
ॐ श्रीरामजयम् । ॐ सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजस्वामिने नमो नमः । ॥ श्रीत्यागरामगद्यम् ॥ ॐ त्यागराजाय विद्महे । रामरामाय धीमहि । तन्नो गुरुः प्रचोदयात् ॥ ध्यानम् । त्यागनामप्रभावाय रामनामप्रभाय च । गद्यभावितभावाय भावाचार्याय ते नमः ॥ अथ श्रीत्यागरामगद्यम् । ॐ जयजयश्रीमन्नारायणलक्ष्मीरमणभगवन्नामसार- -सारसङ्कीर्तननररूपावतारनादब्रह्मानन्द! १ श्रीलक्ष्मीनारायणदिव्यनामपारायणगानज्ञानपारायण ! २ श्रीलक्ष्मीनारायणसुस्वरगानाराधनतथ्यैकपर्याय ! ३ श्रीसीतारामाखण्डनामसङ्कीर्तनापरपरञ्ज्योतिर्मयाखण्डानन्दरूप ! ४ श्रीसीतारामसन्निधिसङ्गीताखण्डदीप ! ५ श्रीरामतारकमन्त्रानवरतस्मरणाखण्डदीपसन्निध ! ६ श्रीरामफणितल्पसेवानन्दपूरदैवदीप ! ७ तारकनामषडक्षरमन्त्रोपासितश्रीरामश्रीरामसाक्षात्कार ! ८ षडक्षरनामतारकमन्त्रप्रभावश्रीरामतारकमन्त्रान्तस्सुवास ! ९ श्रीरामनामतारकमन्त्रोपदेशकाचार्यदेव ! १० श्रीरामनामतारकमन्त्रोपासित ! ११ श्रीरामनामसारसारसारगाननित्यैकपरायण ! १२* श्रीरामैकपरार्थ ! १३ श्रीरामानुरागयोगसिद्ध ! १४ सुमधुरभक्तिस्वानुभूतिसुरभितकृतिपुष्पपुष्पाकरपूजितश्रीराम- -श्रीरामदिव्यनामसङ्कीर्तनगानप्रिय ! १५* श्रीरामलास्यनामगाननादलास्यरूप ! १६ समक्षसेवितानुभूतसत्तमश्रीरामचन्द्र ! १७ तुम्बरसुनादशिञ्जत्करतालरागलयनाममधुकीर्तन- -भगवद्गुणानुभवलीनदिव्यानन्दरूप ! १८ श्रीसीतारामसान्निध्यसामीप्यसौभाग्यप्राज्ञ ! १९ श्रीराममृदुमधुरप्रेमभाषणश्रोत्रानन्दसुख ! २० श्रीरामविश्वरूपदर्शनसुज्ञानसुख ! २१ शिष्यान्तर्ज्ञानोद्बोधनविश्वरूपदर्शन ! २२ श्रीरामप्रत्यक्षदर्शनानन्दाश्रुपुलकाङ्क ! २३ श्रीसीतारामसमक्षकृतिरत्न ! २४ रविजलधिजनयननवनकविजलधिजकिरण ! २५* रविकुलजलधिसोमसोमनामसोमगानकविकुलजलधिसोम ! २६* रजस्तमस्तिमिरमिहिरसत्त्वज्ञानावबोधनरामनामगान ! २७ नामजपपावननामकीर्तन ! २८ श्रीरामदिव्यनामसङ्कीर्तननित्यनियम ! २९ श्रीरामसङ्गीतोपासनसंप्रयुक्त ! ३० ज्ञानचक्षुस्सेवितानुभूतश्रीराममङ्गलचरित्रपरमरसबहुलघटन ! ३१ श्रीमद्रामायणपारायणसुफलददिव्यनामसत्सुकीर्तन ! ३२ श्रीमद्रामायणरसरसरसगानरसिकाग्रेसर ! ३३* श्रीमद्रामायणसारसारकृतिनिःसार- -श्रीसीतारामप्रत्यक्षदर्शन ! ३४ श्रीमद्रामायणसारैकसारकीर्तनसंग्रहणवाक्पाटव ! ३५* श्रीमद्रामायणपरमार्थपरमार्थटीकाभूतातिरससुकीर्तन ! ३६ त्रिलोकातीतश्रीराममानुषावतारचरित्रमर्मज्ञ ! ३७ श्रीराममानुषावताररहस्यज्ञानव्यक्तसहस्रियसत्कीर्तन ! ३८ वराननश्रीरामवरगानरानन ! ३९* श्रीरामनाममधुरगानमधुकण्ठ ! ४० कम्बुकण्ठनिनादितोंकारस्वरश्रीरामनामतारक ! ४१ राजरामरामरामरामगानात्मानन्दविराजमुख ! ४२* राजरामनामतारकवरमन्त्रराजविराजजिह्वनामगानयागराज ! ४३* श्रीराममयराजभोगनामगानराजयोगयोगराज ! ४४* जितमुखजितराजराजरामगाननामरागजितत्यागराज ! ४५* नुततुरगराजराजनुततुरगरागराजराजराजराज- -राजदिनराजनयनरामनामरामगाननामभोगराज ! ४६* नादयागयोगत्यागभोगरागराज ! ४७* रागसुधारसपानरञ्जनराजरामरञ्जननामगानरागराज ! ४८* रागार्थिहृत्पुष्पानुरागसिंहासनस्थितकृतिराज ! ४९ रागरागचन्द्रहृत्सिंहासनस्थितराजश्रीरामचन्द्र ! ५० राजवदनरामचन्द्रवन्द्रराजराजराजेशरामरागगानेश ! ५१* नामकुसुमगन्धनगानकुसुमगुच्छकगुण्ठितश्रीरामार्चारूप ! ५२* नवमदनाशनाशननवनीतनवमदगायननवमदगायनमदन ! ५३* श्रीरामराघवगानध्याननामयोगभोग ! ५४ श्रीरामनामखाण्डवमधुरितरागस्वरलयललितगानपायसनैवेद्य ! ५५* श्रीरामकथामृततृप्तबुभुक्ष ! ५६ श्रीरामनामामृतपानतृप्ततृष्ण ! ५७ श्रीरामचिन्तनमानसोल्लासनामोच्चारणजिह्वरुचिनामश्रवणश्रोत्रानन्द- -नामगानभजननित्याह्लाद ! ५८* श्रीसीतारामसर्वस्ववाग्भूषण ! ५९ श्रीरामचन्द्रपादाब्जानुदिनार्चनसेवनसुकराब्ज ! ६० श्रीरामपदभूषणहृदब्ज ! ६१ शिष्यानुरागहृद्भूषणसुपदाब्ज ! ६२ श्रीसीतारामरामकृष्णकृष्णगाननामभजनप्राप्तानन्दपुण्यरूप ! ६३ श्रीरामानुरागरागरागाराम ! ६४ श्रीरामनवमिदिव्यनामपुण्यकीर्तनाहोरात्रभजनगान- -तेजोमयदिव्यानन्दरूप ! ६५ सत्कारुण्यहृद्धामसत्कारुण्यश्रीरामरामाराम ! ६६* सन्नुतसप्तस्वरधामश्रीरामसप्तस्वरधाम ! ६७ एकान्तरामोपासनपरमैकान्तिन् ! ६८ इष्टदैवरामगानशिष्टनामनिष्ठेष्ट ! ६९ सीताकान्तप्रेमाढ्यरागस्वान्त ! ७० श्रीरामनामभजनमधुरगानैकरसिकैकरसिकान्तरनुरागरसिक- -श्रीरामरसिक ! ७१* श्रीरामनामभजनगानरसरसस्वर ! ७२ श्रीराममहिमावसरजीवचित्रकृतिप्रसर ! ७३ श्रीरामध्याननामगानोपगङ्ग ! ७४ श्रीरामनामदिव्यसङ्कीर्तनालापघण्टारवनादोपगङ्ग ! ७५ श्रीरामाखण्डचिन्तनागह्वरितस्वानुभूतिगानगङ्गाप्रवाह ! ७६ शिष्याखण्डचिन्तनागह्वरितस्वानुभूतिस्तुतिगङ्गाप्रवाह ! ७७ स्वानुभूतिपरीवाहगानगङ्गाभिषिक्तश्रीराम ! ७८ शिष्यानुभूतिपरीवाहस्तुतिगङ्गाभिषिक्तसद्गुरुदेव ! ७९ श्रीरामानुरागसूत्रनानारागरत्नगणकृतिमणिमालाजालमण्डितश्रीराम ! ८० शिष्यानुरागसूत्रनानाविधमानसपुष्पावलिमण्डितश्रीगुरो ! ८१ रागानुरागनानारागकृतिरत्नगणश्रीरामाभूषणस्वानुभूतिसमृद्ध- -दिव्यगानसार्थ ! ८२* रामानुरागरागसुकवित्वसङ्गीतज्ञानानन्दघनापवर्ग्य ! ८३ शिष्यानुरागमानसपुष्पान्दोललालितहृद्धिन्दोललालितश्रीराम ! ८४ श्रीरामनामनामरूपपूरितानन्दवाङ्मय ! ८५ शिष्यानुरागपूरितनामनामरूपवाङ्मय ! ८६ गानानन्दितश्रीरामबहुलप्रभाव ! ८७ शिष्यानुरागमानसानन्दबहुलप्रभावगान ! ८८ श्रीरामबहुलप्रभावबहुलकीर्तनसरसगीतप्रभाव ! ८९ श्रीरामभजननामगानपरमभक्तियोगमुक्तिमार्गबोधनमुत्यकीर्तन ! ९० श्रीरामपादादिकेशातिलालित्यातिललितवर्णनसुमङ्गलगायन ! ९१ श्रीरामपादादिमकुटवर्णनपरमार्थदिव्यकविसृष्टिसुकृतिरत्न ! ९२ श्रीरामध्याननामजपगानभजनभवरोगमणिमन्त्रौषधबोध ! ९३ श्रीरामाद्भुतचरित्राद्भुतगानाद्भुतचरित्र ! ९४ नन्दननुतानन्दननवनकीर्तनजालनन्दितनन्दितामरजाल- -सुगुणजालश्रीराम ! ९५* नुतनागाधिपनुतश्रीरामश्रीरामगाननाग ! ९६ घनगाननन्दितनवघनश्यामश्रीरामश्रीरामनामघनघनगान- -घनगाननुताजश्रीराम ! ९७* श्रीरामभक्तिप्रभावभावस्वभावभावभावनावभावज्ञानभाव - -भावभावभावभावभावरागभावसत्कृतिभावभाव ! ९८* दुर्जनाभावभावभावभावमधुकीर्तनप्रभाव ! ९९* भावभावितपापाभावपापाभावभवसागरभयाभावभावभाव ! १००* भावघनपूरितनादोपासितभावरागतालमोदश्रीराम ! १०१ अविरामचिन्तनचक्रावर्तविरामरामनामराम ! १०२ श्रीरामाविरामचिन्तनारामाविरामचिन्तनावृत्तिविराम ! १०३* भजनामृतरसपूरितभावरागलयसौख्यमधुरगानार्चित- -भव्यगुणमणिकोशश्रीरामभद्र ! १०४ श्रीरामतत्त्वज्ञाननामकीर्तनसौभाग्यदसद्गानवरिष्ठ ! १०५ शङ्कररामनामगानप्राप्तपरमानन्दशङ्कर ! १०६ सारसनयनरामरासमानससारसमानससारसराससारसनयन ! १०७* मोहनराममोहनमोहनगान ! १०८ प्रेमविलसितहृन्नालीकोल्लसितरामराममयचित्तोत्तमोत्तमसद्भक्त ! १०९* काममोहितलोकशोककर्षितत्राणनामराममोहित ! ११० कामक्रोधादिराक्षसहरसत्तमश्रीरामभक्तिप्रवाहकीर्तननभस्तीर्थ* ! १११* कनकपटधरश्रीरघुवरघनगानकञ्जधार ! ११२ सन्नुताद्भुतानन्दघनश्रीरामश्रीरामसुगुणघनाद्भुतानन्दघनगानघन ! ११३* श्रीरामनामसुधारससुधारसगानसुधारसनामन् ! ११४* दिव्यनामदिव्यगानतृष्णापारणदिव्यरामनामदिव्यगान ! ११५ श्रीरमाहृच्चरचररमारामरामरामरामरामहृदय ! ११६* जितभोगजितागमनिगमार्थजितागमनिगमार्थश्रीरामार्थश्रीराम ! ११७* श्रीरामनिजभक्तिगानरससुज्ञान ! ११८ घनकीर्तितनाममहिमराममूर्त्यैकलक्ष्य ! ११९ सद्भक्तिमनोऽभीष्टश्रीरामचन्द्र १२०* श्रीरामभद्रनामभजनमधुरगानैकरसिकैकरसिकैकधामभद्रनाम ! १२१* श्रीरामवशनैजदास ! १२२* नैजभक्तान्तःसुवास ! १२३* श्रीरामनामगानवंशधनघनगानार्चितश्रीरामसुपदभक्तिभाग्य- -पुनरावृत्तिरहित ! १२४* श्रीरामतारकमन्त्रोच्चारणफलजितकाल ! १२५* सुमानसेप्सितश्रीरामभद्रसुपदसुपदभद्रच्छायेप्सुमानस- -पुष्पार्चितसुपद ! १२६* मृदुतरभाषश्रीरामभद्रभद्रमृदुतमगेयश्रीरामनामब्रह्मानन्दसुख ! १२७* सद्गुरुसर्वस्वैकभावैकभक्ताकारात्मलीनजीवनान- -हृत्स्फुरणापूर्णपूर्णकरसर्वस्वश्रीराम ! १२८* श्रीरामप्रेमानन्दनामयोगनिष्ठ ! १२९* श्रीरामसुगुणकलापकलापानन्दामृतवर्षणसुकृतिकलाप- -कलापकलापकलाप ! १३०* श्रीरामस्वानुभूतिलयरागलयलयदिव्यनामसङ्कीर्तनलय ! १३१* श्रीरामसमर्पणसर्वसत्कर्मफल ! १३२ सर्वसारसारसारतररामतारकनामभजनगान ! १३३* सारसाररामतारकनामनादसार ! १३४ श्रीरामसहस्रनामगणकणकृतिकल्लोलरङ्गरङ्गरागकीलालनिधे ! १३५* श्रीरामदिव्यनामसङ्कीर्तनब्रह्मानन्दसुखतपोनिधे ! १३६ शरशररामनामामृतसरसङ्गमसङ्गीतरसशरधे ! १३७ दयाशरधिदाशरथिनामगाननादशरधे ! १३८ श्रीरामचन्द्रोल्लासगीततरलतरङ्गनादब्रह्मानन्दसुधारससागर ! १३९ श्रीरामभक्तिपुलकस्मितसिततरङ्गरागरङ्गतालतरल- -सङ्गीतानन्दामृततरंत ! १४० श्रीरामदिव्यनामसङ्कीर्तनसुनादलयानन्दसागर ! १४१ श्रीरामचन्द्रानन्दस्मेरतारतरङ्गसङ्गीतानन्दक्षीरसागर ! १४२ सङ्गीतानन्दक्षीरसागरविहारश्रीराम ! १४३ श्रीरामानुरागोन्नतोर्मिरागरागानुरागसागर ! १४४ शुभ्रहासरामनामजाललहरिसुस्वरार्णव ! १४५ स्मेररामचन्द्रसूर्यसुस्वरस्वर्णार्णव ! १४६ श्रीरामचन्द्रोदयरागरागरागानुरागसागरसुस्वरस्वर्णतरङ्ग ! १४७* श्रीरामानन्तकल्याणगुणजालस्वानुभूतिस्फुरितसुस्वर- -कृतिजालमालिश्रीराम ! १४८ श्रीरामतारकनामानन्दनदीपूर ! १४९ श्रीरामकृष्णशिवशिवानन्ददिव्यनामसारनदीपारसारगाननादविहङ्ग ! १५०* श्रीरामपक्षश्रीरामभक्तिपक्षगानपक्ष ! १५१* श्रीरामसूर्यस्फुरितस्वर्णरश्मिकनकपिञ्जालकौसुम्भारुण- -वैचित्र्यरागरागरङ्गीकृतमौनमनोनीलाकाशमधुरनाम- -ध्वनिसपक्षोड्डीनध्यानतत्पररागरागद्विज ! १५२* श्रीरामध्यानतत्परमनोनीलाकाशप्रशान्त्युड्डीनोंकारनादद्विज ! १५३* प्रशान्तसन्ध्यावेलरागगङ्गातीरगानदीपाराधितज्ञाननीलाकाश- -रामचन्द्रनामचन्द्राभ ! १५४* तरुणारुणचरणार्चनगानार्चिततरुणारुणसमयारामराम ! १५५* श्रीनायकनामगानगङ्गामूलनादधरनायक ! १५६* जगन्नाटकसर्वसृष्टिलयास्पदश्रीरामसर्वकालगान- -भजननर्तनानन्दलय ! १५७* लोकजालमुक्तमुक्तमानसपुष्पाराधितपुष्कल- -पुष्कलकृतिपुष्पाराधितश्रीराम ! १५८* नादानन्दरामातीररामनामाविरामानन्दाराम ! १५९* श्रीरामानन्दनामानन्दगानानन्दधिपरिप्लुत ! १६० श्रीरामदिव्यनामसङ्कीर्तनार्द्रीभूतमुकुलितनयन ! १६१ कीर्तनस्फटिकमणिगणप्रतिबिम्बितश्रीरामपावनगुणरूप ! १६२ मानसस्फटिकमणिगणप्रतिबिम्बितपावनगुणरूप ! १६३ षण्णवतिकोटिनामरत्नाञ्चितगानकनककृतिचेलपरिहितश्रीराम १६४ नामगुणशतसहस्रमुत्याञ्चितगद्यपद्यभर्मचेलपरिहितगुरुराय ! १६५ श्रीसीतालक्ष्मणभरतशत्रुघ्नसमेतश्रीरामपार्श्वतीय ! १६६ श्रीरामचरपवित्रहृत्स्फटिकप्रतिफलनस्फटिकमणिकीर्तन ! १६७ सुमाधुर्यवाग्वसनबद्धेष्टदैवश्रीरामरामरामरामनामगान- -शिष्टनिष्ठेष्ट ! १६८* श्रीरामानवरतध्यानगानभजनभावानन्ददिव्यवागमृतवर्ष ! १६९ श्रीरामतारकमन्त्रजपप्रसादितप्रशान्तमनोनीराजित ! १७० श्वासमिश्रितश्रीरामनामतारकमन्त्रजप ! १७१ श्वासमिश्रितनामजपपुष्पार्चितपावनपद ! १७२ एकान्तरामैकान्तोपासनैकान्तोपासनैकराम ! १७३* श्रीरामानुपमलावण्यानुपमानुभवानुपमकाव्यरससौष्ठव ! १७४ बद्धसुवाग्वसनबद्धसुवसनश्रीराम ! १७५ दशमुखमर्दननर्तनकुशलदगान ! १७६ कुशलवजनकजनकजाकुशलकुशलवाग्वचनकृतिनिकररम ! १७७* कुशलदचतुररमकुशलदगचतुर ! १७८* श्रीरम्यचित्तालङ्कारालङ्काररम्यकृतिमुत्य ! १७९ श्रीकृष्णनिलयगीतामृतगीतामृतसारस्वान्त ! १८० ध्यातनामपुलकगीतसारागमसार ! १८१ ज्ञातनामरहस्यरामानन्दगानवरिष्ठ ! १८२ साक्षात्कृतश्रीरामस्वरूपसङ्गीतयोगसिद्ध ! १८३ रामानुरागरागस्वरूपज्ञानस्वरूपगानस्वरूप ! १८४ सच्चित्तस्थश्रीरामचिन्मयाखण्डानन्दरूप ! १८५ मच्चित्तस्थाखण्डनादानन्दरूप ! १८६ श्रीरामतारकनामरक्षामन्त्रोपदेशनाचार्य ! १८७ नमो नमस्ते मद्गुरुदेव ! १८८ एतदनुरागमानसपुष्पार्पणं बालालापं स्वीकुरुष्व ! १८९ वैकल्यसङ्कुलान्वितैतच्छिष्यापराधचयं क्षमस्व ! १९० नान्योपयुक्ताहं त्वत्पादभक्तिं विना ! १९१ तव सुपदयुगलं शरणं प्रपद्ये ! १९२ रक्ष मां त्वच्छरणागताम् ! १९३ ममानन्यशरणागतिं स्वीकुरुष्व ! १९४ श्रीरामभक्तिभिक्षां प्रदेहि मे ! १९५ श्रीरामसँल्लीननादब्रह्मानन्द ! १९६ देहि मे तव सात्मताम् ! १९७ मङ्गलायन सदाचार्य ! १९८ तनोतु मङ्गलं तव पादद्वयम् ! १९९ मङ्गलं त्यागराजाय रामारामाय मङ्गलम् । रक्षामन्त्रोपदेशाय आचार्याय सुमङ्गलम् ॥ इति सद्गुरुश्रीत्यागराजस्वामिनः भक्तया शिष्यया पुष्पया गुरुचरणपुष्पे समर्पितं श्रीत्यागरामगद्यम् । ॐ शुभमस्तु

टिप्पणी श्रीत्यागरामगद्यम्

