
Bhagavad Gītā – Chapter 17 Notes


We now return to the discussion of the guṇas, with specific reference to spiritual faith and practices.  Faith can reflect any of the three guṇas, depending on the person in question (17.2-3).  This chapter also examines dietary practices, sacrifices, austerities and gifts.  Finally Krishna comments on the manta Om tat sat (Om God exists), which is often used as an invocation at the beginning of scriptures or as a concluding prayer at the end.





Notes from Radhakrishnan’s commentary on BG


23 “Aum” expresses the absolute supremacy, “tat” the universality and “sat” the reality of Brahman….  It is the cosmic universe as well as that which is beyond it.  It stands for the three states of consciousness, waking, dream and sleep leading up to the transcendental state.  See Màõóåkya Up.  See also B.G., VII, 8 and VIII, 13.