant with `anurAga'! 30. The Lake of `Sa~NgIta' overflowing in this mind, with beautiful white waves of melody and cool with the Moon, `SrI RAma'! 31. The One whose mind was the lake of `j~nAna', in the glassy surface of which gold and silver waves of song were raised by the full moon `SrI RAmacandra' ! 32. The One who ornamented the Supreme, `SrI RAma' with gem garlands of crystals of songs sparkling with the splendour of Names of the Supreme! 33. `Sadgurudeva'~! whose form is Supreme Light! ornamented by the crystal garland of teardrops of this disciple, tenderly moved by the `Guru''s `kRRitis' full of the sentiment that the Supreme is wealth! 34. The One in the lake of whose pure, still mind, untouched by passion, the All-encompassing in space and time --- the Supreme Brahman, `SrI RAma', is reflected! 35. `Sadgurudeva'~! reflected in the `MAnasa' lake of this `bhaktA' seeking the `Guru' whose `sa~NgIta' is supreme wealth! 36. The Loveliness of the golden glow of the mysterious evening sky, charm of tranquil twilight time, all else being still but for the occasional soft and sweet prattle of birds! 37. The Noble, great Devotee whose multitudes of songs throw the light of wisdom on the Nature of the Supreme that activates the five elements! 38. The One with great compassion who sang superlative, extremely delightful songs on the Supreme Being of great compassion! 39. The One who worshipped `SrI SitA RAma' with jasmine flowers of `kRRitis' white with purity of mind, delicately fragrant with elegant sensitivity, replete with loveliness of word and meaning that is the essence of charm! 40. The Divine Musical Expression sprung up from self-experience of the Spirits own ineffable essence of Bliss! 41. The Soft Silence that is the root of beautiful sweet `nAda', removing the heat of torturing, unending, harsh and dissonant noises! 42. The One pleased by the single-minded devotion and surrender, and simple worship of this tearful `bhaktA'! 43. The One for whom the `Pa~ncanIrAjana' of the `Pa~ncanadagadyam', `SrIrAmagadyam', `HimAlayagadyam', `Gadyatrayam' and `SaraNAgatigadyam' are `AtmasamarpaNam' of this `bhaktA'! 44. The One whose lotus hands worshipped with flowers like the lotus, accompanied by auspicious singing, the One (`SrI RAma') whose hands were held by the lotus-eyed Sita! 45. The Flood of `divyanAma kIrtanas' overflowing with supreme devotion and varied experiences of the Supreme! 46. The One stroking gently the head afflicted by the torments caused by this world, of this lone disciple constantly thinking of Him! 47. The One in whose myriads of songs spiritual truths and teachings of worldly wisdom are projected! 48. The Mine of precious gems of `Divya nAma kIrtanas' that charm the mind by their extremely delicate emotional content, dexterity and profound erudition in the play of words and their meanings! 49. The foremost `BhAgavata' elevating the wasting individual soul into the path of `j~nAna', teaching true wisdom by singing and chanting! 50. The One who sang proclaiming the truth that the pleasures of this world are unreal like a mirage! 51. The King of melody who won over the King of mountains the `HimAlaya' in glory, containing in His multitudes of songs the King born of the Solar dynasty! 52. The icy-flowing cool Ganga of Song near the hot spring of worldly tumult! 53. The One who vanquished `Yama' chanting and resonantly singing `SrI KRRiShNa' who held the mountain, Whose face is the moon, worshipped by `Brahma'! 54. The One of lotus eyes blooming with the joy of singing the One of lustre of a crore suns! 55. The snowy `HimAlayan' range of Silence offering a fleeting glimpse of the light of `NAda Brahman' beyond the ranges of mountains of earthly experiences! 56. The One, face luminous with the joy of ` susvara' in singing, contemplating `SrIRAmaNAma', in the beautiful song in `rAga KAnaDa', `dhaivata' being `nyAsa'! 57. The One of uninterrupted series of `kRRitis' with the uninterrupted series of Names of `Hari', the Supporter of the earth! 58. The One holding in His heart the Supporter of the Solar dynasty! 59. The One abiding forever in the delightful `Pa~ncanadakShetra' of this mental creation of virtue, adherence to `nAda', melody, devotion and tender emotion! 60. The Bird of `NAda' singing the Name Divine to the `shruti' of `J~nAna Ga~NgA'! 61. The Most excellent songster, Lord of nectarine expressions on the One whose chariot is `GaruDa'! 62. The One whose songs worshipping the Supreme, the fortune for all occassions, are wealth for emergency! 63. The One who wards off the vexation and distress of having to deal with the lowly! 64. The One, fully the Bliss of `NAdabrahman', who worshipped by `nAda' in a bell-like resonant voice `SrI RAma' the Lover of `nAda', Who is fully Bliss! 