Notes for the given number marked by * above टिप्पणी `DhyAna shlokam': The first words of each `pAda' form the words `TyAga-RAma-Gadya-BhAva': He is the `Acarya' of this creation -- `(SrI)TyAgarAmagadyam'. 12. श्रीरामनाम - सार-सार - सार-गान - नित्य-एकपरायण . 15. For the first meaning: सुमधुरभक्ति - स्वानुभूति-सुरभित - कृतिपुष्प - पुष्पाकर - पूजितश्रीराम - श्रीरामदिव्यनामसङ्कीर्तनगानप्रिय . For the second meaning: सुमधुरभक्ति - स्वानुभूति-सुरभित - कृतिपुष्प - पुष्पाकर - पूजित - श्रीरामश्रीराम - दिव्यनाम - सङ्कीर्तनगानप्रिय . 25. रवि Sun, जलधिज the Ocean-born (moon) - नयन eyes, नवन praising, कवि poet, किरण beam. He is the moon, the poet, and the moonbeam is the praise नवन. `SrI RAma's' eyes are brilliant as the sun and cooling as the moon, conferring grace. `SrI RAma' is the `prapa~ncha svarUpa', whose eyes are the sun and the moon, giving nourishing light and warmth as the sun and grace soothing as the moon. 26. रविकुल Solar race, जलधि ocean, सोम moon, सोम-नाम nectarine name, सोम-गान nectarine singing, कवि-कुल-जलधि-सोम moon to the ocean of poets. 33. श्रीमद्रामायणरस the essence of `SrImad RAmAyaNa', रस nectar, रसगान nectarine singing, रसिक-अग्रेसर foremost among devotees. 35. श्रीमद्रामायणसार the quintessence of `SrImad RAmAyaNa', एकसार-कीर्तन single `kIrtana' of highest perception, संग्रहण capturing, वाक्पाटव dexterity of expression. 39. वरानन-श्रीराम-वरगान- रा lustre, आनन face. 42. राज-राम The King `SrI RAma', राम delighting, राम `RAma!', रामगान beautifully singing, आत्मानन्द Bliss, विराजमुख Resplendent Face. 43. राजराम-नामतारक-वरमन्त्रराज-विराजजिह्व-नामगान-यागराज 44. श्रीराममय-राजभोग-नामगान-राजयोग-योगराज 45. जित won over, मुखजितराज Whose face won over the moon (in beauty), राजराम-गान singing the King `RAma', नामराग love for the Name, जित won over, त्यागराज Lord `Siva'. 46. नुत worshipped, तुरगराज the king of birds (`GaruDa'), राज-नुत worshipped by kings, तुरग-राग-राज the King of quick-flowing melody, राजराज Emperor राज (of) kings, राज-दिनराज-नयन whose eyes are the Sun and the Moon, रामनाम `RAma NAma', रामगान singing beautifully, नाम Name Divine, भोग enjoying राज king. 47. नाद-याग-योग - त्यागभोग - रागराज 48. Lines 44--48 ending inadvertently with यागराज, योगराज, त्यागराज, भोगराज, रागराज bring to mind Sadguru's `kRiti' `RAgasudha rasa' in `rAga AAndolikA' --- `` याग योग त्याग भोग फल मोसङ्गे, रागसुधारस पानमु जेसि रञ्जिल्लु ओ मनसा ।।। ᳚ 51. राजवदन-रामचन्द्र-वन्द्रराज-राजराजेश-रामराग-गानेश . 52. नाम-कुसुम-गन्धन - गान-कुसुम-गुच्छक - गुण्ठित - श्रीराम-अर्चारूप . 53. नवमदनाशन Destroyer of pride and passion, अशन feeding, नवनीत fresh butter नव new मद delightful गायन songs नव-मद-गायन ever-fresh, rapturous songs, मदन Delighter. 55. श्रीरामनाम-खाण्डव-मधुरित - राग-स्वर-लय-ललितगान - पायस-नैवेद्य . 58. श्रीराम-चिन्तन-मानसोल्लास - नामोच्चारण-जिह्वरुचि - नामश्रवण-श्रोत्रानन्द - नाम-गान-भजन-नित्याह्लाद . 66. सत्कारुण्य-हृद्धाम - सत्कारुण्य-श्रीराम - राम-आराम . 71. श्रीराम-नाम-भजन-मधुरगान-एकरसिक - एकरसिक-अन्तरनुराग-रसिक - श्रीरामरसिक . 82. रागानुराग-नानाराग-कृतिरत्नगण-श्रीरामाभूषण - स्वानुभूति-समृद्ध opulent in self-experience, दिव्यगान - स-अर्थ `ViShNu' as wealth. 95. नन्दननुत-आनन्दन-नवन-कीर्तनजाल-नन्दित-नन्दित-अमरजाल-सुगुणजाल-श्रीराम . 97. घनगान-नन्दित-नवघनश्याम-श्रीराम - श्रीरामनाम-घन-घनगान - घनगाननुत-अजश्रीराम 98. श्रीराम-भक्ति Devotion to `SrI RAma', प्रभाव glory, भाव reality, स्वभाव (One whose) nature; भाव the Sage, भावनाव the boat to cross the ocean of mundane existence, भाव Truth, ज्ञान-भाव knowledge of the reality;~ भाव-भाव meditation on the Supreme, भाव arising out of, भाव-भाव-राग love, emotion and melody, भाव substance, सत्-कृति-भाव soul of ever-living `kRiTi's, भाव Who is. 99. दुर्जन-अभाव inconceivable to the evil-minded (the Supreme), भाव devotion, भाव born of, भाव emotion, मधु-कीर्तन honeyed kIrtanas, प्रभाव Glory. 100. भाव-भावित contemplated with devotion, पापाभाव the Sinless One (the Supreme), पापाभाव the Sinless One, भवसागर-भयाभाव non-existence of the fear of the ocean of `sa.nsAra' भाव the Supreme, भाव devotion. 103. श्रीराम - अविराम-चिन्तना - आराम - अविराम-चिन्तनावृत्ति-विराम 107. सारस-नयन-राम - रास-मानस-सारस - मानस-सारस -रास - सारस-नयन. 109. प्रेमविलसित-हृन्नालीक-उल्लसित-राम - राममयचित्त-उत्तम-उत्तम-सद्भक्त 111. नभस्तीर्थ the Celestial `Ganga'. 113. सन्नुत-अद्भुत-आनन्दघन-श्रीराम - श्रीराम-सुगुणघन-अद्भुत-आनन्दघन-गानघन 114. श्रीरामनामसुधारस - सुधारसगान - सुधारसनामन् 116. श्रीरमाहृच्चर Lord `ViShNu', who is in `RamA (LakShmI)''s heart; चर moving; रमा-आराम `RamA''s Delight, राम Lord `RAma';~ राम-राम in which `RAma' delights, राम-हृदय beautiful heart. 117. जित-भोग One by whom worldly enjoyment was won over, जित-आगम-निगम-अर्थ the One by whom the content of the `Agama''s and `nigama's was mastered; जित-आगमनिगमार्थ-श्रीराम the One by whom was won over `SrI RAma', who is the Content of the `Agama's and `nigama's; अर्थश्रीराम the One whose wealth was `SrI RAma'. 121. श्रीरामभद्र-नामभजन-मधुरगान-एकरसिक-एकरसिक-एकधाम-भद्रनाम 124. श्रीरामनामगानवंशधन - घनगानार्चित-श्रीरामसुपद-भक्तिभाग्य - पुनरावृत्तिरहित. 126. सुमानस-ईप्सित-श्रीरामभद्र-सुपद- सुपद-भद्रच्छाया-ईप्सु-मानसपुष्पार्चित-सुपद. 127. मृदुतरभाष-श्रीरामभद्र - भद्र-मृदुतम-गेय-श्रीरामनाम-ब्रह्मानन्दसुख. 128. सद्गुरुसर्वस्व Sadguru is all-in-all, एकभाव sole conviction, एकभक्ताकार-आत्मलीन one with the body and soul of this lone worshipper, जीवन-अन life-breath, हृत्स्फुरणा heart beat (of this worshipper), अपूर्ण-पूर्णकर making the imperfections (of this worshipper) into perfections, सर्वस्व-श्रीराम `SrI RAma' -- all-in-all. 130. श्रीराम-सुगुण-कलाप `SrI RAma''s auspicious attributes, कलाप-आनन्दामृतवर्षण raining nectar of joy as the moon, सुकृति-कलाप-कलाप multitudes of ornaments of sweet `kRiti's, कलाप-कलाप Lord of all arts. 131. श्रीरामस्वानुभूति-लय absorption in self-experience of `SrI RAma', रागलयलय fusion of melody and rhythm, दिव्यनाम-सङ्कीर्तन-लय Repose of `Divya NAma Sa~NkIrtana's. 133. सर्वसार-सार - सारतर-राम - तारकनाम - भजनगान 135. श्रीरामसहस्रनामगण the series of thousands of Names of `SrI RAma', कण droplets, कृति-कल्लोल waves of `kRiti's, रङ्ग dancing, रङ्ग colourful, राग melodies, कीलाल-निधे Ambrosial Ocean! 