सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजस्वामिसुप्रभातम् सार्थम्

ॐ । श्रीरामजयम् । श्रीः अथ सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजस्वामिसुप्रभातम् । ॐ सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजस्वामिने नमो नमः । ॐ त्यागराजाय विद्महे । उषोरागाय धीमहि । तन्नो गुरुः प्रचोदयात् ॥ ध्यानम् प्रातःस्मरामि मत्प्राणत्यागराजगुरूत्तमम् । प्रबोधकगुरुस्वामिसुप्रभातसुवन्दनम् ॥

॥ १ ॥

उषःकालरम्याभिवर्धस्वभाव- प्रलीनस्वनागानरामप्रबोध । प्रभातारुणाभस्वरामोपगीत सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ १॥ सुधाब्राह्मवेलासुधागीतराम सुधास्यन्दमाधुर्यवाणीसुराग । प्रभातप्रशान्तस्वराहूतराम सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ २॥ प्रभातप्रशान्तिप्रवर्धप्रगेय प्रभातारुणस्मेरवक्त्रप्रशान्त । प्रभातातिमञ्जुस्वरागीतराम सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३॥ दिनारम्भरामस्वगासुप्रभात स्वनारम्यसीतामनस्कान्तगीत । वनागीतपुष्पार्चितानन्दराम सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ ४॥ नरानन्दरामस्वगानप्रकाश वरानन्दसङ्कीर्तनानन्दभास । सुरामायणस्वादुसत्सारगीत सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ ५॥ सुनादोपचर्याभियुक्तप्रभाव सुसीतामनोहारिसङ्गीतपूज । सुवेदोपनैषद्यसारस्वगान सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ ६॥ सदारामसीतास्वरारामगान सदामोदनादार्चनप्रीतराम । सदारामभक्त्यापवर्ग्यप्रमाण सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ ७॥ सदाध्यानसँल्लीननादावतार सदारागतालैक्यगानस्वरूप । सदागानसानन्दनृत्यप्रमाद सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ ८॥ सदातारकारामनामाभिलीन सदाजप्तमन्त्रस्वरूपप्रदर्श । सुजीवानरामस्वदर्शप्रहर्ष सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ ९॥ हरिध्यानगङ्गावरस्नानबोध हरिस्मारसन्नामगानोपगङ्ग । हरिस्वादुगानस्वगङ्गाभिषेक सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ १०॥ हिमोत्तुङ्गश‍ृङ्गस्वसुज्ञानगान सुहिम्यापगङ्गास्वसत्कीर्तनौघ । सुगङ्गाप्रसूतस्वपादाब्जपूज सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ ११॥ मनस्स्थैर्यहिम्यागतुल्यप्रभाव मनोगालनागानगङ्गाप्रवाह । तमोहारिसुज्ञानभासन्तभेश सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ १२॥ सुवैराग्यसुज्ञानतेजस्कगात्र सुनामप्रकाशातिकारुण्यनेत्र । सुपादाब्जपुष्पार्चनापूजितार्य सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ १३॥ गुरुप्रेरणागीतसान्निध्यदेव शुभस्तोत्रभावार्थरागस्वरूप । सुपुष्पोपहारप्रगीतप्रसन्न सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ १४॥ गुरुत्यागराजस्वनामप्रभाव यथानामतत्त्वोपदेशप्रसार । रसस्वादुसङ्गीतनामप्रभाव सदाजागराचार्य ते सुप्रभातम् ॥ १५॥ सुमाङ्गल्यसीतामनोहारिगेय सुभद्रप्रसादप्रदाचार्यदेव । सुमङ्गल्यवाणीवचोवृन्दगीत मदाचार्य मङ्गल्यगानं प्रयच्छ ॥ १६॥ सदापूर्णसद्वस्तुसद्ध्यानयोग सुधापूर्णसद्गानसुज्ञानयोग । मुदापूर्णनारायणानादयोग तवापूर्णसद्गानवाणीं प्रयच्छ ॥ १७॥ सुपूर्णाभिरामस्वगानाभिराम सुपूर्णत्वमङ्गल्यसीतापराम । सपूर्णस्वरूपप्रकाशाभिलीन सुपूर्णत्वदाचार्य मे सुप्रसीद ॥ १८॥ मङ्गलं त्यागराजाय उषोगानप्रसादिने । मङ्गलं नादसूर्याय आचार्याय सुमङ्गलम् ॥ ॐ श्रीराम जयराम जयजयराम श्रीराम जयराम जयजयराम । श्रीराम जयराम जयजयराम श्रीराम जयराम जयजयराम ॥