65. The Form of the sound of the Name of `SrI RAma' the Form of `nAda'! 66. The Vision of the Ultimate in `NAda Yoga'! 67. The Cloud of resonant singing, dense with the multitudes of the Names Divine! 68. The One in whose flood of songs on His Name, `SrI RAma' immersed! 69. The One devoid of desire who adored the Progenitor of `Manmatha'! 70. The One in whose nectarine cascade of `nAda' this lone `bhaktA' is soaked! 71. The Foremost in `NAdopAsanA' 72. The Repose and peace beyond the lofty peak of `nAda'! 73. The Flood of `NAda' that flowed from absorption in `SrI RAma', the `NAdabrahman'! 74. The most Excellent in singing the Name of the Recliner on the serpent! 75. The One, whose couch is the melody He delighted in, protected by the One whose couch was the serpent! 76. The King of singing the Name Divine, worshipping the One worshipped by the king of snakes (`AAdisheSha')! 77. The One with the halo of `OMkAra nAda'! 78. The One who adored and contemplated `SrI RAma' day and night! 79. The One who pleased `SrI RAma' by worship with songs of ever-fresh new beauty and the dance of melody and rhythm! 80. The One in whose glowing gems of `kRRitis' dwelt `SrI RAma' of auspicious attributes! 81. The Tranquillity of resonant singing on the shore of the river of the joy of the Name Divine! 82. The One who enveloped by songs of praise `SrI RAma' surrounded by devotees! 83. The One for whom uttering the Name Divine is the offering! 84. The One from whose vision the Divine was not away even for a minute fraction of time! 85. The One who is not away from this lone `bhaktA' even for a minute fraction of time! 86. The One resounding with the Name Divine that is sung everyday, negating fear, mental agony and weakness! 87. The One whose Name is nectar, who sang nectarinely the Name Divine, that is the essence of nectar! 88. The One who has won over this own affectionate worshipper's heart, by innately formed rules for worship full of love! 89. The Cloud moist with melody, kissing the snow peak of the `HimAlaya' of `NAda'! 90. The One who adored the Birthless One! 91. The One who delighted in resonant singing of the multitudes of Names of the One of dark hue of the fresh rain cloud! 92. The Flood of `NAda'! 93. The Knower of the secrets of `nAda', the `veda's, `shAstras' and `upaniShad's! 94. The One of ever-new `kRRitis' of manifold ways of praise, that are the fresh butter for `KRRiShNa'! 95. The Cloud of song reverberating with the Bliss of `NAda', worshipping musically everyday `SrI RAma' replete with the Bliss of `NAda'! 96. `Sadgurudeva', gracing with multitudinous `kIrtanas' rich in experience of `SrI RAma' in `nAdopAsanA' that is eternal bliss! 97. The One before whom is placed this prayer for the joy of beholding Him! 98. The One present in the multitudinous excellent `kIrtanas' full of Bliss of `Sa~NgIta'! 99. The Form of the joyous dance of `sa~NgIta' delighted by this dance of the 'saptasvara's! 100. The Image of the `saptasvara's worshipped by these flowers of `saptasvara's! `OM' Encoded and proofread by N V Vathsan nvvathsan at gmail.com Copyright Pushpa Srivatsan
% Text title            : Sri Tyagaraja Gadyam saptasvarAlAsyam with meanings
% File name             : saptasvarAlAsyam.itx
% itxtitle              : sadgurushrItyAgarAjagadyam saptasvarAlAsyam sArtham (puShpA shrIvatsena virachitam)
% engtitle              : tyAgarAja gadyam
% Category              : deities_misc, gurudev, puShpAshrIvatsan, gadyam, shataka
% Location              : doc_deities_misc
% Sublocation           : deities_misc
% SubDeity              : gurudev
% Texttype              : svara
% Author                : Pushpa Srivatsan
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Transliterated by     : N V Vathsan  nvvathsan at gmail.com
% Proofread by          : N V Vathsan  nvvathsan at gmail.com
% Translated by         : Pushpa Srivatsan (Copyright)
% Description-comments  : Offering for the Bahula Panchami of Sadguru Sri Tyagabrahmam, June 18, 2022.
% Indexextra            : (Collection, translation)
% Latest update         : June 18, 2022
% Send corrections to   : Sanskrit@cheerful.com
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

This text is entirely original composition of Smt. Pushpa Srivatsan, and copyright Smt. Pushpa Srivatsan. All rights reserved by the author. 1) Under no conditions can either the whole or any part of this composition be translated, adapted, or used for commercial purposes. 2) Neither the whole nor any part of this composition can be reproduced, recorded, used in public perfomances, or distributed in any other way without prior written permission from the copyright holder, the author Smt. Pushpa Srivatsan (contact N V Vathsan nvvathsan@gmail.com).