147. श्रीरामचन्द्र - उदयराग the rising Sun - राग colours - राग melody - अनुराग Divine Love - सागर - सुस्वर - स्वर्णतरङ्ग 152. श्रीरामसूर्य-स्फुरित - स्वर्ण-रश्मि - कनक-पिञ्जाल-कौसुम्भ-अरुण - वैचित्र्य - राग - राग-रङ्गीकृत - मौन-मनोनीलाकाश - मधुरनाम-ध्वनि - सपक्षोड्डीन - ध्यान-तत्पर - राग-रागद्विज. 154. प्रशान्तसन्ध्यावेल - रागगङ्गातीर - गानदीपाराधित - ज्ञाननीलाकाश - रामचन्द्र - नाम-, चन्द्राभ Golden Glow. 156. श्रीनायक The Lord of `SrI', नामगान-गङ्गा-मूल the Source of the `Ganga' of singing His Name, नाद `NAda', धर-नायक King of Mountains: `HimAlaya'. 158. लोक-जाल-मुक्त Free from the snare of this world, मुक्त burst forth, मानसपुष्पाराधित worshipped by mental blossoms, पुष्कल-पुष्कल abundant and full -कृतिपुष्पाराधित-श्रीराम 159. नादानन्द-रामा-तीर - रामनाम-अविराम-आनन्द-आराम 168. सुमाधुर्य-वाग्वसन garments of sweet, auspicious expressions, बद्ध dressed, इष्टदैव Chosen Deity, श्रीराम-राम delighting `SrI RAma', राम-रामनाम-गान beautiful singing of RAma NAma, शिष्ट distinguished (in), निष्ठा (my) adherence, इष्ट (my) Chosen (deity). 173. एकान्तराम The exclusive `SrI RAma', एकान्तोपासन worshipping exclusively, एकान्तोपासन worshipping (Thee) exclusively, एकराम the One Delight. 177. कुशलवजनक - जनकजा-कुशल - कुशल-वाग्वचन - कृतिनिकर-रम 178. कुशलद-चतुर-रम - कुशलद-ग-चतुर

सार्थं श्रीत्यागरामगद्यम्

`OM' `SrI RAmajayam' .. SrI TyAgarAma Gadyam .. Prostrations unto The One, the Glory of Whose name is renunciation; the One Who is the Light of `RAma NAma'/ Who has the Halo of `RAma NAma'; the Supreme Being worshipped by this `gadyam'; the `AcArya' of this creation! 1. Victory unto Thee, the Bliss of `NAda Brahman' incarnated in human form, singing sweet as nectar, the nectarine Name of `SrIman NArAyaNa', the Delighter of `LakShmI' ! 2. The Totality of Knowledge, singing and chanting the Divine Name of `LakShmI NArAyaNa' ! 3. The One whose sole daily routine was musical worship of `SrI LakShmInArAyaNa'! 4. The Resplendent Form of Continual Supreme Bliss, unmatched in continual singing of the Name of `SrI SItA RAma' ! 5. The Continual Lamp of `Sa~NgIta' in the sanctum of `SrI SItArAma' ! 6. The One in whose sanctum is the continual lamp of unbroken remembrance of the redeeming `SrI RAma TAraka mantra' ! 7. The One, Divine Eyes filled with the Bliss of worshipping `SrI RAma' on His serpent-couch! 8. The One by whom `SrI RAma' was worshipped by the six-syllabled `mantra' of His Redeeming Name; Who saw `SrI RAma' before His very eyes! 9. The Glory of the `mantra' of six syllables of the Redeeming Name/ the One whose name of six syllables (`TyA-ga-rA-ja-svA-min') has the glory of the redeeming `TAraka Mantra' (for this `bhaktA'); the One whose delightful abode is within `SrI RAma TAraka Mantra'/the One who is the delightful abode of `SrI RAma TAraka Mantra' ! 10. The `AcAryadeva' giving `upadesha' of the redeeming `mantra' of `SrI RAma NAma' ! 11. The One worshipped by the `TAraka Mantra' that is `SrI RAma NAma' ! 12. The One solely devoted to daily nectarine singing of `SrI RAma NAma', the Nectar of nectars! 13. The One for whom the one supreme wealth was `SrI RAma' ! 14. The One fulfilled in the `yoga' that is loving devotion for `SrI RAma' ! 15. The One fond of singing divyanAmakIrtanas on `SrI Rama,' worshipping Him with multitudinous flowers and flowers of songs scented with tender devotion and self-experience / the One, fond of singing and celebrationg the Divine Name 'SrI RAma, Sri RAma,' worshipped by Pushpa with flowers of Thy songs scented with tender devotion and self-experience! 16. The Form of the dance of `NAda', whose singing the Name Divine is the dance of `SrI RAma' ! 17. The One who served and experienced in person `SrI RAmacandra' --- the Supreme Reality! 18. The Form of Divine Ecstasy, absorbed in experiencing the attributes of the Divine, in honeyed singing of the Name Divine, one with melody and rhythm, to the sweet drone of the `tamburA' and the clanking of cymbals! 19. The Sage, with the good fortune of `SrI SItArAma''s nearness and Presence! 20. The One in the comfort and bliss of listening to the soft, sweet and loving words of `SrI RAma' ! 21. The One in the bliss of true Knowledge, perceiving the Cosmic Form of `SrI RAma' ! 22. The One being perceived in the Cosmic Form, awakening j~naana within this disciple ! 23. The One thrilled to rapture and tears of ecstasy, beholding `SrI RAma' ! 24. The One whose gems of songs show `SrI SItA RAma' before the very eyes! 25. The Moonbeam of poetry on the One whose eyes are the Sun and the Moon! 26. The Moon to the ocean of poesy singing ambrosially the intoxicating Name of the Moon to the ocean of the Solar Race! 27. The One whose songs on `SrI RAma NAma', awakening true knowledge, are the Sun to the darkness of `tamas' and `rajas' ! 28. The One whose `kIrtanas' on the Name Divine are purifying as `NAma japa' ! 29. The One for whom singing the Divine Names of `SrI RAma' was daily discipline! 30. The One entirely absorbed in musical worship of `SrI RAma' ! 31. The One who dwelt in and experienced by the inner eye of knowledge many interesting episodes in the auspicious life of `SrI RAma' ! 32. The One whose excellent, auspicious `kIrtanas' on the Name Divine confer the auspicious fruit of `SrImad RAmAyaNa pArAyaNa' ! 33. The Foremost among devotees, singing like nectar, the essence of `SrImad RAmAyaNa' that is nectar! 34. The One whose multitudes of nectarine `kRitis' that are the essence of `Srimad RAmayaNa', show `Sri SItA RAma' vividly before the eyes! 35. The One with dexterity of expression capturing the quintessence of `SrImad RAmayaNa' in a single `kIrtana' of highest perception! 