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श्रीरामरामहरिगानसुनम्यदेव सीतावराप्तवरगाननरावतार । सङ्गीतयोगहरिसात्मकनादमूर्ते श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १॥ प्रातःप्रभातसमयारमरामगाय भातप्रशान्तिसुरगानसुमन्दितार्क । गीतप्रशान्तरघुरामसुनादरम्य श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २॥ श्रीरागनामकुसुमार्चितरामसीत श्रीनाथरामरमणानदनामगीत । श्रीरम्यगोत्रगुणवत्प्रियगानसार्थ श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३॥ सङ्गीतलोलहरिगानसुवन्दितार्थ आनन्दरामनररूपसुनन्दितार्य । सद्भक्तिसायुतकृतिस्तुतरामसीत श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ४॥ नादाभिनन्दहरिरामसुनादपूज नामाभिनन्दगुरुदेवसुरागरूप । ज्ञानाभिवर्षकृतिवारसुगानराज श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ५॥ श्रीरामभक्तिनिजतत्त्वसुगानबोध श्रीकृष्णरासरसगानवसन्तसौख्य । श्रीरामकृष्णभजनामृतगानलोल श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ६॥ नादात्मकारमणपूजननादयोग नादालयप्रतिमरामहरिप्रतिष्ठ । नादालयास्वनितनामघनातिमिष्ट श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ७॥ नादोपचारमहिमास्पदगीतसार प्राणानलायुतसुनादरहस्यबोध । ध्यानात्मलीप्रणवनादगभीरगान श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ८॥ नारायणाप्तसुलभार्चनगानमूर्ते नारायणस्मरणगानसुनामधामन् । नारायणालयसुमानसभक्तिदीप श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ९॥ नारायणस्मरणनामसुगाननाग श्रीरामचन्द्रनुतिगानसहस्रनाम । श्रीलालिताब्जपदमानसपूजनार्य श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १०॥ श्रीरामनाममधुलोलुपनादभृङ्ग श्रीरामनामरसनारमनामलोल । सीतापतिस्वमधुगानकृताभिषेक श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ११॥ श्रीरामनामकुसुमार्चनहृष्टरोम श्रीनायकाभरणकीर्तनरत्नहार । श्रीरामपूजनसुमङ्गलगीतकार्च श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १२॥ श्रीरामरामरघुरामसुनामराम श्रीकृष्णमाधवहरिस्मरणाशुगेय । श्रीजानकीसुमनआनदनामनन्द श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १३॥ रामाभिरामहृदयारमगेयराम नामप्रतापकृतिसूचनचारुगेय । रोमाञ्चनातिपुलकाङ्कितनामनिष्ठ श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १४॥ श्रीराममन्त्रजपदर्शितराममूर्ते श्रीरामकीर्तनसुपूजननादमूर्ते । श्रीरामरामशुभनामसुगानकीर्ते श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १५॥ गोविन्दरामहरिसालयमानसाब्ज गोविन्दनामहरिकीर्तनसँल्लयात्मन् । गोपालकृष्णयदुनन्दननामलीन श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १६॥ नीलाभरामनियतार्चनगानराम नीलप्रकाशहरिपादशिरोधरार्य । नीराजनस्वहरिदर्शनहर्षपुण्य श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १७॥ सुज्ञानदीपवरगीतलसद्रमाप श्रीराममन्त्रजपनायुतदीप्ततेज । श्रीरामदर्शपुलकाङ्कितकान्तिरूप श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १८॥ सज्ज्ञानकीर्तनसुरूपकनादभान अज्ञानधूम्रमनआवरभेदभेन । ब्रध्नान्वयाप्तसुलभाश्रयरामगान श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ १९॥ सत्कीर्तनागमपुराणसुसारदर्श सङ्कीर्तनायुतसहस्रियदिव्यनाम । सङ्गीतसानदवराच्युतनामगुण्य श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २०॥ सङ्गीतयोगलयसुस्वरगानमूर्ते सङ्गीतशास्त्रनिजतत्त्वसुबोधनार्य । सङ्गीतसागरतटातिगभक्तवर्य श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २१॥ वेदान्तवेद्यगुणरूपसुनामगान वेदान्तसत्त्वनिजतत्त्वसुसत्त्वगीत । वेदान्तसारकृतिसारसुरागसार श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २२॥ वेदान्तसत्यरघुरामसुगेयनित्य वेदान्तनित्यवरतारकनित्यगेय । वेदान्तगुप्तपररामकवेदितार्य श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २३॥ अद्वैततत्त्वसुलभार्थसुबोधगीत नित्यैकवस्तुसगुणागुणतत्त्वगेय । सर्वात्मलीनपरमात्मसुभावगाय श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २४॥ ब्रह्मैक्यतत्त्वसरलानदसारगीत ब्रह्मस्वरूपपररामगसुप्रकाश । ब्रह्मादिपूजितसुतारकनामगाय श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २५॥ रामावतारकरहस्यसुगानसूच रामायणालयसदैवकवन्दनार्च । श्रीरामसालयरसाद्भुतकीर्तनस्थ श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २६॥ सप्तस्वरानटनकीर्तनचारुरम्य स्वर्गापवर्गकृतिसञ्चयसन्नुतस्व । रागस्वरायुतहरिस्थिररागगाय श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २७॥ श्रीरामरामहरिभज्यसुनामगान सङ्कीर्तनाभजननन्दितनादलोल । नादप्रवाहहरिनामसहस्रधार श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २८॥ श्रीरामनामशुभगानसुवाग्विशेष श्रीनारसिंहनुतिकीर्तनपेत्ववर्ष । श्रीनारदांशभुवनागतरागराजन् श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ २९॥ प्रह्लादभक्तिविजयामृतगेयनाट- श्रीनारसिंहकरुणारसगायनार्य । नौकाचरित्रयदुनन्दनरासगीत श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३०॥ शिञ्जानझल्लकसुतुम्बरनादलीन श्रीरामकीर्तनमनोलयविस्मृतस्व । श्रीलोलनामगुणकीर्तनवाक्प्रभाव श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३१॥ रामानुभूतिकृतिपुङ्गसुतुङ्गहैम रामानुभूतकृतिनामगुणौघगङ्ग । रामस्वमज्जनसुकीर्तनपुण्यगङ्ग श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३२॥ गङ्गाप्रभावहरिपादसुभावगेय गङ्गाप्रवाहहरिगानसुनादहिम्य । श‍ृङ्गारशेखरसकीर्तनहिम्यदार्क श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३३॥ श्रीरामरामणरमारमरामगेय श्रीरामरामसुरगानजिताभिराम । श्रीरामतारकवराद्भुतनामधेय श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३४॥ श्रीरामकस्तुतिमनोहरदिव्यगीत श्रीमानसाब्जदिनराजमनोब्जराज । श्रीरागलययोगसुनादसात्मन् श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३५॥ रामानुरागहरिगायननित्यनिष्ठ पुष्पाभिषिक्तरघुरामसुगानराम । रागानुरागसुरभिस्तवपुष्पमाल श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३६॥ सत्सङ्गकीर्तनवराद्भुततत्त्वदर्श मत्प्राणमिश्रितजपायुतरामनिष्ठ । त्वत्पादनिष्ठमदनुग्रहदेवतार्य श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३७॥ त्वत्पादभक्तिपतिताश्रयनादमूर्ते श्रीस्वामिपूजनकराधरपादपात । मज्जीवनार्थगुरुनाथ तवास्मि देव श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३८॥ निद्रातमःपटलपाटनबोधसूर्य निर्माल्यदर्शनमनःप्रशमावहार्य । नैश्चल्ययुक्तमनआलयनादभास श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ३९॥ प्रत्यूषगानशुभवन्दितनादसूर्य वीणासुनादलयसुस्वरसुप्रगीत । सङ्गीतसायुतनुतिस्तुतिसुप्रसन्न श्रीत्यागराजभगवन् तव सुप्रभातम् ॥ ४०॥ नादार्थिमानससुमार्चितनाददेव नादोपचारवरिवस्यितरामदैव । नादादिसुप्रणवरूपकरामयुज्य नादावतारकगुरो मम सुप्रसीद ॥ ४१॥ श्रीत्यागराजगुरुदैवक सुप्रभातम् पुष्पोपहारसुकृताञ्जलिभक्तिगीतम् । गायन्ति ये प्रतिदिनं शुभमित्रभाते ते प्राप्नुवन्ति गुरुदेवकटाक्षवीक्षाम् ॥ ४२॥

॥ ३ ॥

कमलालयजातसुगानगुरो कमलापतिसत्कृतिसन्नुतिग । कमनीयकृतिस्तुतरामहरे कलगानवरं मम देहि गुरो ॥ १॥ वरपञ्चनदस्थितबोधगुरो वरनादसुमार्चितमारमण । वरनामसुगानसुधाप्लवन वरनादलयं मम देहि गुरो ॥ २॥ वरनारदमन्त्रजपानिरत सुरनारदगीतहरिस्मरण । मुनिनारददर्शनहर्षयुत तवदर्शनखं मम देहि गुरो ॥ ३॥ ऋषिनारददत्तसुपुस्तभग स्वररागरहस्यसुवेदितग । स्वरसागरसंप्लुतरागरत स्वररागसुधां मम देहि गुरो ॥ ४॥ वसुधातनुजापतिगाननिधे वसुदायकनामसुगायसुध । निधिभोगतिरस्करयोगिवर निजभक्तिवरं मम देहि गुरो ॥ ५॥ गुरुरायवराश्रयरामरम स्वरसङ्गतिसत्कृतिगीतयुत । रघुरामसुनामसुमन्त्रजप लघुगानवरं मम देहि गुरो ॥ ६॥ हरिनामसुगानसुनादहरे हरिरामसुनामसुमन्त्रवर । हरिपूजनकीर्तनलाघवग हरिगानवरं मम देहि गुरो ॥ ७॥ सुरतिस्तुतिकीर्तनमालहरे सुयतिश्रुतिसौख्यसुकीर्तनग । सुरभिस्तवपुष्पसुमालगुरो सुरगान भवच्चरणं शरणम् ॥ ८॥ स्तुतिपुष्पकसेवितनादगुरो नुतिकीर्तनपुङ्गसुबोधगुरो । कृतिगङ्गनिमग्नकभक्तवर गुरुदेव भवच्चरणं शरणम् ॥ ९॥ श्रुतिसारसुकीर्तनवर्षगुरो श्रुतिसागरपारगनादगुरो । श्रुतिताललयालयपूज्यगुरो गुरुदेव भवच्चरणं शरणम् ॥ १०॥ श्रुतिरागलयास्पदगानवर श्रुतिसौख्यसुकीर्तनलीनगुरो । द्युतिपूर्णसुपूर्णगपूर्णभग गुरुदेव भवच्चरणं शरणम् ॥ ११॥ मनआलयदैवकगीतगुरो मनआलयमानसपुष्पनुत । तमआवरपाटनगाननग गुरुदेव भवच्चरणं शरणम् ॥ १२॥ शुभरागमहत्प्रणवानदग शुभराममहच्छविसानटग । शुभमङ्गलनादसुपूजनग गुरुदेव भवच्चरणं शरणम् ॥ १३॥ शरणागतशिष्यसुगानवर शरणागतकर्मनिवारगुरो । शरणागतरक्षकनादगुरो गुरुदेव भवच्चरणं शरणम् ॥ १४॥