36. The One whose exceedingly sweet, auspicious `kIrtanas' are excellent commentary on the Supreme Truth of `SrImad RAmayaNa' ! 37. The Knower of the mystery of the history of the human incarnation of `SrI RAma', Who is beyond the three worlds! 38. The One whose thousands of excellent `kIrtana's manifested out of knowledge of the secret of `SrI RAma''s human incarnation! 39. The One whose face is brilliance, who sang excellently `SrI RAma' of exceedingly beautiful face! 40. The Sweet-voiced One who sang `SrI RAma NAma' sweetly! 41. The One in whose conch-like voice resounded the `OMkAra' sound of the redeeming Name of `SrI RAma' ! 42. The One whose face is resplendent with the Bliss of beautifully singing `RAma' , delighting King `RAma' ! 43. The King, for whom `NAma GAna' was `yajऽna', on whose tongue shone the great King of `mantras' --- the `Taraka Mantra' --- of the Name of King `SrI RAma' ! 44. The King of `Yoga', for whom `RAjayoga' was singing `SrI RAma NAma' and for whom the regal enjoyment was life full of `SrI RAma' ! 45. The One by whom Lord `Siva' was won over in love for the Name (of `SrI RAma'); by whose sweet singing King `RAma', who vanquished the moon in beauty of face, was won over! 46. The King enjoying the Name Divine; beautifully singing the Name of `SrI RAma', the King of kings, Whose eyes are the sun and the moon; King of quick-flowing melody, who adored the One worshipped by all kings and the king of birds -- `GaruDa' ! 47. The King of Melody for whom `nAda' was `yaj~na' and `yoga'; for Whom renunciation was enjoyment! 48. The King of Melody, singing the Names Divine delighting King `RAma', delighting in the drink of essence of nectarine melody! 49. The King of `KRiti's, seated on the throne of flowers of loving devotion of this seeker of melody! 50. The One in whose golden heart, resplendent with melody, King `SrI RAmacandra' was enthroned! 51. The King of worshippers of `SrI RAmacandra' of resplendent face; the Lord of lovely singing on `SrI RAma' the Lord of emperors! 52. The One who surrounded the Idol Form of `SrI RAma' with flower-bunches of songs, spreading the fragrance of the Name-flower! 53. The Delighter by ever-fresh rapturous songs; feeding the Destroyer of pride and passion, with the fresh butter of/ with fresh butter and, new delightful songs! 54. The One whose enjoyment was the 'yoga' of contemplating and singing the Name of `SrI RAma' of the `Raghu' dynasty. 55. The One offering as `naivedya' the `pAyasam' of beautiful songs of sweet melody and rhythm, sweetened by the sugar-candy of `SrI RAma NAma' ! 56. The One whose hunger was appeased by the nectar of `SrI RAma''s story! 57. The One whose thirst was satisfied by drinking the nectar of `SrI RAma NAma' ! 58. The One for whom enjoyment for the mind was thinking of `SrI RAma', taste for the tongue was uttering His Name; delight for the ears was hearing His Name, everlasting ecstasy was singing and chanting His Name! 59. The One ornamented by the expression that `SrI SItA RAma' is all-in-all! 60. The One whose lotus hands worshipped `SrI RAmacandra''s lotus feet day after day! 61. The One whose lotus of heart ornamented `SrI RAma''s feet! 62. The One whose lotus feet adorn the loving devoted heart of this disciple! 63. The Sacred Form of Bliss of chanting and singing, `koel'-like, the Divine Names `SItARAma, RAma, KRiShNa' ! 64. The Delighter in melody with love and devotion for `SrI RAma' ! 65. The Luminous Form of Divine Bliss, chanting, and singing the sacred `Divya NAma KIrtanas' day and night during `SrI RAma NavamI' ! 66. The Delightful Abode of the Delight that is `SrI RAma', full of virtue and tenderness, whose abode is the tender heart of the virtuous! 67. The Abode of the `Saptasvaras' who adored `SrI RAma', whose abode is the `Saptasvara's! 68. The Unique One, worshipping the Unique `SrI RAma' ! 69. The One dear to this one (the Choice Deity of this one); devotedly absorbed in the Name Divine, distinguished in singing His `IShTa Daiva', `SrI RAma'. 70. The One whose heart of melody was rich in love for `SItA''s Beloved! 71. The Unique One, enjoying chanting and singing sweetly `SrI RAma NAma'; the One enjoying the heartfelt devotion of this singular adorer; the One enjoying `SrI RAma' ! 72. The One whose voice was full of essence of beauty of singing and chanting the Names of `SrI RAma' ! 73. The One whose multitudes of `kRitis' are a live portrait of the glory of `SrI RAma' descended in them! 74. The One living by the `Ga~NgA' of contemplation on `SrI RAma' and singing His Name Divine! 75. The One living by the `Ga~NgA' of `NAda', with the sound of ringing bells of singing and chanting the Divine Name of `SrI RAma' ! 76. The One whose self-experience -- absorbed in unbroken contemplation of Sri RAma -- was the torrent of the GaऽNgA of Song. 77. The One in the Form of this torrent of the `Ga~NgA' of adulations, the gush of self-experience of this disciple, absorbed in unbroken thoughts of Thee! 78. The One who showered `SrI RAma' with the `GaऽNgA' of song, the torrent of Self-experience! 79. `Sadguru Deva' ! Showered with this `GaऽNgA' of adulations, the torrent of this disciple's self-experience! 80. The One who ornamented `SrI RAma' with numerous garlands of jewels of `kRitis' in several gems of `rAgas' strung in the cord of love for `SrI RAma' ! 