॥ ४ ॥

रामब्रह्मसुपुत्राय शान्ताम्बालालिताय च । श्रीत्यागराजसन्नाम्ने नादज्योत्यै सुमङ्गलम् ॥ १॥ रामगानावताराय रागानुरागमूर्तये । रागतालविलोलाय त्यागराजाय मङ्गलम् ॥ २॥ श्रीपञ्चनदनादाय पञ्चमस्वरगायिने । पञ्चापगास्थलार्काय यथानाम्ने सुमङ्गलम् ॥ ३॥ तमोन्धदिननाथाय दिनारम्भसुगीतये । मनःप्रकाशभासाय ज्ञानभेशाय मङ्गलम् ॥ ४॥ रामरामसुगेयाय नामगानातिमोदिने । राममन्त्रोपदेशाय नामरक्षाय मङ्गलम् ॥ ५॥ नादोपासनलोलाय नादसन्मार्गबोधिने । नादासक्तसुरक्षाय आचार्याय सुमङ्गलम् ॥ ६॥ नादगङ्गाप्रवाहाय गानगङ्गासुपूतये । नामगङ्गासुमूलाय गुरुदेवाय मङ्गलम् ॥ ७॥ श्रीमन्नारायणामोदनामपुष्पार्चनाय च । पुष्पार्चितसुपादाय त्यागराजाय मङ्गलम् ॥ ८॥ मङ्गलं त्यागराजाय नादव्योमारुणाय च । सङ्गीतयोगभोग्याय सद्गुरवे सुमङ्गलम् ॥ ९॥ त्यागराजगुरुस्वामिशिष्यापुष्पाभिलेखितम् । गुरुस्वामिस्वयंगीतसुप्रभातावबोधकम् ॥ १०॥ ॐ शुभमस्तु इति सद्गुरुसुमधुरकण्ठालङ्कारसद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजस्वामिसुप्रभात- -स्तोत्रप्रपत्तिमङ्गलपुष्पावली गुरुस्फूर्तिस्फुटपुष्पकदम्बमाला गुरुशरणार्थिपुष्पया ग्रथिता । ॐ


`OM' `SrI RAmajayam' `Sadguru SrI TyAgarAjasvAmi SuprabhAtam' Dhyanam At dawn, I contemplate on the Supreme Guru, SrI TyAgarAjasvAmi, my life-breath; Prostrations at early dawn unto the `GurusvAmi' Who awakens us (from the sleep of ignorance)!

.. 1 ..

1. Awakening `SrI RAma' from `yoganidrA' by Thy singing, voice melting with devotion, enhancing the beauty of early dawn; singing `SrI RAma' of the glow of the rising sun/ in the red glow of early dawn; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 2. Who sang `SrI RAma' sweetly as nectar, in the ambrosial `brAhma muhUrta' (pre-dawn time); of beautiful melodious sweet voice dripping nectar; calling out affectionately to `SrI RAma' in a tranquil voice at dawn, O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 3. Whose songs augment the tranquillity of dawn; of tranquil countenance in which smiles the crimson rising sun; Who sang SrI RAma in an extremely charming voice at dawn; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 4. Who adored `SrI RAma' by singing at day-break; Who sang the beloved Consort of `SitA' in a delightful voice; Who worshipped `RAma' the Bliss with abundant song-flowers; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 5. Illumining in Thy songs `SrI RAma', the Delight of humanity; Resplendent in the joy of `saऽNkIrtana' of the Supreme Bliss; Who sang the sweet essence of the auspicious `RAmAyaNa'; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 6. Glorious, absorbed in `nAdopAsanA'; worshipping with `saऽNgIta', `SrI RAma' the Captivator of the auspicious `SItA''s mind; Whose songs are the quintessence of the `vedas'$ and `upaniShad's/Who sang `ViShNu' ( svaH ), the Quintessence of the `vedas' and `upaniShad's; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 7. Ever singing `SrI SItA RAma', delighting in `svara'; by Whose ever-delightful `nAdArcana' `SrI RAma' was pleased; Who always swore that `RAma bhakti' grants absolution; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 8. The Incarnation of `NAda' ever absorbed in meditation; Whose intrinsic nature was singing, ever one with melody and rhythm; Dancing intoxicated, with the Bliss of singing always; O Thou ever-wakeful AAcArya ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 9. Ever absorbed in the Bliss of `TAraka NAma'; with the vision of the Lord, the Form of the `mantra' repeated always; with the rapture of vision of `SrI RAma', the life-breath; O Thou ever-wakeful AAcArya ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 10. Teaching that `HaridhyAna' is the best `GaऽNgA snAna'; living by the `GaऽNgA' of singing the auspicious Name Divine with the thought of `SrI Hari'; Whose sweet singing of `Hari' was `GaऽNgAbhiSheka' for the Lord ( ViShNu )/ for whom (this `bhaktA''s) sweet singing of Hari is GaऽNgAbhiSheka ; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 11. Of auspicious songs of wisdom, lofty as the `HimAlaya'n peaks; Whose flood of auspicious `kIrtanas' are verily the `HimAlaya'n `GaऽNgA'; worshipping the Lotus Feet of `ViShNu', the Source of the auspicious `GaऽNgA'; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 12. Of the glory of steadiness of mind even as the `HimAlaya' mountain; Whose singing, melting the heart, is verily the flow of the GaऽNgA / Whose singing is the flow of the `GaऽNgA' melting from Thy mind (which is verily the lofty `HimAlaya'); the Resplendent Sun of Knowledge destroying the darkness of ignorance; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 13. The Luminous Form of Divine knowledge and detachment; of extremely compassionate eyes with the glow of the auspicious Name; the Venerable One, lotus feet worshipped by Pushpa/shower of flowers; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 14. The Divinity present in this song inspired by Thee the `Guru'; the intrinsic Form of Melody, the Sum and Substance of this auspicious `stotra'; clearly manifest in this song-offering by Pushpa; O Thou ever-wakeful `AAcArya' ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 15. `Guru TyAgarAja', King of renunciation, the Glory of Thine own name! apt to Thy name; of widespread teachings on the nature of Truth; the Glory of Whose name is nectarine sweet `saऽNgIta'/ Whose glory is nectarine sweet `saऽNgIta' on the Name Divine; O Thou ever-wakeful AAcArya ! Prayers at dawn, unto Thee! 16. The Bard singing `SrI RAma' the Charmer of the auspicious `SItA''s mind; `AAcAryadeva', gracing with auspiciousness; Whose songs abound in auspicious words and expressions / Who is sung by this adulation full of beautiful words and expressions; my `AAcAryA', grant me Thy auspicious singing! 17. Always in the `yoga' of meditation on the ever-perfect Pure Essence; in `jऽNAna yoga', of ambrosial singing of the Essence; deep in `nAda yoga', one with `NArAyaNa', fully Bliss; grant me Thy perfect, beautiful singing voice! 18. Delighting in singing the auspicious, perfect, delightful SrI RAma / delighting `SrI RAma' by auspicious, perfect, delightful singing; delighting in the Consort of `SItA' Who is auspiciousness and perfection; Absorbed in the Light of `ViShNu', whose Nature is perfection; `AAcArya' conferring perfection, grace me! `MaऽNgalam' `OM'