81. Auspicious `Gurudeva'! Ornamented by these garlands of various flowers of thoughts strung in the cord of this disciple's `anurAga' ! 82. The One whose wealth was `ViShNu', divine singing opulent with self-experience, adorning `SrI RAma' with gems of `kRitis' of various hues of melody and love! 83. The One gracing with love for `SrI RAma', melody, sweet poesy and `sa~NgIta j~nana' -- leading to Final Beatitude that is fully Bliss! 84. The One who indulged `SrI RAma' in the swing of the heart, cherished in this swing of mental blossoms of this disciple's devotion! 85. The One in the Form of expressions filled with joy of `SrI RAma NAma', and varied Names and Forms of `SrI RAma'! 86. The One in the Form of these Names filled with this disciple's `anurAga'; the One fully these expressions of Names and Forms! 87. The One who enjoyed by singing `SrI RAma''s manifold glory! 88. The One whose songs of manifold glory are a joy to the devoted heart of this disciple! 89. The One with the glory of sweet singing of the manifold glory of `SrI RAma' in several songs! 90. The One whose pearls of songs teach the path to final emancipation by the supreme `Yoga' of devotion --- chanting and singing the Names of `SrI RAma' ! 91. The One whose auspicious songs describe very sweetly the extreme beauty of `SrI RAma''s Form, foot to head! 92. The One whose gems of `kRitis' are supreme wealth of divine poetic creations describing `SrI RAma''s Form from foot to crown! 93. The One whose teaching is that medicine, gemstones and mantra for the disease of mundane existence are meditating on `SrI RAma' and uttering, singing and chanting His Name! 94. The One of wonderful life-story, singing wonderfully the wonderful history of `SrI RAma' ! 95. The One who delighted `SrI RAma' of auspicious attributes, Who delighted the celestials, by multitudes of songs of praise delighting the One praised in `Nandana' ! 96. The Most Excellent Songster of `SrI RAma', who extolled `SrI RAma' praised by the Lord of Serpents (`Adishesha')! 97. The One who delighted by resonant singing, `SrI RAma' dark as the fresh rain-cloud; the One who sang sonorously the multitudinous Names of `SrI RAma'; the One who adored the birthless `SrI RAma' by His auspicious singing! 98. The Sage Whose nature and disposition are towards the glory and reality of devotion to `SrI RAma'; Whose is knowledge of the truth and reality of the One (the Supreme) who is the boat to cross the ocean of mundane existence; Who is the soul of the ever-living `kRitis' whose substance is melody, emotion and love arisen from meditation on the Supreme! 99. The One Whose glory is honeyed songs of emotion born of devotion to the Supreme inconceivable by the evil-minded! 100. The Sinless One, who contemplated with devotion the Sinless One --- the Supreme; the One causing devotion to the Supreme, by Whom fear of the ocean of mundane existence becomes non-existent! 101. The One who worshipped `SrI RAma' the Delighter in emotion, melody and rhythm, by `NAdopAsanA,' filled with deep devotion! 102. The Delighter in `RAma NAma', the End to the endless spiral of thoughts! 103. The One whose delight was uninterrupted thoughts of `SrI RAma'; the Cessation to the unceasing spiral of thoughts! 104. The One by whom `SrI RAmabhadra', the Treasury of gems of auspicious attributes, was worshipped by sweet singing felicitous with emotion, melody and rhythm, filled with nectar essence, in `bhajana' ! 105. The One excellent in Divine singing, Granter of the good fortune of singing the Name Divine and knowledge of the Truth of `SrI RAma' ! 106. The Auspicious One, by whose songs on the auspicious Name of `SrI RAma', Supreme Bliss is attained! 107. The Lotus-eyed One, in whose lotus of mind dances the lotus-eyed `SrI RAma', dancing in the lotus of this mind/these thoughts! 108. The One of beautiful singing charming the enchanting `SrI RAma' ! 109. The most exalted, True Devotee, mind full of `SrI RAma', the One in whose lotus of heart bloomed out of love, `SrI RAma' delighted! 110. The One enchanted by `SrI RAma' of Name that protects the one dragged about by the agony of the world deluded by desire/ The One enchanted by `SrI RAma', and whose Name protects this one dragged about by the agony of the world deluded by desire! 111. The One whose `kIrtana's, the torrent of devotion to `SrI RAma' - the Supreme Truth - destroying the demons of desire, rage etc, are verily the celestial `Ga~NgA' ! 112. The Cascade of nectar of resonant singing on `SrI Raghuvara' clad in golden silk garments! 113. The One by whom `SrI RAma', fully wonderful Bliss, was adored with resonant singing replete with the wonder and joy of the multitudinous auspicious attributes of `SrI RAma' ! 114. The One whose Name is nectar essence (for this adorer), Who sang as nectar essence, the essence of nectar that is `SrI RAma NAma' ! 115. The One who sang divinely the Divine `RAma NAma', satisfying the thirst (of this one) for singing the Divine Name divinely! 116. The One in whose beautiful heart - delighting in `SrI RAma', the Delight of `RamA' - is the Lord who is in RamA's heart! 117. The One by whom --- worldly enjoyment was conquered, the content of the `Agamas' and `nigamas' was mastered, `SrI RAma' the Content of the `Agamas' and `nigama's, was won over; the One whose wealth was `Sri RAma' ! 118. The One, the essence of whose songs of true devotion on `SrI RAma' is real knowledge! 