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1. The Deity to be prostrated unto, singing SrI RAma, RAma, Hari ; the Human Incarnation, of choicest singing, dear to the Consort of `SItA'; the Embodiment of `NAda', one with Hari in saऽNgIta yoga ; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 2. Who sang `SrI RAma' in the delightful pre-dawn time; Who divinely singing at tranquil dawn, dimmed the sun; Who sang the tranquil `RaghurAma' in pleasing sweet `nAda'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 3. Who worshipped `SrI RAma' and `SItA' with flowers of Names in sweet `rAga's; Who sang the Names Divine in a resonant voice, delighting `SrI RAma', the Consort of `SrI'; Whose wealth was `SrI RAma' ( saH ), singing with love the One of lofty attributes, delighting `SrI'/ Whose fulfilment was singing with love the One of Lofty attribute, Delighter of `LakShmI'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 4. Who worshipped by singing, `ViShNu -- SrI Hari' the Delighter in `saऽNgIta'; the Venerable One delighted by the human form of `SrI RAma' the Bliss; Who adored `RAma' and `SItA' with `kR^itis' of true devotion; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 5. Worshipping with sweet `nAda', `SrI RAma'--- Hari ---delighting in `nAda'; `Gurudeva', the Form of sweet melody, delighting in the Name Divine; the King of auspicious singing, of multitudinous `kR^itis' showering knowledge; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 6. Teaching by sweet singing, the true nature of `RAmabhakti'; Whose ambrosial singing in which `SrI KR^iShNa' dances is the comfort of spring; the Delighter in nectarine singing of `SrI RAma', `KR^iShNa' in `bhajana'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 7. In `nAdayoga' as worship of the delightful SrI RAma, whose Form is `nAda'; Who established Hari --- SrI RAma as image in the temple of `nAda'; the extremely sweet Bell of the Name Divine that resounded in the temple of `nAda'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 8. Of nectarine songs that are the abode of the glory of `nAdopAsana'; teaching the secrets of sweet `nAda', arising out of the union of the breath and vital fire; singing profoundly of `praNava nAda' arising out of absorption in the `Atman' in meditation; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 9. Thou the Form of Song worshipping `NArAyaNa', easy of access to devotees; the Abode of the Name Auspicious, reflecting on and singing `NArAyaNa'; Whose beautiful mind is the temple of `NArayaNa' with the Lamp of `Bhakti'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 10. The most excellent in singing sweetly the Name Divine, with constant remembrance of `SrIman NArAyaNa'; in whose singing adulations of `SrI RAmacandra' are the thousand Names of the Lord; the venerable One, worshipping in the mind, the Lotus Feet cherished by `SrI'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 11. The Honey-bee of `nAda' deeply desirous of the honey of SrI RAma NAma ; the Delighter in the Name, tasting and enjoying `SrI RAma NAma'; Who showered the honey of singing on the Consort of `SItA'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 12. Enraptured by worshipping `SrI RAma' with flowers of Names Divine; ornamenting the Consort of `SrI' with garlands of gems of `kIrtana's; Whose auspicious songs of worship of `SrI RAma' are verily the `arcA mUrti' (idol for worship); `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 13. Delighting in the Name Auspicious, `SrI RAma RAma RaghurAma'; singing spontaneously, reflecting on `Hari, MAdhava, SrI KR^iShNa'; delighting in the Name resounding in `SrI JAnaki''s virtuous mind; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 14. Delighting in singing the pleasing `RAma,' delighting in Thy mind; the sweet Songster indicating in the `kR^itis' the Glory of the Name; absorbed in the thrilling Name, with extreme rapture; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 15. Who beheld `SrI RAma Murti' by `japa' of `Sri RAma Mantra'; the Form of `NAda', worshipping `SrI RAma' by `kIrtana's; of glory of singing sweetly the auspicious Name `SrI RAma RAma'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 16. Whose lotus of mind is the temple of `Hari--RAma--Govinda'; absorbed in `HarikIrtana', uttering the Names of `Govinda'; one with the Name of `Yadunandana, GopAla KrShNa'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 17. Delighting in devoted worship and singing of the blue-hued beauteous `SrI RAma'; the Venerable One, bearing on head the blue, resplendent `SrI Hari''s Feet; the Sacred One, thrilled with Thy vision of Hari during `nIrAjana'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 18. In whose excellent songs that are the light of knowledge, shines the Consort of `LakShmI'; the Blazing Brilliance absorbed in `japa' of `SrI RAma mantra'; the Lustrous Form enraptured by the vision of `SrI RAma'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 19. The Lustre of `NAda', the Auspicious Form of `kIrtanas' of true knowledge; the Sun tearing asunder the smoky cover of ignorance of mind; singing `SrI RAma' of the Solar Race, easily attainable asylum to the one resorted to Him; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 20. Making clear in auspicious `kIrtanas' the quintessence of `Agamas' and `purANas' / Showing `SrI RAma' the Essence of the scriptures in excellent `kIrtana's; in Whose sweet singing thousands of the Names Divine are blended; in Whose `saऽNgIta' resound the Names and attributes of `Acyuta'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 21. The Form of `Susvara GAna', absorbed in `SaऽNgIta Yoga'; the Revered One, teaching the inherent principle of `SaऽNgIta SAstra'; the Choicest Devotee, Master of `saऽNgIta' that is an ocean; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 22. Singing the auspicious Names, Forms and attributes of the One to be known by the `vedAnta'; Whose songs are the essence of the real nature of the Truth of `vedAnta'; of `kR^itis' in nectarine melodies, the sum and substance being the Essence of `vedAnta'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 23. Of auspicious, eternal songs on `Raghu RAma', the Truth of `vedAnta'/ the profound Ocean of excellent songs on `Raghu RAma', the Truth of `vedAnta'; Who sang daily the choicest `TAraka NAma' of the Eternal One of the `vedAnta'; the Revered One who made known that the Supreme `SrI RAma', recondite in the `vedAnta' is `Brahman'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 24. Of songs that teach clearly in an understandable way, the substance of `Advaita'; Who sang the true nature of the Eternal One as with and without attributes; 25. Who sang the unity of all creation with `Brahman' in simple, resounding, nectarine songs; illumining by songs the Supreme `SrI RAma' Whose reality is `Brahman'; Who sang the auspicious `SrI RAma' of redeeming Name, worshipped by `BrahmA' and other celestials; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 26. Disclosing through auspicious songs the secret of the Supreme incarnated as `SrI RAma'; Whose idol of worship is the Lord `ViShNu', the Deity in the temple of the `RAmAyaNa'; abiding in the wonderful, sweet `kIrtanas' that are the temple of `SrI RAma' Who is `ViShNu'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 27. Of beautiful pleasing `kIrtana's, `saptasvaras' dancing; Who worshipped `ViShNu' with multitudes of `kR^itis' that lead to absolution; in Whose melodious songs abides permanently, `SrI Hari' one with `rAga' and `svara'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 28. Singing `SrI RAma, RAma, Hari', the auspicious Names of the One to be worshipped; by Whose `bhajana' and `saऽNkIrtana', `SrI RAma', Delighter in `nAda', is delighted; in Whose torrent of `nAda' cascade the thousand Names of Hari; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 29. Thou of specially beauteous excellent expressions, singing auspiciously `SrI RAma NAma'; raining nectar in `kIrtanas' of adoration of `SrI Narasimha'; the King of Melody, aspect of `NArada' on earth; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 30. The venerable One singing the compassion of Lord LakShmI Narasi.nha in the immortal musical opera `PrahlAda Bhakti Vijayam'; Who sang the sport of `Yadunandana' in the musical opera NaukA Caritram ; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 31. One with the sweet `nAda' of the `tamburA' and ting of cymbals; forgetting Thyself, singing `SrI RAma' with oneness of mind; Of glory of expressions singing the Name and attributes of Hari fond of `SrI' !; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 32. The lofty `HimAlaya', of multitudinous `kR^itis'$ born of experience of `SrI RAma'; the `GaऽNgA' of `kR^itis' enjoyed by `SrI RAma', with the flood of Names and attributes; Thine auspicious `kIrtanas' are verily the sacred `GaऽNgA' in which `SrI RAma' immerses Himself; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 33. Singing with devotion the Sacred Feet of `SrI Hari', the origin of the `GaऽNgA'; the snowy `HimAlaya' of sweet `NAda' from which flows the `GaऽNgA' of `Hari GAna'; the Sun over the snowy `HimAlaya'n mountain of songs on `SrI ViShNu', the Summit of beauty; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 34. Delighting `SrI RAma' the Delighter of `LakShmI' by sweet songs; Who won over the pleasing `SrI RAma' by divinely singing ``SrI RAma, RAma''; imparting the wonderful, choicest, Redeeming Name of `SrI RAma'; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 35. Captivating by divinely singing the praise of dear `SrI RAma'; in whose lotus heart the Sun to the lotus of heart of `SrI' (`SrIman NArAyaNa') is resplendent; one with sweet `nAda', in the `yoga' of beautiful melody and rhythm; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 36. Whose daily discipline was sweet koel -like singing of SrI RAma with loving devotion; delighting in sweet singing of RaghurAma, showering Him with flowers; adorned with the flower-garland of this adulation, fragrant with melody and devotion; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 37. Throwing light on the transcendental nature of Reality by choicest `kIrtanas' that are true good association; with steady devotion to `SrI RAma', absorbed in `japa', O Thou mingled in my life-breath; the Divinity blessing me, steadily devoted to Thy feet; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 38. The Embodiment of `NAda', refuge to this one fallen at Thy feet; supporting this one fallen at Thy feet, with the hands that worshipped the Lord of `SrI'; 39. The Sun of Wisdom, tearing asunder the dark cover of sleep of ignorance; the Venerable One, bringing about tranquillity in this mind, by Thy pure vision; the Resplendence of `NAda' in the temple of the steady mind; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 40. The Sun of `NAda', worshipped auspiciously every dawn by song (by this one); sweetly sung by melodious voice one with the sweet tone of the `vINa' (by this one); very much pleased by this musical praise and worship; `SrI TyAgarAja Bhagavan' ! Salutations at dawn unto Thee! 41. O Thou the Deity of `NAda' worshipped by the flower of mind/ flowers of thoughts of this seeker of `nAda'; Who revered the Lord `RAma' by worship with `nAda'; united with `SrI RAma', the Form of `praNava' the source of `nAda' ! `Gurudeva' ! the Incarnation of `NAda' ! Please grace me! 42. This `SuprabhAtam' for `SrI TyagarAja Gurudeva', is the song of devotion offered with folded hands by Pushpa/as floral worship; those who sing this every day at auspicious dawn, will obtain the grace of `Gurudeva'.

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1. Oh Thou `Guru' of sweet singing, taken birth at KamalAlaya --- `TiruvArUr'; Songster of excellent `kritis' in praise of the Consort of `LakShmI'; Who adored `SrI RAma', Hari, by beautiful songs; `Gurudeva' ! grant me the boon of sweet singing! 2. The `Guru', awakening knowledge, abiding in the sacred `Paऽncanada'; Who worshiped the Delighter of `LakShmI' with the choice flower of `nAda'; swimming in the nectar of singing sweetly the greatest `TAraka NAma'; `Gurudeva' ! grant me the boon of oneness with `nAda' ! 3. Who engaged in `japa' of the great `NArada mantra'; constantly thinking of Hari sung by the celestial `NArada'; thrilled at the vision of Sage `NArada'; `Gurudeva' ! grant me the bliss of Thy vision! 4. Given the auspicious `grantha' (`SvarArNava') by `.RShi NArada'; the Songster well versed in the secrets of `svara' and `rAga'; the Delighter in `rAga' swimming in the ocean of `svara'; `Gurudeva' ! grant me the nectar of `svara' and `rAga' ! 5. The Ocean of song on the Consort of the Daughter of the Earth; of nectarine sweet singing on the Name of the Granter of all; the greatest `Yogi', rejecting enjoyment of riches; `Gurudeva' ! grant me the boon of true devotion! 6. `Gurudeva', the King, delighting in `SrI RAma' the sole Asylum; absorbed in singing excellent `kR^itis' with the beautiful flow of `svara's; doing `japa' of the auspicious `mantra' of the auspicious Name of `RaghurAma'; `Gurudeva' ! grant me the boon of spontaneous singing! 7. The `Koel' of sweet `nAda' beautifully singing `HarinAma'; Whose choice `mantra' was the auspicious name of `RAma, SrI Hari'; spontaneously singing `kIrtanas' worshipping `Hari'; `Gurudeva' ! grant me the boon of singing `Hari' ! 8. Garlanding Hari with beautiful `kIrtanas' of adorations, with embellishments like `rati'; pleasingly singing sweet `kIrtanas' with embellishments like `yati'; `Gurudeva' ! garlanded by these fragrant flowers of adoration; Thou of Celestial Singing, Thy feet are my refuge! 9. The `NAda Guru', worshipped by these flowers of adoration; `Gurudeva', enlightening by multitudinous `kIrtanas' of praise (of `SrI RAma'); the greatest `Bhakta' immersed in the `GaऽNga' of `kR^iti's; `Gurudeva' ! Thy feet are my refuge! 10. The Guru raining beautiful `kIrtanas' that are the essence of the `veda's; the `NAda Guru', Master of `shrutis' that are an ocean; the Guru to be worshipped in the temple of `shruti, tAla' and `laya'; `Gurudeva' ! Thy feet are my refuge! 11. The Abode of `shruti, rAga' and `laya', the One of greatest songs; `Gurudeva', absorbed in beautiful melodious singing; the Resplendent One, of perfect singing, granting complete auspiciousness / the One fully resplendent, granting perfect, beautiful singing and complete auspiciousness; `Gurudeva' ! Thy feet are my refuge! 12. The `SaऽNgIta Guru', the Deity in the temple of this mind; adored by these flowers of thoughts in the temple of this mind; the Sun of Song tearing asunder the dark cover of ignorance; `Gurudeva' ! Thy feet are my refuge! 13. Singing the great `praNava' in auspicious `rAga's; in Whose singing the auspicious `SrI RAma' dances with great beauty; Whose songs are worship by auspicious beautiful naada; Gurudeva! Thy feet are my refuge! 14. The Granter of the boon of sweet singing to this disciple, come to Thee for succour; the Guru warding off the `karma' of the one taken refuge at Thy feet; the Naada Guru, protecting this one, surrendered at Thy feet; Gurudeva! Thy feet are my refuge!