119. The One who sang abundantly the glory of Name of `SrI RAma MUrti', His Sole Ideal! 120. The One, the desire of whose mind of true devotion was `SrI RAmacandra' ! 121. The One of auspicious Name - the Sole Resort for this one admirer - the Unique Enjoyer of singing sweetly and chanting the auspicious Names of `SrI RAma'! 122. The True Devotee who was `SrI RAma''s Own! 123. The One abiding comfortably within this true `bhaktA' ! 124. The One whose ancestral property was singing `SrI RAma NAma'; Whose fortune was devotion to the auspicious Feet of `SrI RAma', worshipped by Thy resonant singing; the One without rebirth! 125. The One who vanquished Time as a result of uttering `SrI RAma TAraka Mantra' ! 126. The One whose good heart desired the auspicious Feet of `SrI RAmabhadra'; the One whose auspicious feet are worshipped by these mental blossoms of this one desiring the protection of Thy auspicious Feet! 127. The One in the Divine Bliss of `SrI RAma NAma', of exceedingly sweet, beautiful songs on `SrI RAmabhadra' of speech excelling softness! 128. The One for Whom `SrI RAma' was all-in-all; the One one with the body and soul of this lone `bhaktA' with the sole conviction that the `Sadguru' is all-in-all; (this one's) Life-Breath; the Heart-beat; making the imperfections of this one into perfection! 129. The One absorbed in the `Yoga' of being one with the Name Divine, and the Bliss of love for `SrI RAma' ! 130. The Lord of all arts whose ornaments of multitudes of `kRitis' raining the nectar of Bliss of the moon, are a collection of `SrI RAma''s auspicious attributes! 131. The Repose of `Divya NAma SaऽNkIrtanas' in which melody and rhythm are fused, arising out of self-experience of `SrI RAma' ! 132. The One, the fruit of all whose virtuous actions was an offering to `SrI RAma' ! 133. The One who sang and chanted the redeeming Name of `SrI RAma' Who is the highest, the essence of all! 134. The One whose singing of `SrI RAma TAraka NAma' that is nectarine in essence, is nectar! 135. The Ambrosial Ocean of colourful melody, dancing waves of `kRitis' sprinkling droplets of series of Names of `SrI RAma', forming `SrI RAma SahasranAma' ! 136. The Abode of penance, in the Divine Bliss of `SrI RAma Divya NAma Sa~NkIrtana'! 137. The Ocean of Essence of `sa~NgIta', where joins the nectarine flow of the Names of `SrI RAma', for whom a blade of grass is an arrow! 138. The Ocean of `NAda' -- singing the Names of `DAsharathI' the Ocean of compassion! 139. The Ocean of Essence of Nectar of Bliss of `NAda Brahman', the Moon `SrI RAma' gleaming in the sparkling waves of songs! 140. The Ambrosial Ocean of Bliss of `Sa~NgIta', colourful with melody, rhythm sparkling, silver waves smiling with rapturous devotion for `SrI RAma' ! 141. The Ocean of Bliss of absorption in sweet `NAda', in singing the Divine Names of `SrI RAma' ! 142. The Milk-ocean of Bliss of `Sa~NgIta', with `SrI RAmacandra' delightfully smiling in the silver waves! 143. The One, in the delightful milky ocean of whose `sa~NgIta' abides `SrI RAma' ! 144. The Silvery Ocean of Melody and Devotion, with lofty waves of love for `SrI RAma' ! 145. The Ocean of `Susvara', with laughing white waves of multitudinous Names of `SrI RAma' ! 146. The Golden Sea of `Susvara', with the Sun, `SrI RAmacandra' smiling! 147. The Golden Wave of sweet sound in the ocean of love and melody, with the colour of the rising Sun, `SrI RAmacandra' ! 148. The One by whose sweet `kRiti's, burst forth from self-experience of `SrI RAma''s limitless auspicious attributes, `SrI RAma' was garlanded! 149. The Overflowing River of Joy of the redeeming Name of `SrI RAma' ! 150. The Bird of `NAda', singing sweet as nectar, on the shore of the river of essence of the auspicious, Blissful Names Divine, `SrI RAma, KRiShNa, Siva' ! 151. The One by whose side is `SrI RAma'; the Song Bird with wings of devotion for `SrI RAma' ! 152. The Contemplative, colourful Bird of Melody spreading wings, uttering sweet sounds of the Name Divine, across the blue sky of the silent mind myriad-coloured with the varied hues of gold, yellow, orange and red -- of emotions of devotion and love -- by the golden rays of inspiration from `SrI RAma', the Sun! 153. The Bird of `OMkAra NAda' soaring in the tranquillity of the blue sky of the mind absorbed in contemplation of `SrI RAma' ! 154. The Golden Glow of the Name of `SrI RAmacandra' in the blue sky of Knowledge, worshipped by the waving light of song on the bank of the `GaऽNgA' of Melody, in the tranquil twilight time! 155. The One who worshipped `SrI RAma' the Repose of early dawn, by songs of `arcanA' at His Feet that are of the hue of the early morning sun! 156. The `HimAlaya' of `NAda', the Source of the `GaऽNgA' of singing the Names of the Lord of `SrI' ! 157. The One absorbed in the Joy of dancing, chanting and singing all the time, `SrI RAma', the Final Abode, in Whom all creation in this drama of the world is absorbed! 158. The One free from the snare/illusion of this world; the One worshipped by these mental blossoms burst forth; the One by whose abundant and full blossoms of `kRitis' `SrI RAma' was worshipped! 159. The Pleasure-grove of limitless Bliss of `SrI RAma NAma', on the shore of the river of Bliss of `NAda' ! 160. The One bathed in the ocean of joy of singing delightfully the delightful Name of `SrI RAma' ! 161. The One with eyes moist and half-closed, in singing the Divine Name of `SrI RAma' ! 162. The One, in whose crystals of `kIrtanas' `SrI RAma''s sacred Form and attributes are reflected! 163. The One whose sacred Form and attributes are reflected in these crystals of thoughts! 164. The One by whom `SrI RAma' was clothed with garments of `kRiti's, golden with singing, sewn with the gems of ninety six crores of the Name Divine! 165. O Thou King of a `Guru'! Clothed in the golden garments of these prose and poetic compositions, sewn with the pearls of hundreds and thousands of Thy Names and attributes! 166. The One by the side of `SrI RAma' accompanied by `SrI SItA, LakShmaNa, Bharata' and `Satrughna' ! 167. The One whose crystal-gems of `kIrtanas' reflect the pure crystal-clear heart in which `SrI RAma' abides! 168. My `IShTa Daiva'! Unique in beautiful singing of `SrI RAma NAma' delighting `SrI RAma', Thy Chosen Deity, dressed in the garments of Thy sweet and auspicious expressions! 169. The One raining nectar of Divine expressions in the Blissful state of contemplating, singing and chanting `SrI RAma' continually! 170. The One worshipped with waving the light of the tranquil mind, clear with `japa' of `SrI RAma TAraka Mantra' ! 171. The One for whom the `japa' of the `TAraka mantra' of `SrI RAma NAma' was mingled with the breath! 172. O Thou of Sacred Feet worshipped by flowers of/by Pushpa with `japa' of Thy Name mingled with the breath! 173. The One whose exclusive worship was for the exclusive `SrI RAma'; the One Delight for this exclusive worshipper (of Thee)! 174. The One excelling in incomparable poetic beauty and excellence, with unmatched experience of `SrI RAma' of incomparable beauty! 175. The One who dressed `SrI RAma', clothed in beautiful garments, with garments of beautiful expressions! 176. The One in whose auspicious songs dances the Slayer of the ten-headed (`RAvaNa')! 177. The One delighting in/by felicitous words and expressions in multitudes of `kRitis' on the Welfare of `Janaka''s daughter, Father of `Kusha' and `Lava'! 178. The One dextrous in songs auspicious, in which delights the One quick in conferring auspiciousness! 179. The One whose delightful pearls of `kRitis' ornament the One who ornaments `LakShmI''s mind! 180. The One whose nectarine songs are the abode of `SrI KRiShNa'; the One whose within was the essence of nectar of the `GItA' ! 181. The One rapturous with the Name Divine contemplated upon; Whose nectarine songs are the essence of the `Agamas' / The One who contemplated upon the rapturous Name of `SrI RAma', Who is the essence of the `GItA' and `Agamas' ! 182. The One who knew the secret of the Name Divine, excelling in singing `SrI RAma' blissfully! 183. The One perfect in `Sa~NgIta Yoga', who perceived the Form of `SrI RAma' with His very eyes! 184. The One whose intrinsic nature was melody and love for `SrI RAma'; the Embodiment of Songs on the Embodiment of Knowledge (`SrI RAma')! 185. The One in whose virtuous mind was `SrI RAma' the Form of unbroken Bliss of Pure Awareness! 186. The Form of unbroken Bliss of `NAda' abiding in my mind! 187. `AcAryadeva!' Giving `upadesha' of the protective `mantra' of `SrI RAma TAraka NAma' ! 188. Prostrations unto Thee, my `Gurudeva' ! 189. Please accept this child's prattle of a loving offering of thought- flowers! 190. Forgive the mistakes of this disciple full of foibles! 191. I am not endowed with anything but devotion to Thy Feet! 192. I take refuge at Thy auspicious Feet! 193. Protect me, taken refuge at Thy Feet! 194. Please accept my absolute surrender! 195. Please grant me the alms of `SrI RAma Bhakti' ! 196. O Thou Bliss of `NAda Brahman' one with `SrI RAma' ! 197. Grant me oneness with Thee! 198. O Thou `AcArya', the Truth, leading to auspiciousness! 199. May Thy pair of Feet grant auspiciousness! OM Encoded and proofread by N V Vathsan nvvathsan at gmail.com Copyright Pushpa Srivatsan
% Text title            : tyAgarAmagadyam with meanings and notes
% File name             : tyAgarAmagadyam.itx
% itxtitle              : tyAgarAmagadyam sArtham (puShpA shrIvatsena virachitam)
% engtitle              : Tyagaramagadyam
% Category              : deities_misc, gurudev, puShpAshrIvatsan, gadyam
% Location              : doc_deities_misc
% Sublocation           : deities_misc
% SubDeity              : gurudev
% Texttype              : svara
% Author                : Pushpa Srivatsan
% Language              : Sanskrit
% Subject               : philosophy/hinduism/religion
% Transliterated by     : N V Vathsan  nvvathsan at gmail.com
% Proofread by          : N V Vathsan  nvvathsan at gmail.com, Pushpa Srivatsan
% Translated by         : Pushpa Srivatsan (Copyright)
% Indexextra            : (Text PDF, Audio 1, 2, Collection)
% Latest update         : April 1, 2021
% Send corrections to   : Sanskrit@cheerful.com
% Site access           : https://sanskritdocuments.org

This text is entirely original composition of Smt. Pushpa Srivatsan, and copyright Smt. Pushpa Srivatsan. All rights reserved by the author. 1) Under no conditions can either the whole or any part of this composition be translated, adapted, or used for commercial purposes. 2) Neither the whole nor any part of this composition can be reproduced, recorded, used in public perfomances, or distributed in any other way without prior written permission from the copyright holder, the author Smt. Pushpa Srivatsan (contact N V Vathsan nvvathsan@gmail.com).