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1. The beloved Son of `RAma Brahmam', fondly indulged by Mother `SAntAmbA'; the One of auspicious name, `SrI TyAgarAja'; the Light of `NAda'. 2. The One who incarnated for singing `SrI RAma'; the Embodiment of melody and loving devotion; the One delighting in melody and rhythm; `SrI TyAgarAja'. 3. The Music of the sacred `Paऽncanada' (`TiruvaiyyAru'); the One who sang in the sweet tone of the `koel'; the Sun of the sacred place of five rivers; the One who is as His name indicates (King of renunciation). 4. The Sun to the darkness of `tamas'; the One who is sung sweetly at day break; the Light illumining this mind; the Lord of Light (Sun) of `JऽnAna'. 5. The One who sang sweetly `RAma, RAma'; the One delighting exceedingly in singing the Name Divine; the One giving `upadesha' of `SrI RAma mantra'; Protecting by the Name Divine. 6. The One delighting in `NAdopAsanA'; the One teaching the virtuous path of `NAda'; the One protecting this one devoted to `nAda'; the `AchArya'. 7. The Torrent of the `GaऽNgA' of `nAda'; the One Whose songs are as sacred as the `GaऽNgA'; the Source of the `GaऽNgA' of the Name Divine; the `Gurudeva'. 8. The One worshipping `Sriman NArAyaNa' with the fragrant flowers of the Name Divine; Auspiciousness unto the Sacred Feet worshipped by Pushpa; Auspiciousness unto `SrI TyAgarAja'. 9. Auspiciousness unto `SrI TyAgarAja'; the Sun in the firmament of `nAda'; being experienced by this one by `saऽNgIta yoga'; Auspiciousness unto the `Sadguru' ! 10. This `SuprabhAtam', written by Pushpa, disciple of `SrI TyAgarAja GurusvAmi', has been sung by `GurusvAmi' Himself, awakening us from the sleep of ignorance (`tamas'). `OM' `Subhamastu' Encoded and proofread by N V Vathsan nvvathsan at gmail.com Copyright Pushpa Srivatsan
% Text title            : Sadguru Sri Tyagaraja Suprabhatam with translation
% File name             : tyAgarAjasvAmisuprabhAtam.itx
% itxtitle              : tyAgarAjasvAmisuprabhAtam sArtham (puShpA shrIvatsena virachitam)
% engtitle              : tyAgarAjasvAmisuprabhAtam with translation
% Category              : deities_misc, gurudev, puShpAshrIvatsan, suprabhAta
% Location              : doc_deities_misc
% Sublocation           : deities_misc
% SubDeity              : gurudev
% Texttype              : svara
% Author                : Pushpa Srivatsan
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Transliterated by     : N V Vathsan  nvvathsan at gmail.com
% Proofread by          : N V Vathsan  nvvathsan at gmail.com
% Translated by         : Pushpa Srivatsan
% Indexextra            : (formatted, Collection)
% Latest update         : October 23, 2023  Vijayadashami
% Send corrections to   : Sanskrit@cheerful.com
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

This text is entirely original composition of Smt. Pushpa Srivatsan, and copyright Smt. Pushpa Srivatsan. All rights reserved by the author. 1) Under no conditions can either the whole or any part of this composition be translated, adapted, or used for commercial purposes. 2) Neither the whole nor any part of this composition can be reproduced, recorded, used in public perfomances, or distributed in any other way without prior written permission from the copyright holder, the author Smt. Pushpa Srivatsan (contact N V Vathsan nvvathsan@gmail.com).